Timeline for June 21 to June 30 2008
21/22 - KC is at TL's apartment all weekend. MKi asks where Caylee is and KC tells her she is at the beach. KC adds 23 photos of her at Fusion to
her myspace page.
21 - 9:30 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:30 am KC calls voicemail.
10:23 am KC calls TL, 20 minute conversation.
10:56 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
10:56 am KC calls voicemail.
11:11 am KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
12:40 pm KC calls AH, 7 minute duration.
4:52 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
4:52 pm KC calls voicemail.
4:53 pm KC calls AH, 2 minute duration.
4:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration.
5:01 pm KC calls AH, 4 minute duration.
8:19 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
8:57 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
10:15 pm TL calls KC, 6 minute duration.
11:32 pm JG calls KC, 3 minute duration.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/21/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.
22 - 9:35 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:35 am KC calls voicemail.
9:37 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:37 am KC calls voicemail.
12:06 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
12:06 pm KC calls voicemail.
12:23 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
12:27 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
2:37 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
2:37 pm KC calls voicemail.
2:40 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
3:20 pm KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
3:21 pm KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
3:21 pm "Enjoli" attempts to call KC
6:27 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell phone.
6:27 pm KC calls voicemail.
6:31 pm KC calls MH, 4 minute duration.
8:38 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
8:38 pm KC calls voicemail.
9:57 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:57 pm KC calls voicemail.
10:11 pm KC calls Anthony home, 6 minute duration.
10:18 pm KC attempts to call MH.
10:20 pm MH calls KC, 4 minute duration.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/22/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.
23 - 1:11 a.m. MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
1:11 a.m. KC calls voicemail.
12:30 pm KC calls MH, 51 second duration.
12:31 pm KC attempts to call JG.
12:32 pm KC attempts to call JG.
1:32 pm "Zombie debt collector" leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
1:32 pm KC calls voicemail.
1:41 pm AH attempts to call KC
2:44 pm KC calls TL, 2 minute duration.
2:51 pm KC attempts to call JG
2:51 pm KC calls AH, 10 minute duration. (22 seconds after last call)
3:02 pm TL calls KC, 1 minute duration
3:04 pm KC calls AH, 9 minute duration
3:19 pm MH calls KC, 5 minute duration
4:01 pm TL attempts to call KC
4:08 pm KC attempts to call TL
5:32 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
5:35 pm KC calls CA's cell, 10 minute duration
5:54 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
5:54 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (3 seconds after last call)
5:54 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration (35 seconds after last call)
7:18 pm KC calls Anthony home, 5 minute duration
7:23 pm KC attempts to call TL
7:24 pm KC attempts to call TL
8:07 pm TL calls KC, 4 minute duration
8:30 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration
8:52 pm KC attempts to call TL
BB thinks he sees a green pick up at the Anthony house and remembers hearing KC's voice. He believes a male was with her. KC runs out of gas in the
near vicinity of the Anthony home. Calls TL and asks him to drive toward her parents' home. He meets KC walking down the street (not by her car)
and they drive to the Anthony home. TL uses a tire iron and breaks in storage shed in backyard and KC takes two gas cans. TL sees BB while at the
Anthony house. When they arrive at the car KC will not let TL put gas in car. She puts gas from cans in car herself and TL just hands her the cans.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/23/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until sometime after 1:41 pm (Pings 1-7).
She then appears to have been in the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found area until possibly as late as 4:00 pm. (Pings 8-9)
This would have been when she ran out of gas, called TL, broke into GA's shed and stole the gas cans. This would be the period of time when BB saw
TL's jeep at the Anthony home. She spent the rest of the day at TL's apartment (Pings 11-25).
Week of 23-27: GA claims he sees KC leaving the Anthony house in his wife's vehicle and chases her down the 408. GA also states this could have
been the week of the 16th.
24 - 9:56 am TL calls KC, 11 minute duration
10:30 am GA finds shed broken into, gas cans gone. He files a
report with the OCSO. Warns BB's son to let his family know
that some one broke into his shed.
11:20 am KC calls Gentiva, 6 minute duration
12:40 pm KC sends a Facebook message to TB stating she has not been living at her parents' home in 9 days and references "drama".
1:19 pm JG calls KC, 12 minute duration. This is the phone call JG originally stated he thought he heard Caylee in the background, but has since told
LE he thinks he mixed this phone call up with the 16th phone call.
2:15 pm KC calls AH, 23 minute duration.
2:48 pm KC attempts to call Gentiva.
