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why all the police hatred?

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:58 PM
If you read the rest of my post, you would notice what I said wasnt about the T.V show.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:04 PM
Here's the other side of the story on police "brutality" and an idea of what they face every day on the job, as well as one reason they will not get rid of dash cams

Warning video may be disturbing!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Sorry, I just was not going to attack your personal account on the conversations you overheard. Those are your personal experiences and I would not have been right to attack them.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Its all good. Im not hating, I understand why people feel so strongly about this issue, cause without cops, who knows what would happen in this world, I just think that they need to pick better candidates when it comes to putting some of these guys on the streets, some of them are really unstable and I would hate to be in the path of one that is not.
Not all cops are bad, and if the police department would recruit more like the good ones, maybe it wouldnt be so bad. It seems though that they will take whoever that they can get, and thats the problem.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by Common Good]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:28 PM
i think another reason people dislike them because all the new laws they have to enforce do not seem like to important of laws
they always treat you like your guilty
there the only form of government you get to deal with and i think sometimes people take the frustration they have towards the gov out on them
i also think that the frustration they have they take out on us
you see these peaceful demonstrations and the cops pull out the full riot gear and goto town on the citizens
when the powers that be declare marshal law who do you think is gonna be cracking your head open
when my house was broken into and 50,000 dollars worth of stuff cleaned out i had to beg them to take fingerprints and they were incapable of getting any because they said my house was dusty
i then figured out myself who broke in and had to wait at least 20 hours before they came and did anything i had to restrain myself from getting justice myself
there over powered and under supervised they regularly get away with whatever they want
i on another ocation had a run in with them i was drunk and got into a fight with this guy he started the fight i got token downtown was maced in the face and handcuffed i was rude to a rookie officer and making jokes while i was in the back seat of the car and had his older partner laughing at him with me
when they got me to the basement of the police station still handcuffed the younger cop beat me with his billy club across the shoulder hard enough to dislocate it i didnt cry out in pain and i told the cop is that the best you can do girl boy he then proceeded to take his weapon out and was gonna shoot me and thank god there was about 10 other cops around in the basement laughing at the rookie and they jumped in and restrained him

the fact of the matter is he would have shoot me to death for a couple wisecracks that everyone else found quite amusing forgetting the fact that i had only gotten in a fight with another person was covered in mace and handcuffed behind my back

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:31 PM
So these guys didn't like being harassed by the cops and did something about it. More people will be doing it soon. Seriously, I think the number of videos of the bad cops is winning.

The BART incident is a good example. People are questioning whether the cop was justified in going for taser(when he didn't have one) because of the youths actions. This youth had three cops on top of him and he wants to pull a taser... what kind of lunacy is that.

I was trained in riot control in the military. I was on standby for 2yrs waiting for one of the nearby prisons to go into riot or something to jump in there. Even then we were told that we could only legally use enough force to subdue the convict. Of course then the trainer would laugh and tell you that he be bashing his brains in the make sure he couldn't come at you after you put him down. These are our defenders of justice.... corruption from the start.

Also, I'm not saying they'll do away with the dash cam. It'll still be filming away but if you want to see any footage, you can expect to see excerpts much the same as those provided of the pentagon missle. Filming the cops will soon be illegal in Britain and Canada eh! The states will follow suit to protect the law enforcers from being video taped performing their "terrorist" activities.

So, for the footage of the women on the bicycle being assaulted by three or four cops would be edited to show her looking at the cop and fighting him off and then four cops on top trying to get cuffs on her. You won't see the punches in the face. That would be aiding the terrorists.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:39 PM
How about giving the rest of the stories about the heroes? Like maybe what started the confrontations in the first place and how it escalated into whatever it did?

for instance, in the dog situation, was the dog set on the guy to bring him down? That's self-defense, I'd kill the dog too. And cops shoot dogs a lot, a least around here if a dog tries to protect its owner. If they were simply tired of a seven-hour siege, then it's their fault for escalating it. As long as no hostages are involved, just post a guard and wait til he falls asleep, then go in and calmly arrest him: what's the hurry?

Saving a child's life doesn't make you a hero, it's your duty, sorry. Being a hero means you voluntarily risk your life to save another: rescuing a toddler isn't very heroic. Anyway, the same guy who saved the toddler might be the joker who enjoys roughing up perps for no good reason.

