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No child left behind, blatant 10th amendment violation?

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posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Today my father and I were having an argument, and it was around censorship and he brought up the federal control of the education system. It got me thinking that NCLB is against the 10th Amendment since basically it dangles funding infront of the state's faces if they conform to the education standards. This is what the Federal government wanted so by using more funding is to pass what they want is that against the 10th amendment? I say yes!

That basically says the powers not granted to the feds but not prohibited to the states are granted to the state and people. Education was not granted to the feds but not prohibited to the states so it would be granted to the state.

Now the NCLB is not a terrible program, a flawed program but not a terrible program. It strives for students to actually know that has been taught to them. This has effects for it though, it makes teacher specifically teach a lesson plan set out by the test, not by their own volition. Funding is used as a stranglehold on the states to comply to this optional bill.

States need not comply with NCLB, as long as they are willing to forgo the federal funding that comes with it.[45] This is a stranglehold tactic that is enforcing the will of the feds.
I do not want the bill repealed I just want it reformed, that includes the funding that helps technological education and teacher education. I don't hate the government, I dont think it is evil just a tad bit overstepping its boundaries. I want to make that clear, I am not attacking the government just want a program's legality looked at. As a student this program affects me I would like to know it will help me in the future

-concerned student

[edit on 3/23/2009 by denynothing]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:09 PM
Come on guys I just want your opinion on this, am I wrong to say that this is unconstitutional? This bill isn't a new one, but its up for renewal and it could really affect the children of the U.S.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:14 PM
Any federal interference is unconstitutional.

The fed dept. of ed. should have been burned down hours after its birth. Rather the people embraced it and the consistent dumbing-down schools across the nation have been experiencing since.

Everything about government schools is evil and wrong.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Everything about government schools is evil and wrong.

Dunno. When I used to go to school, all the kids with poor scores thought schools were evil (even private ones)

No Child Left Behind Act is probably one of the most stupid things Bush ever signed...

It is a very poor attempt of the USA government to prove the world that our education system is not one of the worst in the world.

Problem is, if we fully restructured it (which is what it really needs), we would have no money left to be a world police...such restructuring would cut too much into W's vacation time as well

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by 5thElement...such restructuring would cut too much into W's vacation time as well

Have you suffered a massive head injury within the last three months?

Quick, what year is it? How many fingers am I holding up? Who is the President?

W was a globalist S.O.B. who royally f'd up but there really isn't much a private citizen can do to "restructure" a national education system.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 07:18 PM
The funding is the main issue here though, it's the fact that the feds say follow us and join or we cut funding, and if you do follow but can't live up to the mandated standards Average Yearly Progress funding is cut. The part that doesnt make sense is that the state school systems make their own standards for their test. To compare states against states in education, and to show the nation's education progress this way is wrong. Getting funding thrown in your face to comply but then can be taken out from under you right when you can't comply is not fair to students that have no choice but to comply with this.

-concerned student


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