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (25 seconds after last call)
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (16 seconds after last call)
2:50 pm KC calls CA's cell, 1 minute duration
2:55 pm KC attempts to call TL
2:59 pm KC calls AH, 13 minute duration
3:12 pm KC calls JG, 2 minute duration
3:15 pm CA calls KC, 4 minute duration
3:20 pm KC attempts to call TL
5:25 pm KC calls CA's cell, 10 minute duration
5:36 pm KC attempts to call MH
7:05 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC
7:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 12 minute duration
11:00 pm TL calls KC, 3 minute duration
11:05 pm TL calls KC, 16 minute duration
11:52 pm TL calls KC, 9 minute duration
KC tells CA that Zani's sister (Samantha?) and mother (Gloria) drive to Tampa to visit Zani in the hospital. KC tells CA that she drove to Orlando
to get insurance papers for Zani.
GA states that at 2:25 pm KC shows up at Anthony house. (This is not possible, see phone records above.) Claims she only has 10 minutes to get
clothes and get back to work for an event. GA asks about Caylee. KC says she is with Zani. Gas can encounter occurs.
KC adds 6 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.
AD requests extension on her citation on 5/24/08 for no seatbelts.
CA would later claim in a Greta interview conducted at the Anthony home around August 5th that she talked to KC this day (prior to her showing up at
the Anthony home) and told her about the shed being broken into. There are no phone records to support this claim.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/24/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until about 2:15 pm (Pings 1-5). She is
then in the area of the Antony home/LA home/location where remains would be found from around 2:42 to 2:55 pm (Pings 6-8). She then appears to have
spent the rest of the day at TL's apartment (Pings 9-22).
25 - 12:42 am - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
12:42 am - KC calls voicemail.
12:52 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva.
12:54 pm - KC attempts to call MH.
12:57 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
12:57 pm - KC calls voicemail.
12:57 pm - KC calls MH, 13 minute duration.
1:36 pm - 407-629-5765 leaves voicemail on KC's cell
1:36 pm - KC calls voicemail.
1:36 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva
1:38 pm - KC calls AH, 20 minute duration.
2:12 pm - KC attempts to call CA's cell
2:13 pm - KC calls Gentiva, 4 minute duration
2:18 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva
2:18 pm - KC calls AH, 5 minute duration
KC has phone call with AH and talks about horrible smell in her car. Talks about smell more than one day. Says she doesn't know what it is but
speculates her dad may have ran over something when he borrowed it. Says "it smells like something died in my car". Says the engine is the source
of the smell.
6:26 pm - KC calls 866-361-4999, 2 minute duration
6:36 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 45 minute duration
9:11 pm - KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration
9:54 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
9:54 pm - KC calls voicemail.
KC sends BS a myspace message about coming to Fusion on Friday night - hot body contest. BS also receives an email from KC about coming to Fusion.
KC tells CA she is at a hospital Tampa sitting with Zani who has been in a car accident.
KC makes an online payment for her cell phone bill of $377.33
FDLE receives list of contacts from KC's cell phone records and initiates background checks on KC, TL, JG, Katelyn France and Savannah Carter.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/25/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.
26 - 8:56 am - KC attempts to call MH
10:14 am - TL calls KC, 10 minute duration
11:36 am - CA calls KC, 9 minute duration
2:00 pm - KC calls JG, 1 minute duration
2:43 pm - KC attempts to call MH
3:17 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
3:17 pm - KC calls voicemail.
3:34 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
3:34 pm - KC calls voicemail.
4:57 pm - RP calls KC, 12 minute duration
6:50 pm - MH calls KC, 4 minute duration
7:26 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 3 minute duration
7:29 pm - KC attempts to call AH
7:30 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:35 pm - AH calls KC, 19 minute duration
9:55 pm - KC calls AH, 2 minute duration
11:28 pm - MH calls KC, 18 minute duration
11:41 pm - TL calls KC, 4 minute duration
11:47 pm - KC calls MH, 9 minute duration
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/26/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.
27 - 9:37 am - KC calls CA's cell, 2 minute duration
10:22 am - KC calls AH, 9 minute duration
10:35 am - KC calls JH, 3 minute duration
11:09 am - KC calls JC Penney's, 1 minute duration
11:28 am KC calls TL, 2 minute duration, and asks him to pick her up in parking lot of Amscot. Says she has ran out of gas.
11:34 am KC texts AH and tells her "there was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car". KC tells AH Caylee is at the
beach with nanny and CA. KC goes to Fusion.
