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BTS – GDC Gym and Diet Club

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:53 AM
we survived christmas - as usual.
many of us gained a couple of extra pounds.

one of the predictions for 2009 is:
i want to lose weight!

but usually we struggle hard, and than we fall down again and after a couple of weeks we got the idea that it is impossible to lose weight or to go to the gym on regular base or what ever.

therefore it is necessary to fight together.
we all got the same goal, so we can exchange tips and hints and support how to reach our goal:

losing weight
getting fitter!

i would like to lose about 10 kg for a start.
but most of all i would like to gain some muscles.
i am member in a local gym for about 6 months now, but since september i stopped all of a sudden to go to gym!

so what are your best ideas?
don.t eat at all?
just carrots?
low carb?
low fat?
high protein? / how to do for veggies?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:10 AM
OK OK, I guess I could join, but don't ask my weight.

A lady doesn't tell....

As for diet, I need to get off the carbs. Veggies would be good.

Exercise is the hard part, with the hours I work.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by orange-light

A sensible diet. Count your calories and be honest with yourself. It will help you realize just how much you consume. Once you get your diet balanced and at a reasonable calorie level, then you should start losing weight.

Combine that with a good exercise program and you will be fit in no time.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Blogstalker
… but don't ask my weight.

A lady doesn't tell....

i won.t tell my weight either, nor my age

i started to set small goals!
first i would like to lose 5 kg
than another 5 - which makes the 10 kg i would love to lose all in all!

Originally posted by Karlhungis

Combine that with a good exercise program and you will be fit in no time.

define "in no time" for me
karl, i am so impatient
that.s my problem.
and i know i love to eat carbs

i am easily getting confused.
some people say: just cut out the fat or the carbs, others recommend calorie counting.
other would just eat raw

i know i am eating to much sugar
problem is: tea doesn.t taste without

for a start:; i am riding my bike mostly every day.

sometimes, to be honest, i really want to lose weight but i am really fed up with counting calories or points like weight watchers does it.
it also means to weight every little bite!

but this is not only for me - it is for all the bts/ats girls and guys who would like to participate!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

And you make it sound so simple...which it isn't. *sigh*

Wish it was believe me.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:50 AM
it is very easy or far more easy for boys than for girls blogstalker
that is kind of unfair.

as far as i know it is because men got - naturally - more muscles and therefore they burn energy much more easily than women.
and if a woman comes to a certain age, it gets even more difficult.

wish i could turn around and it would be done!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:24 AM
It is not that much easier for men than women. It is difficult for both sexes. The reason it is difficult is because it takes commitment and a life change. That isn't easy for anyone.

Whether you are a man or a woman, if you can fully commit to changing your diet to something moderate and relatively healthy and combine it with an exercise program that you genuinely put effort into, you will succeed. Your level of success may differ based off of genetics, but you will succeed if you really commit to it.

Watch the biggest loser. The people who make it to the end of that show have put in genuine effort to both diet and exercise and they all go through dramatic changes, regardless of their gender.

It is possible for almost anyone but it takes commitment. Which I know is extremely difficult.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by orange-light

sometimes, to be honest, i really want to lose weight but i am really fed up with counting calories or points like weight watchers does it. it also means to weight every little bite!

You only need to count calories to the point where you fully understand what you are putting in your body. After that, you will be able to make better choices about what you eat. A lot of people simply don't realize the calorie content of what they eat. They have no idea or the lie to themselves about their own portion sizes.

Whatever diet choice you make, you need to make sure it is something that you can sustain forever. It has to be a life change or you will eventually burn out and regress back to your pre-diet weight.

Simple things like portion control and not eating before bed can go a long ways. And it is something you can sustain as opposed to a no carb diet or some other fad.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Simple things like portion control and not eating before bed can go a long ways.

That is absolutely true Karl. That is exactly how I lost what extra weight I had after kids, and on a very small body frame even a little looked like alot.

Portion control was a huge part of it. Gawd, restaurants make it nearly impossible for anyone to lose weight with the portions they serve. But the thing is, once you start eating smaller portions you will realize that it doesn't take that much to make you feel full. And yes, at nighttime, snacks are not your friends. I gave up ice cream every night and after about a week I didn't miss it at all.

But be careful, now I have some issues eating enough, so yes what you said about being sure that your diet is enough to sustain you is important. Some busy days I'll realize that by the end of it I haven' eaten and don't feel at all hungry, so stay on a regular meal schedule. Small snacks are fine early in the day, and if you want that dessert at dinner try not to eat the entire steak and baked potato.

Power walks at night after dinner is one of my favorite things to do. It's so peaceful. Find a friend to go with, it's so good for the soul too. And as with anything else, after awhile it becomes habit and you miss it when you don't do it.

