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The start of the Amero

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:20 PM
The Order and "The Amero":

You see it every day, the poster's who say "I am part of the NWO" or the "I helped reverse engineer UFO technology" whether or not you believe any of them is strictly your own opinion, I would, however; imagine that you disregard the vast majority of these post as pure fiction. Entertaining yes, imaginative yes, but also purely fictional. It is for this reason that I expect you to identify this post as purely fiction, the following information in this post will most likely be filed away in the confines of your brain, next to the other copious amounts of fiction you ingest, drug-like in your system on a regular (and for some of you daily) basis. The fact that you will do this does not bother me at all, nor does the fact that many of you will shout "fake" and "fraud" about the following contents. What will bother me, however; is that when the events mentioned in this post do come to pass you allege you were never warned. As believe it or not, I a user with just one post to my name, and a registration only minutes before the posting of this "am part of the NWO", and it is in your best interest, that even if you file this under the fiction part of your brain, in the very least accept the plausibility of the following events.

How it Will Begin:

For the purposes of the rest of this post "The Amero" will be used in relation to the currency of the new North American Union unless stated otherwise. Contrary to what a majority of people here would like to believe "The Amero" will not arrive like a lion, so to speak. Nor will the protest to its' coming receive any mass media attention. "The Amero" will arrive much like a travelers check or a new passport. You will notice the currency at first, as interesting or perhaps even as a total lack of respect for the nations involved in The Union, you will not, however; be required to use this currency. In the beginning you will still be able to use your nations currency, just as you are now. "The Amero" will just make travel, and purchasing of items much easier for your daily life. Over time the currency of each of the three respective nations will be slowly filtered out, until all that remains are faint remnants of what used to be. Instead of receiving a paycheck in Dollars or Paso, you will eventually receive them in "The Amero". Obtaining a copy of old currency will still be possible, but it will require you going to a bank, much like obtaining a Silver Dollar or a two Dollar bill. It is expected that this slight inconvenience will convince you just to use "The Amero". Please take note that your apathy is really what the NWO is counting on, and whether or not you say you will fight The Unionization or not, will make little difference, as the people in power will make all the choice for the population at large. Those who do not support The Union will become very much like old currency, at first they may be common over time they will be filtered out and succumb to the apathy shared by their fellow countrymen.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:21 PM
Obtaining Mexico:

Mexico, in regards to The Union is very much like the corner piece of a puzzle. While it would still be possible to complete a puzzle without first obtaining this piece, it would be overly complex, and therefore; not necessary. The NWO does not like to force people or places to conform when there is a more smooth transition available. The mass of people at large are very much like sheep, they work best when herded into their place, by an unseen hand. While it would be just as possible to charge in, and scare the sheep into their pens, it would cause more chaos than necessary. It is for this reason that Mexico must be the first nation to join in The Union. The method used to accomplish this has been in progress for years in advance. Drugs and violence flood the streets of Mexico, though it is rarely reported on. Very soon this will change, the plight of our brothers and sisters to the South, will become more prevalent in the American news media. A civil war has been brewing in Mexico for some time now, it hasn't reached a boiling point yet, though every effort is in place to speed it along. The guns, and weapons used by the drug lords at large in Mexico have been graciously supplied by American arms dealers. The money these narcotic guerrillas have been fighting over is not that of their fellow country-men's it is America's currency. It is with a birth of a civil war that the kind heated citizens of America will plead to become involved. These pleas will all fall on deaf ears, for while a civil war might sound like the less than smooth transition the NWO it is what the NWO is hoping for. In reality letting the civil unrest in a nation close to America spread into the streets and border towns of America, is looked upon in a much better light than invading a helpless third world nation and forcing them to join in with your Union. America will only become involved in the war to the South, when its' streets become infested with drugs, crime, and violence. It will relate the rise in crime not to the growing of its' population, or the changing of the times, but to the enemies of peace in the South. It is only then, when America's interest are in danger, that America will resolve the conflict by engulfing Mexico into a more chaotic conflict, and as a result both America and Mexico will have dragged their nations further into debt. With a rise in poverty on both sides, only one solution will remain a glorious hope to ensure the future economies of both nations. A unionization will occur, and with it The Union will gain many precious commodities like Silver, Natural Gas, and oil in new places that were previously unavailable due to former government regulations.

Introducing Canada:

Canada will not be forced to join the debauchery that is The Union, instead it will do something that many have overlooked in their theories. Canada, of its' own free will, will ask to join The Union. This will happen for several factors, the first being that shortly after the unionization of the former Mexico with the former America, the stock market will begin to rise much higher than anyone had estimated, and with the rise of the stock market, will be the introduction of "The Amero", this new currency will be backed with a silver standard, and with the rise in stocks become much easier to obtain. Canada will now become the poorer neighbor to the north, as its' own currency will depreciate to levels preceeding the "War on Terror" and the September 11th tragedies. As a result, Canada will seal it's own fate, pooling itself in as the third piece to the puzzle.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:21 PM
How it All Ends:

I can't answer that question, this as mentioned will probably be filed away in the confines of your brain until the events previously mentioned begin to enter you mass media. I posted this mainly as a warning to all individuals of what will become of their nations as a result of corruption, and general apathy far beyond the average powers of the individual citizen. I also

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Does the violence and drugs in Mexico, which will eventually engulf America involve the MS-13?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Hmmm.. no wonder they trying to let the wetbacks in with the attempted immigration law changes 5x plus now. Without them they wouldn't be able to have the drug/violence problems that come with a massive influx of wetbacks...

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