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Are you HOPING for a complete collapse and chaos to happen?

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:47 PM
Will there be zombie hordes involved? I'm only up to this if we get to battle the zombie hordes.

All kidding aside, I'd love to see a revolution by the people but, no, not full out collapse and chaos. And certainly not what this other poster hoped for:

After the crash and total chaos and mayhem, and maybe a plague or two, and an 89% reduction in the worlds population .. ... I'll be dancing with delight!

So, revolution, failed business, loss of some modern comforts, and a complete 'back to the people' government- yes. Full out collapse, chaos, and Mad Max anarchy- no.

[edit on 3/9/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:47 PM
I'm hoping for a complete transformation of the species.

A species that tells the truth and uses integrity in word, thought and deed.
A species that puts the well being of others and their planet
over the lining of their own pockets.
A species that recognizes success is not measured by what you have -
but by who you are.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by spinkyboo]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by infolurker
Why on earth would anyone want that kind of suffering and insanity?

Not everyone will suffer.
And besides, it's up to you where you want to be when the SHTF and whether you want to be prepared or not. When the S does HTF, I'll be sitting out in the wilderness somewhere pretending I'm on an extended camping vacation. I doubt I'll even have a clue what the heck is going on in the civilized world for a couple of years while I await the dust to settle. I really have no intention to be part of the chaos.

Think of this as that Armageddon that the religious folks have been anxiously awaiting for. I say lets go camping while they have their party and after they are all gone and in heaven or hell or wherever it is they believe they are going, WE can inherit the Earth next.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Personally, I hope that the world sudddenly becomes wonderful and I make lots of money, and there is global peace for my family and friends. But there is something inside of me that almost wishes to live to see a Mad Max, Terminator post apocalyptic world.

Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.

I think that humankind if sick. We love pain and suffering. We like to watch others suffer (e.g. Jerry Springer, America's Funniest Videos when people hurt themselves).

We like to personally suffer (e.g. staying in bad relationships, engaging in masocistic behavior, etc...)

I think that we want chaos because we are all either sadists or masacists.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Seeker Mom

Nobody "wants" to live like that, unless they are very sick and demented. But the fact is some very bad mojo is coming. The solutions to fix this problem are the ones that the governments don't want to take.

The government does not want to relinquish control. The government wants more control. The path of which we are heading is that of North Korea. Which means we have no means to fight back.

Also do you think anybody is going to come save us? I doubt it. They will let us rot. I'm younger and I don't want my mom or dad to have to live through anything like that, but then again I also want the children today to have a future.

Right now kids not even born yet are being enslaved by debt. What kind of future is it for the kids when they go to work and live in third world conditions because our society is breeding a bunch of people who's only talent is how to say, "give me".

This is the way I see it, Freedom or slavery. Choose one. Freedom means collapse, Slavery is sitting back and letting big brother take care of it.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:15 PM
I know that the blitzkrieg onslaught of the majority of media has a undeniable preponderance of negativism (especially nowadays) but I feel a measure of disappointment seeing the extensive amount of posts within this thread either calling for or predicting "complete collapse & chaos"

I would not presume to imply that there is not a need for a gestalten metamorphosis in humanity's game plan, but does this collective truth of "NECESSARY CHANGE" necessitate the implementation of a uber-collateral chaos & destruction???

Perhaps a rare few shall rise to the occasion & the pall of oblivious doom may be cast aside as Homo-Sapiens evolve to Homo-Novus~

Or perhaps not.....

We have wasted History like a bunch of drunks shooting dice back in the men's crapper of the local bar." ~~~Charles Bukowski —Notes of a Dirty Old Man, 1969

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Originally posted by infolurker
Why on earth would anyone want that kind of suffering and insanity?

Not everyone will suffer.
And besides, it's up to you where you want to be when the SHTF and whether you want to be prepared or not. When the S does HTF, I'll be sitting out in the wilderness somewhere pretending I'm on an extended camping vacation. I doubt I'll even have a clue what the heck is going on in the civilized world for a couple of years while I await the dust to settle. I really have no intention to be part of the chaos.

Think of this as that Armageddon that the religious folks have been anxiously awaiting for. I say lets go camping while they have their party and after they are all gone and in heaven or hell or wherever it is they believe they are going, WE can inherit the Earth next.

Couldn't have said it better. I don't want to be a smarty-pants, however: I spotted the signs maybe 10 years ago. This was made a whole lot easier by having grown up in a former communist country. You recognise the signs of authoritarianism, when you see them. There are people here complaining about 25 years they spent paying off a mortgage, setting up their lives etc. With the utmost respect, to these people, you may have placed a bet on the wrong horse. While some people were busy leveraging a mortgage on their 3rd house, others knew they already owned enough pretty things and turned to becoming as independent of the State et al. as possible. Where I come from, there is a saying: "The optimist learns to speak english, the pessimist learns to speak russian and the realist is off at the range, learning to shoot." Best of luck.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:21 PM
So everybody that said yes; wants mass death genocide pain suffering death everywhere and things like that.

