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41% Unaware Cancer Linked To Poor Diet

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posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 02:00 AM

FOUR out of ten people are unaware that eating a poor diet increases their risk of cancer, a survey reveals.

The poll of almost 2,000 people found that 41 per cent were unaware of the link between what they ate and the disease.

Only about one in three people knew that eating processed meat increased their cancer risk, while 44 per cent were unaware that being overweight was another risk factor.

The Article -

What You Need To Know About Cancer -

Foods That Fight Cancer -

- and another -

MSG and Cancer -

- and another -

Well I think that about covers it for now. The Main point of this (and as an American I know what most of us eat, so I can say with a fair ammount of certainty... ) Watch What You Eat!! Especially If You Have History Of Cancer In Your Family.

Be Well

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Crakeur]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Grock

You know, I really wish this thread would get more attention because poor diet is linked to income and income to wealth and wealth to education, etc. Its all a web. Sickening really, since those who profit off people's diseases seem to not give a damn I.e. FDA.

I try to eat organic and natural foods as much as possible. Increases cognitive function is very important to me since I am in college. Plus, I think cancer is only "hereditary" indirectly. In other words, I think it is immune systems that are "hereditary", which directly affect one's ability to fend off diseases and cancers.

Im tired. Ill check back later.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

Thank You. I completely agree that people should be aware of the information contained here. Sadly, like many of my 'profound threads', it seems that this will be purposely bypassed for other threads of far lesser import.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:58 PM
I've come to the conclusion that some people really do deserve cancer due to their stupidity. After smoking for 30 years and getting lung cancer then they throw a fit. What did they expect? They don't care how badly they've been treating their body, but when they get cancer all the sudden they care. Even if they get cured, they often go back to their old unhealthy habits. One has to wonder if cancer is even bad to begin with when people make these choices. People that make those kind of choices shouldn't feel bad when they get cancer and shouldn't expect others to feel bad for them either.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by ghaleon12
I've come to the conclusion that some people really do deserve cancer due to their stupidity. After smoking for 30 years and getting lung cancer then they throw a fit. What did they expect? They don't care how badly they've been treating their body, but when they get cancer all the sudden they care. Even if they get cured, they often go back to their old unhealthy habits. One has to wonder if cancer is even bad to begin with when people make these choices. People that make those kind of choices shouldn't feel bad when they get cancer and shouldn't expect others to feel bad for them either.

So let me follow your logic here for a second...

So i shoulnt feel bad for you if you get cancer because you eat McDonalds once a week and fill your cupboards with manufactured crack?

I shouldnt feel bad for your kids because they were force fed these poisons by their parents and thru them by society?

We are talking about FOOD here. Smoking is a choice (to an extent). And so is the food you eat.

Do you ever have people look down on you for eating fast food like you look down on others for smoking? I highly doubt it.

They are one and the same...

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by ghaleon12
I've come to the conclusion that some people really do deserve cancer due to their stupidity. After smoking for 30 years and getting lung cancer then they throw a fit. What did they expect? They don't care how badly they've been treating their body, but when they get cancer all the sudden they care. Even if they get cured, they often go back to their old unhealthy habits. One has to wonder if cancer is even bad to begin with when people make these choices. People that make those kind of choices shouldn't feel bad when they get cancer and shouldn't expect others to feel bad for them either.

It is definitely NOT the case that anyone deserves cancer.

One must see that it is inherent within every human to be prone to error. Inherent in most human beings, is that one will not change their habits until something has imbalanced them in some way, shape or form. E.g. This imbalance can be any supposed "disease" (proclaimed by the FDA to exist).

Cancer is our bodies way, especially at younger ages if contracted, of telling us that we are in a state of imbalance due to specific chemicals or elements we are exposed to over time. Sometimes it is unavoidable. Furthermore, to those in this predicament, empathy should be employed.

The reason why people may go back to their old habits is merely because lack of will power, ignorance, continued addiction, etc. I say have empathy for those as well. Try and persuade those people to change their ways if possible and within reason. For some it is impossible to go organic since it is so expensive but one could at least not consume soda for a start.

Anyway, ttyl

[edit on 17-2-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Thank you for that.

Can anyone anywhere actually believe that somebody out there DESERVES cancer? Im sorry, but IMHO thats not only the path of The Dark Side, thats just a little out there...

