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My Top-5 Illuminati-Occult Hollywood productions. This should raise an eyebrow.

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+12 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:23 PM
To continue my protest that ATS needs a Hollywood Conspiracy board (or whatever ATS wants to call it.) I've decided to give a few more examples.

Again... I feel the need to repeat myself. I do not nessasarily believe everything in the youtube videos I'm about to post, but I do believe most of it.

I want people to open their eyes... take a good look at the movies that are our everyday entertainment, and you tell me their is no substance to what I say. You tell me there isn't any subliminal messages behind the scenes, and you tell me that there are not Masonic / Illuminati / Occult images in these clips. Some people might say... "well even if it is in the movies, who cares"... Well if you don't care, leave the thread please, and stop telling me how crazy I sound... I don't go to the Alien / Ufo board and do the same thing.

#5. A Clockwork Orange. (1971)

We start off simple. Stanley Kubrick is one sick director. Most people on ATS have seen Eyes Wide Shut and 2001 Space Oddysey (which also contain subliminals), but I want to focus on this movie in particular. I want to ask the question... Did MKUltra take place in the 70's?

#4. The Big Lebowski (1998)

How much more obvious does this movie need to get... my main concern isn't even brought up by the person who made this youtube video (who talks about groups using the number 5 instead???). Well what about the fact that (4:43) he wrote 9-11-1991 on a check while George Bush Sr. is speaking in the back ground? This movie is directed by the Cohen Brothers... and there is video made by the same guy that points out subliminals in the movie Fargo.

#3. The Matrix (1999)

Oh yea... the movie that is suppose to wake us up? Funny. Directed by the Wachowski brothers who also made V for Vendetta (youtube covers the subliminlas on this as well). But nevertheless many people will argue that there is suppose to be religous overtones in this movie... but what about all the images? And Neo's passport was not even brought up in this video.

#2. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Yep... 70 years ago the illuminati made the ultimate movie that we would feed our children for generation after generation. I don't have much to comment on... other than wasn't there a rumor that a Munchkin commited suicide while the movie was being filmed? Regardless... I think this video shows some serious occult subliminals. (And remember I don't agree with everything the video illustrates)

#1. The Fifth Element (1997)

This movie has it all... A police state, shape shifting lizards, Nibiru, and enough sun pyramid and occult images to last you the rest of your life. Oh yea... here is the key... There are a group of Masons that believe in a supreme being... This movie layed it out for all of us to see... but did we notice? No we didn't notice... We were to focused on how funny Chris Tucker was.

But just remember this... All these stupid lizard conspiracies, these Niburu theories... Were created in this 1997 movie. So it's nothing new. And this occult hollywood crap is nothing new either... as I pointed out with the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

Watch the videos for yourself... formulate a opinion... and make a reply. But please, no insults are needed.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11/1/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:42 PM
I've seen every one of these movies, except the Big Lebowski. I thinkl you are seriously warped. The Fifth Element was probably one of the worst movies ever made, And A Clockwork Orange was probrably 2ond. Kubrick made some good movies, but that wasn't one of them.
(Actually, Gone With The Wind was the worst movie ever made, and Casablanca was the best.)
And please provide support for your accusations against the Wizard of Oz.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by kettlebellysmith
I've seen every one of these movies, except the Big Lebowski. I thinkl you are seriously warped. The Fifth Element was probably one of the worst movies ever made, And A Clockwork Orange was probrably 2ond. Kubrick made some good movies, but that wasn't one of them.
(Actually, Gone With The Wind was the worst movie ever made, and Casablanca was the best.)
And please provide support for your accusations against the Wizard of Oz.

Did you watch the videos I posted? I provided support for every movie... Watch the videos.

+25 more 
posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Um...Kubrick EXPOSED these Illuminati-mind control-NASA Lies-et al!

I won't hear of anyone using Kubrick as an Illuminati aid in any form. He was opposed to them and this shows in EVERY one of his movies. He was actually killed for his last movie "Eyes Wide Shut" which EXPOSED the Illuminati and their secret dealings.

Please get your facts straight. The other movies you listed probably are pro-Illuminati. NOT and I repeat NOT Kubrick.

Thanks for listening.


posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Aye, you are correct. Its gotten to the point where I watch a movie to first pick out all the symbols, and when I can read the movie sufficiently, then I watch it again for any enjoyment value. As a result, I don't go to the theaters anymore. Narrows down my first date options drastically. Lol, but anyways, There is an even more in depth thing going on here, involving what the actores have played previously and what they represented in other movies, which is how they get cast. Watch some of soundlessdawns videos. I myself have raised my consciousness levels to where I don't really care about the whole New World Order thing, and my belief is that the Powers that Be want us to to find out this information. The first reactions we get is fear, anger, hate. And this is what They feed off. In fact I think that they are actively trying to make people "aware" of the Inner Illusion as I call it ( the Outer Illusion being the third density) Take for instance the new 2012 movie. They are using their movie "magic" to make a movie about the end of the world. sounds scary. If you watch the trailer, it tells you to go look it up on google. As you probably know, these internet research trips eventually lead right back to some kind of info and if someone is watching the trailer on youtube, chances are they will lookup 2012 on youtube, which will definitely come back with something on NWO.

