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A question for the skeptical non conspiracy types.

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 04:40 AM
I have a little question for those of you who don't believe any of the conspiracies that get punted about.

Isn't life really dull, with no mystery what so ever?

I love it, I mean, I don't really buy half of them. But I just love to entertain my puny little mind into thinking that the world is a secretive, dark and mysterious place. It makes life so much more interesting and fun.

what say you?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 12:43 PM
I guess I see the world as a secretive, dark and sometimes mysterious place pretty much all the time. The thought of all of those conspiracies just makes it seem darker. I consider myself a skeptic most of the time.

That said, I love ATS. There's nothing like a New World Order or a conspiracy of Masons or the truth about 9/11 to put myself back into some kind of perspective.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:35 PM
I get called a skeptic all the time, but I'm not really. Debunking stories full of holes and badly done hoaxes is a great passtime though. People need to understand that you can believe in a topic, such as UFOs, without falling for every video or story that comes out.

I believe in some fairly strange stuff... I.E my signature down there

I personally think there is something hugely wrong with the world, something that if people figured it out, it would probably send you insane. Gladly, I haven't figured it out yet.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Acidtastic

Just don't get carried away and start mutating into a CT troll who believes every part of their lives is a conspiracy wrapped in a conspiracy.

I swear some people make the wildest connections ever and then truly begin believing them over simple, plain logic.

I mean, other than the fact that I've discovered I'm a starchild with CIA spy cameras in my microwave and xbox, I don't really believe much of what I read here.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Acidtastic

i am one of those people
that doesnt believe in conspirices (maybe some) but not like most people on ATS who think their entire lives are an open book

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:26 PM
I don't believe in almost any conspiracy but I find my life not dull because I actualy spend time with my friends, read about new discoveries, figure out why some mystery is not true and then debunk it. Its my thrill to explain and understand why, and yours is to believe it is a mystery.

Don't tell people that they live a dull life just beause they get thrilled from different perspective than you do.

As others have said, belief sometimes defies reason and logic. There is no reasonable logical argument to support believing almost anything you read and see. Explore things in depth and a whole new world of thrill and joy opens before your eyes.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by rawsom

Don't tell people that they live a dull life just beause they get thrilled from different perspective than you do.
I wan't telling people they have a dull life. Sorry if it came over like that, that wasn't my intention. *flutters eyelashes* I just think that life's a bit serious sometimes. You've got 24/7 doom and gloom being pounded down our throats like a sadist shoving a newspaper down his next victims neck. I find it all a bit.....boring. I guess I was just asking if people without the joys of conspiracy feel the same way. It's a way of escapeism i suppose. A bit of fun. Has none of you felt like just going along with it for the heck of it, to see where it goes?

(the above view about my light hearted take on CTs does not extend to Spiritual stuff and UFO stuff. I'm bang into them. Just to clarify that I'm not being sarcastic or ironic when posting on those topics, incase someone reads something that looks sinsere, sees it's from me and think's I'm taking the rise. Just wanted to clear that up

And do not fear Santa, I'm not about to go and comit postal suicide by making up bizzare and extravagant claims. I'm a sensitive soul at heart, I'd never be able to keep it up if people called me rudey names.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:56 AM
I am open to the possibilities of conspiracies, however I am also skeptical. I believe there must be balance, otherwise the fear can consume. This can cloud the thoughts, and next thing you know.. .the mind is playing tricks.

I find conspiracies, the occult, fringe topics, etc. to be an interesting mind exercize. I like to wrap my brain around the topic, supported by what's out there in the collective subconscious. Try to to understadn why people would see something, believe something, experience something.

It's just fascinating. I am reading Everything is Undercontrol: Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-ups right now. It blows my mind that there are over 100 mysterious deaths linked to the J.F.K. Assasination. and I just read about Richard Shaver, and the whole Lemuria thing. With the teros and deros, and the machines they use to do their evil. How creative, nad how interesting that over a million people in the 50's were into this.

How does this happen, what is going on at the time that people do get into this, all these questions feed my brain. Humans are seriosuly interesting animals.

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