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Moon Landing Real: The footage was fake

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:21 PM
I have heard many people say that the moon landings were faked and man didn't really make it to the moon in 69. I wish to address this issue. NASA really did put men on the moon in the 60's. They did that before the public knew about it. The footage of them walking on the moon was fake and here is why. In 1969 the government didn't have the ability to broadcast live video footage from the moon back to the earth.

They did have live radio contact, but not a live video feed. They took cameras with them and filmed the moon landing on the moon. When they got back they planned on airing the footage but because of an unforeseen circumstance, the film of the moon walk wasn't good. This was because of crossing though the electromagnetic fields that encompass the entire earth. The same way something entering earths atmosphere can catch fire.

When the Apollo 11 craft reentered the earths atmosphere, the film footage of the men walking on the moon had been ruined by the electromagnetic energy of the atmosphere. Kind of like how you set an old 8mm film or other undeveloped film underneath a high power magnet the film will erase. Then when they realized that, they got the government movie studio that they have admitted to having in the 50s 60s and 70s to film a mock moon landing, to show an eagerly awaiting and skeptical public. They recreated it to the best of their ability. Including the cameras mounted on the outside of the apollo 11 space craft.

The landing was real, the footage was faked. Only because the original film got messed up in orbital reentry. They have kept this secret from the public because they didn't want the people to loose their trust or think they were incompetent. Most people wouldn't have believed they put men on the moon with out video evidence. This doesn't excuse their actions but it certainly explains them. I can personally vouch that this story is based on facts and not a theory. However I cannot reveal how I know this information as I plan to keep my sources secret. If this perks your interest ask me about, what I know of the Apollo 13 mission.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Ok do we have any links to info to colaberate what has been set forth?

I'm open minded but some outside sources to back this up would go a looooooooooooong way


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Can you show us which footage is fake and which footage is real?? There sure are a lot of anomalies in the early and late Apollo missions. Was all of the video from the moon missions fake or just some of it? I am one that is skeptical of the Moon missions.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I don't have any outside links to back this up. I have a personal source that doesn't want their identity to be known. All I will say is this person in on the inside and I trust them. I would love to be able to have a link to prove it but I don't.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by mrfreehugs
I don't have any outside links to back this up. I have a personal source that doesn't want their identity to be known.

Well in that case
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war

Seck em boys!

[edit on 19-12-2008 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by secret space

All of the footage that was shown was fake. The electromagnetic field caused the film to be erased. The film was actually silent and they patched the audio transmissions over the silent film. The stuff they brought back was sent to labs to be studied. Nothing used in the mock film was authentic. The only thing that was authentic was the audio of the film.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:37 PM
Below is a quote from a different thread about internet porn.

Originally posted by mrfreehugs
reply to post by sting0

I know what you are saying is true. I won't say how I know this is true.

And in this post you said "However I cannot reveal how I know this information as I plan to keep my sources secret"

What magical secret sources do you have? I'm sure everyone would like to know what your basing your ideas on.

Edit to cite quote

[edit on 19-12-2008 by secret space]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:39 PM
I dunno bout this. It takes an awful lot of magnetism to erase tape, let alone film, and there's a reason there are powerful, electric magnetic bulk tape erasers. And so we are to believe that a film, likely in a case or camera was damaged to the point of unusable just from magnetic fields in space?

Hmm, well so question then: Any chance you could describe exactly how and where the film actually resided during the transport back? As in, was it outside the ship? Because if the actual film was inside the ship, I am going to have a real tough time believing this.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:39 PM
mrfreehugs may be right....afterall the "aliens" at Roswell really were "wind dummies".....weren't they?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

The electromagnetic fields are powerful enough to pull a needle on a compass miles away. The electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth are more powerful than most people can imagine. I am not familiar with the craft's layout and cannot answer where the film was being held at. I will have to do a little research before I can find that out and I cannot do research until Monday. Due to the situation I am in.

The electromagnetic fields of the atmosphere and the amount of energy it produces during reentry is so much that it could melt and destroy many objects entering the atmosphere. Have you ever seen modern video footage of items catching on fire as it enters the earths atmosphere? Not only is this person telling me the truth, if you have any common sense you will know this is a good probability. They have the technology to broadcast live video footage from outer space now days. Although in 1969 they didn't have the ability to do so.