Cops do themselves a great disservice by claiming to have dangerous jobs wherein they risk their lives just by being cops, trying to protect us and promote justice: all those are patently, provably false. Police work is extremely safe, and would be even safer if they would try patience and understanding rather than arrogance and power-tripping. Truly dangerous professions are firefighting, crabfishing, roofer, construction, taxi driver, pizza delivery, hooker:

Stressful, yes, dangerous, no.

As for the latter two claims: I rarely saw a situation in my life that was improved by the presence of cops. They treat pretty much everyone with contempt, usually; openly towards the poor and minorities, barely disguised for the middle class, and somewhat hidden from the rich depending upon the situation. Once the cops arrive everyone's at risk, including innocent bystanders.

And finally, most cops are lawbreakers and forsworn perjurers: after swearing to uphold the laws and protect the citizens, they violate their oath by not turning in the criminals among them, ading and abetting a continuing crime operation.

Finding a good cop is like finding a good Christian: everyone's heard of them, but very few have actually met one.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:59 PM
My grandpa summed it all up quite well for me one time.

When I was around nine or ten years old he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up... and being a big CHIPS fan I told him I wanted to be a police officer.

He just shook his head and then told me something that I never forgot.......
he said " Now why in the world would you want to be a GD cop? People will hate the sight of you...and the only men who become cops are the ones who are too lazy to work and too scared to steal."

I happen to believe he was right.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by apacheman

Cops do themselves a great disservice by claiming to have dangerous jobs wherein they risk their lives just by being cops, trying to protect us and promote justice: all those are patently, provably false. Police work is extremely safe, and would be even safer if they would try patience and understanding rather than arrogance and power-tripping. Truly dangerous professions are firefighting, crabfishing, roofer, construction, taxi driver, pizza delivery, hooker:

Hi apacheman! I have to disagree with you on the "not dangerous" part, did you watch the youtube vid in my second to last post? a routine trafic stop and the officer gets shot several times. I do agree on the professions you listed as dangerous because money is involved in most but my opinion remains cops have a dangerous job.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

He just shook his head and then told me something that I never forgot.......
he said " Now why in the world would you want to be a GD cop? People will hate the sight of you...and the only men who become cops are the ones who are too lazy to work and too scared to steal."

How is police work "not work" and would you care to explain how one comes to the conclusion that somebody wanting to become a police officer is lazy? a lawyer does less work a telemarketer does less work a construction site foreman does less work...the list goes on and on. And as far as the stealing part, makes no sense none at all no disrespect to your grandfather.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Hi, alyosha, nice to see you.

Yes, I saw the video and noticed that for being shot at several times, he seemed in pretty good shape: after all, he was obviously wearing body armor. But that is a relatively uncommon occurrence; the BLS data makes that very clear. If you dig around the stats, you'll find that they are relatively injury-free, too, compared to other professions.

So calling their job dangerous is wrong. Everyone runs the risk of getting shot whenever they go to work in a seven-eleven, gas station, or bar, far more so than police, and don't demand public kudos or subservience for being brave enough to show up for work.

When you compare the liberties they take, the lives they ruin, and the number of people they kill every day in this country, it's very hard to find any sympathy for them. Where I live no cop has been successfully prosecuted for killing anyone for more than twenty years, except for a serial killer CHP cop, even though an off-duty, out-of-uniform cop chased down and shot a pro athlete, ending his career because he couldn't wait for someone else to pull him over and give the dude a DUI. Another one, again off-duty, in civilian clothes, pulled a gun and shot a woman and her child in a parking lot over a traffic dispute. SHE was arrested for scaring him. A few years back, one shot and killed a hostage who ran from her kidnapper screaming for help: HE got a full medical retirement for stress while going on to work for another cop shop.

