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Top Bankers Arrested? Is there any proof for this at all? Latest from Benjamin Fulford.

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posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:22 PM
I want to believe this, but I just really don't know what to think. I'm throwing it out there so people can judge for themselves. We had a good debate on Fulford last time, with good points raised by everyone.


Many bankers are being arrested as the battle to take down the banksters reaches its final phase

Reports from reliable sources are saying that senior bankers are being arrested in droves. Some sources also say the bankers are trying to blackmail their way into being protected by threatening to spread a very toxic form of bird flu. They just cannot imagine giving up their dollar printing machine. However, both President Obama and UK Prime Minister Brown have now publicly promised to take on the banksters. The situation is coming to a head.

Once the banksters surrender we can expect very dramatic changes for the better in the world situation.

Remember that *if this is true* it wouldn't be front page news, so a quick search of Google News which turns up blank doesn't prove anything either way... I just don't know. I'm wary of posting something which might be disinfo, but the guy interests me and I will continue to follow him objectively. Is this really going on, or is it just a trick to lull people into a false sense of passivity and security while they prepare the final push?

I believe Fulford himself is a genuine, good-hearted guy, the question remains, who is feeding him info?

Have at thee, ATS

[edit on 243f20092pmTue, 10 Mar 2009 22:24:31 -050031 by HiAliens]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 10:26 PM
More info from his "sources:"

Al Gore is running the country!

f the sources are to be believed, U.S. President George Bush’s government will resign, before his term expires, and will be replaced by an interim regime headed by Al Gore. This will start a 2-3 year transition period during which suppressed technology, such as free energy, will be released and a new system for running the planet will be implemented, according to these two sources. “They [The illuminati] know their rule is ending but they do not want it to end in an ugly way,” the security police source says.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:09 AM
Hey clay2Baraka,

Fulford has got things dead wrong on occasion. Other times he's been right; he predicted the Economic collapse down to the day, almost, he said September 30th... early October was when things really started to tank. I'm not going to dismiss anyone on the basis of one or two wrong predictions, but you always have to look at someone's track record.

Verdict: He's getting info from lots of sources, sometimes he gets misled- other times he's correct.

[edit on 093f20093amWed, 11 Mar 2009 08:09:21 -050021 by HiAliens]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:27 AM
Oh yuea... definitely... I'm sure bankers have gotten ahold of some particularly pathogenic bird flu. Probably on eBay. Come on. Are you serious? This is without question unadulterated hokum. If bankers were being arrested (forget about the ridiculous bird flu assertion) we'd know about it. These are particularly high-profile people. Especially these days. This story is rubbish.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
Oh yuea... definitely... I'm sure bankers have gotten ahold of some particularly pathogenic bird flu. Probably on eBay. Come on. Are you serious? This is without question unadulterated hokum. If bankers were being arrested (forget about the ridiculous bird flu assertion) we'd know about it. These are particularly high-profile people. Especially these days. This story is rubbish.

your right...this would be such a big PR boost to the economy, by showing the government taking down the "bad guys", and it is safe to invest again. it would be on every media service...frankly i'm not holding my breath.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by HiAliens

I think what Benjamin was refering to was openly seen by millions of Americans and others around the world when President Obama was giving one of his speeches that was televised across the country.

While President Obama was giving his speech, he noted that a banking person had come forward and had told them that the bank that he was working at had taken the 50 million or so dollars that the bank had recieved from the banking crisis bailout money and had spread it out as a bonus to the bank employees.

The Florida bankster had paid himself millions of the money and spread the rest out amoungst the other banksters working in the bank in order to keep their mouths shut about it. The man that reported the fraud to the government was there during President Obama's speech and he was given a standing ovation for telling what was going on in his bank.

All of the government banking bailout money had been recovered from the 70 or so people that had gotten their illegal piece of the American Pie from the banking bailout money.

