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Hessdalen live ufo camera is working!

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous
There may well be a link to those sighting points Jonny. In the UK we have the same. The Longdendale lights which is the famous one, but I never been there and the one that I've studied near to me at a place called Arbor Low. The Arbor Low is an ancient stone circle and I never even knew about it when I saw my initial sightings. Anyway I'm sure you've read about my sightings there over the years, but the issue you may like to investigate is ley lines.

I am no ley liner, but in my research on Arbor Low, the circle is said by energy people to be a very powerful energy point, where lots (hundreds) of lines spread from. According to some there is a perfect triangle laid over England and Arbor Low is the apex of this energy motorway pyramid system. Some say UFOs use these energy lines to travel and I've seen loads of UFO Orbs (like seen at Hessalden/Marfa) there. Maybe somebody in the locality Norway/USA can look into the energy system and find the same.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 05:54 PM
A UFO live PC camera, that's all we need.
No, we really need it.

Thanks for posting the happening ones.

Nothing like living near UFO bases, Greenland is suspect but
who there will tell.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Great to see you are following the Hessdalen phenomena!

Finally the camera is up and running again, after beeing down for a long time. I was starting to wonder when they came out in the Norwegian media a while back, saying they had solved the Hessdalen phenomena.. And then some months went by, and this fall I read in an article that the mystery was not solved at all.. I dont know whats going on.. Maybe its just the media messing up..

Anyway, I`m really considering taking a trip up there next summer, Its about 5-6 hours driving from where I live.. Could be interesting, although I just have a crappy camera, just seeing something with my own eyes would do it for me

[edit on 30-12-2008 by Anom3]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 06:34 AM
Because the camera is stationary I think it would be a great idea if the "Project Hessdalen"-people made a sketch or something like that of what we see when it comes to houses, roads etc. This sketch could be on the same page as a thumbnail or link so that when you see a light you can easy and promptly compare it with the factual info. Like this: "Wow, there is a light!" (Checking the sketch.) "Ah, there is a road right there ... Maybe a car ..." Just a suggestion / urdead

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 05:58 PM
There are some new video clips up of some of the odd junk flying around Hessdalen. Some of them appear to be glitches in the video system, others are probably just light sparkling off water or snow. But some of them are real puzzlers. Take a look if you've got some time to kill:


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