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AFTER passing and signing Obama hits the road to sell the plan

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posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:12 AM
He is their "best salesman" and will, following the passing and signing if this recovery plan take a trip to sell elements of the plan to the states and people...

"There's an enormity to what's happened so far," said one of the White House aides. "It's hard work, but it's worth it. We're sprinting."

Aides say they plan to pick up the pace next week with a stimulus signing ceremony as early as Monday, though it could slide to Tuesday morning depending on how quickly congressional leaders wrap up the legislative details.

Then Obama starts his first trip out West as president because White House aides say they believe Obama himself is their best salesman on the big agenda items coming. He will hold an economic event in Denver, Colorado, on Tuesday followed by the long-awaited unveiling, in Phoenix, Arizona, of his plan to deal with the foreclosure crisis on Wednesday.

Welcome the president, roll out the red carpets, launch the balloons and celebrate the road to recovery at your expense.

I hope his sales pitch isn't too late... oops, it already is, isn't it?

[edit on 14-2-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:15 AM
I don't understand. What is he trying to sell? The idiots in DC passed this. What we, the average American, want doesn't matter anymore. It really doesn't matter if we accept it or not. It's going to happen. So what is he trying to sell?
(or is this to do with his reelection and he's campaigning already? THAT I believe!)

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

If I steal money from your bank account, then show up to sell you on my plans for your money, could I possibly convince you that it was the right thing to do?

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 01:10 PM
Voluntarily removed an ill-conceived and inconsiderate post.

My apologies.

[edit on 14-2-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 01:20 PM
I think he's afraid that the 'honeymoon' is over and knows we're getting ticked about the stimulus and economic mess and figured 'hey campaigning worked so well for me during the election, how about I try it again?'
ok i realize thats silly but couldn't think of anything else.
This makes me think of what Biden said before the election, about how Obama is going to call on his supporters to support him in thier communities. I wonder if its because he has even more planned? IDK what tho.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

He's just trying to give his justifications for supporting and pushing this bill. The fact that the bill has passed hasn't stopped any of members on ATS from whining about it, and it won't stop people who support it from giving their opinion either.

He's probably also trying to raise public moral by talking up the bill and giving American's hope that they'll be able to find a job soon.

My 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
He's probably also trying to raise public moral by talking up the bill and giving American's hope that they'll be able to find a job soon.

He'll have a hard time selling that when he has already stated that the American people will know this plan is working when it either creates or saves 4 million jobs.

Basically that means that it will create a few jobs and likely save many government jobs.

We'll have to see how this goes, I wish him the best, but the way which this legislation was rammed through had better yield real tangible results. Selling this plan after it has passed, if it fails (I believe it is doomed to do so) will go down in history as an incredibly stupid move.

He had better choose his public words very carefully going forward with this.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 04:57 PM
I can see it now....He will be on stage saying "America, I did what I hadto do, and a lot of you are going to suffer for it, but it is what needed to be done to protect the American people"::::LOUD APPLAUSE FROM THE DIPSH*TS::::

I feel like throwing up again.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 05:04 PM
Let him keep on stumping, sooner or later someone is gonna be mad enough and crazy enough to try and take him out.

Then we can work on getting Biden to over turn this crap

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by redhatty

What does this even mean? You mean take him out like he "took out his grandma"?

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM
He is going to sign this thing either Monday or early Tuesday. It is over. They passed it, he will sign it, and it will be law.

All of our griping and complaining isn't going to change that.

As for going out to "sell" this after the will work for some, but too many people are starting to see that this is just politics as usual from an administration that promised change.

posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 05:48 PM
I just had an apiphany. What if he goes on his U2 tour this weekend to "talk" to the people right....then over the weekend as he "talks" to morepeople, and hears their frustrations and opinions...he will comeback on Monday and say "you know what, I am not going to sign this bill, it is not in thebest interest of the people"...and he will be looked at as the guy who stopped a catastrophy from happening. Then ALL will praise Obama again.
Either way, we are screwed.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
The fact that the bill has passed hasn't stopped any of members on ATS from whining about it,

The fact that we went to war in Iraq due to a decision by George Bush didn't stop ATS members from 'whining' about the war either. Wrong is wrong. Just because the POTUS signs something doesn't mean we all should shut up when we know something is wrong.

and it won't stop people who support it from giving their opinion either.

Considering that the last poll showed less than 35% of the USA supported this non-stimulating 'stimulus' package ... I suppose those supporters will shout all the louder because they have so many fewer voices to be heard with.

