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Explosive Video - No stimulus money for "White Male Construction Workers"

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by cal7man

I'm not commenting on American policies, I'm commenting on a misinterpretaion of a person's words & meaning to the extent of this person being called a racist.

I have placed no comment on the actual policies or wether I agree with them or not.

If I see someone's words being distorted, as a person I believe I have the right to correct this.

And please, correct me if I'm wrong in doing so.


edit to add: I have every right to comment on what I deem as racism. This type of discrimination is not only confined to America.

Thank You.


[edit on 22-1-2009 by marker3221]

[edit on 22-1-2009 by marker3221]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

Dont appreciate you telling me what to do in response to you, as you say it is an open forum, i can chose to ignore you or not. Your quote"I'm sure if he really said this it would be all over the internet by now, I guess we will wait and see." Most of the news sources(85%) on the internet are MSM agenda oriented, proof being if you use Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then you are on the other side of the fence, and you are spouting off because of your statement on one of your previous posts, which states in a nutshell, i don't see it on the internet so i don't believe it, Limbaugh went over this for 20 minutes on his show, watch HANNITY and im sure your will hear the same thing...... BTW, i was not ignoring but busy replying to another post.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:59 PM
White male construction workers were in the same boat as minorities are in today. They usually end up being homeless alcoholics and drug abusers that dropped out of high school. Juveniles and convicts. Prison boys. And in todays world making way too much money for the work in which they are supposed to be conducting. Most of them are slackers. They slack around the job sites pretending their work is valor. Often times you might find them drinking beer and smoking on site. Not much to call work. I'm all for barring stimulus money to these white male construction workers.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by cal7man
reply to post by Uniceft17

Dont appreciate you telling me what to do in response to you, as you say it is an open forum, i can chose to ignore you or not. Your quote"I'm sure if he really said this it would be all over the internet by now, I guess we will wait and see." Most of the news sources(85%) on the internet are MSM agenda oriented, proof being if you use Fox News or Rush Limbaugh then you are on the other side of the fence, and you are spouting off because of your statement on one of your previous posts, which states in a nutshell, i don't see it on the internet so i don't believe it, Limbaugh went over this for 20 minutes on his show, watch HANNITY and im sure your will hear the same thing...... BTW, i was not ignoring but busy replying to another post.

No, I said I will wait and see, this can't be the only soul video of this exchange on the internet, if it is then that is a 1st.

If you could show me a video where the words actually match the guys lips then I would be happy to form an opinion.

Rush Limbaugh is an idiot, and I wouldn't waste 1 second of my life listening to him, Neither would I with Hannity, this says alot about your character, and so does your grammar for a 40 year old. Maybe you should educate yourself before telling others to.

And quit putting words in my mouth just because you don't like my opinion, and maybe next time you have something to say you can back it up with sources instead of 'SPOUTING' as you like to say.

You through the first stone by attacking me for my opinion, don't be surprised for getting hit back.

I'm so glad ATS has an ignore button, now I can get rid of the head ache you are.


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:59 PM
I am disappointed in my fellow ATS posters. You're screaming "Racism Racism!" just because the man refers to a demographic?

I live in NYC and I am a visual display builder. I am not in a major construction union but i am part of a professional union. My uncle was a construction worker, non-union. i learned how to build from him.

A good majority of the construction workers, police and firemen in this city are of Irish, German and Italian decent. These jobs are often family traditions dating back generations to WW immigrants.

The fact is many people are offered construction jobs because they know someone. I don't particularly find this unjust. But I welcome the idea that in this economic crisis, congress is very concerned with making sure everyone gets job opportunities.

Nowhere does he say they will NOT give jobs to white males, that would be racist. Like not letting a person eat in their restaurant because of the color of their skin_javascript:icon('

Just because a man suggests giving equal opportunity to minorities, and women he is being a racist? Are you the same people who think sharing the wealth with the middle class is socialism? I think you don't know what racism is. Or you have a preconceived agenda and are searching high and low for anything to back up your bigotry.

It is you who start the fire not these men. Reich is talking about giving minorities and non-professionals a chance at future construction jobs in NY.

Please don't fall for these shallow one dimensional propaganda videos. We're supposed to be smarter than that.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:03 PM
Robert Reich's Blog puts in print basically the same thing he said in the video.

and, here is the source, Naked Emporer News for the video in the OP

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by WISHADOW

LOL you have no clue what your saying. There are rules (set by the GC companies, OSHA, and their own company) that workers have to follow. You make it sound like a giant party. I have seen some drinking on the job but not many. Argue if you want. I've been working in this field for years.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:05 PM
A reminder to refrain from personal attacks and to remain on topic.

Thank you.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:05 PM
What a crack of arse!

The sound and the video are not even on the same planet!

It's a bit like playing the Death Star battle scene at the end of Star Wars over a video of the weather bulletin with random on-screen messages telling everyone the planet is being attacked by aliens from outer space!

Before anyone starts believing this can the OP or someone please post an official transcript of the event (do they do this?) or at least provide a video where the sound and video match up precisely.

This current video is proof of nothing and begs the question: why has it taken 14 days for it to be released?

Plenty of time for some dodgy editing IMO

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Alright, I have now watched this video for a third time and talked about it at some length with my sister.
The best I can come up with is that they are talking about contracting people to rebuild the infastructure and then using THAT as the backbone to finance the stimulus package that will go to EVERYONE, regardless of tax-paying status. And I'm talking about hobo joe under the bridge here. EVERYONE.

