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how long between BC and AD

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posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:58 AM
how old was jesus when he apparently died?

it bewilders me as too how many years lie between 0 Before Christ(BC) and 0 After Death (AD). sure someone is going to tell me some random number from the bible. but what years lay between these times? how many numbers between 0 and 0?
see this has always played on my mind. i don't believe in that type of stuff so really it just makes for more reason for me to dislike religion in general.
how our time and date is structured around a being so difficult to believe in is beyond me.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by spearhead

I should point out that AD is Anno Domini or First Year and that there is no year zero. 1 BC to 1 AD. Otherwise there would be a 33 year difference.

[edit on 15-3-2009 by Ahabstar]

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:16 AM
AD does not stand for After Death, it stands for Anno Domini

The calendar era that they refer to is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus Christ, with AD denoting years after the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of this epoch. There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC.


As for Jesus, died in approximately AD 33

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
how old was jesus when he apparently died?

it bewilders me as too how many years lie between 0 Before Christ(BC) and 0 After Death (AD). sure someone is going to tell me some random number from the bible. but what years lay between these times? how many numbers between 0 and 0?
see this has always played on my mind. i don't believe in that type of stuff so really it just makes for more reason for me to dislike religion in general.
how our time and date is structured around a being so difficult to believe in is beyond me.

Before christ and after death are misconceptions. BC means Before common, or more percisely before common era. AD, being Anno Domini. And as far as I know they start right after eachother, there is no gap between the two to account for 'jesus' life'.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:45 AM
Clarification to an earlier post:

Anno Domini

The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of (the/Our) Lord).

As far as the years between, it's hard to say. Record keeping in that period was sketchy to say the least, not to mention that there were several different time keeping methods in use.

Something else to throw in is that you have to remember, time is a man-made concept. We determine time base on the rotation of the Earth around the sun, because we can measure it. Our concept today may be radically different than what was accepted back then.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:12 AM
thank you for straightening that out for me>>>

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