I find it ludicrous that you all want this to happen where masses of innocent people will die that had nothing to do with the problem.

I would rather have the current system forever than to even witness one human die, hell I wouldn't even want the mastermind of this crap to die but to live as how everybody he/she has wronged lives.

two wrongs don't make a right and never will.

If you say yes and if it comes to your front door will you still be saying yes if so continue if not stfu, because you are nothing but a person who's wants hardship on others but if it came to you; you would flip 360 degrees.

So people would die directly because of the problem, while others would die indirectly why should anyone not involved in die at all. For the people who say survival of the fittest and stuff and one person would say get rid of 89% of the population is just sick;

If you want changes like that just nuke the whole world and you will get everything you wish though you yourself might not survive but the few hundred who do may or may not live a better life.

Even if everything goes do as planned by the people whom posted the whole thing would start over from the beginning, you can never get to anything where ever body would do there share or act as a utopia it will just be history repeating it self for countless time since civilization began.

The problem is humans all humans period this will continue until there are no humans left on the planet and then the next creature on the chain of command will take our place in a few thousand or million years.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by jatsc]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:23 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by johnny2127
I was thinking about it, and was wondering:

Do you want the world and economies to collapse and chaos to reign?

It seems like many people are hoping for this. Seems like many people not only are preparing for it, but really want it to happen.

Do you? If so, why?

As for myself, its both. I think some collapse is needed for things to be healthier in the long run. But I don't want some massive collapse, anarchy and countless to die.

What do you all think?

Its not at all what the normal tax paying, honest, hard working citizen wants......
The fact of the matter is our governments these folk we put our trust in and vote for have used abused and lied to us for long enough......
We have no control on how to put this right these bast*%ds have taken our freedom, civil liberty, property, our money our rights to be happy in a peaceful world, our health the list is endless...........
We have been exploited by these war mongering, greedy, lying imposters so most folk are preparing for the worst so to speak.....
I just hope christian consciousness will be our saviour and guide us through the chaos we might be facing

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:28 PM
In my world I have already experienced massive collapse. Soon I may not be able to pay all the bills and yet I am fully employed. My income is now down almost 50% from a year ago, as I work for a % of assets as an investment advisor. Sorry I didn't follow the lead of many of these boards*I still think Gold crashes as well) although I did pass these concerns on to certian clients and just got crazy looks, so i abandoned trying toinform them. Still I never thought it would get this bad. I stilldon'tthink it is but I think we are in the middle of an economic war with financial terrorists.

My clients also feel like there has already been collapse. Many are un- or underemployed or own their own businesses which have dropped off the cliff. These are all people who have worked hard, did the right things and don't deserve this fate. Stock losses are in IRA's so they can't touch them for 10-15 years anyways if there is anything left, so the market while very depressing isn't a huge issue unless they need to start dipping. Many lower income folks already have. In a way though they are the lucky ones. As they haven't suffered further lossses.

I would gather that none of you have much in the way of assets. When I didn't, I wouldn't have cared much either way. That said, I would never have rooted for total collapse. I would like change but done in a way which doesn't call for revolution or anything of the sort. I still think we will get the needed change from Obama. I do wish he would esoecially work faster in reforming the markets. We need to get rid of short selling, tax day trading heavily, replace the SEC and the DTC with independent enforcement agencies, regulate hedge funds and derivatives significantly, reinstate Glass -Steagal, make sure foriegn exchanges abide from our rules as well or prohibit business with them, raise banks reserve requirements, replace the fed with a true central bank, fix the central banks interest rates to a reasonable level and use the lifting and dropping of reserve requirements to spur or slow the economy, and a whole bunch of other things. We need to return the markets to an investment rather than a trading mindset if we want any sembelence of economic order. The worlds economies just cannot take the volatility.

You also have to be able to depend on something in order to have a coherent long term biz plan. GM made $10 billion two years ago. The things they counted on just weren't there any more, like financing and steady fuel prices. Oil just exploded and it was clearly manipulated upwards to unrealistic levels. And the cost of health care totally overwhelmed them. The whole Union battle thing is just way out of line. If you work your life for a company you deserve a nice future. I know many old union guys and they have nice lives, but they certainly can't live the high life. Yeahb they can play golf when they want or go out to the lake.Everyone who posts here deserves the same for working there whole lives. Union guys don't make too much, most everyone else makes to little. It has all been taken away from those at the top of the food chain.

The truth is, I still believe that the markets can work and that the economy will rebound. Just about everyone in America works in a business and always will, even if it is their own. At least 85% of the people who want jobs have them and spend most of what they make. There are limits to how far things will fall, although it doesn't feel like that right now. If we exceed those limits though, then most all will be gone. In that case, you can have your revolution and form a new goverment, thats not what I want. I willsay though that the first act of any new goverment will be providing money to restart the economy. So the first thing you get is what you are all fighting against. You will be begging for it. It sucks to eat rations for any length of time.

