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Universal Federation?

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posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:30 AM
I was wondering what peoples thoughts one there existing a Federation of speices in are galaxy? A kind of United Nations in space. To me it seems a likely step for advanced speices that have made contact to form some type of system to deal with matters of importance to the universe. Also if you believe there is some sort of system like this out there what do you think is the requirement for a speices such as humans to join a group like that? Any thoughts on the subject are welcome

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:33 AM
Any race with the ability to maintain contact with other stars likely has the means to destroy entire civilizations. So there are really only three possibilities, assuming contact is possible and necessary.

1) There is some sort of unified code of conduct that, if any one race disobeys, the rest come in and smack them down.

2) There is no unified code. All races are pretty much prepared to destory eachother at a moment's notice.

3) All races agree to have zero contact with eachother, no matter the situation.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:37 AM
If you did a search I am sure you would find a lot of imformation on various Star Trek like federations on the BBS.

If one exists we haven't been invited and honestly I don't blame them.

IMHO I don't think there is one. When you look into it, it seems that most of these supposed races are all fighting with each other for the most part. So if they exist, they're not above fighting amongst themselves.

No phaser beams or Quark's bar for us for a while I'm afraid.

Keep looking though.

The true key is to not look for answers because you'll never find them. Just look for harder questions.


posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 09:51 AM
They already got that its called the Galactic Federation and 40 percent of them are humans, they are supposed to be our ancestors. They are the greys and reptillions most powerful enemy. Thiers supposed to be over 1 million cloaked ships of thiers in our solar system and in orbit around our earth thier supposed to come in 2012.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 03:02 PM
link what a load of crap that is, yea thats right millions and millions of ships just hanging out around earth in a big massive big, so dense that we would have problems sending probes outside of earths orbit, let alone the fact that they are cloaked and somehow impossible to precieve by humans.

Oh Okay.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 03:08 PM
With regards to a universal federation of "races" here is my small logical problems.

A. How do each of these various "races" communicate with each other ?

B. If there is a federation and they are not out to wipe each other out, then why have they not contacted the "earthlings" ?

C. They must have some central "meeting spot" or some centralized communication method, why have we not picked up on it ?

D. Since on earth evolution has "weeded" out the weaker of two competing species, why have we not been "weeded" out then by a more superior species ?

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I was wondering what peoples thoughts one there existing a Federation of speices in are galaxy? A kind of United Nations in space. To me it seems a likely step for advanced speices that have made contact to form some type of system to deal with matters of importance to the universe. Also if you believe there is some sort of system like this out there what do you think is the requirement for a speices such as humans to join a group like that? Any thoughts on the subject are welcome

Yes, there is a federation of planets. Literally translated it is called The Intergalactic Union. It is made up of five galaxies, four surrounding one. Ours is one of the surrounding. In the union are over 5200 worlds of advanced intelligent races of people. There are a relatively few additional worlds of people in these five galaxies, but not being advanced yet, they are not participating inside of the union yet. Humans on Earth are among the newer races.

Advanced races mainly only visit their neighboring worlds because of distance and time it takes to travel. All advanced races are networked to share necessary information throughout the union.

I learned this from the organization of the 218 alien races visiting Earth.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 03:45 PM
You wouldn't happen to have a photo or anything of you and just one of these 218 alien races would you?

Maybe at an intergalactic federation bbq.

I'm sorry I don't mean to make fun, and I don't doubt your sincerity Earthsister but a little proof would be nice.

I just don't think they're that organized, if they exist at all.


posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:03 PM

No, I do not have any physical evidence that I could show people publicly to prove my claims or information and that is the rule for all alien experiencers. When somebody claims to personally have a piece of "alien evidence" you can know it is not what they think or claim it is.

The physical evidence of alien existence and visitation is all over our planet, and throughout history. The alien races do not hand out or allow personal evidence to be had by their contacts because of gross misappropriation by authorities and because of the danger it would put their human contacts in with those authorities.

No matter what people see of evidence, the evidence does not prove to humans what it really means. There is always another clause and another possibility in humans' minds. Disinformation still rules, and people will still believe literally anything declared by any authorities or any popular opinion or belief system.

By having no physical evidence, I am left free to speak. When I work with other alien experiencers to help them figure out what is really going on in their lives, the aliens handle for them any personal evidence of validity that they need.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:08 PM
I don't disagree with your point of view and I certainly don't dismiss your experiences...yep here it comes...but...a picture or say a star chart that would acurately point to a radio signal or something is not technology that can be abused.

While lack of evidence doesn't mean something is false, complete lack with an excuse doesn't mean it's all real.

How do you know the aliens you have had contact with haven't been lieing to you?


posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I was wondering what peoples thoughts one there existing a Federation of speices in are galaxy? A kind of United Nations in space. To me it seems a likely step for advanced speices that have made contact to form some type of system to deal with matters of importance to the universe. Also if you believe there is some sort of system like this out there what do you think is the requirement for a speices such as humans to join a group like that? Any thoughts on the subject are welcome

Watch the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" It is a quite a bit dated, but it shows a very possible human reaction to a group of ET civilizations trying to get the people of Earth's act together. Basically, the alien message is "become peaceful or we are going to vaporize all of you, because you will eventually become a threat to our own peace."