Sorry, I stand by my original assessment: most cops are crazy worthless criminal scum who cause more trouble than what they prevent. Long ago, I was homeless and took refuge with my dog in a parking garage. Sometime in the wee hours I was awakened by a couple of cars pulling up, one a cop car the other unmarked. The guys in the civilian car got out and brought a paper bag to the cops, who emptied it and counted the money: quite a lot from what I could see. I had no doubts then, and no doubts now that if they knew I saw them, I'd be very dead very fast, or maybe not so fast but dead anyway,

ed for sp

[edit on 5-2-2009 by apacheman]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by apacheman

Of course as always I respect your opinions, and I agree on the "really bad ones" deserving justice. I just wanted to point out the overall hatred twords cops that I've noticed here at ATS, and probably due to the high number of related articles. I compare it to racism because of the path the hate takes ( hating all for the actions of few)

I have had "run in's" and was never mistreated I mouthed off a few times and recieved the same but never brutalized or anything like that and I can't imagine what compels some to (suspects) to escalate instead of complying which is what causes the physical aspect most of the times.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

You're right it does go unnoticed for the most part.

And although I just put up a thread related to a story of more abuse in my neck of the woods, I will star and flag you for the friendly reminder.

I've only had two interactions with police that really got on my nerves.

1. A mistaken identity issue. The problem was, one officer asked to see my identity and went I went for my wallet they all started to draw their guns and screamed. They apologized though afterward but the situation of how close I could have come to death was never fully appreciated by me till the Amadou Diallo case.

2. They randomly pulled me aside after a New York trip and wanted to search me. I obliged reluctantly but after not finding anything in my bags they wanted to search my person. I was NOT having it and got so irate they just left.

One was like "What are you so mad about?"

It was years ago and every other encounter has been routine and well handled.
Beyond that, I've only seen, heard, and read about various abuses.

All policemen aren't evil and some are outright heroes.

But when one officer does mess up...they have a tendency to do it SUPERBLY. It's almost unforgettable and usually tragic. Those times stand out more than anything.

To all the good officers out there...cheers!!!

You deserve more respect and attention than your good deeds garner.
Such is the nature of good deeds.

No hate here, just do your job right. Treat us citizens fairly.
Watch our back and we will indeed watch yours.

Begin to feel comfortable with treating us like inmates in a prison country and we will rebel.

It would be inevitable but not unavoidable just yet.

- Lee

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

First I would like to thank you for making this post as I was just about to make one on the same topic but you have done a far better job then I would have.

I agree completely with you and reading the reply's here is almost sickening to me. One person above after your youtube video of a cop pulling somebody over finding drugs and alcohol and then getting shot multiple times commented that the cop shouldn't have been harassing them. Is this really what our society has come to? I'm sure this same person would have been up in arms about the police failing him if those 2 had gone on a drunken spree that ended with killing somebody he loved. Those 2 your defending and glorying had no problem shooting the cop and leaving him for dead on the side of the road. That same cop would probably have jumped in front of a bullet to save you.

Then we have people saying a policeman's job is not dangerous. How can you even be able to post something like this on a site that says deny ignorance without your keyboard bursting in flames?

In every profession there are bad apples. You have priests that rape boys. You have fast food workers who spit in food and your have teachers that try and date 13 year olds. Does that mean that you should hate all priests, fast food workers and teachers? Yet you read on here and every cop is now a scumbag I guess.

The only reason any of us live the lives we do without constantly being in fear is because we have a group of men and women on the streets that day or night will come to a strangers house if called upon to try and protect the people in their communities.

Whats next? Do we blast the firemen because I'm sure I can search the net and find some horrible story's about a few firemen. This trend of people on ATS acting like its super cool to hate any form of power is just a sad joke to me. It reminds me of that person that talks about beating people up all the time yet has never even been in a fight.

If you have had multiple problems with the police its probably your own fault. Stop doing stuff that your not supposed to do like drinking and driving, drugs, fighting and pissing off police men. These same people will be begging and crying for somebody like a policemen to help them when TSHTF

God bless America where the people are dumb enough to blast the people who help them keep their freedoms yet if they did it in another place they would be dead. But I guess that's why they stay here rather then move to another country.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

All great points! it's a shame that your rational couldn't rub off on more people that just jump on the police hating bandwagon. Thakns for sharing your experiences as well! the mixups do happen and it's unavoidable sometimes but as long as the innocent are redeemed then all is well. The "screw ups" are so easy to point out yet the acts of heroism carried out by officers are taken for granted as some posters have implied.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Thank you whoshotJR! I wanted to quote your post and give it a huge
and thank you for taking the time to read the thread. Your answer conveys exactly what I was attempting to covey with my op. The hatred for any group is unaceptable for people trying to " get to the next level" it will only hinder progress. It's not cool to hate and it's not cool to armchair quarterback a tough proffesion either.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
reply to post by alyosha1981

Then we have people saying a policeman's job is not dangerous. How can you even be able to post something like this on a site that says deny ignorance without your keyboard bursting in flames?

