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Montauk Project whats your opinion?

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:54 PM
I'm currently reading the book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. and having a very difficult time believing any of what the author claims occurred. I have always been intrigued by the story of the Philadelphia Experiment and felt that there was at least some truth to that story and possible credible witnesses to it. But some of the claims from Montauk just seem like someone got lost in a science fiction book. I'm always intrigued by the real life stories of esoteric experiments at top secret bases but its easier for me to consider the validity of a underground base at Dulce stories than this "project". Did it happen and is there any truth to the supposed experiments? What’s your opinions?

nazis, aliens, mind control, extra dimensions, monsters, time travel, ghosts...ect almost surprised they didn’t conjure up Santa Claus or the Easter bunny in these all encompassing experiments. seems like they about wrapped up the whole paranormal phenomena which makes me highly skeptical and curious why so many people continue to discuss this topic.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by hiii_98]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Research Ong's Hat as well.

There appears to be a limbo region of pseudo-reality that lies between the real and the imaginative.

Notice that only arrogant, power-mad, wealthy, resourceful, manipulative, fearful sociopaths seem to be at the head of the each one of these types of reported phenomenon (ie, CEO's in the industrial complex, high ranking generals in the military complex, corrupt politicians on Capital Hill, childish jealous frontier research scientists, fantatical self-serving UFOlogists, etc.)

This is no coincidence. There is an entity that wishes to make itself known via the human sensory apparatus and it meets mankind at the intersection of evil and death in this world.

That entity is Satan and his ilk.

As one progresses farther away from evil and death, these pseudo-realities become less tangible and less relevant. That is why the mainstream is not aware of it except via indirect or hearsay evidence.

The MIB is a particular example. They only have substance through the deceptive and corrupt three letter agencies of the government (not that they are part of that government, but that government is used as a manifestation point).

These phenomenon are further legitimized and enter our normal reality through technological portals (ie, R&D and application technology, etc).

Take away the evil that men do and you take away these reported phenomenon.

I could tell you more but then, of course, I'd have to kill you.

But here is an experiment that you can try to test my theory (at your own risk): obtain and read a copy of The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel and notice what happens to the physical realities in your surroundings and life. If you pay close attention you will see some of this stuff begin to manifest. If you don't experience at least one type of odd occurance, then you are not paying attentionm which by the way is why the entire thing is able to be pulled off in the first place: most do not pay attention.

If you want to know more, let me know via this post.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:30 PM
I responded as Anonymous but my post is still under review by ATS.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:18 PM

obtain and read a copy of The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel and notice what happens to the physical realities in your surroundings and life.

I have read that book, and absolutely nothing happened. Well ... to be fair... i do remember someone/thing calling my phone and reading off a long string of numbers and hanging up, but that was likely coincidence.

To me you dont sound very grounded... but i do appreciate your opinion

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:32 PM
If you're looking to be "grounded" both of those books are definitely not ones you should be reading. On the other hand, if you're looking to redefine how you view the world around you while shaking up your boxy tunnel vision then Montauk and Mothman are great beginnings.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by TheRealDonPedros
If you're looking to be "grounded" both of those books are definitely not ones you should be reading. On the other hand, if you're looking to redefine how you view the world around you while shaking up your boxy tunnel vision then Montauk and Mothman are great beginnings.

well that made no sense... if i want to be logical and "grounded" then i shouldnt read such books... ok i follow you. Then you conclude that i have boxy tunnel vision and to avoid this I should read those same books to be less boxy and more open aware and logical!??!

You make no sense sir. I have a rational and almost skeptical point of view whenever examing outragous claims. The fact that I even investigate those claims (IN PERSON NO LESS MIND YOU) demonstrates that I am far far from having a "boxy" view of the world. I try to have an open mind, but not so open my brains fall out. ...

I can get better stories from the local loony bin. Its up to us to uphold the ATS motto and to weed the chaft from the wheat and find the kernal of truth in the slew of maddness both on the net and in fictional books IMO.

This is no coincidence. There is an entity that wishes to make itself known via the human sensory apparatus and it meets mankind at the intersection of evil and death in this world.

