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Warning! Enlightenment is Dangerous!

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:17 PM
There is a point at which man is NOT meant to penetrate, at grave peril to his immortal soul.

There is a mystery of God, and a place in man (at the crown chakra) where that mystery and the living Spirit of God which accompanies it, must be dilineated from the "little I am" of being human, and to cross that line involves an abomination, since what is above is perfect, holy and pure, and what arises from below, is corruptible.

It is akin to cross the line from "I am a child of God" to "I am God".

Trust me on this - you don't want to go there or try to walk that sacred ground of being, it's best left as it is - an eternal mystery.

Therefore, on approach to the mystery, there is a threshold which we are NOT meant to cross into.

Friends, keep your spiritual scullcap on your head at all times!

+21 more 
posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Sorry I choose to not believe what you just wrote.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:26 PM
No kidding.

The last two teachers we had that were enlightened proved this.

The Buddha was constantly hounded by Mara and spent his days suffering, and the other one, Jesus, got crusified for it.

Maybe that's why in some of the mystery schools I have attended they have an expression: Walk backward into the Light.

However, I congratulate you on reminding us of this. I think that we have to be cognisent of our safety at all times.

Thank you.


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:27 PM
I am God.

Deal with it!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Tentickles
Sorry I choose to not believe what you just wrote.

you better... because what he wrote is the absolute truth.

'Enlightenment' is nothing more than forbidden fruit. The same fruit that Adam and Eve ate. It is basically forbidden knowledge. It might taste good at first, but it comes from the realm of darkness.

Makes me wonder how much knowledge I've gotten by sitting at my computer that has a huge APPLE LOGO on it with with bite taken out of it.

Becareful what truth your searching for.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:30 PM

Total enlightenment aka : death or just snippets of it?
I personally feel enlightened by love, joy , empathy, hope and intuition.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Therefore, on approach to the mystery, there is a threshold which we are NOT meant to cross into

hello Tentickles
this line is a place of no self reflection
in otherwords it is a place where no individual self can pass through
"No One wakes up"
and no one self gets enlightend

because to become one with all ...
you first have to lose your own self identity
so have no fear

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:37 PM
That "forbidden fruit" you are referring to is actually christ consciousness. Which we are all a part of. We all have this connection, however due to the way the "system" was, we were taught to close ourselves off from this. People are starting to "wake up" and realize that we are all the same, and that we can connect to our original source. It will only be a matter of time until, enough of the collective consciusness is "awakened", until it starts to happen to everyone. My only advise to the poster is that when that comes and you start to physically manifest the fears that have been placed in you, know that they are only as real as you allow them to be. After all, we are all a spark of the "one" and we create our own realities.

love and light

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:38 PM
I just love it when religion poses as HP Lovecraftian fiction.

More I Say!

What should we fear.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by SonOfChaos

I just love it when religion poses as HP Lovecraftian fiction.

More I Say!

What should we fear.

What he said.
Im watching intently.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:43 PM
I can only wonder why this is posted in the secret society forum?

Hmmm....Why would somebody encourage us not to attain enlightenment in a secret society forum?

Also if this is so....

Therefore, on approach to the mystery, there is a threshold which we are NOT meant to cross into.

Then why is this threshold gateway built into our body?

[edit on 21-1-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:44 PM
Any time I see the word "mystery" employed in a spiritual context, I'm immediately reminded of the historical penchant of 'The Church' to declare that certain aspects of its teachings (namely those exposed as irrational, potentially contradictory, ETC.) are simply part and parcel to the Divine Mystery -- a cop-out, at best; intentionally misleading, at worst.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:46 PM
I personally dont see whats so "EVIL" or "FORBIDDEN" about anything you just said. Some people can misuse the "forbidden" knowledge, but the "forbidden" knowledge can only be learned through unconditional love for and from all life. So really this is not a bad thing and Im fairly certain that you are unaware of what you are actually talking about.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:52 PM
This thread explains everything.
Nothing to see here.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12 This thread explains everything.
Nothing to see here.


Yes, Christianity does have a way of muddying the otherwise crystal-clear water that is the enlightened mind.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:08 PM
Too bad if you let the demons of the church control you.
The Christian Church wants you stuck in guilt and fear-the lowest state of mental hell.
They want you lost in mental and spiritual poverty.
That is the opposite of what Jesus teaches though.
The crown chakra enlightenment can be achieved and has been.
Most churches want to control you so they only let you rearrange
the flowers and light some candles. Churches will keep you down
and in spiritual poverty. They don't want you to follow Jesus path to
enlightenment because that would mean less income for them.
However Jesus wants you to follow his path-precisely.
The path of compassion-no hate and no fear allowed.
And the fearless Saints that do this rise into enlightenment.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Electricneo
Too bad if you let the demons of the church control you.
The Christian Church wants you stuck in guilt and fear-the lowest state of mental hell.
They want you lost in mental and spiritual poverty.
That is the opposite of what Jesus teaches though.
The crown chakra enlightenment can be achieved and has been.
Most churches want to control you so they only let you rearrange
the flowers and light some candles. Churches will keep you down
and in spiritual poverty. They don't want you to follow Jesus path to
enlightenment because that would mean less income for them.
However Jesus wants you to follow his path-precisely.
The path of compassion-no hate and no fear allowed.
And the fearless Saints that do this rise into enlightenment.

How's that working for you? Can you raise the dead yet? Walk on water? Heal those that are blind, and those with leprosy?

No? Looks like you need a lot more "enlightenment" then.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Electricneo
...The Christian Church wants you stuck in guilt and fear-the lowest state of mental hell. They want you lost in mental and spiritual poverty. That is the opposite of what Jesus teaches though. [...] Jesus wants you to follow his path-precisely. The path of compassion-no hate and no fear allowed. ... [emphasis I_F's]

Teaching attributed to Christ:

"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." -- Luke 14:26 (NASB)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

Hmmmn. I dont know where to start. I have had a few experiences i kept to myself my whole life then recently found out they could be linked with epilepsy. The experiences didn't make me feel like i wa god, but apart of something alot bigger than our world, a while back i had another experience which was different but seemed linked to the others. Upon researching descriptions of this i found it was not only shared by a number of epilepsy suffers but it was also describing what some call the kundalini. I was also intrigued to find they both carry the same symbol the caudeceus. I DO think there is a conection between them and am looking further into it at present. The feeling starts in the abdomen and works it way up to the crown of your head - which feels like fire. I presume it is electric in the brain?? It really intense and quite scary. Like others, at this point passed out and when i came to felt as though all my questions had been answered, felt a feeling of completeness/onesness and a feeling of pure ecstasy better than an orgasm (it is possible :lol
but kind of like a diffrent type of one starting somewhere else. I also felt weighlessness, almost like i was floating.

Anyway, thats how i see it being dangerous, the fire, i feel its deadly and personally beleive this is the reason for this:

I also think that epilepsy is like a physical explanation of the kundalini, maybe i'm wrong, its just weird how it all seems to fit.

Like you said there is a danger of going from 'I am of god' to 'I am god'.
I have also watched clips of epileptics who have had similar experiences and have beleived they were god. Epileptics do not have a choice to enter this realm or not. They are forced into it where others try to get there. I think it may also be accountable for many religious prophets that people followed.

I think the temporal lobes could explain alot of things and the subject fascinates me:

[edit on 21-1-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:45 PM
The simple fact of the matter is this: classical monotheism (E.G. Christianity) is antithetical to the key principle of enlightenment; which explains the fear-mongering mumble jumble in the OP.

[edit on 1/21/2009 by Icarus_Fallen]

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