Back to the topic at hand.

Im wondering why so many people are unaware that what they eat contributes greatly to their getting cancer or not. That just baffles me...

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 01:20 AM
What I dont understand is why does the FDA allow such things as MSG, Aspartame and certain food dye's that are toxic to the human body in many of our foods!

Many times the names are disguised through other names or codes to fool people in thinking the food they consume is safe.

That should be illegal. The same term should always be used on the back of every ingredient. Misleading people is ill.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 01:38 AM
FOUR out of ten people are unaware that eating a poor diet increases their risk of cancer, a survey reveals.

Well why were cancer rates less, 100 years ago?
When people barely had any food.And almost everyone smoked cigarettes?
And ate almost raw red meat everyday, ate gallons of lard and fat?
I don't believe its diet as in what you eat, I believe its the chemicals they put in the modern food and water.
The pharmaceuticals they sell us.
Coupled with the nuclear weapons they have exploded, power station failures like Chernobyl and the others they covered up.
Partly some natural Radon gas from the ground and depleted uranium.
Without all these things, even with cigarettes, you would halve cancer right now.

Now while we are on the topic of diseases.
What about Type 2 Diabetes.
Which the CDC has labeled an epidemic.
Where did it come from?
Only 55% of people who get it, are obese.
So its not that.
It is set to rival and outdo cancer within a decade, with amount of people getting it.
People change there whole lifestyles, exercise, eat no fat or meat or sugar, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke cigarettes.
And they end up at 42 having there feet amputated from cell and nerve damage.
Traditional diabetes mellitus, is only small % of the population.
They think, alot of heart disease and death from heart problems, in the past 20 years, may have been due to this type 2 insulin problem.
Yet they didn't even discover it.Let alone treat it.
And still don't even know what causes it to happen.
They know the process's why it happens, but not why they start.
So the plague of the 21st century will be, Type 2 Diabetes.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by disfugured
What I dont understand is why does the FDA allow such things as MSG, Aspartame and certain food dye's that are toxic to the human body in many of our foods!

Many times the names are disguised through other names or codes to fool people in thinking the food they consume is safe.

That should be illegal. The same term should always be used on the back of every ingredient. Misleading people is ill.

Extremely good points! That is the one thing i feel the most should be illegal. I've tried the 'enlighten as many people as i know' approach and even that doesnt work, so how can we as an enlightened society (at least those who know) fight back against this immense travesty to humankind??

I seriously am looking for an answer to that question, and i havent been able to come up with one yet...

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:58 PM
Although the FDA and FTC would disagree, cancer fighting nutrients exist.

The food itself is not what causes the cancer, it's the effect that food has on metabolic processes that contribute to cancer. Cancer cells don't get their energy from fat oxidation but rather through glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose. Cancer cells thrive on sugar. It's known as the warburg effect. Most scientists don't believe this the driving effect that causes cancer, they do, however, believe that it can be used to treat cancer by limiting sugar intake, as was demonstrated by Thomas Seyfried in a study which demonstrated that ketogenic diets shrink malignant tumors in animals and humans.

If you understand the Warburg effect and the metabolism of cancer cells, it’s easy to see why this therapy works, even in patients who at at death’s door. Since the cancers can use only glucose, and since glucose is made in the cancer cells slowly and inefficiently, the cancer cells have to rely on outside glucose to provide nourishment for their rapid growth and replication. People on very-low-carb diets produce ketones, which take the place of glucose in other cells that can use these ketones for fuel. But cancer cells can’t use the ketones since ketones have to be burned in the mitochondria, which are dysfunctional in cancer cells. If you can keep blood sugar low, then growth of the cancer cells may be held in check long enough for the body’s own previously overwhelmed immune system to rally and beat the vulnerable cancer back.

Scientists have observed that people with Hyperglycemia(High blood sugar) and Hyperinsulinemia(High Blood Insulin) do tend to develop cancer more frequently than those without.

Originally posted by BorgHoffen
Now while we are on the topic of diseases.
What about Type 2 Diabetes.
Which the CDC has labeled an epidemic.
Where did it come from?

It came from poor dietary habits, namely high carbohydrate intake.

Only 55% of people who get it, are obese.

See, Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance, is not a symptom of obesity, it's the other way around. Insulin resistance usually causes weight gain.

