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Sarkozy: France will return to NATO

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by SlinkyDFW
reply to post by Rigel

If you're let into NATO as a full member this time, and someone calls Sarkozy in the middle of the night and tells him we (NATO) need him to launch his 300 he going to push the button?

Or will he turn his Gaulle?

[edit on 11-3-2009 by SlinkyDFW]

I'll humbly suggest not to tickle too muck the guy Sarko with this kind of feather.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:03 PM

1. USA had simply NO CHOICE to enter the war or not. Y'all just have TO in order to save your very own rear. Politics, specially Wars, are not a day-to-day affair, sir : that's a five or ten, if not a hundred - years ahead in mind strategy.

2. Without the COMBO of ALL ALLIED FORCES, nothing like the average heroic american joe (or just "son of..." ?
) like to believe in as some "US victory" - id est a Franco-Russo-US-British victory.

3. It's now common historical knowledge that your dear USA actively funded the young Nazi Regime. Please shake well this information within your mind.

Seriously? We fund a lot of things, quite a lot of it's even French, never the Nazi regime.

If it weren't for your tourism industry keeping you afloat (number 1 tourist destimation in EU), then I'd be hard pressed to even think you could remain a sovereign empire without the military help from your neighbors.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Rigel

Originally posted by SlinkyDFW
reply to post by Rigel

If you're let into NATO as a full member this time, and someone calls Sarkozy in the middle of the night and tells him we (NATO) need him to launch his 300 he going to push the button?

Or will he turn his Gaulle?

[edit on 11-3-2009 by SlinkyDFW]

I'll humbly suggest not to tickle too muck the guy Sarko with this kind of feather.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

"tickle .. a feather...." ? So Sarko is on the feminine side as suggested so early in this? Or is this a French thing?

Yet the question remains unanswered.....will your leader push the button if called upon?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Everybody should know by now that nukes are not meant to be used unless there's no other way to work it out.

Nukes have a powerfully dissuasive effect.

Sarkozy is not a wimp, I voted for the man and I don't regret it (compared to a socialist stupid as-s Ségolène Royal) so if # came down, I do not think that he would run away.

That's my 2 cents.


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Sliick

that is quite a true quote apart from the foreghn legion [not many french people in it]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by SlinkyDFW

and dont forget the brits are undefeated world war champions . hats off to germany though for trying to have second crack at the title

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Rigel



Actually, French military history goes back farther than that to the Gauls and the Romans. The problem France has with military history is that it has lost (almost?) every war - or would have without outside assistance - for that 2,000 years.

The French people is not an ogrish, warish, bloodthirtish one like are the Anglo-Saxons and other Teutonics peoples.

We saved our borders since the time we unified the land under the reign of Clovis, King of the Francs.

From then, angrish, bellicistish, bloodish, conquerish, traitorish anglo-saxo-nazis of all sorts (from Bismarck to Clinton if you take the Kosovo in case as a violation of the European territory, so of France's in some diplomatic ways) - all neonord people have felt the pressure to go war against this latin bunch of peaceful, arty, philosophic people which is called Le Peuple Français.

- By the way, please beware not to become some sorta Fourth Reich, ô Sweety Sweet America...

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:00 PM
Didn't France rejoined NATO commando structure in the 90's and then had the trouble about the Southern command?
Anyways good decision, don't forget France already has about 2000 troops in Afghanistan, they have a well organised military.I like how swift they reacted in the Ivory Coast, even better are the accomplishments made within the EUropean Rapid Reaction force and the headline goal 2010..
I am even willing to say Sarkozy is the best option for EU president...

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:14 PM
Sarkozy's mandate is over über Zee Union : he just has reigned from July to December of 2008.

One more time, dear fellows euroATSers : We do need an independant, multi-center-commanded army that be in NO way linked to NATO nor to any other armed organisation from outside of Europe.

We could even wonder why it is Still NOT the case after more than fifty years of "conception" - and now more than 300 millions of citizens.

Edit : a NO for an ANY.

Edit : There was indeed something with France and NATO in the nineties. Can't remember what exactly yet.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:41 PM
Well i'm glad to see this Thread has turned around a bit....

Here's by the way the Official statement from the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs about were they stand regarding France..

In english!!!


[edit on 12/3/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Rigel

The French people is not an ogrish, warish, bloodthirtish one like are the Anglo-Saxons and other Teutonics peoples.

Haha, what like Norway you mean? hmmmmmm a brutal people indeed with thier snowmobiles and non-drop christmas trees.........

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Rigel
One more time, dear fellows euroATSers : We do need an independant, multi-center-commanded army that be in NO way linked to NATO nor to any other armed organisation from outside of Europe.

Salut Rigel,

That's what I used to think as well, a good solid EU joint armed forces & task force.

But guess what, besides England and maybe Germany and France off course, other countries in Europe did not seem to understand it and most of all to be willing to put some cash into it. That might be one of the reasons why our President said "Go NATO", don't you think ? Am I speculating my brains out ?


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Hi there,

Sorry, cannot locate the video.

Sarkozy : "The time has come to put an end to this situation. It is in the interest of France and in the interest of Europe," Sarkozy said in comments reported by

"We have stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand, we are capable of protecting anything."

