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Alien artifacts discovered underneath crop circles

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+46 more 
posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 05:58 AM
Im sorry if this has been posted before, but its a fairly old video. Ive never seen this until now. I thought it was interesting enough to share with ATS. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:13 AM
Very nice find

Crop circles had been ridiculed to much over the years, but I still like seeing them and the explanations.

Well Played.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:19 AM
That was a really nice clip to whatch.

I feel refreshed thank you.

Take care.


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by h3akalee
That was a really nice clip to whatch.

I feel refreshed thank you.

Take care.


Yes but im trying to dig more into this video, ive never heard any mention of these artifacts in any crop circle case, its got my attention to say the least..

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:36 AM
It seems that they're talking about the crop circle found on 1991 in Grasdorf, Germany

18 inches below the ground, in three of the pictograms design symbols (identified by their accompanying arcs) three large metal plates of extremely pure Gold (a sign of the Golden Dragon I suspect), Silver, and Bronze (another sacred triad), were unearthed, each containing the complete pictogram design in relief (the opposite to the embossed field design, Ref. 17).


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by internos
It seems that they're talking about the crop circle found on 1991 in Grasdorf, Germany

18 inches below the ground, in three of the pictograms design symbols (identified by their accompanying arcs) three large metal plates of extremely pure Gold (a sign of the Golden Dragon I suspect), Silver, and Bronze (another sacred triad), were unearthed, each containing the complete pictogram design in relief (the opposite to the embossed field design, Ref. 17).


Thanks inferno for the input, im gonna study this a bit more, and check out your links, thanks again.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Here is an article with some more information:

Hesemann writes about the finding, and the later analysis. What were found were three plates: a bronze, silver and one gold plate, the bronze and silver now in the hands of an industrialist. They were shown at his internationally UFO conference, "Dialogue with the Universe", in Dusseldorf, Germany in October, 1992 and used again when he filmed a piece on the Grasdorf case for the US-TV programme, "Encounters" in April, 1994. In addition, the Tugingen lawyer, Dr Roemer-Blum, arranged a scientific evaluation at the German Federal Institute for Material Research (Bundesanstalt fur Materialpufung) in Berlin. Their conclusion, after carefully analyzing both plates was:

"Plate one (silver color) consisted mainly of quite pure silver (what an understatement!), with an additional ingredient accounting for less than 0.1%. The weight of the plate was 4.98kg (11lbs). Plate two (bronze color) consisted of a copper-tin alloy (of which the tin content amounted to 10%-15%), nickel and traces of iron amounting to less than 0.

This meant that the silver plate consisted of 99.9% pure silver, purer than sterling-silver. Furthermore, a spectrographic analysis of both plates proved that they had not been made from a cast but from some kind of conglomerate of silver nuggets and natural copper and tin pieces of the type found in Germany’s Harz forest, not far from Grasdorf. They had been produced, either by heating up to a degree that partially melted the metals - or in a low-gravity environment.

This is certainly an intriguing case, and I have not been able to find any information that points to this being a hoax. Thanks to the OP for posting this!

And wouldn't it be great if someone was able to track down this industrialist who is supposed to have the metal plates in his possesion?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Call me crazy.. but as soon as I saw this I couldn't help but think that it is a very simple picture of a time line showing of a galactic alignment?..Possibly. Notice how the middle image seems to be the most significance.. bearing the cross emphasizing everything embodied and observed in the Zodiac.

If a race were trying to tell us something they knew we wouldn't know how to translate.. I'm sure they would say it in the simplest way possible. Through drawings! I mean look at it. What do you see?

Yet again.. this was just my immediate thought. Be nice, I don't think I can study crop circles for a living, lol.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by ohh_pleasee

Perhaps it is a chart similar to our periodic table of the elements. The metal plates buried under their respective locations. It could also be a map of a structure on the moon and where the treasure is. interesting....

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Wow, this is interesting!

The video mentioned that it was found in 91. That is like 18 years ago and this video is all we have to show for it? There must be more. Going to check out the links internos posted.

The video mentioned "celtic" glyphs but I that a lot of celtic symbolism was a little more complex that what is depicted in the crop circle.

Good find

[edit on 14-1-2009 by george_gaz]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by stikkinikki

It is interesting indeed.

Could you imagine what kind of messages we would get from these if they were simply viewed as what they could mean, not only constantly debated whether they are legitimate or not?

I personally think crop circles are legitimate messages that are so simple if we were given the meaning on paper in plain English we would be like 'OH DUH!! Why didn't I see that?!'