So.. I'm sure Benjamin must have been talking about those 70 people that was mentioned in President Obama's speech.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by RussianScientists]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:53 PM
my one question to put is why aren't the bankers actually being made to pay this money back instead they are driving around in expensive cars and living the life of luxuries on other people, and we are suffering for it, my question here is "what is the next currency?" money seems to be fizzling out so where do we go from here

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Ben is unique, weird things happen to Ben. and I'm not sure
how extensive his contacts reach, it appears he is an Asian Mason,
and claims to belong to gangs, he made a video of him screaming at a house, something about trying to kill him..? - he did do an interview with
Rockefeller, so he has credentials. He is a optimist, he believes there is a
power struggle with a global population reduction as its main
goal or objective, Asia is against this and says No! - which I think Rockefeller supports the removal of 6.5 billion humans as do many
of the so called elite - more like control freaks, and greedy bastards.
run the world, you would be shocked if you knew just how imature and like school yard bullies some act. its all about power and ego's.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:27 AM
Benny is an up front guy and he definately has some big credentials,i think he gets fed bad imfo from time to time,I've followed him for a while and he always gives a good read

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:27 AM
[edit on 13-4-2010 by Bilder]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:10 AM

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis100329: Most Americans may soon be banned from traveling overseas and US may also restrict imports under new regime

The United States is facing regime change as a result of the nation’s imminent bankruptcy, according to high level CIA sources in Washington and also senior MI6 sources. The information reaching us is that all the State governments except Florida, Washington and California are backing a return to constitutional law. The Pentagon is also on the program with people like General’s Schwarskopf and Stubblemeyer leading the patriotic forces. There is talk of action starting this week and this photo of Obama on March 26th shows us he is clearly worried and stressed out about something:

the above text was from that posted article down the page.
He talks about the CIA saying there is a regime change
going on in Washington backed by states.

Any word on this ?????

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:30 AM
trying to confirm the OP
but no luck as yet

did find this though

but I don't see any arrest as of right now.
This was posted in Mar 2010

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:47 AM

Then, we are hearing Obama was summoned to China for a secret, emergency trip. Two separate news sources linked to Naval Intelligence (“Sorcha Faal”) and a source some people tell me is a front for Dick Cheney (Casper) both say this took place. We will try to verify this soon.

Sorcha Faal
. Now Benjamin is free to get information from Sorcha Faal if he so pleases but it is just another reason I will never take him seriously.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:51 AM

AP Article
Top Irish ex-banker arrested over alleged fraud
Mar 18, 2010

but nothing so far in April
will keep eyes peeled

maybe one day this will trickle up into
the Federal Reserve and get some big honchos

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis100329: Most Americans may soon be banned from traveling overseas and US may also restrict imports under new regime

The United States is facing regime change as a result of the nation’s imminent bankruptcy, according to high level CIA sources in Washington and also senior MI6 sources. The information reaching us is that all the State governments except Florida, Washington and California are backing a return to constitutional law. The Pentagon is also on the program with people like General’s Schwarskopf and Stubblemeyer leading the patriotic forces. There is talk of action starting this week and this photo of Obama on March 26th shows us he is clearly worried and stressed out about something:

the above text was from that posted article down the page.
He talks about the CIA saying there is a regime change
going on in Washington backed by states.

Any word on this ?????

Yes, the regime change is real and it is one backed by states forcing a return to a strictly constitutional government and it is the Guardians of the Free Republics' The Restore America Plan.

Remember on March 29th and 30th when the 50 State Governors were served with an 80-page packet of information? Each packet contained a Declaration of Restoration for America that is signed by 1300 people, 26 from the jurisdiction of each of our 50 free republics.

The three State governments you cited that are dragging their feet about getting on board with the movement, Florida, Washington and California, are the same three states that Sam Kennedy and Tim Turner, two of the leaders in the Guardians of the Free Republic, told us were resisting the return to respecting the constitution. Also, the same sources mentioned high ranking military officers had originally come to them to start such a movement for a return to a constitutional government. So, to hear that the Pentagon is also on the board with people like Generals Schwarskopf and Stubblemeyer leading the patriotic forces also fits with the information we've been given.

Sam Kennedy hosts a weekly radio program on Sunday evenings from 8-10 p.m. on the Republic Broadcast Network (RBN) at:

Past weeks' radio programs can also be listened to in the archives of the RBN radio station website.

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