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Is Horrible 'Valkyrie' Tom Cruise's Nazi Apologia?

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posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by tankthinker
the holocaust is debatable (as to if it happened, how it happened, if the numbers were wrong, etc.) in my opinion, and i dont like how jews manipulate it to their advantages...
Second just to put this in there i think the best word to describe hitler is not "bad" but "Great"...
The thing about Vakcyrie though is that in the movie they make it seem as if these Germans wanted to stop Hitler because of their moral obligations, yet they only attempt to assassinate him after the Nazi's start losing the war,

One last thing why is it that whenever i dont participate in remembrance day, people always look shocked and say if it werent for those men you'd be speaking German right now.
...and these soldiers are killing people on the battlefield which is against one of the ten commandments right? so their teaching conflicting ideologies

god people are so stupid sometimes

1. The Holocaust is NOT debatable. All of the people killed were not Jewish, but that anyone in power felt it was their right to eliminate any part of the population is flat evil.

2. Hitler was a truly evil man. The only way one could consider him great is if they embrace his ideas.

3. That was only the LAST attempt on his life, and there were others, long before the Germans were losing. Get a history book.

4. WRONG. Killing in war is not the same as murder, and murder is what is forbidden in the commandment. A more accurate phrasing would be "Thou shall not murder." Also, that would be "they're", not "their", as in "they are teaching". "Their" is a possessive. If you had said, "They're teaching their conflicting ideologies.", you would have at least been correct grammatically, instead of wrong on all counts. You also left out several bits of punctuation. Yet you call us stupid.....right...gotcha...

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I can certainly understand why you will not see it. We actually saw it at the on-post theater, using free passes from a night they had some projection issues. So no money to anyone from us. Scientology is indeed dangerous, and I never cared for Travolta in the first place, but I see Cruise as more of a victim. Kind of feel sorry for the guy. That group wields a LOT of power in Hollywood these days.

Still, the film itself is good, in spite of all that, and certainly no Nazi apologist piece, as that article states.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by detachedindividual

Tom Cruise in my eyes is one of the best actors out there. Almost every movie of his is good. I cant think of to many bad movies hes done. If I looked at personal views of the people in every movie I watching I wouldnt be watching any movies. There is alot of views behind the scenes in Hollywood that would make you gag. I dont know much about scientology...They are a little more self sufficient which in a world of dependence is a little refreshing.

I agree he is a good actor, though he is still a twit in my eyes. There are some I do avoid for their views, and he has been on that list in recent years. In this case, we had free passes, and the movie topic was one we wanted to see. So, opinions of his person were set aside in this case.

As for scientology, think again about that group; they are very controlling. Look up info on Cruise and a bad experience with them.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

On the issues of the holocaust and scientology, we are in agreement.

On the actors, not so much. Cruise is, IMO, a good actor. Hid judgment may be far from the best, and he may be a complete twit personally, but he can act. I don't rfespect him personally, but I can admit he has talent. Seagal, well, there we agree; he should have quit a long time ago. I tried watching a couple of the later movies, and had to turn them off; they were that bad. Stallone, now, is a favorite of mine. I have seen the latest Rocky and Rambo films, and loved them. I LOVE his comedy, with Oscar being an all-time favorite film of mine.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Trauma
I have actually heard that this movie is quite good. They say it shows many of the internal struggles of everyday German soldiers who knew they were following an evil psycho but had sword an oath to him. After all, Hitler really WAS almost assassinated by his own people as I'm sure no one is denying.
It's funny how when somebody finally makes a film trying to show the WWII German soldiers as anything but an army of emotionless killing machines it's called "Nazi Apologia". Meanwhile we've had decades of propaganda movies teaching us that the USA came and saved the day, conveniently forgiving that they nuked a country that was about to surrender during the same war.
Just think, if they had only placed the bomb a little closer to Hitler he would have been dead and the war probably stopped.

The movie IS quite good, and I don't generally follow the herd mentality. As for Japan, the government leaders DID want to surrender, but the military leaders did not, and would not. Many didn't want to after both bombs were dropped. Comparing Japan to Europe doesn't work; the cultures are far different. For example, the Japanese truly believed that we would surrender in shame, from loss of face, because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The expected us to be demoralized, when instead people were riled up to fight.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

1. The Holocaust is NOT debatable. All of the people killed were not Jewish, but that anyone in power felt it was their right to eliminate any part of the population is flat evil.

actually there are many good evidences against the official holocaust story, but actually your right it isnt debatable, because anyone who opposes it goes to jail, even though there are counter arguments to the claim, if your too ignorant to find them thats not my issue

2. Hitler was a truly evil man. The only way one could consider him great is if they embrace his ideas.

evil is a perspective not truth, i dont have to embrace all of his ideas to think he was great, i can believe he is great simply through his act of fulfilling his potential to make his country into a power that shook the world, he achieved a remembrance in history books for all time, that is great

instead of settling to be some average artist or factory worker he succeeded were most people will always fail.

3. That was only the LAST attempt on his life, and there were others, long before the Germans were losing. Get a history book.

doesnt matter, they had their own gains at stake, did you know that if that last assassination attempt worked the new government installed were going to attack the soviet union together with the allies,

show me that in your history books.

4. WRONG. Killing in war is not the same as murder, and murder is what is forbidden in the commandment. A more accurate phrasing would be "Thou shall not murder." Also, that would be "they're", not "their", as in "they are teaching". "Their" is a possessive. If you had said, "They're teaching their conflicting ideologies.", you would have at least been correct grammatically, instead of wrong on all counts. You also left out several bits of punctuation. Yet you call us stupid.....right...gotcha...

a modern technical term cannot apply to a document written thousands of years ago and in a different language

so tell me what do you do in war then,

oh i know you send pieces of metal to the other side of an area, if those said pieces hit someone on the way its not murder because they are just playing a game of send the metal over,

oh i forgot to include the official "rules" that come along with the game

what happened to turn the other cheek, doesnt matter what situation

also attacking a person based on grammar is very childish, the way i see it the english language is always changing and advancing, in this way i can change it any way i see fit when i use it

a few grammar mistakes doesnt determine a persons intelligence and attacking someone for it while in a debate of serious nature just goes to undermine the integrity and focus of the debate

you also shouldnt get so emotional its not very professional.

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