Maybe start with something within your diet that you know is not good for you. Give it up, one thing at a time, don't try to change everything about your diet at once. Say you like your ice cream at night, give it up and see how you do....I'll be you won't miss it, then go onto the next.


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:28 PM
i have to confess: sometimes i am sooooo greedy
i have the feeling, if i won.t eat a certain amount, i won.t get full.

but i guess one can start with small steps, like you rush with the icecream at night!
i will be quiet happy when all the christmas cookies are gone!
if they are in the house, i know i tend to eat them, no way of resisting!
but in one week i guess they will be gone, and the best thing will be just to get no new candy or cookies or cake into the house!

when do you guys stop eating at night?
yet i am not sure when it will be the best time for it.
it shouldn.t be to early to make sure that you won.t be too hungry during the night and not to late to get the benifit.
once i tried to stop eating at 6pm - no it wasn.t successfull since i tend to stay up until 1am or 2am.
for sure a snack at 11pm would directly go to your hip

for the desert rush: i usually don.t have a desert at all.

diet: yep vegetarian diet is good for me! guess other people would claim that different.

i recently heard that drinking 1 pint of water 3x a day during meal would help to lose weight!

i will give it a try, since you get a good part of your dayly water by this method!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:22 PM
Eating at night is a big problem since I work nights. I tend to have dinner with the family and then go to bed. I do have a snack while I work.

I suppose a good choice would be to sit with the family and take my dinner to eat at work. But then it is microwaved
....such dilemas.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by orange-light
i have to confess: sometimes i am sooooo greedy
i have the feeling, if i won.t eat a certain amount, i won.t get full.

A common misperception. You don't need to "get full", as Karl said, enough to sustain a healthy way. Then you will be surprised by how quickly that "full feeling" will happen. I'm convinced that most people without knowing it eat twice as much as they should. At least here in the states anyway........maybe even three times as much as they should. And don't stress about eating a cookie now and then, it's ok.

But orange, I wouldn't are a beautiful woman.


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:07 PM
now and zen / then would be great in more than one way!

thanks rush but i don.t consider myself as beautiful.

ok first i try to reduce the amount of sugar for tea and drink more water!
no cookies on regular daily base and more execise

guess that will help
and than we will think about the rest of the stuff

guess this could be a deal couldn.t it?

i will report progress, if there is any - hopefully there will be progress

we have to do something about blogstalker.s signature :rofl:

you should eat something light during work, not only a snack but some veggies or salad!
you need your energy than!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by orange-light

iwe have to do something about blogstalker.s signature :rofl:

Is a one line post allowed in BTS?

@Rush...what a lovely thing to say to orange...and I agree.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by orange-light
we have to do something about blogstalker.s signature :rofl:

I think her signature is fine the way it is. lmao


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:06 PM
I used to keep small weights in the kitchen. Lifting them gave me something to do while I was waiting for the kettle to boil.

It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.

Since moving to the country I've been collecting and sawing wood. There's definite development in my wood-sawing arm.

I think outdoor exercise is miles better than the gym, you really benefit from the fresh air and I find it raises my energy levels. I come in refreshed after a long walk rather than tired.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Hmmm, we've got a treadmill in the basement (That belonged to the owner of the house) that could use a little work to get it right. Or at least as far as I can tell. Just a cord. I think. My first step will be getting that thing to work again. That should prove to be most interesting. (Mildly evil grin) Yeah. Something that I can fix and in a good cause taboot.

Well, either I'll succeed or end up on America's Funniest Home videos!

Wish me luck!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:57 PM
No treadmill needed D, just get outside and take some good walks.

Now, what I don't do is much running, other than on the tennis court and that's minimal. I save my 'jog' for the last part of my walks so when I get into our culdesac everyone thinks I've been running the whole time. lmfao And they're like "whoa Rush, that was a long run.". I'm like, tell me about it. Whew!


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Unfortunately we have a slight problem here. It's called Snow. Lots of it. From what I understand this has been the snowiest December in ages. If I remember right it's actually a record here in the Madison area. That and there aren't any sidewalks in this area so I'd be walking down snow covered streets here in Suburbia. While I may enjoy somewhat a low center of gravity I'd rather not push my luck in that regard. (chuckle)

Edit to add:

Besides the chance to play around with voltage, motors, a conveyor belt, and a "Well, that looks about right." style of repair has a certain demented appeal to me. (chuckle) I've torn apart and (with some success) so many things... well, working on something that I've never had a chance to play with just sounds so neat that I can't pass it up!

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Deson]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:37 PM
You can still exercise in your house. I don't know what your current fitness level is, but push ups / sit ups and squats can go a long ways. I can get into it more if you are interested. Don't let the snow deter you.

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