Maybe this is the reason they are so harshly debated in the first place. The human race could figure out alot more if they figured out information that was given to them. Literally.

But who is going to try to translate anything if they are just viewed as 'delusional'. Visual evidence right in front of you, with people studying them backing up that they do not believe at all that it was a human hoax, and scientists are the first ones to try to discredit something!

Also, I know this is a bit unrelated nor am I stating my particular beliefs here, but no one needs visual evidence to believe in God..

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:40 AM
Excellent find!

What strikes me as perplexing is that the crop circle and the engravings on those plates are exactly the same! I wonder if we'll ever be able to figure out how this came about? Why were the plates found 18 inches below the surface?

Why would a hoaxer dig it down? Or did he copy the crop circle from the plates and then buried them so that he could retrieve them later? After all, a pure silver plate weighing 11 lbs must cost a fortune!

If the CC was alien in origin why would they want to bury these plates? And what is the significance of these plates to the ETs anyway?

What were the results of the detailed scientific analysis conducted on these plates if any? If not why weren't they put through the grind like the object found by Bob White? Recovered Piece Of UFO! Is This Irrefutable Evidence Of Alien Presence?


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

What were the results of the detailed scientific analysis conducted on these plates if any?

A scientific evaluation were performed at the German Federal Institute for Material Research (Bundesanstalt fur Materialpufung) in Berlin. Their conclusion was:

Plate one (silver color) consisted mainly of quite pure silver (what an understatement!), with an additional ingredient accounting for less than 0.1%. The weight of the plate was 4.98kg (11lbs). Plate two (bronze color) consisted of a copper-tin alloy (of which the tin content amounted to 10%-15%), nickel and traces of iron amounting to less than 0.

This meant that the silver plate consisted of 99.9% pure silver, purer than sterling-silver. Furthermore, a spectrographic analysis of both plates proved that they had not been made from a cast but from some kind of conglomerate of silver nuggets and natural copper and tin pieces of the type found in Germany’s Harz forest, not far from Grasdorf. They had been produced, either by heating up to a degree that partially melted the metals - or in a low-gravity environment.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:56 AM
It mentions that one of the plates is bronze. I found this odd because bronze is an alloy (mix copper and tin) so does not occur naturally (like gold and silver).

So would an alien species go to all the trouble of mixing up some bronze just for this? or perhaps they keep it stock piled? Did they teach the ancient Europeans how to make bronze?

Hmm, very interesting. I can't believe this has just come out now (which makes me suspicious). Good find!

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:11 AM
I would be HIGHLY suspicious of the person who claimed to find these "relics".

I would presume they made them themselves!

Too much media seeking goes on in the UFO field and needs to be de-bunked.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
I would be HIGHLY suspicious of the person who claimed to find these "relics".

I would presume they made them themselves!

Is it easy to make something made from 99% silver? Let alone find the material in the first place.

(That is an honest question, I honestly don't know the answer

[edit on 14-1-2009 by george_gaz]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:49 AM
YES! This is the kind of stuff that gets my hopes up! I'll be checking and researching but this is so much better than video of lights or eye-witness accounts! As suspicious as I am, these are the kinds of things that get me excited about the possibility of visitors!

Thanks for posting this!

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Is it easy to make something made from 99% silver? Let alone find the material in the first place.
[edit on 14-1-2009 by george_gaz]

The metal can also be produced during the electrolytic refining of copper and by the application of the Parkes process on lead metal obtained from lead ores that contain small amounts of silver. Commercial-grade fine silver is at least 99.9% pure silver, and purities greater than 99.999% are available. In 2007, Peru was the world's top producer of silver, closely followed by Mexico, according to the British Geological Survey.

If this was a scam they got far more money than they would for the scrap value of the metals.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Some more info....

The gold one was what is known as "altgold," which is also of highest purity. A Mr. Pfeiffer was later able to track down the finder of the plates, and purchased the silver and bronze ones for 50,000 Deutschmarks (about $30,000). Unfortunately, the gold plate had been melted down and was sold for a few hundred thousand Deutschmarks to a jeweler. Yet, the high purity of the two remaining plates was verified by the German Federal Material Inspection Authority, which for all practical purposes, ruled out the possibility of a hoax. What an expensive hoax that would be.


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Wow. The fact that he sold them and even melted the gold plate down makes me very suspicous. Who sells alien artifacts they find under crop circles? I don't think I would be capable of such a thing.

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