They think, alot of heart disease and death from heart problems, in the past 20 years, may have been due to this type 2 insulin problem.
Yet they didn't even discover it.Let alone treat it.
And still don't even know what causes it to happen.
They know the process's why it happens, but not why they start.
So the plague of the 21st century will be, Type 2 Diabetes.

The reason diabetics are prone to developing other chronic diseases is due to the high amount of insulin in the blood. Treating Type 2 diabetes and understanding how it develops is not a mystery. It's very well documented and is an exact process. A brief review of biochemistry and nutrient biology reveals the dangers that carbohydrates, high blood sugar and insulin pose on the body.

Source: ydrates-are-addictive/


[edit on 18-2-2009 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:48 PM
Another reason why im on the raw food diet.

Thanks for posting this appreciate it.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 03:52 PM
The question was raised here about whether diet could prevent the amputation of toes/feet etc. in diabetic persons. That reminds me of a story told by a physician friend of mine who worked for several years at the Pritikin Institute (founded by Nathan Pritikin). The story was about an 80-year-old diabetic woman who enrolled in the Pritikin program (which my friend describes as "eating rabbit food and exercising") with several toes that were starting to turn black from gangrene (at which point an amputation would be necessary). After 3 weeks on the Pritikin regimen, her toes returned to a normal condition. No surgery was needed.

When people report, therefore, that dietary changes did not restore their health, more information is needed.

The best book I know of with information about cancer-fighting foods is written by Verne Varona, a qualified and experienced macrobiotic counselor:

The book is called Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods, and a used copy on Amazon is currently available for a little over $5.00.

Varona got interested in dietary methods of fighting cancer after his mother died of a very aggressive cancer when he was only 16 years old. The medical establishment could not do much to help her (and even in recent years, on average, only 6% of cancers are fully cured by radiation and chemotherapy).

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:38 PM
Good work Grock.

I like your focus on individual empowerment - as opposed to blaming the victims.

In 1900, cancer was extremely rare - maybe 1 in 1 million people were infected. Now - 1 in 2 American men will get cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 3 women.

Gives one pause. And leads to the obvious conclusion that a) there is an infectious component (usually herpes viruses btw), and b) current levels of environmental contamination trigger disease progression and evolution into cancer.

Yes, really.

Kinda pees me off that current policies routinely blame the victims, focus on lifestyle and dis-empower the already vulnerable.


posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Alot of things are linked to cancer...not just eating bad.

I love how everyday it seems that scientists and doctors are finding out new results leading to horrible and irrelevant conclusions...Live your life the way it was meant to be lived.

If you want to eat, eat. Skinny people and even healthy people can get cancer as well...This is b.s.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:08 PM
Points have been made that it is the additives to our foods and our environment that can lead to cancer.

Tobacco that has no chemical additives is what was smoked 100 years there are so many chemicals added to tobacco that they really aren't close to the original plant....sooo, if you smoke, and do not wish to quit, trade those manufactured cigs for self rolled organic or no additive loose will smoke less of them and might even find it easier to quit if that is what you choose to do.

Watch out for ingesting too much soy. It is a phyto estrogen and in both women and men can lead to breast and prostrate cancer by raising the levels of your hormones. Soy was never meant for human consumption(created to feed livestock in its unfermented form) unless it has been fermented...then and only then should we eat this.

Eating foods that keep the body in an acid state contribute to cellular breakdown. Processed foods and chemicals do this. Use of such sweeteners as Aspartame, Splenda (only one molecule off chlorine), etc. are another addition to what can cause cancer.

This is just a few things I have learned in my personal battle with Breast Cancer. No one in my family had it, so it wasn't inherited...but I have lived in areas over my lifetime that were environmentally contaminated and found out too late.

Thanks for the should help some and for others, it may get them to thinking.


posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 05:12 PM
The reason why cancer was "rare" in 1900 was because they did not have MRI machines, CAT scans, etc and thus it could not be diagnosed as easily.

Yesterday's "natural causes" is today's cancer.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
Good work Grock.

I like your focus on individual empowerment - as opposed to blaming the victims.

In 1900, cancer was extremely rare - maybe 1 in 1 million people were infected. Now - 1 in 2 American men will get cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 3 women.

