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What If Martial Law/Elite Subjugation IMPOSSIBLE in U.S.A.?

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:43 PM
I propose to you the concept, what if the "mighty elite" bite off more than they can chew if/when they instate Martial Law upon the populace of the U.S.?

What if the whole reason they haven't yet even attempted to do so is because they know full well that not only would it be ineffectual and impossible, but it would lead to an uprising so powerful that it would topple the entire U.S. government?

Think about it. On one hand, the military MIGHT of the U.S. seems unstoppable and gargantuan as compared to the "farmers" with shotguns portrayal of average american citizenry.

But on the other hand, the collective might of the U.S. Military is still hardly able to subdue a few tens of thousands of "Taliban" in Afghanistan, who are little more than farmers with rifles themselves, and same goes for Iraq.

Now imagine them trying this against 300,000,000 citizens, many of whom are armed well beyond even what a Taliban commander would be capable of arming himself with.

300,000,000 is stronger than even the Chinese combined armed forces for pete's sake. And on top of which, many (maybe most?) AMERICAN soldiers would never take part in actions, especially once escalated, i.e. killing/shooting of american citizens/civilians so this reduces their strength greatly.

I have been a member of a law enforcement forum recently, and there are even a few POLICE OFFICERS on there who have openly stated that they are collecting weapons in order to protect themselves against any unlawful government incursions in the future, i.e. Martial Law.

Think about it, an Abrams tank is worthless in a Forest, as it is in a very urban zone such as inner city NYC, Detroit, Chicago etc etc. The U.S. military in all its might would really NOT EVEN STAND A CHANCE against the collective might of an armed AMERICAN Citizenry.
I don't care how well armed they are, a few tens of thousands of marines/army soldiers or even several hundred thousand would stand no chance in a war of attrition against 300,000,000 people.

The primary reason for this would be why.......very simple SUPPLIES:

who do you think makes the supplies for the army/marines, who makes the ammunition, the food, the clothes, the vehicles, that's right civilians. If a full scale rebellion/war broke out between the government and the citizenry, how long do you actually think the armed forces could last? Soldiers can't make their own ammunition or canned goods. There's no way they're outlasting armed hill billies that lived in the countryside all their life.

Sorry but there is just NO WAY the U.S. Government/Elite/Illuminati/Reptilians/Bankster Thugs/Etc could ever win a war against the collective American populace even if they pulled out every single American troop from every single theatre of conflict in the world (Afghan., Iraq, etc).

There is just NO WAY any sort of Martial Law slash FEMA death camp scenario will ever work in a modern armed America. Maybe they'll wait a few years, like 5-10 so they could have a chance to disarm us with all the increasingly limiting anti 2nd amendment laws they're trying to pass, but any time soon they would NOT STAND A CHANCE.

The combined might of every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, barring the usage of NUKES, would not stand a chance against the entire populace of 300,000,000 pissed off, fed up, maniacal citizens, many of which are armed far better than the actual soldiers.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Here is what you must think about when Marshall Law is declared and not if, which side will the military side with and will there be renegade split offs in the military? We are talking Russia aren't we.

This is my opinion on what is about to happen inside the U.S. Remember Obama's promise of a Civilian Security Force I believe once this administration came together and thought it over they toned down the meaning of Civilian Security Force subragating it to mean Civilian Expeditionary workforce.

This will I believe lesson the masses impact of their thought process and severity of the true meaning of Civilian Security Force. You bring two groups working together one being the military that take the Oath to protect and uphold The Constitution of the United States Of America and the Civilian Security Force whose aligence is to Obama I see a big problem. Watch and see as things unfold and I will make further comments in the future about this matter.

Remember it is not what a person or group says it is what a person or group actually does.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:24 PM
i dont know about that my friend. they have hellfire missles and all kinds of unmanned artillery. i am well armed and about 100 of my friends are equally armed and ready for combat, but i cant see others joining with me or other militias because no one will trust the other. also alot of these 300,000,000 you talk about are well armed but i bet they couldnt hunt or fish or make a fire or live off the land if they had to. it wont be easy thats for sure. i just dont think beyond the immediate team you have around you could you join and organize to make larger forces and fight effectively. unless we get some great rebel general to help us.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:27 PM
They out tech us. Theres a lot of poo in the toilet that that hasn't been flushed down to us in the sewers yet. When the people revolt, there will be no need to hide all of this stuff anymore.