The question then becomes, why. Why do TPTB WANT us to become aware. How are they benefitting from it? And have no doubt, they are benifitting from it. As you well know, they don't really do things that just benefit us. I would be interested in your Ideas on this.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Um...Kubrick EXPOSED these Illuminati-mind control-NASA Lies-et al!

I won't hear of anyone using Kubrick as an Illuminati aid in any form. He was opposed to them and this shows in EVERY one of his movies. He was actually killed for his last movie "Eyes Wide Shut" which EXPOSED the Illuminati and their secret dealings.

Please get your facts straight. The other movies you listed probably are pro-Illuminati. NOT and I repeat NOT Kubrick.

Thanks for listening.


No I'm listening... because that's why I asked the question... wern't mind control experiments known as MKUltra pretty popular in the 70's?

This is why we need a Hollywood Board on ATS...

because I don't doubt what you are sayin with Eyes Wide Shut...

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:11 PM
Maybe im just crazy or sump fink but I think fifth element was a great film along with clockwork orange. So there!!!!!!!!! Yes I have no doubt that you probably are right OP but Im sure these films were made as an eye opener. In Fact most of his films where given the maximum age restriction and/or banned in some countries so my hunch is they did not want these films to air otherwise it would of course be a blockbuster hit, rated 12's.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by kcfusion]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

MK-Ultra is not really Clockwork Orange as much as 'mind control' (there is a difference I believe) Anthony Burgess wrote the book, which Kubrick did so very well translating. Actually the two disagreed on a few things - you can google for all that info - there is a ton, same with all his movies. MK-Ultra is more child abuse that splits the personality into 'alters' that can be controlled via triggers that are put into the mind usually at the time of the abuse. So yeah I can see how it is similar, yet Alex was more mind controlled... again many links on MK-Ultra I suggest you start with Cathy O'Brien.

MK-Ultra is dated from what I've read by today, and much more technical means are used. I don't even know what it is called today..anyone else?

Eyes Wide Shut , now that is more MK-Ultra styles with Nicole Kidmans part is interesting ... some suggest her character is under programming, and the orgy scenes you see ritual (which is 100% Illuminati) and the naked 'kittens' are all sex slaves... all mind controlled... robotic.

Full Metal Jacket also shows the blatant brainwashing of the conscripted men who lose their own identity and names to be replaced as a brainwashed type machine ... to KILL KILL KILL ....some say (me included) these methods are used today in armies and police to control and make them robotic (que for the armed force personal to jump in saying "we are people, this is NOT true") but anyway of course you'd say that if you were unaware of your programming.

2001 that's a whole different topic he exposes ... NASA lies, moon life and zorgon probably knows how 2001 ties in with these more than I.

every other movie has tones of exposure on many levels, his films were ****ing BRILLIANT, and NO ONE has come close to matching the balls of this mans legacy. Yes I love him

btw .... he also did participate in the Spielberg movie A1...which again is another story in itself.

Please watch ALL Kubrick movies, and the exposures will start popping out at you, and they become so blatant at times, you 'get it' and it becomes funny, even comical.

Can anyone recommend any other Kubrick like flicks...I sure do dig his style.


[edit on 9-1-2009 by watchZEITGEISTnow] edited for spelling

[edit on 9-1-2009 by watchZEITGEISTnow]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

How do you know he isn't using these movies as some sort of ritual propaganda rather than exposing these people for what they are?

Wow... I liked how you brought up Full Metal Jacket... another form of mind control.

You've just pointed his three most popular movies focus on mind control. Do ou think that it might be ironic that I'm possibly suggesting that these films are being used as mind control on us?

But you claim that it's a warning?

BTW... Zeitgiest is NWO propaganda... atleast part 2 is.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by M157yD4wn
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

The question then becomes, why. Why do TPTB WANT us to become aware. How are they benefitting from it? And have no doubt, they are benifitting from it. As you well know, they don't really do things that just benefit us. I would be interested in your Ideas on this.

That is the question.

I can only speculate and theorize on how they benifit... because I'm in the same boat as you are.... Make no mistake about it... they benifit big time.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:56 PM

While I wouldn't object to a forum on here discussing Hollywood movies, mainstream music, etc I think your examples are well, bad. Those were all classic "Make the result fit the prophesy" type examples.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:03 PM
How do you know anything?

Everything is open to interpretation I guess, but I can only tell you what I have read and studied about Kubrick.

You can think Zeitgeist is NWO, I highly doubt it. Perhaps those that say it is are NWO themselves, aver thought that?

Best way to discredit something as powerful as Zeitgeist is to label it NWO propaganda, and see people swallow it up, same could be said for people that see Zeitgeist as right on the money.

