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We Need A White History Month, white college, and white scholorship funds Etc...

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
The problem with your post is that you fail to distinguish between the elite (many of whom are white) that control institutions like the meida and the average white person.....

How is the 'poor white person' being overlooked? As a 'poor white person' myself I really just don't see it. Please explain.

How do 'ethnic studies' overlook the 'poor white person'? What has 'ethnics studies' got to do with the 'poor white person'? What is being overlooked exactly?

As for not distinguishing between the elite and the 'average white band' I apologise, and let me make this distinction; when I say 'white person', in context of this thread, I generally mean someone of the elite, the M.A.N., the boss, those in authority. Just like when I say government, I don't mean the post office. Context.

As far as 'many' being white, the elite as I know it is all white.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
We have parades for the Irish on St. Paddy's day, In fact it's a day marked on the calendar. We have Polka festivals for the Polish and beer parties for the Germans, though I forget its name, I've drank too much beer, but they have beer gardens......which make me drool like Homer Simpson.

We have plenty of holidays that celebrate the white folks.

Oktoberfest..... Where white people celebrate the gift of beer. That's what I was trying to think of before. If that's not a white history month than nothing is.

Look, Even Christmas is a white holiday. They speak our English and worship the God we created.

Will you deny them any semblance of a history? Will you deny them the opportunity to celebrate the roots from whence they came?

I won't.

I think that these distinctions all they do is divide people. Instead of having a cohesive society, tearing down the racist walls, it increases and exacerbates the differences. In fact, I would get rid of all the PC names, forget African-American, Italian-American, Irish-American, Indian-American, etc. You are all just American, citizens of the USA.
Honestly, I have seen very few other countries with so much racism.
You are all American. And I guess that the St. Patrick Day Parade, the 5 de Mayo, the Columbus Day Parade are all attempts of people trying to grasp some type of tradition or a sense of belonging that they are not getting by being just plain Americans. And they will never get that sense if you keep reinforcing the sense of differences.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

When I look at the Pyramids for instance, I see it as part of my history because it was an accomplishment of the human race. Not pigs, horses, goats or camels... US! The same goes for Greek History, Italian, Chinese, Indian and so on.

It's all US! When you put history together in it's various forms & guises, we are, as a species, quite amazing and diverse. Surely that's a great thing!


[edit on 29/12/08 by InfaRedMan]

well said!

thats exactly how i view our Collective History

When I look at anything from "Human History" I do consider it MY history.

All races and cultures, its OUR history. We share it, as it belongs to all of us. We were created By it.We are products of it!

It has been said, if we do not learn our history, we are doomed to repeat it.

And i cant help but feel, we are just repeating it lol

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Seekingmyself
reply to post by Amaxium

How about a "I am special" awareness month where we all just tell each other how great we are?

What, is that too mushy?!

it seems a little pretentious and arrogant to me, because I believe im normal , not special

in the entire vast universe, with the countless stars and galaxys, we are probably the universal norm

"special" denotes significance, and significance is something we lack, im afraid to say

the Only legitimate significance you will ever find is within yourself, it cannot be givin to you by someone else.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by muzzleflash]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by haika
Honestly, I have seen very few other countries with so much racism.

i guess you havent looked very far , lol

anyhow, the point id like to make is that this is not a "racist" problem

our issue is not with racism actually

its with ignorance, blatent stupidity, and justice for no one

i think, if we can actually educate people the TRUTH about mankind, that you would see racism quickly evaporate into nothingness

the Problem being, that history class today is chalk full of LIES

so its no surprise than when you pump the kids full of LIES, they start hating each other

this all has its roots in education (and how our education system is a complete failure)

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:46 AM
I do not see why there even needs to be any holiday associated with any skin color, nationality, or religion.

Everyone who had a choice of being born a specific skin color raise your hand!
Everyone who had a choice of being born in a specific country raise your hand!
Everyone who had a choice of being born to worship a specific god raise your hand!

