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USO Research

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posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:28 AM
Underwater UFO Sightings discussed with Preston Dennett:

Researcher, MUFON investigator, and author of 15 books on UFOs, ghosts and the paranormal, Preston Dennett discussed underwater UFO activity off the coast of Southern California and other locations, as well as evidence for UFO healings of illnesses. There've been numerous sightings of UFOs or USOs (unidentified submersible objects) in which craft hit water at a high rate of speed and then appear to be swallowed up. One location in particular, a deep channel/trench near Catalina Island, has been a hotbed of USO activity, he reported. A witness on a Navy ship saw glowing objects hovering, and breaking in pattern a couple miles out to sea, he detailed.

edit on 23-2-2013 by karl 12 because: Fix video link

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 03:08 AM

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Two astronomers witness luminescent, ovoid object which changed colours on the waters of the Adriatic Sea -June 6th, 1987:

June 16, 1987; Adriatic Sea off the shore of Riccione, Italy

Two amateur astronomers, after having heard a strong hiss, saw on the mirrored water of the Adriatic Sea off the shore of Riccione, Italy a luminescent object of ovoid shape. During the few minutes of the sighting, the object changed coloration several times.

(Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU). citing La Gazzetta, June 17, 1987)


posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:45 PM
Paul Richard Hill, leading research and development engineer for NASA, describes UFO sighting of strange object over the waters of Lower Chesapeake Bay -he also mentions two USAF personnel where ordered to keep quiet about the incident by their superiors.

Within seconds of the circling maneuver, an identical sphere came in from the Atlantic Ocean on an ascending course over Lower Chesapeake Bay and joined the others, falling in below. For a few seconds they seemed to float along, then began accelerating slowly toward the south as a fourth amber sphere came in from the James River to build the group up to a formation of four as they headed south. I thought, "A-ha, the circling maneuver was a rendezvous signal."

The sphere that came in from the Atlantic had evidently cruised northward, just offshore. This was learned in a visit to Norfolk, Virginia, looking for additional data. One of the Norfolk papers carried an article about it. A Virginia Beach bus driver was going north along the coast when a lone passenger had come forward a few minutes before 8.00 p.m. and tapped him on the shoulder, calling his attention to a strange, orange or amber fiery-looking sphere out over the water. The driver was sufficiently impressed to stop the bus, and together they watched the fiery sphere cruising northward parallel to the shore, just above the water's surface. This was obviously the first object that answered the rendezvous signal. My instant impression was that these vehicles were surveying the East Coast. If they had good resolving power, perhaps I was in their survey.

It was subsequently learned that a ferryboat load of passengers, docked at Old Point and waiting to make the overnight trip to Washington, had witnessed the entire event, among them the President of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Corporation. The next morning the Newport News DAILY PRESS carried a two-inch banner headline, FLYING SAUCERS OVER HAMPTON ROADS. The detailed report had been made to the Press by an Air Force captain, a fighter pilot. Our observations agreed even to the estimated 500 mph speed. However, one thing puzzled me. The PRESS article said that aircraft spotters who had been on duty reported nothing. Determined to check this out, I got a list of spotters on duty the night in question and visited them individually in their homes. They all said they saw the UFOs and knew they were not aircraft. The head spotter said that he had been instructed by the Richmond Filter Center, operated by the Air Force, to report aircraft, and no nonsense, and so had said nothing. However, they gave me the data needed for triangulation to obtain altitude..


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 05:22 AM
U.S. Navy sailor Frank Hicks talks about the UFO incidents he witnessed around New Guinea during World War II:

Testimonies of WWII Veterans and Civilians from Western North Carolina

..Yeah. And you talk about UFO's - down around New Guinea. There were a lot of objects you'd see at night that you couldn't explain. A lot of them would be moving slow a lot of them would be moving fast., a lot of them wouldn't be moving at all. The Navy called them weather Phantoms. But they were just objects that couldn't be explained. The radar would pick them up and we'd go to investigate and nothing would be there. As a matter of fact, you can read in that action report that morning April the 6th. Around daylight there were three ships picked up on radar, not only us but other ships picked them up - they were unidentified. They were about 15, 20 miles from us and they were traveling NEI believe at 15 or 20 knots. And we were sent to investigate. When we got within 4 or 5 miles they just disappeared. They weren't submarines because we had good sonar that picked up submarines and that is in that report. There are other things in that report that happened mysteriously there is no answer for it. There is no explanation of what it was. We had to report everything on the bridge, we got so if radar didn't pick it up we didn't report it. Half the time the captain would come out, he was right close to us we have to notify him, a lot of times he would come out and just shake his head and go back. But there were a lot of objects, I mean large object we couldn't explain what they were, nobody could. They would just disappear. A lot of people don't believe that, but it is there. It is in reports, it's in Washington, they know it, but we don't know what they were.