In every profession there are bad apples. You have priests that rape boys. You have fast food workers who spit in food and your have teachers that try and date 13 year olds. Does that mean that you should hate all priests, fast food workers and teachers? Yet you read on here and every cop is now a scumbag I guess.

The only reason any of us live the lives we do without constantly being in fear is because we have a group of men and women on the streets that day or night will come to a strangers house if called upon to try and protect the people in their communities.

I can say it's not dangerous because it is true: go look up the stats on the link I provided; very few cops are actually killed in the line of duty and probably half of them instigated the shootings unnecessarily.

Yes, every profession has bad apples, but they don't usually have the power to kill you or steal from you with impunity, then have their friends cover it up for them. So when the "good" cops fail to hold the "bad" cops accountable, how does that not make them criminal accessories? So yes, the are scumbags if they protect scumbags.

If you depend on cops for your safety, I feel sorry for you. Cops do not protect you. They respond AFTER the fact mostly. I, and I alone, protect me. I've never needed a cop to defend me or mine, the very few times in my life when I DID ask for help, I was the one who was threatened BY them.

Case in point: in Michigan once, my sister tried to make a boyfriend an ex-boyfriend. He got drunk and trashed her house, hit her, and threatened her children. She called the cops. Turned out they were high school football buddies of her ex. They took him home and put him to bed, while threatening her with a prostitution bust if she filed a complaint. When I went to her place to protect her, he showed up again and only left when I displayed a shotgun; he called his cop buds. I nearly went to jail for protecting my sister from a vicious punk.

Speaking of which, there was a cop in Texas once who went around to the wives of guys serving overseas in 'Nam, demanding sexual favors or threatening to bust them for prostitution. When we found out about this outrage, he was bagged and pistol-whipped with his own gun and informed that if he was EVER seen again, he'd be dead, no questions, no mercy. He left town that night. PRICK.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by apacheman]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:26 AM
And another thing, how can you tell if a cop is a bad cop or a good cop?

Craig Peyer was a local CHP who made a habit of pulling women over and trying to talk them into dating him or providing free sex. He eventually killed at least one (others were suspected), and he was defended vociferously as the epitome of a good cop, at least until his guilt was overwhelmingly obvious. Another city cop was recently busted when he pulled the wrong woman over and told her he'd let her go if she masturbated for him. Once she filed charges several other women came forward telling of similar things happening to them. Turned out other cops knew of his perverted habits and said nothing because the women were lawbreakers and sluts for giving in to him. None were really punished, all are still cops except for the one perp, who got off light because of his "service to the community".

While I feel a genuine contempt for most cops, I don't hate them in general, I just am very wary of them: they are dangerously unpredictable people who can ruin your day, or your life on a whim for no particular reason other than they might need a little stress relief. The best thing to do is to try to stay under the radar.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by apacheman

I can say it's not dangerous because it is true: go look up the stats on the link I provided; very few cops are actually killed in the line of duty and probably half of them instigated the shootings unnecessarily.

Tell this to the 139 police officers who died in 2004 or the 16,000 wounded.

or the 153 deaths this article lists in 2005.

So basically every other day a police officer died.

Your argument is not a very good one to try and say 1 job is not dangerous just because its less then another. If I only kill 1 person a year and you kill 50 does that mean I can be considered not a killer?

What may I ask do you do for a job? And how many times have you been arrested? I love the story about you pulling a shotgun on the guy it speaks measures of your personality for me. People that complain about having multiple bad interactions with cops are very likely to blame for the constant interactions happening.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by whoshotJR

Whoop-te-doo. I didn't say they never got killed, I said their work is not nearly as dangerous as most other professions. In comparison to the 1554 transportation workers who died in the line of duty, and the 1184 construction workers who died on the job those numbers are miniscule. Hell, even farming is more dangerous.

I just don't think they should go on and on about how dangerous their work is when in point of fact is is relatively safe. Especially I don't think they deserve special treatment and immunity from the laws they impose on others with such relish.

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