Now, compare those statistics with the rise in type two diabetes over the last 100 years. You'll find that those cancer statistics probably mimic diabetic statistics.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Now, compare those statistics with the rise in type two diabetes over the last 100 years. You'll find that those cancer statistics probably mimic diabetic statistics.


Good catch.
They do indeed - as do a host of other "modern" diseases.

...And no - the rise has nothing to do with improved diagnostic abilities; infectious components are found in most every "modern" disease epidemic/pandemic, and usually some type of herpes virus is involved. Think about it - nothing spreads that fast and far without an infectious component.

But lifestyle and exposures DO contribute - so the question is "How?"

The answer has to do with the nature of latent infections - latent infections go away and lie dormant until they're triggered and reactivated, a process that can recur hundreds of times in a life, potentially spreading and infecting new cells and organs with each reactivation.

...So in terms of personal empowerment, minimizing one's exposures to potential triggers can help, as does keeping "fit." It's all about preventing latent virus reactivation, and shortening flare-ups when they do happen.


[edit on 26-2-2009 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Uphill
The question was raised here about whether diet could prevent the amputation of toes/feet etc. in diabetic persons. That reminds me of a story told by a physician friend of mine who worked for several years at the Pritikin Institute (founded by Nathan Pritikin). The story was about an 80-year-old diabetic woman who enrolled in the Pritikin program (which my friend describes as "eating rabbit food and exercising") with several toes that were starting to turn black from gangrene (at which point an amputation would be necessary). After 3 weeks on the Pritikin regimen, her toes returned to a normal condition. No surgery was needed.

When people report, therefore, that dietary changes did not restore their health, more information is needed.

The solution is neither amputation nor Pritikin. It's the Pritikin type of diet(low-fat, high-carb) that actually contributes to diabetes and every other disease associated with it.

Excess insulin causes poor circulation and eventually, can cause gangrene. Excessive carbohydrate intake increases insulin production, so, eating this "rabbit food" diet really does more harm than good.

Dr. Richard Bernstein, a Type 1 Diabetic in his mid 70's with almost NO complications, would argue that the whole idea is to keep insulin levels down as often as possible by eating a low-carbohydrate diet.

Originally posted by soficrow
Good catch.
They do indeed - as do a host of other "modern" diseases.

Very true, so there could be a common cause. Is it possible that these diseases are really just symptoms of another disease?

...And no - the rise has nothing to do with improved diagnostic abilities; infectious components are found in most every "modern" disease epidemic/pandemic, and usually some type of herpes virus is involved. Think about it - nothing spreads that fast and far without an infectious component.

But lifestyle and exposures DO contribute - so the question is "How?"

The answer has to do with the nature of latent infections - latent infections go away and lie dormant until they're triggered and reactivated, a process that can recur hundreds of times in a life, potentially spreading and infecting new cells and organs with each reactivation.

...So in terms of personal empowerment, minimizing one's exposures to potential triggers can help, as does keeping "fit." It's all about preventing latent virus reactivation, and shortening flare-ups when they do happen.

Very interesting. Though I can't say I agree with you, reading your post did remind me of an article I read on

It will perhaps astound you to learn that a person who is afflicted with the main causes of cancer (which constitute the real illness) would most likely die quickly unless he actually grew cancer cells. In this work, I provide evidence to this effect.

I further claim that cancer will only occur after all other defense or healing mechanisms in the body have failed. In extreme circumstances, exposure to large amounts of cancer-producing agents (carcinogens) can bring about a collapse of the body's defenses within several weeks or months and allow for rapid and aggressive growth of a cancerous tumor. Usually, though, it takes many years, or even decades, for these so-called "malignant" tumors to form.

Provocative, to say the least.

While I was browsing the site, looking for that article, I found this one: How to Slash World Cancer Rates By 90 Percent: Healthy Foods, Exercise and Vitamin D

According to research just released by the WCRF, simple changes in diet and exercise can prevent nearly 40 percent of breast and pancreatic cancers, 36 percent of lung cancers, over 60 percent of mouth cancers, a quarter of kidney cancers and 45 percent of bowel cancers.

Remarkably, these results were achieved without any mention of vitamin D! By adding vitamin D to the mix, which by itself has been demonstrated to prevent an astonishing 77 percent of all cancers (, cancer prevention rates approaching 90 percent overall can be easily achieved.

So, now we're back to: Just eat right and exercise and take Vitamin D and you'll reduce your risk of cancer.


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