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The "Oscillating fan" Timothy Geithner reitteration 10/02/09 speech

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posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I am watching this live on C-SPAN and am thinking of becoming an instituution so that I too can present a business plan, including the "use" of a Government issued book keeper that may then document my every move insuring 100% TRANSPARENCY.

The loans, investments, terms and conditions may be a blessing if part of my new plan, (the transparency and accountability part" can be earmarked as a grant, so that, although repayment of this part will not apply, the entire use and expenditure of the remaining major portiion of my plan will not only allow me to employ out of work job seekers, but allow me to emply the required amount of "minority" status persons to include the ability to bid on public works projects that will enhance the overall bottom line of loan request. This could give a four to eight year slot to attach my institution to a semi-permanent grip on the upcoming increase of tits soon to protrude from the river of cash the Government is going to suppliment with a big bucket of taxpayer monies to flush the stagnant pools of derivative payoffs out of the undredged murkey riverbed.

I was unconsciously hypnotised by the perpetual oscillation of Timothy during his speech, and it was as if the Messiah himself had possessed me as I watched (more than listened) *see Isaiah 29:18

but feel I can pull this off as well as Timothy pulled off his speech while oscillating.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by imd12c4funn]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:44 AM
I can't believe Obama chose this idiot as his Treasury Secretary. He reminds of Hermey the Elf from that Christmas Cartoon. You know, the one who wanted to be a dentist.

This guy is a clueless twerp.

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