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The Best Ectoplasm Ever!!!

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posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Cool pictures, apart from orbs and mist have you seen any aparitions of figures? also when the freind came round to the house, did she make contact with any spirits?. If not maybe you could see about getting a medium to visit and see what they say.
There was some good advice given earlier in the thread about setting up a tape recorder and camera's, maybe this is something you should try too.
Anyway keep us up to date wont you, i'm from west yorkshire by the way, were in east yorkshire you live? if you dont mind me asking.

[edit on 16-1-2009 by reg]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by zerozero00

I wasn't calling you a liar or saying that it was smoke. I only suggested that it might be steam, from the coffee in the mug. Steam is not smoke.

I was merely pointing out that you need to lighten up and learn to just accept the fact that not every random stranger on the Internet is going to believe you. It's not cool to throw temper tantrums about it.

Since you seem to be more interested in throwing fits and stomping your feet going "I'm NOT wrong!" than answering any constructive questions that are asked of you, I'm out of here. Peace.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:50 PM
still just smoke, i cant explain the orbs. but that is smoke from a cigarette -- the blue hue gives it away. my entire family smokes, you can walk into one of their houses at any given time of the year and see that aparition. no joke.

the orbs -- dont know.

but 24.5 years around smokers. yeah... i know smoke when i see it. you can say no one was smoking, then the smoke is paranormal but it is still just smoke.

you can keep denying for ats points cause thats all i see this as.

cigarette smoke has a blue hue from the paper its burned in.

marijuana usually has a brownish hue.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by reg

Thanks for your post Reg!

The medium who came round did not like my house!
She wouldn't tell me what the problem was, but you could tell she felt very uneasy!
She said it was bad...but I don't believe her!

And yes I have had many strange things happen in this house, and yes I have thought of having a medium round again as I know there is something giving of powerful energy in and around here....I haven't tried using a tape recorder or setting up a camera over night as I feel I don't need to!....If I was after something to happen here it isn't hard to get it!
It doesn't take a lot of asking....Loud music and loud voices tend to get a reaction!
Maybe Woodwytch should pay me a visit!!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by 30 Seconds

...and mattifikation

I've been smoking myself for over 20 years and have never seen anything like this before, also the coffee cup is empty as you can see if you look, you can see his hand through the glass, I don't know why he is still holding it as you can clearly see it has a dribble at the bottom of the cup!

Like I said I don't have to justify myself as I have plenty of experiences to know what is going on, I am sharing my pics in the hope someone else who has pics like mine ( I have hundreds!) will post on here and tell of there experiences!

My pictures are open to any analysis to prove authentication!
If it can be proved, it will be!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I have done a bit of remote sensing and I saw a box like thing. 15 by 15 cm perhaps, the heighth I guess 10 cm. It looks greenish and I think it is somewhere in the house, maybe you already found it. The lid looks like a roof, and something on top of it sticking out.

Do you recognize this? Are there small cupboards built in? Maybe in the kitchen or somewhere near to it. Did you investigate these?

Does this all ring a bell?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:53 AM
By the by, I am now smoking and the smoke looks like the stuff on the picture but is by far not so wide spread. Much denser. Also I understand something different then you, OP, do when it comes to ectoplasm. It is supposed to be something physical. Like wet toiletpaper

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by QueenofWeird
I have done a bit of remote sensing and I saw a box like thing. 15 by 15 cm perhaps, the heighth I guess 10 cm. It looks greenish and I think it is somewhere in the house, maybe you already found it. The lid looks like a roof, and something on top of it sticking out.

Do you recognize this? Are there small cupboards built in? Maybe in the kitchen or somewhere near to it. Did you investigate these?

Does this all ring a bell?


Thats MUM in LAW!!!!

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

I'm not joking!!!

We have that box sat by side of the sofa you see in the picture!!

Mum in laws ashes!!!!

It has a photo of her on the top which is what you can see as the thing sticking out!!


The green box you described is as accurate as you could possibly imagine!

It has a little compartment inside the box which Mum in law is!

Thank you so much for making my hair stand on end!

I can see the box as I write this too!

Awesome work Queenie!!!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

Well spotted ... I did mean 28th Dec 2008 ... always jumping ahead of myself.

No, not Whitby ... the other side of the moors in Kirkbymoorside.

I noticed you joined my website and with you in mind I added a new 'Member's Photo Gallery' page today ... it would be great if you had some of your pictures on there for other's to see.

Because my site is designed for newcomers to the paranormal you'll find we're a friendly little band. I think it's important that people don't get shot down in flames for having different opinions before they've had chance to explore all the possiblities.


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

I did not see any green box in the picture. At least not consciously....
Are you serious? I also, after posting, saw a female left hand, old and claw like with long reddish painted nails. Was that your MIL too?

Is there a connection between her and the house? Or your oldest child?