I didn't think so.

We are all humans....better than being a duck. I celebrate my humanity.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:01 AM
Basically there are not enough hours in a day to have all of the rich history of culture in the American experience, presenting all of the notable people, inventions combined into a generic teaching curriculum covering everyone from an ethnocentric standpoint especially in public schools, that is not possible.

I think once people started digging on their own they started to discover just how many contributions were left out in school teaching curriculum, they wondered why this was so, then they wanted to have some sort of month or period focusing on these, inventors, notable people and others who were often overlooked and purposely left out, they needed a month or time to observe and focus on them since they were being excluded in the schools.

In many inner cities, public, private or charter schools might put more emphasis on tying together cultural history with American history, ethnic inventors and notables are often left out or minimized in mainstream teaching curriculum, colleges may offer more concentrated studies in those areas though.

There is nothing wrong with having black history or any other month paying homage to someone that might identify with your cultural heritage, there is absolutely nothing wrong with identifying with your own culture and being interested in it.

The traditional American culture, history, education is not centric to any one culture but it is more closely focused on Euro centric history, then focused on American history more so from a caucasian/european standpoint as being the primary focus, not the slaves or many other immigrant ethnicities which link them directly to their individual cultures or really hold or present it in high or equal esteem with european endeavors.

Most of the history is taught in a watered down way, minimizing or leaving out people, inventors and other contributors that were just as much a part of American history as those who were European.

Everything that the OP is seeking to mimic has always existed for him, catered to and invisibly given him advantages that others not up until recently, the last 40-50 years have legally provided to blacks that in comparison to whites having the opportunities pretty much since the day the pilgrims landed is really quite a short time to provide full parity.

Blacks and many other non white ethnic groups were formerly excluded from mainstream privilege and opportunity, what the OP is seeking to create has always been there for him without any exclusion of his own cultural group in any way he could excel and do for himself unimpeded, I do not understand his frustration and possible resentment for programs set up to help people that had to gain parity through many years of fighting to be equal and have equal opportunity in a nation that at one time viewed them as property, labor assets and less than human.

Also I really do not see how this belongs in Above Top Secret.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by phinubian]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by phinubian

it is a simple as this. rewrite history but replace white with black or black with white and you will understand why blacks have these things

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Here's the deal.

Jesus was a Dark Skinned Arab.
Moses was a Dark Skinned Arab.

both are what we would consider today as black.

Yet, when you look at a painting, or watch The Passion Of The Christ, or The Ten Commandments, Jesus and Moses are frigging white with blue eyes...

I believe we've denigrated African, Middle-Eastern, and other Ethnicities for more than long enough. How about we quit gripping over the fact these races were given equalizers, so that a person as intelligent as Obama could finally run and have a chance at the white house (and say all you want, Fredrick Douglass was obviously not a viable candidate at the time).

These factors are NOT something that should be null and voided at the first sign of success...

From your friendly neighborhood white boy,


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:44 AM
I'm trying to follow this thread, but I'm still reeling from those who think George Washington Carver isn't on par with other "great" scientific minds of the 20th (and 19th) centuries. I was fortunate enough to be tasked to do a book report on his biography while in middle school and learned a lot about this great man. He was extremely persistent in obtaining an education in an era where blacks weren't accepted at many schools. He persisted in his research and delved into many subjects other than peanuts. He taught at college level for almost half-a-century. Sorry to deviate from the main topic, but I had to defend one of my biggest hero's. As for white people being slighted, I, as a caucasian, have to ask, what have white people - as a group - ever done for me? Nothing. We are all individuals. Each of us need to do our part to get over this race thing or the aliens are never going to land.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Sounds good and while we are at it why don't we create a new Holiday just for us with no historical significance? We can call it WhiWanzaa.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:29 PM
Don't forget a "White Miss America" and a WET Channel (White Entertainment Television) It makes no sense to me. It's ok for black people to have "Black Miss America", BET, Black History Month, BEOG Grants, etc., but not ok for white people to have these things. That just seems unfair! If white people tried to have these things, all hell would break loose! Also, the NAACP is an ok organization, but the NAAWP is the devil? I don't get it. It's just totally unfair! White people should be able to have their own things, also!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Rush Limbal once said that he buys tiiolet paper with the black baby on it .Now is that Racist or not And a coworker said he would buy a one way ticket back to Africa on condition they stay there.And i and my friends dont have slaves. So i think there being slave ,and poor me , boo hoo ,dont hold water get over it be a credit to your gender and race.peace