And of course, Human folly soon follows.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:28 PM

Well, I do actually have a crude star chart that points to a star, not a radio signal, and someday it might mean something to others if I decide to go that route with it. However, bear in mind that it would not prove anything about me or what my family and I claim, because anybody could say or even "officially determine" that I had stolen it, and publicly declare me a fake and a thief because of it. Generally, most people would believe that rather than what I teach about alien life. To those who believe "something" but don't know what it is, everything looks the same, but it's not all the same. Most of the information going around and around among humans about alien life is not true at all.

I have complete trust in my alien contacts because I have known them all my life. In all the things they have told me and taught me, none of them has ever come out to be false or misleading. My husband and I work together with the alien races and he will tell you he feels the same way. We have a great deal of respect for them and only want to help in what they are doing.

My drawings of my alien contacts are accurate enough to depict them to others who have alien experiences. It is not necessary or even wise to prove things to just everyone.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:33 PM
Ok, this is addressed to anyone who is claiming to be in contact with this Federation, whether it's directly or indirectly. Just for the sake of argument, I'm going to assume you are correct in your claims. This includes the information you have recieved indirectly through abducties or whatever as well, trusting that their information was also true or verified by you as being factual. That being said, here is my question...

It is said that these Various numbers of species are to some degree Fighting it out with other races. Sometimes the story varies a bit as to who is good or bad and stuff of that nature, but the idea is still pretty much the same. The exact details aren't a big issue at this point either in view of my question. That question being, "Why is it that such advanced ET's or Ancient Human Ancestors or Higher Beings or whatever, with their Advanced Knowledge and Technology, are having such problems Fighting each other??"

I mean shouldn't they basically have the knowledge to wipe out entire races of beings on very large scales?? If in fact such Advanced Beings are actually Fighting still, which seems illogical to me personally, but let's say they are for some reason having 'Star Wars'
I don't understand how such Wars could last all that long. Plus, being that Earth is supposed to be involved, how is it that a Major Event hasn't happened here yet. I mean major like "War of the Worlds" or "V" or 'Alien Nation' type of scale, ya know what I mean. As in something totally impossible to cover-up in other words.

Understand, I totally believe in the possibility of Intelligent Life elsewhere. Also that they might have the technology to get here and everything. I lack any hard evidence however, but understand enough about quantum mechanics and so forth to know that it is certainly not impossible. Yet there are some things that just don't seem to fit right.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Good movie but I haven't seen it in so long that I almost forget it.

With the alien races' visiting Earth and preparing to make a global appearance and first open contact, their greatest fear is that they will have to protect themselves from us. If this happens in any way, it will set the progression of our relationship back again.

The disinformation is so bad around here, that to have no information or evidence is better for us. To offer evidence to our species too soon will only cement the dogma we still believe with. Why provide evidence for misassumptions?

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:50 PM

There are disagreements between races, but no fighting the way we know fighting. "Advanced War" is an oxymoron. Everyone wants the same thing the most, which is peace. You are right, an advanced race could wipe out another race, but that is thinking of a primitive race projected onto an advanced race. For instance, if we humans do not evolve and advance properly and safely, we will not be allowed the opportunity to venture far from our planet to do out there what we do here, that is if we ever got to that point without destroying ourselves first.

Recently our most advanced races have completed the organization of all the races visiting Earth. Some of the races who had to comply with the new standards of doing things did not want to but had to anyway and finally did. The ones who refused to comply were dismissed from our planet. There was no fighting involved. It was and continues to be completely diplomatic.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:59 PM
Tbh i dont think they are all fighting eachother

There are factions of different sides that are allied with eachother "good" and "bad"

And yes earth was actualy given a proposal from an "federation" and warned about certain "others" as a lot of races/alliances had started to take serious intrest in earth from several different sides/partys (not just 2) but didnt agree due to one of the terms of agreement (with some) was to firstly disarm any nuclear weapons

Earth didnt agree due to it could be seen as a weakened area of defence agenst any incoming hostiles

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Crash]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
With the alien races' visiting Earth and preparing to make a global appearance and first open contact, their greatest fear is that they will have to protect themselves from us. If this happens in any way, it will set the progression of our relationship back again.

Oh, well allow me to spoil the suprise for ya. If such an Open Contact would actually happen, an offensive action is exactly what you're gonna see. I mean is there any question as to that happening??

You're talking about the Human Race here. The same Race of creature that not only kills Any and All other creatures which pose NO THREAT at all, but has an unbroken history of mass Genocide of it's own kind as well. All this killing for reasons as shallow and pathetic as Skin Color, Culture, Personal Beliefs, Property, Money, and even for a Pair of Nike Shoes in some cases. Sometimes for no reason at all other than it was simply something to pass the time.