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by karl 12
Paul Richard Hill, leading research and development engineer for NASA, describes UFO sighting of strange object over the waters of Lower Chesapeake Bay -he also mentions two USAF personnel where ordered to keep quiet about the incident by their superiors.

Within seconds of the circling maneuver, an identical sphere came in from the Atlantic Ocean on an ascending course over Lower Chesapeake Bay and joined the others, falling in below. For a few seconds they seemed to float along, then began accelerating slowly toward the south as a fourth amber sphere came in from the James River to build the group up to a formation of four as they headed south. I thought, "A-ha, the circling maneuver was a rendezvous signal."

The sphere that came in from the Atlantic had evidently cruised northward, just offshore. This was learned in a visit to Norfolk, Virginia, looking for additional data. One of the Norfolk papers carried an article about it. A Virginia Beach bus driver was going north along the coast when a lone passenger had come forward a few minutes before 8.00 p.m. and tapped him on the shoulder, calling his attention to a strange, orange or amber fiery-looking sphere out over the water. The driver was sufficiently impressed to stop the bus, and together they watched the fiery sphere cruising northward parallel to the shore, just above the water's surface. This was obviously the first object that answered the rendezvous signal. My instant impression was that these vehicles were surveying the East Coast. If they had good resolving power, perhaps I was in their survey.

It was subsequently learned that a ferryboat load of passengers, docked at Old Point and waiting to make the overnight trip to Washington, had witnessed the entire event, among them the President of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Corporation. The next morning the Newport News DAILY PRESS carried a two-inch banner headline, FLYING SAUCERS OVER HAMPTON ROADS. The detailed report had been made to the Press by an Air Force captain, a fighter pilot. Our observations agreed even to the estimated 500 mph speed. However, one thing puzzled me. The PRESS article said that aircraft spotters who had been on duty reported nothing. Determined to check this out, I got a list of spotters on duty the night in question and visited them individually in their homes. They all said they saw the UFOs and knew they were not aircraft. The head spotter said that he had been instructed by the Richmond Filter Center, operated by the Air Force, to report aircraft, and no nonsense, and so had said nothing. However, they gave me the data needed for triangulation to obtain altitude..


Interesting link from Paul Hill...Karl. I tend to get very excited over any UFO reports from the Chesapeake Bay area, since I live near Baltimore Maryland. But I would tend to disagree over Hill's assumption --- that the alien starships still have almost invisible glowing ionized air surrounding the foofighter during daytime. I also disagree that the glow from the starship during nighttime is ionized air.

Unless the foofighter is in a defensive, offensive, submerged or landing mode, their is no need for the starship too be glowing like a red-orange fiery ball, or be in its bluish-white high power phase during daytime as well. Since the starship has plenty of daylight photons to feed the photon engine --- their is no need to waste precious fuel, such as duterium atoms from seawater; for the fusion process. Yes...I said fusion plasma --- not ionized air --- that is my speculation, with my respectfull disagreement with Mr. Hill.

Since alien starships lack photons in the darkness of night, or submerged in the dark ocean depths --- the need for photons, created by magnetic field fusion plasma generation --- would probably be the utmost requirement for high velocity thrust factor's for alien starships.



edit on 9-7-2012 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 9-7-2012 by Erno86 because: ditto

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Erno86

Interesting link from Paul Hill...Karl. I tend to get very excited over any UFO reports from the Chesapeake Bay area, since I live near Baltimore Maryland..

Hola Erno, thanks for the reply and here's an interesting one from the Chesapeake bridge involving a blue/red diamond shaped USO and dead pelicans.

Possible USO seen in water near Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

On Nov. 12, 2010 around 11:15 pm, my fiancee and I were on our way to New Jersey and decided to take Route 13 up. On the way she had noticed while driving across the Chesapeake bridge, an unusual amount of dead pelicans on the bridge. Yes, pelicans.

I assumed maybe they were hit by cars or something else, that was until I began to notice something very strange. All of the dead pelicans were exactly about a quarter from each other, all lined up on the left side of the bridge with other birds around the body. Scary thing was... The bodies were not mangled at all. Almost like they just fell from the sky and were strategically placed like that.

