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Very bright green light from military base...

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by cfh84

Actually, it is the opposite of what you are thinking. Consider the plane wing to be an air hockey table. So you have air shooting out of the holes. But the holes would gunk up, so some schmuck had to scrape off the cheese spread.

One possibility is you were present when a night aerial photograph was done. They use a serious strobe to light the ground, but it's not so bright that you don't see the lights on the ground.

That was an explanation I was given when I saw a flash over the San Francisco bay. I didn't want to go into the story since I'm certain they wouldn't do any testing over the bay in the presence of 5 million pairs of eyes. But here goes...

I did a hike with a friend of mine. It was night by the time we were hiking down the hill. I forgot my headlight. However, hiking at night isn't all that hard in an urban area because of the glow of the city. So we're hiking down the mountain (it's a 2000ft elevation change hike). I'm looking out at the bay and see a blinding flash. My friend is looking for cow pies on the trail, but sees his shadow from the light. So we say WTF, and keep hiking down the hill. We met a mountain biker going up the hill that also saw the light.

I did some email with the local PD. Nobody saw anything. So it was a UFO, unidentified flashing object. Later I was told about the night time aerial photography, which "could" be an explanation. You reach a dead end in these kind of investigations, and so that's that.

night aerial photography

Now my argument is who the hell flies a plane and takes one shot?

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by gariac

As a follow up to my aerial night photography, I should point out that Mr. E or EG&G developed a strobe for such use during WWII.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Hmm, the nightime aerial photography makes sense, I did some research since you brought it up, and those can be some very bright strobes. As for whether it was actually photography, or a UFO, or an experiment of some sort, the night time aerial photography sounds like a good cover up answer.
Agreed as well, if what you and I saw, was in fact the same thing, why would they only take one shot, wouldn't you want to get your money's worth while in the air? Especially if it's a civillian company taking the pictures, it is not cheap at all to fly, land and store an aircraft.

Thanks for all the info, but unfortunately, I dont think much more light can be shed on the subject (no pun intended).

If I come up with any new info, I will post, but until then,


posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:33 PM
I saw a super bright green light flashing randomly very fast on White Sands Missile base here in New Mexico. I decided it was a death ray. The Air Force just put in a big order for death ray components.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 02:21 PM
The strange green light interests me, but I do not necessarily think that UFO’s had anything to do with it. The idea of the military discovering a UFO and extracting its technology seems like a probable idea to develop or imagine, but what does an extremely bright green light have to do with a UFO? Why do we necessarily have to associate an event like this with extra terrestrial life and technology? I would argue that because the event took place in the middle of the desert and the fact that it took place near a top secret, high security military base is why this theory of extracting technology from a UFO occurred.
I think that Area 51 and what supposedly happened there influenced whoever it was that saw these "green lights" in the desert of California. Area 51 was a top secret military base where UFO events were said to have taken place. Area 51 is something that is talked about in urban legend quite often, and surely influences how Americans view top secret military bases today. This abandoned military base in the middle of the desert seems very similar to Area 51, so a heightened sense of imagination and fear can and should be expected before even seeing this green light.
This bright green light you speak of, obviously I was not there and did not witness it myself, but whatever it was I am sure it was quite a sight. But why couldn't this green light be a product of human technology? Who is to say that the technology that produced it had to be extracted from a UFO? Really there is no evidence from what you have told us that this event had anything to do with extraterrestrial life. The military has top secret military bases for a reason; so that they can experiment with the newest and most advanced forms of technology. I would argue that it is much more likely that this green light which was seen in the desert of California was caused by some top secret military operation at the nearby Edwards AFB. We know so little about what our military does and what technologies they have and are capable of doing. It really is not so crazy to believe that our military could have caused this event by developing their own technology, considering how little we know.
The events of Area 51 definitely influenced whoever was out in the desert on this night and saw the lights. I know I would be spooked out in the middle of the desert at night, especially at an abandoned military site. It is pretty hard to ignore the striking similarities of between this event in the California desert and Area 51. Who knows what it really was that you saw in the desert that night, but I am more willing to believe it was the result of a military experiment of human-based technology and not because of some UFO extracted technology.

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