This is where lengthy debates begin, and never conclude, due to the fact everything comes down to opinion. If you are Kubrick and you tell it as you see it, even then you can say he is lying. There can only be a truth that resonates within everyone. To me Kubrick was so anti-establishment that his movies hone in on this... double meanings are definitely there in many of his movies, but I certainly can't see him trying to hoodwink us all, but rather enlighten (npi) us on what the hell is really goin' on!


posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:21 PM
The 5th element ISN'T a Hollywood movie.

It was premiered at the Cannes movie festival in France.

An event that DOESN'T Promote Hollywood movies.

Kinda ruins your theory.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
How do you know anything?

Everything is open to interpretation I guess, but I can only tell you what I have read and studied about Kubrick.

You can think Zeitgeist is NWO, I highly doubt it. Perhaps those that say it is are NWO themselves, aver thought that?

Best way to discredit something as powerful as Zeitgeist is to label it NWO propaganda, and see people swallow it up, same could be said for people that see Zeitgeist as right on the money.

This is where lengthy debates begin, and never conclude, due to the fact everything comes down to opinion. If you are Kubrick and you tell it as you see it, even then you can say he is lying. There can only be a truth that resonates within everyone. To me Kubrick was so anti-establishment that his movies hone in on this... double meanings are definitely there in many of his movies, but I certainly can't see him trying to hoodwink us all, but rather enlighten (npi) us on what the hell is really goin' on!


Outstanding post... because it is open for debate... and no conclusion will ever be met.... except this one...

Does Art imitate life or does life imitate Art?

it is the chicken vs. the egg argument.... right?

As far as Zeitgiest goes... It seems to me that you and I agree.... We both believe 9-11 was a lie? right?

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

As far as Zeitgeist goes... It seems to me that you are an my boat in another circumstance.... We both believe 9-11 was a lie? right?

[edit on 9-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

Si! Inside job. Yeah 100%.

Here's the thing... I actually believe 1 world government CAN BE a good thing, provided it is fair for the people, and has no ties with ANY of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati (or any secret society).

This 1 world government would HELP people, shelter people, feed people, nurture people, CARE for people, be FOR the people, and it would be of loving nature rather than a fearful one. Transparent of course.

Think on a cosmic scale.... I'd think ETs would have one world governments of this kind, and probably thrive and exist in a peaceful way.


posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Um...Kubrick EXPOSED these Illuminati-mind control-NASA Lies-et al!

I won't hear of anyone using Kubrick as an Illuminati aid in any form. He was opposed to them and this shows in EVERY one of his movies. He was actually killed for his last movie "Eyes Wide Shut" which EXPOSED the Illuminati and their secret dealings.

Please get your facts straight. The other movies you listed probably are pro-Illuminati. NOT and I repeat NOT Kubrick.

Thanks for listening.


how the hell could kubrick expose them in such a blatent way if HE WASNT in it in the FIRST PLACE???

obviously he knew the inner workings of the system, therefore he had to have been initiated

you need to let go of your "love" for a man you prolly dont even know, and think about it rationally for just a minute plz lol

he may have turned agianst them AFTER he was already in it, but he had to have been in it initially

[edit on 10-1-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:21 AM

I'll let the main character of one of your selected movies sum up my response for you. You should swap the Big Lebowski with Blade Runner and it'd make a little more sense. Though, as WZN said, Kubrick was shedding some light on the odd things people do that have too much money, power, and influence, and I do believe it was his very own "expose." But again, everybody has their own interpretations.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:51 AM
The Big Lebowski part of a NWO brainwashing conspiracy... palease. I doubt there could be a film less likely to be part of some indoctrination program. It espouses everything contrary to what is the will of 'the man'.

I suggest you actually watch the film before you go ranting about it. Just because Bush Snr. features for a short scene doesn't mean its part of some illuminati ploy.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by The_Modulus]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:59 AM
clockwork orange is an awesome movie, one of my favs, fifth element was pretty good, along with the matrix, never was a fan of lebowski though, that film was never a box office hit in the usa, yet for unknown reasons it was a hit in europe, maybe due to these illuminati themes or just europeans bad taste I don't know, but I personally don't give a crap if a movie displays a lot of scenes with squares, circles or checkered floors, it isn't going to have an impact on how good or bad the movie is, and I seriously doubt most directors are doing it so they can make the illuminati youtube list, unless I'm missing the point, who are they supposedly sending this message to? I understand Kubrick, but other directors don't really think like that unless their lunatics, if you think about the illuminati symbolism you'll see it everywhere I guess

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:23 AM
hey kiddo....

feel bad for you fighting against these no=nothings. there are artists whispering from the inside of these movies. hidden, hidden, and hidden again. in my library, the most dumb-founding is called "wonderwall". it is somehow associated with the beatles 1960's psychedelic era. you MUST see it. it will explode your tiny mind.

u2u me if you cannot find it on the net....i may be able to host it privately.


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