This went on for a while but before we exited the bridge when we saw lights in the water shaped like a diamond. The colors were blue, then red and then seemed to rotate and move around, then disappeared. I was freaked out because while off the bridge, you still have a good visual of the water and the lights were still there.


Originally posted by Erno86

Unless the foofighter is in a defensive, offensive, submerged or landing mode, their is no need for the starship too be glowing like a red-orange fiery ball, or be in its bluish-white high power phase during daytime as well. Since the starship has plenty of daylight photons to feed the photon engine --- their is no need to waste precious fuel, such as duterium atoms from seawater; for the fusion process. Yes...I said fusion plasma --- not ionized air --- that is my speculation, with my respectfull disagreement with Mr. Hill.

Interesting speculation there my friend (although it all does get a bit too technical for me at times) - thought he made a good point below about UFOs changing colour during acceleration as the phenomenon has been reported quite a few times now - below is a good example from the Palmar Dam in Peru where military aircraft attempted to intercept an object which accelerated at a 'dizzying speed''.

All UFO colors stem from energetic, ionizing radiation or radiations, generated by the UFO, which ionize the air. Of all the visible colors, red and orange correspond to the least energy. They are also the two most common colors associated with UFO low-power operation, such as hovering or low-power maneuvers. The electrons have been given the ionization energy, but not much more, and cascade down in small energy drops corresponding to red or orange. This is statistically probable, as there are more small drops available than big ones

Military Fighter Aircraft pursue UFO over Palmar Dam


posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:53 PM
Royal Australian Air Force document describes UFO/USO witnessed by crew aboard the naval ship HMAS Adroit - 11th April, 1978.

Pages 3-12 of this file describe observations by crew of the naval ship HMAS Adroit.

At 112317IK in position 1205 south 12954 east an object bearing 285 was observed by several personnel to rise and hover and sink to the horizon several times before finally disappearing beyond the horizon. This object appeared very large and bathed with bright red lights and at one stage appeared to close the ship. Again the range could be estimated at 10 miles and bearing width was 4 degrees. The light also appeared at one stage to flicker on and off. The phenomenon lasted several minutes..


posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:16 PM
Interesting radar/visual UFO incident at sea as described by Dr Hynek in a letter to Colonel Sleeper:

Second, many reports of potentially high intelligence value go unheeded by Blue Book.

Examples: (a) [Extract from a classified document of reported sighting of 5 May, 1965, contents unclassified, classification refers to name, and location and mission of vessel.] " . . . leading signal man reported what he believed to be an aircraft. . . . When viewed through binoculars, three objects were sighted in close proximity to each other; one object was first magnitude, the other two were second magnitude.
Objects were traveling at extremely high speeds, moving toward ship at undetermined altitude. At . . . . four moving targets were detected on the . . . . air search radar at ranges up to twenty two miles and held up to six minutes. When over the ship the objects spread to circular formation directly overhead and remained there for approximately three minutes. This maneuver was observed both visually and by radar. The bright object which hovered off the starboard quarter made the larger presentation on the radar scope. The objects made several course changes during the sighting, confirmed visually and by radar, and were tracked at speeds in excess of 3000 (three thousand) knots. Challenges were made by IFF but not answered.
After the three minute hovering maneuver, the objects moved in a southeasterly direction at an extremely high rate of speed. Above evolution observed by CO, all bridge personnel and numerous hands topside."

This report was summarily evaluated by Blue Book as "Aircraft," and to the best of my knowledge was never further investigated. By what stretch of the imagination can we say that the sighting did not represent a "possible threat" to the United States?


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:34 AM
Metallic, cigar shaped object witnessed over the ocean by fisherman in 1949:


In October, 1949, two men observed a UFO near Townsville, Queensland. One of them, Mr. J. Baxter, recalled the event in a 1967 letter to the UFO Investigation Centre:

"I was a commercial fisherman, fishing at the time for spanish mackerel, with a chap named John Campbell ... It was a bad season, and we were fishing desperately to get out of the red, (and) not to be easily distracted by any thing unusual.

"Well! We were fishing off North Palm Island ... on a clear, bright, sunny day, with perfect visibility, when we saw this object - a bright, shining, metallic cigar shaped construction, (over 100 feet long) poised about 70 to 80 feet above the sea, and about 500 or 600 yards distant.

"There was no sign of wings, propellers, or portholes ....

