posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:22 AM
And when you look at the genealogy of American Presidents, it is utterly astonishing in support of this. There are about 260 million Americans, at
the moment. And if you add up all those who have called themselves American since 1776, it will run into hundreds and hundreds of millions. Well, 42
of those hundreds of millions have actually become President of the United States. You would think, on the law of averages alone, that those 42 would
have some tremendous genetic diversity. Well, they don't.
According to Burke's Peerage, the bible of Aristocratic and Royal genealogy based in London, every American election since and including George
Washington, in 1789, has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal genes. 33 of the 42 are genetically related to two people: Charlemagne
(King), the most famous monarch of what we call France, and Alfred the Great, the King of England. They're the two countries, overwhelmingly, France
and Britain, out of which these bloodlines came in Europe.
Wow.....thats one hell of a coincidence. Imagine the resources and power it would take to rig so many elections so that only people in the bloodlines
could get through. This must go all the way to the top.