That entity is Satan and his ilk
I'll be sure to keep and eye out for satan... scary guy i hear, hangs out in the local pubs and gives ppl the stink eye. Maybe i"ll look out for Odin too and Zeus while i'm at it. Or...kathulu

[edit on 23-12-2008 by hiii_98]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:55 PM
Alleged Claims

Experiments were conducted in teleportation, parallel dimensions and time travel.
On or about on August 12, 1983 the time travel project at Camp Hero interlocked in hyperspace with the original Project Rainbow back in 1943. The USS Eldridge was drawn into hyperspace and trapped there. Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron both claim to have leaped from the deck of the USS Eldridge while it was in hyperspace and ended up after a period of severe disorientation at Camp Hero in the year 1983 at Montauk Point. Here they claim to have met John von Neumann, a famous physicist and mathematician, even though he died in 1957. Von Neumann had supposedly worked on the original Philadelphia Experiment, but the United States Navy denies this.


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[edit on 23/12/08 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:22 PM
David Wilcock has mentioned this book and this alleged ability through his discussions. I've yet to read it or even want to. I suppose these types of videos are about as close as I'm going to get. Still, I do prefer the science fiction shows regardless of the alleged connections. One of my favorites when I get to watch their older programs is Stargate Atlantis. Somehow the fiction makes it easier to enjoy without all of the confusing details.

I've had my own bizarre experiences that suggest some of these things and also have my own amount of skepticism about the extent of their alleged abilities such as 'physical time travel' as in jump gates etc. Even if it's an illusion, it's still a fasinating experience. The Movie Brainstorm was for me an introduction back in the 80's. Sceince fiction has had it's way of becoming science fact to some extent.

An illusion through similar technology could suggest time travel experiences such as was also mentioned in Total Recall.

Corso had mentioned a headpiece not too disimilar from the one shown in Brainstorm. Obviously, this can be a coincidence.

These movies may have been used as a fictional presentation to invite interest and funding as well as a source of diversion by any leaks. "You saw that in a movie" etc.

Roswell Crash alleged recovered technology:

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Certainly makes for some great science fiction, but anything is possible because I think TIME is both linear and parabolic.

The 1943 - 1983 connection kinda makes sense in a way in that they needed to terminate and close the time connection left open by the USS Eldridge.

What I find odd is how they were able to conjure up a Bigfoot monster using nothing more than a thought process.

I consider Al Bielek the Forest Gump of Top Secret Experiments because he seems to have been involved in almost all of them, from the Philadelphia Experiment, to Montauk, to traveling way into the future to meet the WingMakers and working as a tour guide in some futuristic world.

How cool is that?

[edit on 23-12-2008 by Alxandro]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:34 PM
The notion that movies are used to pre-cover inadvertent leaks would be why no one would ever think DooM was hiding anything connected to Montauk et al. Just sayin that recently I'm starting to understand that I'm not paranoid enough, lol.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:51 PM


posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by hiii_98
Montauk was used in the past for experiments and there was even talk of a alien presence on the base.

Possibly some alien technology came out of the Montauk Project.

Rumor has it that there was a alliance between our government and some alien group in the studying of time travel as well as mind control took place with quite a few unwilling subjects.

There was also a rumor that some kind of rip in the fabric of space and time was created there.

Camp Hero where Montauk is located is now suppose to have been abandoned for quite a few years and yet security there is heavy with both cameras and men.

If it's just an abandon old base why the heavy security?

This is another place I wouldn't go wandering around by myself alone.

Excellent link to this interesting subject.

To read the book, The Montauk Project go here

Where there's smoke there is usually fire. and this place seems to be like area 51 cloaked in secrecy.

My own suspicions are that stuff happened at Montauk that the public knows nothing about and the alien presence on our planet is / was involved.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Where there's smoke there is usually fire.

I 100% agree with you, but in this case its not just smoke but a nuclear bomb radiating paranormal rumors and contaminating common sense. Were not many of Bielek's claims proven false?

I would like nothing more than to believe in all this, it just really seems too much to me and as if the most paranoid of the conspiracy nuts concocted the mother of all conspiracies, rolled into one goverment project. I think i'm alone in this conclusion...

so perhaps the whole thing did happen as presented. Like i said i really wish it were all true,... would make the world alot more interesting place if so.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by hiii_98]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I'm not sure if you have seen this but I watched this when I first came on the site and read about Montauk. It is the interview that your book is based is in 9 parts and runs about 90 minutes but should give you a little better insight into the purported witnesses and get a better feel for them. Also has footage from an expedition to the base interspersed to try and substantiate claims. enjoy

The Montauk Project Interview
As for my seems half plausible, half hoohah. So this jury is still out.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by djvexd]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by hiii_98 almost surprised they didn’t conjure up Santa Claus...