"At the time we were making circles in the boat, to try and excite the mackerel ... We would lose sight of it (as they turned) for a minute or maybe two. But we kept watching it, mainly because we were intrigued by the fact that it was motionless, just poised there, between sea and sky.... "We had a noisy engine ... so we did not hear any noise from it.... We watched it, as we made our tight circles, for maybe, half an hour, and while I was intently watching, the bow swung between us and it, and it was gone - without any fuss, or even a contrail. This was incredible, and really rocked us, that anything could get out of sight on a clear day, almost instantaneously. Not even the modern planes of today could equal such a performance."


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:36 PM
My speculation on the vulnerabilities of flying saucers [that are not from this earth]...suggest to me ---- that the saucerians are most vulnerable [without any magnetic shield surrounding the starship], to and from entry or exit portals of water refuges; such as oceans, bays and large lakes and rivers.

High speed sea entry and exit vector's....would need a edge on disc plunge that would cut thru the water surface, like a submarine does when it crash dives. The magnetic shield [if the starship has one], will have to be negated or removed for such a high speed maneuver. Underwater submersion propulsion [for an alien starship] might just rely on pure anti-grav impulse power; with possible additions of magnetic shields while submerged.

Just my .02



posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Erno86

My speculation on the vulnerabilities of flying saucers [that are not from this earth]...suggest to me ---- that the saucerians are most vulnerable [without any magnetic shield surrounding the starship], to and from entry or exit portals of water refuges; such as oceans, bays and large lakes and rivers.

Erno, interesting speculation there mate and the colour change may well have something to do with plasmas or magnetic fields as you mention -also the idea that these objects are using underwater caverns as passageways is an incredibly intriguing one.

Here's another UFO submerging report from Tybee Island witnessed by police and it also mentions the object changed colours.

Kelly, 23, said he and police recruit Jim Brown were traveling east on U.S. 80 just about to round the bend onto Butler Avenue “when all of a sudden we saw this big light in the sky.”

He said the sight was so startling he brought the patrol car to “a screeching halt” and just watched the object.

“When I first saw it, it had a reddish tint,” he said, “but it changed almost immediately to a bright green.”

Kelly said it made no sound, but he noted the car windows were up, the air conditioner was on and “we heard [a] thunderbolt” at the same time the object was sighted.

He said the object apparently crashed into the sea almost directly off 16th Street and that it appeared to land about a mile offshore. “Just before it hit it, turned a bright white.”

Three witnesses at the 16th Street parking lot reported the object had landed “at the most” a quarter of a mile off the beach.

They reported the object made a “whooshing noise” as it passed overhead. It was bigger than a breadbox anyway,” he said, and was bright enough to cast shadows.

Kelly said he planned to call the U.S. Coast Guard as soon as he was through talking to newsmen and request they send a boat to the area to probe for the strange object.

The Coast Guard station on Tybee Island received five or six calls on unidentified flying objects, a Coast Guard spokesman reported.

We will check them [unreadable] contacting air stations in the vicinity,” he said. “We saw some lights up here ourselves.”

Source: Savannah Morning News, Savannah, GA.


edit on 23-2-2013 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:54 AM


posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 05:27 PM
USO link to videos and information about specific cases:

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:58 PM
USO account reported to the U.S. Coastguard describing an unidentified submerged object that followed a boat on the Pascagoula river on the same evening as the Pascagoula abduction case (link).

UFO Takes To Swimming

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 12:39 AM
Object witnessed by crew emerging from ocean aboard the U.S. attack transport 'Delarof':

Summer of 1945; Aleutian Islands

A large UFO was seen by crew members of the U.S. Army Transport Delarof which had been hauling munitions and supplies to Alaska. Robert S. Crawford was serving as one of the Army radiomen aboard. The attack transport ship, heading back to Seattle, was in the open sea past Adak. Crawford was on the port side near the radio room when he heard shouts from some of the crew. He turned and saw a large, round object which had just emerged from the sea..

Large Object Emerges From Sea Near The Delarof

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 11:23 PM
Excellent thread!

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 06:01 PM
More accounts reported over the years to researcher Robert Gribble describing UFOs entering large bodies of water.


posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 04:19 PM
Article from Billy Booth over at looking at USO accounts from the U.S., Puerto Rico, Norway, Malta, Italy and Canada.

Unidentified Submersible Objects
USOs - Underwater UFOs

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 05:46 PM
This looks like a really good thread.
I love this subject but haven't really bothered looking into the USO phenomenon for a few years.

I think I'm gonna enjoy reading some of the links a few members have posted !

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