They have missles that are so advanced that they can hit a man in the eye when programmed and shot. They probably have more advanced weapons hidden than we can even dream of. Either way, I'll still fight. I'll stick to believing that smart weapons only work if in smart hands.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by amari
Here is what you must think about when Marshall Law is declared and not if, which side will the military side with and will there be renegade split offs in the military? We are talking Russia aren't we.

This is my opinion on what is about to happen inside the U.S. Remember Obama's promise of a Civilian Security Force I believe once this administration came together and thought it over they toned down the meaning of Civilian Security Force subragating it to mean Civilian Expeditionary workforce.

This will I believe lesson the masses impact of their thought process and severity of the true meaning of Civilian Security Force. You bring two groups working together one being the military that take the Oath to protect and uphold The Constitution of the United States Of America and the Civilian Security Force whose aligence is to Obama I see a big problem. Watch and see as things unfold and I will make further comments in the future about this matter.

Remember it is not what a person or group says it is what a person or group actually does.

That's what I'm saying, any 'splinter' groups that break off from the government/u.s. military will only lessen their strength and as such worsen their chances against the armed citizenry of America.

I don't care how many 'civilian expeditionary' forces Osama Bin Barrack Saddam Hussein or whatever his name is creates, he can create as many new divisions as he want they will still stand no chance against 300,000,000 pissed Americans. The minutement kicked the British imperial asses and they will kick the U.S. armed forces asses no less because there's far more citizens now than there were back in the 13 colonies.
Then once the civilians stop producing all the goods/ammunition/supplies for the U.S. armed forces it's game over as the 300,000,000 self sufficient americans beat out a beat down unsupplied armed forces in a war of attrition.

You people who are scared need but look at history.

Go read up on Stalingrad, the mightiest fighting force in the history of the human race in the German panzer divisions was mired down and eventually annihilated by what eventually became a bunch of farmers and civilians (towards the end of the battle of Stalingrad, civilians, women, children, factory workers etc were manning the guns and tanks etc etc, and they still whooped the Germans' ass in a war of attrition).
Never underestimate a DESPERATE people.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by LeTan
They out tech us. Theres a lot of poo in the toilet that that hasn't been flushed down to us in the sewers yet. When the people revolt, there will be no need to hide all of this stuff anymore.

They have missles that are so advanced that they can hit a man in the eye when programmed and shot. They probably have more advanced weapons hidden than we can even dream of. Either way, I'll still fight. I'll stick to believing that smart weapons only work if in smart hands.

LOL at "out teching" us. This isn't an RTS pal, "tech" will only work against them in such a conflict. One reason is as you said "smart weapons only work in smart hands" and the other reason being that the more complex something is, the more chances it has to be disabled. With all this advanced garbage like the crowd dispersing heat ray beams and all that, what can all that trash do once disabled with simple things like farmers armed with water hoses or other such means.

Oh and by the way who makes that "smart missile" you spoke of that can hit a man in the eye? Is it an enlisted soldier that makes it? No? Oh that's right it's a civilian constractor at Boeing/Lockheed/etc, once martial law is declared and that contractor's family is being gunned down by the U.S. military do you think he'll return to his job making missiles? Of course not. And guess what that means? Yep that's right no more missiles, no more ammo, no more supplies, no more body armor, no more tanks, no more machines.
That's my whole point, CIVILIANS, we the CITIZENRY are the cogs in the "mighty" military machine. If the government dares turn that machine against us, we will stop supplying them, no sane civilian would work in a factory at that point producing ammunition which they know is being used against their own family members and fellow countrymen, so while they will have the 'technology' to produce such a 'missile' and other fun gadgets as you spoke of, they will have none of them left. After all, as I said there's 300,000,000 people here, do they have 300,000,000 missiles? Highly doubtful.

They stand ZERO CHANCE against us. The quicker ya'll learn that and stop cowering in fear the quicker you will be empowered to break free from the mental bonds they have enslaved you with (fear).

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:44 PM
What's RTS stand for? Tech to me is short for technology /shrugs.