[edit on 23-12-2008 by hiii_98]

Maybe they left him out for that reason?

The truth is a beauty. There is no harm in covering data to ascertain what of it that truth might be. I believe 'Matrix' to be 3 percent truth 97 percent disinformation-but, look at it's following.

Oh, and Santa.... incoming! ('s the lying guy-->points)

Anyways, I do tend to believe that part about the Philadelphia experiments effects and testings in the way of frozen animation. Though, I haven't read the books, I've read excerpts here or on the net linked from here, and it appeared that the participants suffered something of a physical freeze lasting minutes or days, but much longer for them while they were in this state.

It does not seem too 'out there' that the brain and biology enacted upon by an experimental force would travel or react within itself in an unknown manner. We know that we know very little of the brain and activate or use less of it. There were observers to this process, so there is the proof there. Unless they were all lying for some unknown reason.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:22 AM

There were observers to this process, so there is the proof there

who were all the credible observers to the Montauk Project ? The Philadelphia Project did have numerous "possible" witnesses. However humor me and outline the long litany of witnesses to the aliens, monsters, and time travel, weather modification, teleportation, invisibility... I think some unusual experiments DID occur at Montauk and quite possibly had something to do with mood alteration, but some of these wild claims are rediculous IMO.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by hiii_98]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

Oh, I see. I was confusing your talk of Montauk with what I found interesting about what I heard of the survivors of Philidelphia Experiement.

I would like nothing more than to believe in all this, it just really seems too much to me and as if the most paranoid of the conspiracy nuts concocted the mother of all conspiracies, rolled into one goverment project. I think i'm alone in this conclusion...

However, if Montauk is an extention of the Philidelphia experiement, and you found what you considered to be somewhat credible testimony there and similar testimony in Montauk, it follows that there may be similarities in the experiences of those people.

My opinion affects only me. It's not going to change the world and I'm not going to go running errands for others to prove why it is valid for me or should be concievable for them--especially when (see paragraph sentence one): It seems you want to argue your conclusion from behind the veiled 'want to believe'-and yet your conclusion is immovable as proved by each following response; And my interest is weak willed at best. I do however entertain the concept that the experiences of the survivors of the boat experiement, called the Philidelphia experiment, in time stalling, as...entertainable.
It is your research project-enjoy!

What is your definition of credible? It's funny, everyone wants credible to define their assessments, yet there is no universal definition, and even when there is a concenus, there is an aguement as to why the 'credible' is not.

I don't care anyway-It's never going to go anywhere. Even Roswell is still argued in fact and fiction.

It seemed you wondered 'what others' think" of all the phenomenal associated.

I have told you. I believe it is feasible.

Stating something 'seems' is not stating something 'is'. It 'seems' there were witnesses to Philidelphia. Did you find them credible? Apparently there was an after affect and testing of time stalling. Is this common knowledge. Do you need me to chase the link if it is?

So, your request that I provide you with witnesses to Montauk, when I spoke of as to the witnesses that are to my knowledge referenced in the Philidelphia experiment-is moot. Same technology set, different test series.

Why wouldn't it follow that one is related to the other in deciding the possibility that these effects exist, when you will never find the proof you are looking for in the first place, and are stating you think it is all way to out there to be believable in the first place?

I commend you on your reading a book on a subject matter that you don't think is possilbe. I would find that REALLY hard@!

Good day

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:29 PM
sorry i'm setting the wrong tone, I really just wanted to start a discussion on the topic, not a argument. Sorry if i seem too judgemental. I really appreciate everyones opinions. Bottom line is none of use really know what happened and can only speculate.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

Im curious about montauk also. I will be doing research tonight and will mostlikely post back with what I have learned.

After watching all 9 parts of the montauk interview, I feel enlightened.

I belived almost all of it up untill where he talks about "throwing" the greys into showers, and spraying lysol on them, which got them drunk. And the reptillians drinking drano to get "drunk"

So Im not sure anymore..

Definitly watch it, it was worth the hour and a half of my life.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by hardcoremusiclover]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:06 AM
personally - i think the entire " montauk story " = utter twaddle

preston nichols ` accouts ` are devoid of any co-oborating evidence - and neither he or any one else associated with the tail has ever managed to give any physical demonstration of the abilities they claimed to possess

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