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Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American

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posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:25 PM
Isn't it the Immigration and Customs job to find illegal immigrants and ship them out of our country?

What are they suppose to do? Wait for them to walk into there nearest Immigration Office and turn themselves in?

How can ILLEGAL immigrants be "very, very patriotic" when even being in our country they are breaking a US FEDERAL law!

The only ones being patriotic are the immigration officers who are finding these illegal immigrants and returning them to the country of origin.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Once again, legitimacy is given to those that choose not to become true patriots by becoming LEGAL citizens of the USA....and those that are must bear the brunt of their transgressions.

Pelosi needs to remember who the true Americans are!!

I do agree she was using the crowd at the church to further her agenda, playing off their sympathies for one another, and actually was hurting them more than helping.

And of course there was that trigger phrase again being chanted in spanish"YES WE CAN"

Been brainwashed...the whole lot of them!


posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:48 PM

The rest of the U.S. to Pelosi:

It is really un-American to have your first official act in this country be breaking the law.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

The rest of the U.S. to Pelosi:

It is really un-American to have your first official act in this country be breaking the law.

I agree!


Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:52 PM

On January 15, the United States Northern Command Joint Task Force-North accidentally released to the public a briefing that expressed concerns over terrorists entering the U.S. from Canada. While the report was taken offline and out of public view shortly thereafter, this briefing is one of many reports centered on U.S./Canadian security policies, including a recent request by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for information relating to the mechanisms and programs currently in place at the U.S. northern border.

Seems like Janet has her head in the clouds, I know, I know alot of the violence in america comes from illegal canadians sneaking into our country selling drugs, broadening their gangs, and torturing people. OH WAIT A TICK!!!

I don't get this fascination the Gov't has with illegal immigrants.

American Patriotism is for AMERICANS.
Mexican Patriotism is for MEXICANS.
This country right here, is America.

^^^ I don't see how this helps the american people, that a'hem elected you a((h)les.

Rant and Rave sorry. tried to keep it cool.

To add I am not racist, I love america, and I am a legal immigrant from canada to Texas. I'm racist against any person I see hurting the USA. IMO illegal immigration is hurting our economy, and more importently our people.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 05:11 PM
Have you guys ever thought that this could just be a case of switch and bait?

Notice that just about every time things get heated up in Washington, the immigration issue gets brought up in one form or another,

I personally feel they do this intentionally to take pressure off themselves. Just sounds strange that just as AIG, tarp, connections, bonuses, Congress, and Obama are getting heavy criticism, this issue is brought up. Yet ICE, Custom, and the Border Patrol are still doing their job.

IMO, our government and corporations have done more damage to our country in the last six months than all the illegal immigrants our country has had here since we first became a nation.

I have nothing against our government enforcing the laws and keeping illegals out. What I do have a problem with is our government playing politics with the issues Politicians go out in public condemning the illegal immigrants as the root problem of all of our ills in an effort to get Americans angry at a certain group, mainly Hispanics.

Yet, the same people criticizing do very little to solve the illegal immigrant issue. IMO, all they are doing is spreading hate to cover their own ineptness in doing their job.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 06:25 PM
BS. If you are here illegally and know it, especially when you take someone else's identity to get a job, and you also know that is wrong. You are breaking the law, period. Rights? You shouldn't have any. If you knowingly hire illegals, you are breaking the law.

Wonder how many of those illegals mow Pelosi's lawn?

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 06:41 PM
I expect amnesty for illegals within Obama's first term. They've pushed it hard last time, and now they are in control... welcome to the NAU.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 07:50 PM
I this horrible state the job market is, it is Un-American to want to have more and more illegals here working at jobs that a American or legal immigrant working at. It is that a citizen just can compete with an illegal who can be paid below minimum wage, doesn't need insurance, nor be reported to social security or to any tax agency. Why would someone want to high a citizen when they can save money with an illegal. Pelosi is so wrong in this stance.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:04 PM
This is so disgusting that it makes my blood boil! Here is the Speaker of the US House of Representatives encouraging government employees NOT to do their jobs.
This has to be a crime. If there are any lawyers reading this thread, would you let us know how to prosecute a government representative for encouraging government employees not to do their job. At a minimum she is encouraging breaking US law.