I wish them good luck with convincing anyone that 50 milllion of our tax payer dollars for Nancy Pelosi's mice is an emergency measure that will in some way stimulate the economy.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 08:56 AM
More news?

Savoring his first big victory in Congress, President Barack Obama on Saturday celebrated the newly passed $787 billion economic stimulus bill as a "major milestone on our road to recovery."

Speaking in his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama said, "I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we'll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done."

At the same time, he cautioned, "This historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but rather the beginning. The problems that led us into this crisis are deep and widespread, and our response must be equal to the task."

I'm not a big Ron Paul fan, but on CNN he put this plan into clearer perspective than anyone I've seen yet.

They took a bad bill made it a lot worse and passed it.

Good luck on your sales trip President Obama.

[edit on 15-2-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

See, this is where straw men really come in handy. It would be great if I had said any of what you suggested.

The question was asking why Obama was still touting the bill after it passed. It made it seem like he should drop it, just because it's out there.

I never said people couldn't or shouldn't whine and complain, I just said that they are, and will continue to. And just like people will whine and complain, others will continue to support it.

Don't put words into my mouth.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Considering that the last poll showed less than 35% of the USA supported this non-stimulating 'stimulus' package ... I suppose those supporters will shout all the louder because they have so many fewer voices to be heard with.

Great, and of those that voted 40% don't even know what a bill is, 88% have no idea how the stimulus package works, 99.8% of them have no business even trying to dissect the problem and analyze a solution.

Polls are great when the question is something like:

"Should abortion be legal?"

"Should we pull out of Iraq since we were lied into it to begin with?"

"Do you think the president is doing a good job?"

I don't think a public opinion poll holds much weight when it comes to complex economic situations. However, there are plenty of economists who are against the stimulus package. Perhaps you would be more well suited quoting them, instead of the public's opinion on a subject that they can't understand.

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Considering that the last poll showed less than 35% of the USA supported this non-stimulating 'stimulus' package ...

I haven't seen a poll under 50% approval since the 4th. Do you have a source?

February 11th - 59% approval

[edit on 15-2-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by redhatty

What does this even mean? You mean take him out like he "took out his grandma"?

Mick, you can't be that dense! You as well as I know that there have already been several people arrested for threatening to assassinate Obama. The more pissed of the populace becomes, the more the unstable with murderous intentions will be prone to act out on those intentions.

We already have bankers and investors committing suicide. Just how much do you think it will take for an average, armed J6P to decide that he is going to act out on his anger and at the ONE FACE that he will associate with it?

Hell, let the .gov not continue to bail out GM after the latest crap the UAW had pulled to not allow GM to meet the obligations in place from the first tranche of moneys, watch as GM goes completely bust, you will have a bunch of armed unemployed with less benefits than they anticipated people all on the warpath.

If you can't see the forest through the trees, then start trying to.

THis is going to get ugly, and it looks like it will get ugly fast.

And just in case the question was about "stumping" that's what campaigning is called, and since Obama is still campaigning he's still a stumping

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by redhatty

Just saying... it seems you have a fascination with discussing assassinations based off of wild fantasies. It seems a bit disturbing to see someone almost hoping a bill fails so that the public will get angry and possibly assassinate the president.

Pardon me if I am a bit disturbed that you actually are hoping these events take place.

[edit on 2/15/2009 by Irish M1ck]

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:24 PM
Hold on everyone, let's not go overboard.

He's using his good approval rating to push something that the public is AT LEAST split on. I'm not going to hound over polls. We could all probably find one that fits our argument.

He is trying to keep support for this up for as long as he can. If the public begins to see that our debt is insurmountable they will freak out. There is so much information people are not getting. If you follow only what he says you would believe that this "bill" will help recovery the economy. There are many people out there who are putting all of their hopes into one guy...for instance...

Look at this guy. Can't find a job other than McDonalds in 4 1/2 years? A shirt that says "King Obama?"

What the?!?!

posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:25 PM
The title of the article is "Obama planning ambitious road ahead". Personally I don't see that this has anything to do with "selling" the plan. It'll be a done deal by the time he takes off in AF1.

However, after briefly glancing through this article I can see what Sorcha Faal used to create her absurd story (imo) posted on this thread.

Obama Turns US Over To 'New World Order' On February 17th

Heh, after reading this article in full, I do believe Obama is going to be "sprinting" because he has alot of stuff planned. Whether for good or ill, only time will tell.

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