[edit on 12/19/08 by mrfreehugs]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by secret space

As for the comment about my "magical source". I have multiple sources, and I am not going to revel any of their identities. I will keep my sources a secret until the day I die. If you don't respect keeping sources identities secret, then why don't you get on the fascist band wagon and make every journalist revel their sources. The day that happens is when the leaks will stop. No information will be spread around, not to mention the internet would have to be shut down. So I ask that you respect the secrecy of the sources before you get labeled as a spy or traitor to freedom.

[edit on 12/19/08 by mrfreehugs]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:02 PM
So all of the tens of thousands of photos and equipment built and all the stuff was just a setup, and when the rocket launched it just dropped into the Atlantic and the astronauts just snuck out and stood around a corner, hiding and giggling? That was quite a trick, then.

For every "anomalous" image that suggests a hoax, there are 10,000 supporting images that have to also be proven hoaxes.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Dude, this is so wrong, I hardly know where to start.
First of all, magnetism erases magnetic recorded tape, it has no effect on film. Secondly, what causes things to catch fire coming through the atomosphere is friction not magnetism.

If someone really is telling you this, they are making an idiot out of you.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by mrfreehugs
reply to post by secret space

As for the comment about my "magical source". I have multiple sources, and I am not going to revel any of their identities. I will keep my sources a secret until the day I die. If you don't respect keeping sources identities secret, then why don't you get on the fascist band wagon and make every journalist revel their sources.

Okay... But your not even providing evidence such as which photos are fake and which are taken on the real moon. You are are just expecting people to believe you because you say you have a "source". You need some substance for your argument. Collect your info and sources on monday and post it. I'm sure many would be happy to see it.

p.s. many laughed at John Lear for his secret sources and lack of "proof" so when you make claims like these be prepared to back them up with something. Nothing personal against you.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:18 PM
Great post mrfreehugs, while I have know way of collaborating your post I have know way of disproving it either. This theory I think is the most likely of events to have taken place. I myself was thinking that this was the case and am glad to see someone else thinking the same way. Of course it is too logical of an explanation for most moon conspirators to believe so I don’t believe you will have to many people jumping on this wagon.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:22 PM

The electromagnetic fields are powerful enough to pull a needle on a compass miles away. The electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth are more powerful than most people can imagine. I am not familiar with the craft's layout and cannot answer where the film was being held at. I will have to do a little research before I can find that out and I cannot do research until Monday. Due to the situation I am in.

Magnetism has no effect on photographic film. High level radiation such as x-rays will damage film. Low level radiation can fog film but it takes extended exposure. If the astronauts were not affected by radiation, neither would the film be.

They have the technology to broadcast live video footage from outer space now days. Although in 1969 they didn't have the ability to do so.

Yes, they did. TV is just radio. What a ridiculous claim.

Ed concluded his presentation by saying, in summary, that there is no reason to have television on the moon and the camera should not be taken. The audience en masse rose to its feet and objected loudly to Ed's conclusions. The old timers in the audience who had brought this program to where it was, stood up and delivered impassioned speeches about how NASA owed it to the people to be able to witness this historical event live as it unfolded. When it was all done, it was unanimous that the Apollo would carry a television camera."

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Hmm, well it appears two incidents I found pretty quick mention live video feeds from space in 1968:

Apollo-Saturn 7
Schirra (3), Donn F. Eisele, R. Walter Cunningham
1st piloted flight of Apollo spacecraft command-service module only; live TV footage of crew

Apollo-Saturn 8
Borman (2), Lovell (3), William A. Anders
1st lunar orbit and piloted lunar return reentry (command-service module only); views of lunar surface televised to Earth

Any chance you could explain that?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Ant4AU

Thanks for supporting what I am saying. I wasn't expecting this many people to respond in such a way. I don't ever spend a lot of time on this website and only post when i have some spare time. It is very rarely that my post creates this much attention this fast. Some of these people make points, that I have taken. However some of them I kind of wonder about. I believe some of them are nothing but spies trying to get me or anyone else for that matter to say something.

We all know government agents surf these sites, trying to instigate problems because they don't want their agency's dirty little secrets to be exposed. They will not trick me into revealing my sources. I am not stupid. That never stops them from trying though. I need to log out and go attend to a few things. I will try to get back online later to continue this discussion.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Your pulling quote off of the history channels website. History channel is well known for putting out disinformation. Find another source that isn't controlled by people known to disseminate disinfo and propaganda and I will believe you are telling me the truth and that my source is full of it.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:31 PM
this is what i have believed for a very long time. The Apollo astronauts may have went there, but the footage is definitly fake. Where our theories differ is WHY the footage was faked.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by JPhish]

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