It shows that solar storms from the sun are soon underway (With a mention of the most active storms occuring during 2012) which will damage power
grids, water supply and sewage disposal.
Is has been called "catastrophic" by leading scientists, believed to cause much more damage than the solar storms caused in 1859 that melted power
lines and ignited widespread fires in Europe.
Oh... sorry everyone. I was confusing single solar storms with the prediction solar storms occuring during a clash between the sun and nibiru.
The title of the article just caught my attention when I spotted it.
what's this they're trying to sell now? I never bought into man-made global warming, so it's hard for me to trust these guys. Of course, this could
be exactly the purpose of it. could this be when they cry wolf truthfully?
"Oh my lord, melted power lines and fires!! EVery man for themselves!!!"
This is probably the next stage, except meteor strikes has been replaced with Sun Storms. Perhaps the realisation that Global Warming is being caused
directly by the sun is their method of building on public fear.
The stage after this one will probably be threats from Extra-terrestrial intelligences.
The Cold War Nuclear M.A.D. threat
The so called "Overpopulation" manipulation
New Ice Age
Avian Flu
Global Warming
Economic Crisis
Sun Storms
Extra-terrestrial threats
Darn, I just washed the dog for nothing! Added to that the Earth's magnetosphere is apparently extremely weak for some reason and they even measured
a large hole in it. I would not put my money in a 6 year CD account now with this information.