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What is God? - Doug Yurchey

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:08 PM
I just read one of the most fantastic articles ever, it really halped mould what ive been thinking and feeling into something that is easy to understand and comprehend.

Here is the full article:

Ive cut out some snippets which were really meaningful:

Everyone asks this dull, drab, boring question. Therefore it should be dealt with immediately, which is not to trivialize this all encompassing query. Heres the problem…it is just too large of a question. Whats the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything? TOO BIG of a question is the dilemma.

Why not ask how suns and planets are created? Why not ask how humans can be created? No…people want to understand the big picture…so they question ‘who is the Architect of it ALL? Who is the overall Builder? People ask what is God as if they can understand the answer. They cannot even understand the question. The problem is the ‘question of God’ is not understandable. The problem is the answer of God is truly incomprehensible.

Before we try to understand the Architect (God), maybe we should attempt to know a bit about the architecture (the Universe). What of parallel worlds? There could be universes existing in different dimensions; invisible realms, different times? Why bring up the God question when we are so blind to true reality? Einstein called us ‘feeble creatures’ that are blind to the full spectrum of the Universe.

The question becomes ‘gods or God?’ There is an eastern philosophy that every cluster of galaxies has its god; every galaxy has its god; every star system has its god and every planet has its god. Every Big Bang could also have its god. Could these be alien life forms that rule in larger and larger cosmic Hierarchies? Are the angels aliens?

God was once plural; there were multiple gods as in ‘Chariots of the Gods?’ In books of India that predate the Bible, GODS flew in the sky and waged terrible wars. There were the ‘giants,’ the titans, the Children of Heaven and the Children of Men. Before Biblical editing, the word ‘gods,’ plural, was in the Old Testament. Editors changed ‘gods’ to the simplified version of ‘God’ in the Bible. You see, the once enlightened masses fell to the Dark Ages; people became simple and actually descended to primitiveness. They could no longer comprehend complex things or a universe of many gods. Gods became the single GOD. Hundreds of years ago, the masses became indoctrinated on a simpler view.

The Bible in Exodus Chapter 15, verse 3 reads that ‘the Lord is a man of war.’ This is wrong on so many levels. A hint of historical truth may be gleaned in the quote as we realize that the god of these people was a ‘man.’ The ‘war’ reference makes no religious sense (unless God is not good), but supports the concept that technology explains many Biblical events.

Enjoy reading if you get the time, its not that long.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Awesome!!! That is spot on with how I have felt for a long time.

THanks for sharing that.

The box. -> outside.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by kleverone
Awesome!!! That is spot on with how I have felt for a long time.

THanks for sharing that.

The box. -> outside.

Not a problem, what i really found to be nice to read was the end of the article, the Authors note, really good story.

One time I was getting off of an airplane and made my way through the airport. I came across a Hare Krishna person that gave away flowers or pamphlets. The guy was dressed in the appropriate attire of light robes. He shaved his head exactly like the members of his faith. He was virtually identical in appearance with others of his kind that populated the airport. Usually, I never get into a ‘deep’ discussion with a total stranger…but, I could not help myself.

A thought came to me that I had to explore with the Hare Krishna guy. He professed God’s love, which was all well and good. He spoke of how we should give up Earthly possessions, the ways of the world, physical pleasures and accept a life in complete servitude to your God. I later confronted him one-on-one and commented, ‘Ah, wait a minute…only a selfish, egotistical God would want such a thing.’

He stared at me not knowing what to say or think.

(Go to link to continue reading, ive already pasted enough.)

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