You are right, missles and military equipment are made by contractors, contractors who get paid, who get paid fat. The average contractor, big company gets paid alot for these services. In the time of an uprising, times will get hard and these people will fear for their financial security. Most likely the workers will too, alot of people will buy into the whole "oh i have to protect and feed my family and a job is open" scam.

As for their technology, technology is technology, I don't know what the hell they could have, we could be under the influence of it right now and wouldn't know.

And i'm not your pal, buddy!

[edit on 31-1-2009 by LeTan]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by LeTan
What's RTS stand for? Tech to me is short for technology /shrugs.

You are right, missles and military equipment are made by contractors, contractors who get paid, who get paid fat. The average contractor, big company gets paid alot for these services. In the time of an uprising, times will get hard and these people will fear for their financial security. Most likely the workers will too, alot of people will buy into the whole "oh i have to protect and feed my family and a job is open" scam.

As for their technology, technology is technology, I don't know what the hell they could have, we could be under the influence of it right now and wouldn't know.

And i'm not your pal, buddy!

[edit on 31-1-2009 by LeTan]

Judging by your FF avatar I figured you'd understand that gamer lingo, it's Real Time Strategy..a term used in those games like Command and Conquer Red Alert, you have to "out tech" your opponent faster than he out techs you to beat him etc..

Anyways, maybe some contractors would do as you say, but can't account for all of them. Either way the armed forces would be suffering some pretty heavy depletions after a while.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:54 PM
Oh real time. FF tactics is turn based. Either way, what makes you think the contractors are for the people? They will get paid well enough for them to feed their families and in turn, be fed false promises of safety. I think of them as the lords and counts of the french revolution. I agree the people have a chance at winning, but not at a high cost. Alot of the populace cannot survive in the wild for beans. The government will starve these people into joining their cause.

In the end though, I'll still fight.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:54 PM
Do they really need Martial Law? All they have to do is wait until the riots come, over food, money, whatever. We will kill a bunch of people ourselves over that. TPTB can just sit back and watch us annihilate each other then they come in and clean up the mess. Far less people and they will probably welcome Martial Law after the insanity of rioting in the streets and all that comes with that.

Just throwing a thought out there, I know as little or less than anyone else.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:56 PM
Who's to say that most if not all the military will be on our side. I don't think that the Military will fire on our Brothers and Sisters.

I do see one thing and that if riots breaks out because of lack of food or some other reason then the people they call our Government will label them as terrorist and/or Thugs.

The Military is now conditioned that when the word "Terrorist" is mentioned they will be jumpy on the trigger. That is the reason the Government keeps repeating the word "Terrorist".

I believe that if the Military see's thru this then the Government will call in the U.N. Troops to do the 'Dirty work' for them.

When I refer to the Government I am also referring to the FED and the rich banker on wall street.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by tiso_us]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:09 PM
we the citizens would lose

fear, greed, ignorance, and jumping the gun/irrationality would overtake the civilian population and we would be rounded up pretty fast for the most part

plus, this isnt Afghanistan iraq or any other mid east country

many of these nations have been the way they are for centuries

and modern warfare doesnt really apply in these settings

the terrain makes it almost impossible to control such a area

here in the states, theres a lot less places where we could take a stance as a group of civilians

if we were well organized, and able to control panic and fear, then of course the numbers on our side would allow us to prevail

but take away the elderly from those numbers, take away the disabled, take away the children, take away the irrational and ignorant, take away the greedy and elite, what we are left with are alot of great people who must find a way to organize and fight back together as one, thats where we would fail, i dont see that being possible in todays day and age

and if you think the military would be on the sides of civilians, well hold your breath and lets find out, im sure someday that day will come, just like in rome and all the other old civilizations, one day time will tell

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by tiso_us
Who's to say that most if not all the military will be on our side. I don't think that the Military will fire on our Brothers and Sisters.

i have a family member through my wifes side in the military

i talked to him a while back at a funeral

he said he would shoot:
1. "anyone with a weapon"
2. "anyone that was a threat"
because that was how he was trained

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by laundrybag

Originally posted by tiso_us
Who's to say that most if not all the military will be on our side. I don't think that the Military will fire on our Brothers and Sisters.

i have a family member through my wifes side in the military

i talked to him a while back at a funeral

he said he would shoot:
1. "anyone with a weapon"
2. "anyone that was a threat"
because that was how he was trained

well good for him, because he'll be up against 300,000,000 people, many of them with weapons. He would not survive.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:02 AM
We (The United States) has the greatest military force ever seen on the face of the earth... Since WWII we have veritably straddled most of the planet like a colossus. Technically anyway--or more to the point-- technologically speaking.

