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The Hierarchy of Masons

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
All in all, I'd beg to differ that no Mason on this board has talked personally with one of the most reputable masons in the world, and on top of that I doubt anyone knows his true personal agenda would behold.
Who would you consider a "most reputable mason"? I've had dinner with Ronald Seale, the head of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction. For the Scottish Rite in 36 (I think) of the United States, he is the top of the pyramid. Of course, the sitting Grand Master of Louisiana (his home state) could strip him of his membership in Masonry at his own will, should he choose. (And state Grand Masters are one-year elected terms...) So really, he's no more powerful than anyone else, even if he's got a million Scottish Rite masons answering to him.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

Thanks Revolution.. Great post...S&F

At least most of the mason acknowledge that these levels exist whether they are in the right place or not is beyond the discussion right now. This very fact that they acknowledge this.

Are they leading us to believe that some of these higher up masons at the Order of Knights of Malta and the Order of Knights Templar Commandery have the same knowledge as the Royal Arch Mason? I've been in discussions within other forums where the masons want to argue that no secrets prevail between the levels, that once past that illustrious third level you achieve all knowledge; all other titles are only something to go through for the formality.

To me, thinking like this is unbelievably incredible to think that as you progress in stature to the 33rd level, like this guy, that you know the same as some low level mason.

Look at the leadership that has attained the level of 32 and 33rd from the source I linked above.

George Bush - Skull & Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Illuminati , Skull & Bones
Bill Clinton - Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, CFR
Saddam Hussein - 33� Freemason
King Hussein - 33� Freemason
Tony Blair - 33� Freemason
Gerhard Schroeder - 33� Freemason
Benjamin Netanyahu - 33� Freemason
Yasser Arafat - 33� Freemason
Ronald Reagan - 33� Freemason (on sight), Knights of Malta, Rosicrucian Order
Michail Gorbatjov - 33� Freemason
Helmut Kohl - Committee of 300
Shimon Peres - 33� Freemason
Francois Mitterand - 33� Freemason (Grand Orient Lodge)
Yitzak Rabin - 33� Freemason
Willy Brandt - Committee of 300
Gerald Ford (frm President USA) - 33� Freemason
Karl Marx - (Grand Orient Lodge)
Frederick Engels - (Grand Orient Lodge)
Franklin D. Roosevelt - (32 or 33� Freemason)
Sir Winston Churchill - 33� Freemason (but Resigned from the English Lodge!) Member of the Druid Order

Do you really think that they have the same knowledge as the common 4th or 5th level mason who would be in maybe a year or so before he signs away his life with blood?

All of these people have murdered thousands if not millions in the name of whatever they might have used as propaganda. Where's the difference between Saddam Hussein and Roosevelt? Roosevelt was responsible for an illegal war and staging the setting for the confrontation. Saddam Hussein purchased weapons of biological nature from the US. These guys are in bed with each other and they each learn to take some of the glory for awhile before having to take a fall for the brotherhood. Your lodge brother is more important than your actual blood brother. Your lodge brother swears in blood. Your blood brother swears in words.

***ADDED*** Something to think about... Are Saddam Hussien's ideals as a brother mason, who must have followed the rules of masonry to attain that level, the same ideals as all you masons that defend the brotherhood? Why are all these masons who are at the top guilty of killing somebody, whether you believe it justified or not they are put in a position to decide on peoples lives. I think that speaks enough about the evils of certain groups...

[edit on 10-2-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

[edit on 10-2-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Well I see many things wrong, but, I'll not say what they are. Let the Eye Mark the Pilgrim on his journey, let him who has the Eye to see know where He is going--- PMP % tt IOI, call now the Warder and seal the Books of Record.

I'm just playin' wit' ya. That thing's dead on accurate. It's so secret they let you print it, some conspiracy of all reachin' power they got there. Hello to my F & B's

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

So your "source" is an ATS post from 6 years ago, and his sources appear to be anti-Mason sites.

First off, you progress from 4th to 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite in either a one or two day class, most of the time. So this whole notion of secrecy at any point between the two is laughable.

Second, I don't have the energy this late tonight to go through every name on that list, but I can definitively state that Bush was not a Mason, Clinton was not a Mason, Saddam was not a Mason, Reagan was not a Mason, Marx was an atheist, so couldn't be a Mason, Rabin was not a Mason.... There have been 14 US presidents who have been Masons. Here is a list of all of them.

BTW, it was illegal under Saddam's regime to be a Mason, so no, he was no great friend of Masonry, and certainly not a Mason himself. (Hitler rounded up Masons along with Jews and gays and other people who scared him as well, for what its worth...)

[edit on 2/10/2009 by JoshNorton]

[edit on 2/10/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

illegal under Saddam's regime
[edit on 2/10/2009 by JoshNorton]

I'd say it's illegal for the Bilderberg group to exist, and they still do.

However, what's to say that isn't to change Saddams true motives? Global domination? Doing what he's told by a higher level mason, and sanctifying himself as a messianic complex?

Your "masons" are just as illusive as black ops military operations, what happens no one needs to know about.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
no such office.

Need I say more? You think that by you saying something I'm going to believe it? There's a little part of the brain called the right complex. Inside of the right complex is creativity, it's most avid forms are in music, literature, and writing.

Now, I may also say, I've taken in much conspiracy into my left brain complex, so I may utilize that unknowningly what may be true or not, specifically only when it comes to secret societies, everything else I have my truths on.