Obama has made it clear he doesn't like the rules and intends to change them. I think he thought he could move slower and limit the irrationality that accompany's change. But a big thumbs down on that. The folks that are out to destroy our economy will not go down easy. Upon every threat they will acacelerate their efforts. I think these fellas drop the markets much further he will shut them down and not reopen them until we have transparency on hedge funds, short selling and the toxic vehicles that were created in order to take the system down. Let's get to the bottom of it, set it right and fully prosecute anyone involved with what I consider financial treason. This decline is not accidental. We are in the middle of an economic war. The only way to win is to take away the tools of the enemy.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Hell no it's not something I look forward too - as allot of people are going to die - mostly children and 99% of people over 70. I'll deal with it when it comes, but it's not what I want.

As much as I like the idea of a MAD MAX type of world - I really enjoy my hot showers everyday and I like going to the grocery store and buying any food I want when I want. I suppose I can take a hot bath in the hot springs, perhaps I can even have hot tub, but probably not everyday.

In that world most of you will probably die, so I don't know why you're so excited about a collapse. Don't forget many of the people running the show now are going to survive - they ain't on top because their stupid and genetically inferior, a few numb skull bankers and CEO's aside.

I'm 74" and 285lbs and even though I'm over 40 years old I'm still bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than 95% of the population roaming the earth. Unless I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time when a meteor hits or something or I blow a heart valve and can't find a heart surgeon I am going to survive - unless of course I'm 70 when it hits. As always I will stand up and help the weak, but I'll have to cut stupid people loose to survive.

I bet there be more Wall street brokers and regular tax paying joe's dead on the street than the actual people who live on the street now. The idea that they only are making because of DSHS etc. is just your ignorance. People who decide to make it use whatever means they see in front of them - just because they got stuck on welfare for a period of time doesn't necessarily mean they're complete imbeciles, a few obese cripples and severe substance abusers aside. No doubt the mentally ill gimps that need our garbage to eat might die, but the healthy street smart ones will kick butt at least if they can stay hidden from gangs.

Nope I don't want it, and I don't have a high tech concrete bunker as rich cats like Tom Cruise have, but I will survive no matter what I have to do. I know the mountains & I know people.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:31 PM
In the words of that great philosopher, Mr. Spock:

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.

–Spock in ‘Amok Time’


It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.

–Spock in ‘Errand of Mercy’

To answer your questions, I agree with Mr. Spock

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Hell no it's not something I look forward too - as allot of people are going to die - mostly children and 99% of people over 70. I'll deal with it when it comes, but it's not what I want.

I'm 74" and 285lbs and even though I'm over 40 years old I'm still bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than 95% of the population roaming the earth. Unless I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time when a meteor hits or something or I blow a heart valve and can't find a heart surgeon I am going to survive - unless of course I'm 70 when it hits. As always I will stand up and help the weak, but I'll have to cut stupid people loose to survive.

What how could you survive when your 74 and you said 99% of the people over 70 will die then you said your going to survive unless of course I'm over 70 when it hits but your over 70 ? That makes no sense.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by jatsc

Sure, I wish hardship on those who allowed this to happen through ignorance and no small measure of greed. This I freely admit. I'm not one of society's dropouts, I have a job I like, a wife I love, and kids I can take care of. Now every one of those people who will suffer knows you can't eat money, and there is no politically correct expression for "I'm hungry". Call me arrogant, but no-one made them live like they do. When the time comes, they can get stuffed.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:39 PM
No I'm not wishing for chaos. I wish this would all go away. I have a job but I'm still struggling and I know it will get worse. Our gov't will keep leading us down fast.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:40 PM
The powers that be are preparing us for complete collapse and chaos.

This video was posted on youtube recently. It has no sound (and does not disclaim why it does not have sound, maybe it does for you....) And I swear this one caveman is Christian Bale; can anyone verify?

But, yeah, get ready for the stones ages "they" are saying:

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by jatsc

What how could you survive when your 74 and you said 99% of the people over 70 will die then you said your going to survive unless of course I'm over 70 when it hits but your over 70 ? That makes no sense.

74" = 6 FOOT 2 INCHES Tall- not 74 years old.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by jatsc

What how could you survive when your 74 and you said 99% of the people over 70 will die then you said your going to survive unless of course I'm over 70 when it hits but your over 70 ? That makes no sense.

He said he is 74", that is 74 inches, not years.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:44 PM
It seems one common theme from the, I want total collapse people. The misguided impression they will survive. Youthful invincibility coupled with post apocalyptic movies.

Going to go hide in the woods along with a few billion other people. lol

What if you had the benefit of hindsight, and realized that within the first month you and your family,[ if you have any] suffer, are tortured then allowed death. Sound like fun?

I agree we need change. The revolutionary war was rather organized. Poorly at first but it improved.

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