Personally, if I came upon this planet and saw what a large percentage of People are doing, I wouldn't make contact either. Probably wouldn't even come near such savage, simple minded, destructive creatures without 'Shields Up and Photon Torpedoes Locked & Loaded' either. I know there are many, myself included, that would welcome another race without any agressive actions. However, 'we' seem to be the minority at present. Honestly, the typical human being, and almost all Human Herds, absolutely discust, and horrify me almost daily with their ignorant, selfish and destructive behavior. At the rate we are progressing as a whole, we aren't fit to 'play with others' or 'explore space' for atleast another Great Cycle of the Mayan Calander.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm

Originally posted by EarthSister
With the alien races' visiting Earth and preparing to make a global appearance and first open contact, their greatest fear is that they will have to protect themselves from us. If this happens in any way, it will set the progression of our relationship back again.

Oh, well allow me to spoil the suprise for ya. If such an Open Contact would actually happen, an offensive action is exactly what you're gonna see. I mean is there any question as to that happening??

You're talking about the Human Race here. The same Race of creature that not only kills Any and All other creatures which pose NO THREAT at all, but has an unbroken history of mass Genocide of it's own kind as well. All this killing for reasons as shallow and pathetic as Skin Color, Culture, Personal Beliefs, Property, Money, and even for a Pair of Nike Shoes in some cases. Sometimes for no reason at all other than it was simply something to pass the time.

Personally, if I came upon this planet and saw what a large percentage of People are doing, I wouldn't make contact either. Probably wouldn't even come near such savage, simple minded, destructive creatures without 'Shields Up and Photon Torpedoes Locked & Loaded' either. I know there are many, myself included, that would welcome another race without any agressive actions. However, 'we' seem to be the minority at present. Honestly, the typical human being, and almost all Human Herds, absolutely discust, and horrify me almost daily with their ignorant, selfish and destructive behavior. At the rate we are progressing as a whole, we aren't fit to 'play with others' or 'explore space' for atleast another Great Cycle of the Mayan Calander.

Well that depends i believe some want to help

Also some could have other uses for us

Basicly in a contoled situation with the right things Earth Humans could be seen as a ready made army

As in majority they dont care about the truth and overall in general dont care also if some 1 in their country takes injury others take it personally because the person is from their county (if they were injured by a person from another country)

Also there is another factor among people are milaterys "If We Could We Would"

Basicly if controled in the right way you could have an army that couldnt care less who its up agenst and what its fighting for and if it loses any people they just get more agressive and determined (As people lisen more in groups weather its right or wrong as Hitler did that and it had a massive effect and he knew how to control people in groups without even having to be right or moral)

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm

Personally, if I came upon this planet and saw what a large percentage of People are doing, I wouldn't make contact either. Probably wouldn't even come near such savage, simple minded, destructive creatures without 'Shields Up and Photon Torpedoes Locked & Loaded' either. I know there are many, myself included, that would welcome another race without any agressive actions. However, 'we' seem to be the minority at present. Honestly, the typical human being, and almost all Human Herds, absolutely discust, and horrify me almost daily with their ignorant, selfish and destructive behavior. At the rate we are progressing as a whole, we aren't fit to 'play with others' or 'explore space' for atleast another Great Cycle of the Mayan Calander.

I agree 1000% Most likely, no level headed ET would want to deal with the selfish, deceitful and violent race we are. We have ALOT of growing up to do.

I too would welcome contact, but I think the worldwide initial human reaction would be "shoot first, ask questions later."

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

There are disagreements between races, but no fighting the way we know fighting. "Advanced War" is an oxymoron. Everyone wants the same thing the most, which is peace.

Makes perfect sense to me. 'Peace' in fact is a pretty simple thing to achieve after all. How this little FACT has escaped people for so long I don't understand, as it requires Literally Nothing from anyone. For example, if everyone one earth truely wanted peace, we'd have peace, instant world peace right that very moment. That's what's so damn cool about it. Fighting, Wars and all that B.S. is what is difficult to do and takes so much time to achieve. It's nothing but a bunch of work. Peace on the other hand, is extremely easy and becomes a complete and total reality the very moment everyone wants it, stops fighting and for the most part does nothing at all which prevents it. Since we don't have peace, the obvious conclusion is that there are a Large Number of People who DO NOT want Peace. Isn't that the most illogical and backward idea you've ever heard?? Yet, it's our reality, held by so very many as normal and I'm usually percieved as being the strange one in the crowd. I tell ya, it feels like I'm taking Crazy Pills or something, cause to me it is so simple to see and I can't understand how others miss it. I mean every child on earth sees it along with many others, and yet there are millions who just don't get it. Explain that cruel joke!!

Recently our most advanced races have completed the organization of all the races visiting Earth. Some of the races who had to comply with the new standards of doing things did not want to but had to anyway and finally did. The ones who refused to comply were dismissed from our planet. There was no fighting involved. It was and continues to be completely diplomatic.

So exactly what happened to my memo, huh?? These Super Intelligent Beings do know that the so called Leaders of the world DON'T speak for all of us, right??? May I request that when the next Invitational Meeting happens that I am allowed to represent Myself as an individual instead of being grouped in along with the 'Smart Monkey Population'??

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