We have the firepower in technological terms, but we are historically weak on the ground. When it comes to actual foot work we are pretty abysmal actually. And unless the striving-to-be-the-Powers That Be are actually willing to blow most of it/us to hell (and they very well may be, I dunno); controlling the population/armed citizenry of the interior (i.e. most of the country) could be an unmitigated pisser for them. Which makes me feel good. However...

I think there will be plenty of American law enforcement and military that will say 'Ah, Hell No!' and may even become part of a resistance, but there are plenty who will go along with... whatever, to survive. Most of them even. Especially with the military. The Army Infantry specifically comes to mind; they will go where they are pointed and do what they are told. I hope I'm wrong about that, I really do, but six years as a military wife (for what that is worth :roll
tells me other wise. Plus my husband (the one who was actually in the Army) happens to agree with me. We hear the proclamation that American soldiers won't move against American citizens and produce matching guffaws.

And frankly, if (on the off chance) that does become a problem; historically nations trying to destroy civil liberties among their own populace have no qualms about employing foreign fire-power that is more than happy to do the dirty work if local troops balk.

Long story short, I feel if this does go Crunch--the dust probably won't settle for a decade or two. We'll see what's left then. Or somebody else will anyway, (for medical reasons, I'm pretty much screwed.) Good luck all.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 10:23 AM
I know that this has been mentioned before BUT....there is no such thing as "Marshall Law". It is MARTIAL LAW. Derived from Mars, the God of War. As is Court Martial. There is a Marshall Plan (named after SoS Marshall) and there are peace officers called marshalls (western sheriff) but no Marshall Law. I hate to harp on it but it needs to be corrected.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I know that this has been mentioned before BUT....there is no such thing as "Marshall Law". It is MARTIAL LAW. Derived from Mars, the God of War. As is Court Martial. There is a Marshall Plan (named after SoS Marshall) and there are peace officers called marshalls (western sheriff) but no Marshall Law. I hate to harp on it but it needs to be corrected.

Aahhhh! Spelling Nazis! Aahhhh! Run for your life!

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Hell yeah OP!

Look at what is going on in Iraq: Obviously all the "toys" we have over there hasn't created the stability required in creating a "new order" has it? And those people are fighting all of our best stuff with AK's and improvised bombs, what do you think the ingueniutity of the American people will come up with? Whether people like to admit it or not those of us in America are fairly educated enough to know how to devise new & interesting ways of self preservation. Hell look at the jails and you'll see the weapons they come up with and they have crap. I've heard stories from guards talking about them making spears that can penetrate the riot shields they use.

So now, take into consideration a populous that generally doesn't like to be told a damn thing, AND who is freely armed even if limited like in california legal (illegally whatever, all bets off) coupled with the fact the military & police would be having to round up their own you REALLY think it would be effective? What makes everyone so sure that everyone in the military would just turn off their brains and start shooting their own people anyways?

No, it would seem to me the best tactic would be to scare everyone into thinking it would happen, mean while as everyone is distracted, make financial and legislative moves to constrict rights further in order to get people wrapped up in a convoluted judicial system....
oh wait!....

Yes American's love their TV & XBox, driving sweet cars, going where we like, surfing the net, and partying it up whenever possible....don't you think everyone is going to get really upset if that is messed with?...hmmm maybe just a bit I would say, just a guess.

The most viable option to try to facilitate some kind of "domination" would be through "unconventional means" and I don't think that would be nukes because that would leave large, expensive parcels of land contaminated for quite awhile. So what else is left? Maybe pathogen, maybe "terrorists(highly doubtful)", or maybe something even more wild like a fake ET attack.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Shakesbeer]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:38 PM
The real question here is this.
"If the individual states (or the majority therof) found the US government to be in noncompliance with the constitution and in violation of the rights of the collective states therefore causing the present establishments powers to be declared null and void, would that establishment make war on the states."

What if all of us said no deal. We clean out DC and start fresh.

Would the present establishment kill off citizens until we said uncle?

[edit on 18-2-2009 by badgerprints]


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