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If things get bad, surround your house with a barbed wire fence

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
Fences won't be required where I will be bugging out to.

If you intend to start cultivating crops to make supplies go further, how dyou intend on keeping animals from eating them?

If your bugout location is one you visit periodically to check-up on, why not take a bag of thorny bush seeds and sow them in potential areas to close off access to humans/animals...if the need arises to head for the hills, the defenses will already have grown into place, adding to security

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 07:53 PM
Here's a good idea ive ha for awhile now, crazy idea jsut in for moments like this
Dig under yuor entire property, a deep deep foundation hole, under ALL of yuor grass... so deep anyone falling in is going to have to have ladder at least to get out. Optional, under the ground, put sharpened bamboo shoots, like the Vietkong did
The idea, is yuor home and property will look clean, and safe for an intrider or groups coming in, but once they step a few feet on yuor property , no matter where, the ground and grass will collpase under them

Kinda crqazy but not a bad idea!Of cours of yuo needed to escape that would be the hard part them

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