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Amaxium

You are supposed to be ashamed to be white. Didn't you get the memo?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:39 PM
there is no equality in special recompense.

making the distinction fosters conflict.

while certain programs and policies uplift one group or idea, they downplay another.

"we" do not need any recompense, neither do "they" if fairness (justice) is expected to be achieved... there are major differences between 'need' and 'want'.

is special treatment (along ethnic lines) a neccesity or a desire?

the idea is to end racism, not perpetuate it. (or is it?) this cannot be done so long as egalitarian principles are overlooked and a double standard remains the status quo.

these devices of special recompense are a wedge that widens the racial gap. its like picking at a scab and not allowing the wound to heal, possibly leading to infection... which may escalate into an emergency.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Everything in America was created with white interest in mind. Its official for me that ATS is def becoming too racial you believe in aliens, black ops etc, but cant grasp racism and white supremacy.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:15 PM
it is as simple as this. rewrite history and replace white with black or black with white and you will understand why blacks have these things

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:33 PM
wow! One thing...go read something called the manifest destiny. Then i want you to go read up on some black history, then read up on some Chinese history in San Fransisco...

Well man as one of the FEW black people on this forum i will tell you this. Black History month, United negro college fund, and HBCUs weren't created because of you, what you did, what you say or anything. They are legacies of the past.

They were created because of the ACTIONS of OUR ancestors. And when i say ancestors i mean american, and when i say our we are all americans first.

I find it remarkable that some white folks cannot comprehend that in the 1960s..around 40 years ago.. black people were treated and seen as second class citizens.

The government decided to sit on its hands when it came to the race issue and it only got worse until poor blacks PROTESTED the regime and got the passage of the civil rights acts, which is BS considering that those rights are guarenteed in the constitution and bill of rights.

HBCU's are old. White people have all white colleges...they are called legacy schools, they are so exclusive that you have to have had family that attended in order to get in..

HBCU's were created because black people were not allowed to attend colleges with white people (HBCU's were created when separate but equal was around) and white people at those time (including the GOVERNMENT) didn't want black people going to the same school as them. The most famous HBCU's are Tuskgee and Howard Univesity. Since you have net access, google why they were created.

The united negro college fund was created around the 1940s by Morehouse College, Spelman, Atlanta univesity, and other HBCUs' to cover the cost of running a private school. Once it was created, UNCF was funded by white philanthropist such as Rockefellar, Walter Hoving, and Thomas Morgan..that's just a taste. Now, it's used to help black kids pay for their way to college.

As for black history a black person i can tell you that while the idea is good, it's BS
. February is the shortest month..and if the history books decided to tell the WHOLE truth rather than picking and choosing what to tell, then Black History month wouldn't be needed.

There is an explanation in a nutshell. Tell'em my homies, they need to step there game up....

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:41 PM
Wait..there is an all white channel, it's called CBS, NBC, and FOX.

Aside from "The Unit" how many TV shows on the major free network channels have a black person as a main character? Then i want you to actually look..not watch but look, at the number of total people on a TV show and see how many that aren't white...

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Oh yea your right, how could we forget
While you run around entertaining us and helping my school win some bowl some company payed millions of dollars to put their name on you get a free education.

It's an equal payoff in my eyes. You keep me entertained and i let you learn...its a win win!

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