So, there's no such office right?

'Nuff said.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
I'd say it's illegal for the Bilderberg group to exist, and they still do.
Last I heard, you don't write laws though, do you?

[edit on 2/10/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton


Who says I wan't some invisible orginization writing laws?

I sure as the hell don't. And I don't think many people around the world do.

You're just prooving to me by saying that ignorant statement that there is more than likely secrecy behind the Masons, and you're all fighting to get there to see who can figure out what it is first.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:11 AM

Need I say more? You think that by you saying something I'm going to believe it? There's a little part of the brain called the right complex. Inside of the right complex is creativity, it's most avid forms are in music, literature, and writing.

If I expected you to believe it, you wouldn't be arguing the point by now at all.

Now, I may also say, I've taken in much conspiracy into my left brain complex, so I may utilize that unknowningly what may be true or not, specifically only when it comes to secret societies, everything else I have my truths on.

So, you are relying on your subconscious to provide you truth. You are refusing to take in any information that you feel conflicts with that truth, and anyone who argues with you is therefore at fault.
Which is not a learning standpoint, it's a "I am right!" standpoint. And usually the people who can prove this statement solely by stating they are right are usually wrong.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
Your "masons" are just as illusive as black ops military operations, what happens no one needs to know about.

Are you comparing us to Navy SEALS and Delta Force?

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

My source was an ATS thread that contained several links that provide very valuable information. Are you scared of following links and searching out the information yourself, or maybe you've made up your mind already and it can't be changed?

Your awesome at dismissing the evidence that these websites present as fact. Awesome! The lightning speed at which you returned the answer was phenomenal. You only forgot one thing, the evidence to disprove these people.

Surely you can't expect us to take your statements as fact just because you state them? I know masons say they are more truthful than the average person but the average member of ATS knows that statement can't be correct when the group is bound by SECRETS. I have provided the evidence before of what these SECRET groups are capable of, the JESTERs for one, should you wish further proof I can provide it.

Show me the proof that ALL those people are not masons or in groups affiliated with the masons,(some jesters class themselves as mini masons) and that the links provided on that thread are all bogus and shouldn't be trusted and maybe then we can discount what I stated.


posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:37 AM
These links may be of interest to some.

Who's who - Lists of Masons

Who's who - United Grand Lodge of England

Masonic website links

Masonic links

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:22 PM
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge is the ultimate authority. His term of office is limited much like the term of the President. There are hundreds of Grand Lodges worldwide with no central authority. The only authority being Anderson's Constitutions which outlay the tenets of the craft. The "higher degrees" and orders still must answer to the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in his jurisdiction. The only requirement to become a Grand Master is to be a Master Mason. Though most I'd assume have further education in the different rites and orders as it is a natural progression horizontally not vertically. Sorry to disapoint you.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
Your awesome at dismissing the evidence that these websites present as fact. Awesome! The lightning speed at which you returned the answer was phenomenal. You only forgot one thing, the evidence to disprove these people.

Originally posted by AllTiedTogetherShow me the proof that ALL those people are not masons or in groups affiliated with the masons,(some jesters class themselves as mini masons) and that the links provided on that thread are all bogus and shouldn't be trusted and maybe then we can discount what I stated.


Prove to us that Oprah Winfrey isn't a Communist.

Prove to us that Big Bird doesn't read Enid Blyton novels.

Can you not see how unreasonable your request is for your opponents to prove that the listed people AREN'T Freemasons?

The burden of proof first lies on whoever is making the stipulation. Your sources have not demonstrated anything even remotely resembling proof.

No one has to prove that they AREN'T Freemasons, because no evidence has been presented that they ARE.

Dear god... what's the world coming to?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:37 AM
HRH The Duke of Kent has been Grand Master Mason of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) since 1967 - he's been Grand Master for approximately Fourty Two years. Grand Master's of other constitutions around the world are elected every four or five years.

UGLE is the only United Grand Lodge in the world. All other Grand Lodges are 'The Grand Lodge of ........ and not 'The United Grand Lodge of ........
Read brief history on NationMaster link above.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by BetweenMyths

UGLE is the only United Grand Lodge in the world. All other Grand Lodges are 'The Grand Lodge of ........ and not 'The United Grand Lodge of ........


The UGLE is the "United" Grand Lodge because it is the result of a merger between two different Grand Lodges: the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England and the Grand Lodge of Antient York Masons of England.

There are plenrty other "united" grand lodges in the world, including about half of the GL's in the USA.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by BetweenMyths

I did read your link - here is the very first line:

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the main governing body of Freemasonry within England, and certain jurisdictions overseas (normally ex-British Empire and Commonwealth countries).

Obviously not a global masonic authority by your own link (which you ought to have read first before posting inaccuracies and making yourself look like you don't research properly).

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:14 AM

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by BetweenMyths

No problem, I just wanted to point out that the UGLE has jurisdiction over England only.

In the USA, the Grand Lodges that have the word "Ancient" in their titles are united Grand Lodges, i.e., the results of mergers between Free and Accepted Masons (F&AM) and Antient York Masons (AYM).

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by BetweenMyths

Just who do you think you are. Coming in here and using actual masonic sites to do masonic reaserch. Didn't you know about you tube? that and is where all the upper level reaserchers go. I guess you are just a porch reasercher.

Please excuse the extreem sarcasm. I just couldn't help myself.

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