A poll carried out for this week's edition of Paris Match weekly magazine revealed that 58 percent of French people are in favor of a full return to NATO.



posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Europa733

Originally posted by Rigel
One more time, dear fellows euroATSers : We do need an independant, multi-center-commanded army that be in NO way linked to NATO nor to any other armed organisation from outside of Europe.

Salut Rigel,

That's what I used to think as well, a good solid EU joint armed forces & task force.

But guess what, besides England and maybe Germany and France off course, other countries in Europe did not seem to understand it and most of all to be willing to put some cash into it. That might be one of the reasons why our President said "Go NATO", don't you think ? Am I speculating my brains out ?


Will a unified European Union include all of the European Countries, or will it select the few that are worthy enough to meet the French standards?

Can the smaller Countries commit the resources needed to be of any use once this union is assembled? Probably not. Only the major military powers can promise that.

They are weary, as time has already dictated many times over, of any Nation or group of Nations, offering their Military might as a friend, only to find out when it's too late that they have been overrun, and are no longer in control of their own destiny.

What I read into the preachings of Sarkozy are that if it's not the French way...then they go it alone. They have consistantly proven over time they are willing to wait out whatever the conflict, and only strike when it's easy to win.

Again, just a theory....rebuttals welcomed.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by SlinkyDFW]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Europa733

Salut Europa. Ouais, Sarko might have played down on that matter... Still the all european forces united, even as militarizing some police and local militias as some Légion Etangère version Européenne could allow, Germany+UK+France added, a rather pretty powerful army - as for a gentle begining.

From there, just build up concertly an european military dynamic, industrial as well as strategic.

Sarko could have done so if really aware of what's goin'on. I think the guy just hate Easter-Europe as a childish memory of what his Pal of dad used to told him about those Wicked Russians That Eat Little Childrens.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Rigel
reply to post by Europa733


Sarko could have done so if really aware of what's goin'on. I think the guy just hate Easter-Europe as a childish memory of what his Pal of dad used to told him about those Wicked Russians That Eat Little Childrens.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

I think you may have finally figured this out Rigel. Sarko has a chip on his shoulder. If it cannot be France-England-Germany together, then to hell with everyone.

What about the little guys though? That argument is easy, they are the ones who have already sought the protection of NATO. They're protected.

I don't think they'll ever disband NATO. If anything, it's a deterrent. Just like someone said Nukes are only a deterrent. You know I have them, so don't mess with me....

One problem, if everyone that has Nukes decides it's time to rearrange the borders a little bit, I'm sure France will not launch it's motherload of 300 nukes, and they will settle back to be conquered by whoever wants it.

(this will probably start over oil... wait, Iraq did that already with Kuwait)

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by SlinkyDFW
One problem, if everyone that has Nukes decides it's time to rearrange the borders a little bit, I'm sure France will not launch it's motherload of 300 nukes, and they will settle back to be conquered by whoever wants it.

Please change your song about those French you know so well from your darn dry Texas : everybody already knows how it's tuned...

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Rigel

Originally posted by SlinkyDFW
One problem, if everyone that has Nukes decides it's time to rearrange the borders a little bit, I'm sure France will not launch it's motherload of 300 nukes, and they will settle back to be conquered by whoever wants it.

Please change your song about those French you know so well from your darn dry Texas : everybody already knows how it's tuned...

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Rigel]

Texas is a State of's takes a special person to call themselves a Texan.

Dry? My friend....I think we're very close to 3 inches of rain here today so far.

And that tune you hear? 'Singin in the rain.....just singin in the rain"

Back to the subject, and the point. You are obviously someone who loves your Country very much, and through here, you are able to express that.

Your President has declared that "We have stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand, we are capable of protecting anything."

That statement speaks volumes about France's position on World affairs. That he is only now choosing to join forces, instead of standing on the sidelines, is a mystery to me. I think there is a motive behind it.

I also think that when the time comes that all NATO Nations are called to action, that France may actually take a back seat and sit out.

I personally think offering France a full voting membership, and control of 2 major commands, is a mistake.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by SlinkyDFW]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Europa733

Actually France and Britain laid the foundations of the European Security and Defense Policy. Since then we have , the Petersburg Tasks[peacekeeping/making/combat] and now the ERRF, European rapid reaction force with a goal in 2010 [Helsinki ] of also full combat forces of up to 60.000 men. Still a lot is to be done about the how and when to contribute troops.[during a crisis within the EUropean sphere]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by SlinkyDFW
A creek? I suppose with no paddle either? Bravo to Canada for their efforts in NATO....

You're correct, no bragging needed.

lol, yes, Canada got rid of most of it's military a long time ago, even disarmed it's nuclear weapons systems.

What can I say, we detest warfare.

But no, that wasn't a post about NATO, it was in regards to everyone's discussion about world war 2... where it was Canada that kept the water passageways open and the airspace clear so that Britain wouldn't get cut off and over-run.

After the cold war simmered down, Canada sold off most of our offensive equipment, and became the peace keeping group we are today.

And yes, we're quite proud of it.

Find an enemy nation of Canada... exactly.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by johnsky]

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