But what about the small in-built cupboards? Does your house have them?Did you thoroughly check them?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by QueenofWeird
reply to post by zerozero00

I did not see any green box in the picture. At least not consciously....
Are you serious? I also, after posting, saw a female left hand, old and claw like with long reddish painted nails. Was that your MIL too?

Is there a connection between her and the house? Or your oldest child?

But what about the small in-built cupboards? Does your house have them?Did you thoroughly check them?

You have done an amazing job seeing the green box, especially how important this box is to us!

MIL fell Ill in this house 4 years ago...and its possibly her hand you see....My eldest daughter is left handed if thats relevant!...maybe there is a lot of relevance to my eldest who works abroad and is going through a very tough patch!

What could the small built in cupboards relevance be?...We do have one in the kitchen with small compartments there(3 x draws) under a double door cupboard!...Its used as our drinks cabinet or "happy cupboard" as we call it!
The cupboard is the only part of the kitchen that is original to it as I renovated/restored the whole house!..
I shall take a look in the cupboards now though...but I don't know what i'm looking for!

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Hi Woody!

Yes! I certainly will make a contribution to your web site when I've had chance to look at it properly but it sure does look fun and very interesting!

Hope to see you around there soon and thanks for the interest!!

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

Somehow I feel that there is a presense in your house that is a bit of a joker, it gets irritated quickly but is not evil at all.

Then there is the promise you and your wife made to your MIL which by now you should have fulfilled but you still have not. At least that is what your MIL feels.

For some reason the name Anja came to my mind.

I have no idea why I thought about the built-in cupboards. It might be totally unrelated. I feel that you might find things there, or another space.

Regarding your oldest daughter, I think she is sort of a receiver in a paranormal sense.

You have to know, all this stuff just comes to me. I am just like a radio if you like. I don't even really believe in life after death.

A lot of paranormal activity can be made to disappear if people start to become relaxed (which can be quite difficult when weird stuff happens!) as if somehow people's stress feeds the unknown entities.

Anyways let me know if you find something in the built-in cupboards.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by QueenofWeird

"Then there is the promise you and your wife made to your MIL which by now you should have fulfilled but you still have not. At least that is what your MIL feels."

Maybe that she is still here??

Maybe the promise was that we were going to spread her ashes somewhere beautiful and fitting, yet she is still here!!....We have mentioned this to each other over the past few years, maybe its time to make a move on that score!
My daughter has just split with her partner and feels very alone at the moment, its an emotional time for us all regarding her being away from home....

Joker in the that does make sense...a lot of sense!! now you've said that a lot of incidents in the past have now become clearer!!

Anja is strange...not a name I know but very close to my partners, daughters and MIL's names so a little confusing....

I'm so impressed by what you've picked up!
Please continue if possible......

p.s I knew there was a reason why I made this post!
In fact Queenie and Woody!...You have both put a very big smile on my face!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:15 AM
to all of us thinking it;'[s smoke,,

well, the op is now gonna call us all pricks,,,,can't believe mods let that go

we must remember,,,, he may have been smoking on the hooka and honestly believes there was no smoke in the room,,,that may be his true distorted memory,,,therefore that is the truth to him ,,,so no matter what that's gonna be his true story

we may have to take into consideration the OP's mental state and decide to just give up

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

I have sent you a u2u with more info. You could be right on the money regarding the ashes, yet I see a lawn with tall leafy green trees. It is a medium cold day, maybe in March or October. The leaves are green and fresh, not yellow.

If you promised to release the ashes, you should do so like your MIL wanted. Maybe that will eleviate the paranormal stress in your home.

EDIT: I somehow thought that you had written about dispersing the ashes in the sea. Now I see you never wrote about where specific, only in a beautiful place. Maybe the lawn? Actually it is a broad road somewhere in the country. It has a UK feel to it.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by QueenofWeird]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by shortywarn
to all of us thinking it;'[s smoke,,

well, the op is now gonna call us all pricks,,,,can't believe mods let that go

we must remember,,,, he may have been smoking on the hooka and honestly believes there was no smoke in the room,,,that may be his true distorted memory,,,therefore that is the truth to him ,,,so no matter what that's gonna be his true story

we may have to take into consideration the OP's mental state and decide to just give up

Thank you so much for posting!!
Your contribution is most welcome!!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Just for the record, I don't think it's smoke. Just like I know the one Springer got wasn't smoke. I'm not sure calling it ectoplasm is the right thing, and I don't know what this phenomenon of a gathering type of energy that can be caught on digital camera would be called, but I do believe that between the OPs pic and between our pic, we are capturing the same type of manifestation.

[edit on 1-17-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Hi Valhall!

Do you have a link to the one springer got by anychance?

Yer! I'm not sure what its called, but if you google image ectoplasm you do get a lot of these "smokey" looking entity's come up!

Thanks for your input Val!

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