11:47 am KC calls TL, 1.9 minute duration
11:51 am KC calls JG, 5 minute duration
1:47 pm - KC attempts to call JG
1:47 pm - KC calls 407-312-9587, 2 minute duration
1:51 pm - KC attempts to call 954-478-9899
1:51 pm - KC attempts to call 954-478-9899 (30 seconds after last call)
2:27 to 3:51 pm KC's cell phone pings show her in the same area (near Blanchard park area).
2:03 pm - KC attempts to call JG
2:07 pm - JG calls KC, 3 minute duration
2:11 pm - KC attempts to call JC Penney's
2:27 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
2:27 pm - KC calls voicemail.
3:51 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 51 second duration
5:00 pm - AH calls KC, 3 minute duration
5:39 pm KC IM's ID asking if he has plans tonight.
6:43 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 4 minute duration
6:49 pm - KC attempts to call MH
6:51 pm - MH calls KC, 7 minute duration
8:32 pm KC makes a call to BoA Weather
8:33 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
8:33 pm - KC calls voicemail.
9:01 pm - Anthony home calls KC, 2 minute duration.
9:06 pm - Anthony home calls KC, 6 minute duration.
9:12 pm - KC attempts to call TL
9:13 pm - KC attempts to call TL
9:13 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:14 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:27 pm - MH attempts to call KC
10:21 pm - KC attempts to call JG
10:38 pm - KC calls "Enjoli", 1 minute duration
11:30 pm - KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
11:55 pm - "Enjoli" attempts to call KC
KC texts AH and tells her that for the second Friday in a row she has ran out of gas. (NOTE: As far as can be discerned, KC is wrong in this
statement. There is no evidence KC ran out of gas on the 20th. Both TL and BB's interviews later confirm the first date she ran out of gas (and
took the gas cans) was Monday the 23rd, not Friday the 20th.) Later tells detectives it ran out of gas and that 2 men helped push it into the parking
lot. Those two men have not come forward if they ever existed. When TL arrives at Amscot Casey is out of her car with grocery bags and clothes in
her hands. KC tells TL she will take care of the car later. She leaves her purse in the abandoned car. (KC later tells CA she left a note on the car
saying she would be right back to get the car.) KC texts Ah and says she got rid of the dead animal that was stinking up her car. From this point on
KC is staying every night at TL's. KC calls JG and asks him to come to Fusion. Tells JG Caylee is with nanny. JR confirms KC was at Fusion this
night. KC texts RM and asked what is going on for the next night. KC tells CA that JRo brought Zani home to Orlando from the Tampa hospital. KC
tells CA that JH arrives in Orlando.
From ping map produced by Websleuths
here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/27/08, KD appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until about 10:30 am (Pings 1-3). She is
then in the area of the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found from around 11:09 am to 11:30 am (Pings 4-7). She then appears to
be in the Jay Blanchard Park/AR home area for a few minutes (possibly until around noon) (Pings 8-12). She then returns to TL's apartment until
about 2:10 pm (Pings 13-23). She then goes to the area near AH/RM's apartment (possibly the JC Penney because she had called that store at around
11:00 am (Ping 24). She returns to TL's apartment until about 8:30 pm (Pings 25-37). And then appears to go to Fusion Ultra Lounge (Pings
27-30 - KC later tells CA she spent these days with JH.
28 - 8:56 am KC attempts to call RM at work
7:15-9:05 pm KC buys two tickets to "Wanted" at Waterford cinema
KC texts AH asking if she has gas cans. KC calls JG asking if he has a gas can and tells him about running out of gas and where her car is. TL or KC
rents a movie at Blockbusters at 9:43 pm. KC later tells CA she spent this day with Zani and JH at JH's hotel room at the Hard Rock. KC is with TL
all of this day.
29 - KC spends all of this day with TL.
4:21 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
4:21 pm KC calls voicemail.
5:02 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
5:02 pm KC calls voicemail.
5:08 pm - KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration.
30 - 12:36 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
2:51 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
5:32 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
5:33 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
6:10 pm KC makes $73.40 purchase at JC Penny (Fashion Square Mall) on CA's credit card
8:36 pm KC makes $7.49 purchase at Target
Manager of Amscot has KC's car towed to impound lot after the third day it set abandoned. KC doesn't know her car has been towed. KC takes TL to
airport for trip to New York. KC shows up at RM's apartment at 9 a.m. and asks AH to take her to buy a gas can so that she can put gas in her car.
When they arrive at the Amscot the car has already been towed. KC sends text message to TB stating she is planning to fly out to Puerto Rico at the
same time as AH. KC later tells CA that JRo watched Caylee while she worked because Zani still couldn't watch Caylee due to the concussion from the
accident. KC tells CA JRo took Caylee to Universal.
[edit on 6-13-2009 by Valhall]