[edit on 18-3-2009 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by opal13
BS. If you are here illegally and know it, especially when you take someone else's identity to get a job, and you also know that is wrong. You are breaking the law, period. Rights? You shouldn't have any. If you knowingly hire illegals, you are breaking the law.

Wonder how many of those illegals mow Pelosi's lawn?

just the type of remark that proved the point, Politicians use sheep like you to continue the deception while they steal your country right out from your front yard!!

Legal immigration is so lawyer intensive cost prohibitive and confusing the best way is to go around the system, compared to EVERY other country, the US immigration path is a for the have's and god help the have not's.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, compared to the crime and corruption the politicians, CEO's and bankers have destroyed more of the US than any number of immigrants illegal or otherwise!! ever will.

the difference in whats happening at the border isn't all the people looking to get into the country for what jobs are left, its the DRUG cartels !!!

but heck there illegals so to some its all the same.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:41 AM
the only thing thats unamerican is nancy pelosi and her anti-american retoric. i can not stand this fake woman trying to dismantle the freedoms and constitutional rights of the american people

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Not only do illegal immigrants work for a fraction of the wages that American citizens can afford to work for, they are much easier to brainwash. The Government does not want to spend time and resources going after illegal immigrants because they would rather concentrate their efforts on their real perceived enemy: you guessed it, the educated American citizens.

Whenever you see a politician injecting this family values crap into an issue which really has nothing to do with family values, you can pretty much surmise they are up to no good.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:58 AM
It'll be interesting to see what happens if Mexico collapses because of our drug war... whether current illegal immigrants will obtain refugee status. Our politicians are terrified about the prospect of creating a voting demographic they've spent decades alienating...

As an aside, these raids are quite American. The Chinese for example, like black folks, were subject to widespread lynchings during the years of railroad construction. When gold was discovered in California, word reached China before it reached New York. Chinese immigrants, accused of pushing down wages, were demonized much like blacks. They were run out of town by state-sponsored terror, much like Indians before.

America has a long history of this type of behavior. The "change" is that previously discrimination and oppression were framed as a divine duty (the subjugation of infidels and pagans and heathen was for their own good -- it was our duty to teach the lazy negroes to work because, according to literal interpretations of the King James Bible, all wealth comes from God and clearly wealth comes from work), whereas today, we have objective science to reassure us that, while not the "others" are not genetically inferior, immigration is opposed to the Constitution which nobody in power seems interested in upholding anyway... FISA, PATRIOT, CALEA, nevermind. We have brownies to worry about...

Also, I don't get why language is a nationalist issue. India has something like 30 official languages... And most Mexicans are of European descent just like us...

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by incoherent_television
"It'll be interesting to see what happens if Mexico collapses because of our drug war"
"Our politicians are terrified about the prospect of creating a voting demographic they've spent decades alienating..."

"As an aside, these raids are quite American. The Chinese for example, like black folks, were subject to widespread lynchings during the years of railroad construction."

first off: this isnt our Drug war it is the Mexican cartels drug war, we dont have a single soldier fighting down there but the mexican government has mobilized tens of thousands

second: politicians HAVE NOT spent decades alienating illegal immagrants for decades they HAVE spent decades pandering to them as much as possible to gain that demographic vote(especially the party in power now, much to the thanks of illegal votes)

thirdly: how could you possibly say the raids to deport ILLEGAL immigrants is anything like the lynchings(hangings)of minorities in the past, most of whom were american citizens


Mod Edit: Removed insults.

Civility and Decorum are Required

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:30 AM


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:45 AM


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Pelosi is the one that is un-American and un patriotic, by ridiculing the immigration and customs officials that are doing their jobs. It is the job of these people to rid this country of illegal immigrants, not to worry about keeping their families together.

She does a disservice to and insults every law abiding American citizen by telling illegal immigrants that they are patriotic.

Who does she think she's fooling, they are not in the least bit patriotic. They were not there because they were concerned about the future of this country, they were there because they were worried about their future.

I am so sick of these bleeding heart politicians protecting and playing up to these people that sneak into this country illegaly, when their main concern should be the true citizens that were born here, or came here legally.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:46 AM


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