Honestly, if their economics work, I don't have a problem with it.
However, I don't trust that their economics work, but I can't determine that without seeing the numbers.

I'm just gonna have to trust them.
In actuality, I would hope that a check for 2,000 dollars to the homeless man would be used to get himself into an apartment, get himself cleaned up and find himself a job.
I realize this is probably fanciful and we'll just have to see.

At the end of the day, I'm afraid that they are about to FLOOD the economy with money and I don't agree, but this isn't racism.

Non-issue from the racism side, but a very valid complaint from the scope of the economics.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:17 PM
They won't need a stimulus package if they get their way.

The plan was to re-do all the over due construction work to stimulate the economy and if it's classified as federal work they get paid by the hour big bucks.

I worked construction and did a federal job for about a month I was getting paid nearly 300% more than my average pay.

First and only time I ever saw the crew so happy to come to work every day and not one complained which is just unheard of with the crew I worked with.

That being said I think he saying in the end spread the money out just don't target it toward a certain group.

But using those words he is pry getting a lot of negative attention right now, because honestly not everyone on my crew was white.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by WISHADOW
White male construction workers were in the same boat as minorities are in today. They usually end up being homeless alcoholics and drug abusers that dropped out of high school. Juveniles and convicts. Prison boys. And in todays world making way too much money for the work in which they are supposed to be conducting. Most of them are slackers. They slack around the job sites pretending their work is valor. Often times you might find them drinking beer and smoking on site. Not much to call work. I'm all for barring stimulus money to these white male construction workers.

EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

Generalize much?

My husband graduated high school and the went into the Marines, and served in Vietnam,

After he came home he worked for the state, then drove a semi, now the last 25 years he has been a carpenter,

and he is not a slacker, nor does he drink.

Plus he works hard for what little pay he gets,

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:27 PM
As I recall what Obama had originally sad about any new stimulus checks would be they would be only for the lower class folks. People who were or AFDC, and who were as the poster said above street people. That way they could get there selves back on track. Alot of folks, on low income did not even get the first checks, they will now get one. This includes folks on Disability. Anyone who was disabled and there families was not allowed to recieve a check before not even for there kids. That was not right at all. Alot of these folks are just scraping by. And if they can get a stimulus check this time I think they deserve it.


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by redhatty

So Voted on and So Elected. Bought and paid (Produced by) George Sorros, Directed by Stephen Spielberg, Staring Barry Sorrento as Barack H. Obama...

Welcome the New World Order with Glowing aspirations and High praise for the Anointed one, Lord Barack Hussein Obama your new premier.

Mark my words, America will be attacked again within a year, Martial Law will be declared and people will be taken away in the middle of the night or in broad daylight, the sheep will be lead to slaughter.

The gun owners will be the last to go, since we have the ability to protect ourselves. That is until they come in the dead of night or take your families first.

Think it can't happen, hmm... Waco, Ruby Ridge, Elian Gonzalez. The Department of Homeland security now has US Soldiers that have police powers.

Just research it, scary things are happening, only now are going to faster and bigger the longer this goes on. Government is not the answer. It is the Problem.

Vote out all the incumbents this next election, vote in people that can do some good.

It's time to take back the Government from the rich and let common/competent people Govern the will of the people, for the people.

For 20 years now I've watched, listened and learned.

Now postulate on everything I've written above. I could go on and on but what good does it do to sit on this blog and pretend it will all go away.

Long live Conservatism...


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:00 PM
I think we are headed for race wars inside the united states. I bet we will see more things like this in the future.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:03 PM
If this blatant attitude of reverse racism is to be the new norm in the senate and congress then I see a era of hard times for all caucasians regardless of of weather you are middle class or not.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:04 PM
This is just the beginning my friends...Obama and his administration don't have to hide their racist agenda anymore. The mainstream media won't criticize these racially motivated policies and the white people who elected this bigot get to ease their white guilt all the more. America, you are going to get EXACTLY what you deserve for not paying attention to B. Hussein Obama's ultra-liberal, racist ideology. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Remember that!

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by tac109
I think we are headed for race wars inside the united states. I bet we will see more things like this in the future.

No doubt, I have been hearing a lot of chat room and internet chatter, to this effect, talk of states succeeding from the union'

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:11 PM
I aggree that racism is racism no matter what. But this doesn't sound like racism, it sounds like affirmative action. I hate it and think you should be awarded jobs based on the best price and best work. That is what drives people to better themselves. If you missed the bid because your price was too high, then next time you might bid lower. I am aware of the real world situation where a black lesbian in a wheelchair has the best chance at gettting any government bid reguardless of price, and I think that needs to change. My idea is to stop welfare al togeather and educate the inner city and poor country folks with the money that was for welfare. Then create jobs in the US doing all the things we are subbing out to other coutries. Just think of the pride that would be instilled in people if they actually earned their money instead of having it handed to them. And the ones that don't want to work, will go hungry or get a job. The folks that are disabled will have social security and possibly a subsidised pension. Manditory millitary service for all (min 2 years). There. Now vote for me.

(BTW, I meant no offence to any with my comments.)

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Yeah... I watched about 10 seconds of that video and it is obviously dubbed.

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