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The real problem...

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posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:54 PM
is looking back at you in the mirror...

We sit here, and we talk about change... We talk about problems, and we talk about conspiracy... But we never address the real issue... Ourselves... We just sit here, and talk...

We have always been and always will be the alpha and the omega...

We are the spark to the flame...

The ripple in the pond...

Until we stand up for what we truly deserve... We will forever "get" what we deserve, but choke as we swallow...

It's time for change... And it starts with you... It starts with me... It starts and ends with us... United we stand, and divided we fall... Anyone care to give a helping hand so we can get up off the floor?

I'm tired of legislation... I'm tired of taxation without representation... I'm tired of wasting energy in a system that will never change, but change those in the system instead...

It's time to do again what was done 233 years ago...

Silence Dogood

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:12 PM
The real problem is most people do not see a problem. They are too caught up in there own little worlds to see much of anything. You try to tell some about any of this and you get the same response time and time again. "That will never happen", "That can not happen", "You are crazy", "You can not believe what you read on the net", and so on. Any of you that has tried to talk to people about things that are happening now days know what I am talking about. Most people do not or can not believe any of this is happening. I have gotten the "That will never happen" response from more than a few people when telling the about the light bulb ban and the switch to all CFLs. That is fact and is in government print and it still is not being seen as real so it is a lost cause to try and tell them some of the outlandish things that are to come.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:23 PM
I think everyone sees the problem, because everyone is the problem... They refuse to be honest with themselves about the problem... However they still see the problem... The problem is in plain sight, beyond that of any sort of government control... The problem rests in ourselves, and how we have become out of control...

Who is willing to risk it all, to save it all?

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:31 PM
You really do not know what the nwo is, if you think you can fight it.

You people have no chance against there weapons, period. What happens is what they let happen.

Try living a life where people always want to wreck your life, and see how hard it is to make your own life. Ask gang stalking victims, if they can stand upto being microwaved etc... You cannot stop these people they are real killers and do not care.

So a word of warning to anyone thinking that they can, you have no chance, of changing these things, scum have absolute control, and they can control your emotions and hormones, so what chance do you have..

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:46 PM
You think I am here to fight? Where did I once insinuate the use of violence?

The NWO means nay a thing to me... They are only as strong as the fear they use to control you...

They control my emotions and hormones? I think that is a fallacy... If they could why would they allow me to want freedom?

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Namaste

It's time to do again what was done 233 years ago...

The hippies tried to start a social movement where the individual and the common good was respected. Look what happened to them!

It's much to late for a social revolution, there are no leaders, everyone and everything is corrupted, controlled, manipulated, scripted, folded and molded into human sculpture for the pleasure of the puppet masters. Who ever they are.

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:54 PM
You can't change prophecy.. or can you?

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

The hippies tried to start a social movement where the individual and the common good was respected. Look what happened to them!

What did happen to the hippies in your opinion? Some turned into Yippies, and the rest became yuppies. They had the golden age. They got the Viet Nam war ended, and with that became extreme capitolists! They got down and dirty into BMW's, surround sound stereos, Starbucks coffee, incomes at decent jobs, and health insurance for their children. They put aside money for their retirements with investments on wall street. Most of them, just did not want to go to war, but they wanted what their parents had and more, instantly, once some of them had a taste of communal living.

It's much to late for a social revolution, there are no leaders, everyone and everything is corrupted, controlled, manipulated, scripted, folded and molded into human sculpture for the pleasure of the puppet masters. Who ever they are.

Are you including yourself, here?

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house.

Read any Kurt Vonnegut? Sorry, but you seem sort of dissallusioned at the prospect of change, which is surprising considering some of the other comments of your that I read. Things can still change, but people need to have some sticktuativeness this time around, instead of riding along for the golden ring, and an attitude of me, me, me, me............

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Namaste

My life is a fact that mind control y the government exists. I found out in 92 that they where using mind control on people at school, and this is a fact. You have no chance to go against the system other than what they want, period, and if you think otherwise you are living in a differnet world than the world called earth.

They will control everyones emotions and hormones, and once you get people hormones, you control them, as that is what they are and how they feel.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

My life is a fact that mind control y the government exists. I found out in 92 that they where using mind control on people at school, and this is a fact. You have no chance to go against the system other than what they want, period, and if you think otherwise you are living in a differnet world than the world called earth.

I'm interested in this quote. It sounds as though you are speaking from personal experience, so can you give me a for instance on this? What type of situation happened to you to lead you to come to the conclusion you were being mind controlled at school?

They will control everyones emotions and hormones, and once you get people hormones, you control them, as that is what they are and how they feel.

Ok, how are they controlling hormones? Is it in food? Atmosphere, what? How are they doing this exactly, in your opinion?

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:15 PM
We may lack the chance to go against the system... However we still have the choice...

It is sad to hear that you think so lowly of your own strength...

We do have the power to make the choice... You will fail to convince me otherwise...

It seems your intent is that of sharing your hopelessness... I made this as a source of empowerment... If you simply wish to belittle the possibility of social change, please keep your posts elsewhere...

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