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UFO's and Govt. maybe not?

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:49 AM
There is the disclosure project and people think it will force the "Government" to hand over more info. or maybe come clean about the whole UFO thing and what they know.

There in lies the problem.

If this was/is true the govt. is obviously out of the loop hole at some point.

What if the entire time it was made to look as if the govt. controlled this info. where in fact they did not.

By letting some pieces or mundane work be done by govt. officials and contracted civilians, who would leak info. at some point undoubtedly, it in fact is a smoke screen so we are all asking the smoke where the fire is. The smoke is just a result of the fire and has no idea of where or what the fire is doing.

Of course the govt. has paperwork on UFO's and the such documenting it.

1. If the govt. was involved why would they want to document it at all as it would just bring more suspicion on them.

2. Sense there are documents you can get through the freedom of information act showing reports are being made with in the government about these incidents, if it was related to the government why would they bother with the reports instead of just shredding them. What purpose would they have?

Could these reports actually be an investigation into who is truly responsible for the sightings?

Sure a craft may have crashed at area 51 and other places and the govt. at the time was the first ones on the scene and may have initially covered something up. But as time goes on information changes hands and usually ends up in the hands of who it will benefit most from it.

That being said initially your talking bribes to gain info and eventually large sums of money from the top elite to have this info in order to keep them on top and elite. Eventually it surpasses a govt. issue and goes higher up the chain and what I mean by that is the old adage, "follow the money trail".

Of course at this point people within the govt. would know about it because they would be placed there by the elite to advert attention away from it and make it look like it's just another conspiracy theory that holds no water.

Maybe this has been discussed before if so I apologize but just something that occurred to me.

Question begs then who exactly would benefit from this knowledge and have the money to back up being in the know?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:04 PM
I dunno this whole post is ranting on about pretty much nothing IMHO but here we go..who else is more powerful than the US gov then>? They have all the weapons & the FUNDING the black budgets in the TRILLIONS I wonder where it all goes huh, congress doesn't need to know after all.

So to sum it all up. NO

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:22 PM
I too believe the majority of the information pertaining to UFOs is out of Government hands. You talk about why would the Government keep documents if they are subject to FOIA requests, and I would point to exactly this as one of the reasons to keep sensitive documentation such as this out of Government hands.

But then why are there so many Government documents released through FOIA that talk about UFOs? Well, let’s not forget that UFOs don’t automatically mean alien craft, or some other exotic origin.

In that sense, I think it’s only logical that intelligence agencies would want to document UFO sightings around the world, as they could mean a variety of things: experimental aircraft of some other country, weapons testing, and so on.

Not disposing of these UFO reports could also have a secondary objective: make it appear as if the Government has no concrete information on UFOs. In fact, many people after analyzing these Governmental reports reach the conclusion that there’s nothing to disclose because the Government doesn’t know what they are either. Mission accomplished, I would say.

At most the Government, in the Pentagon/DOD, has information of certain Special Access Projects that might have some direct or indirect influence of certain acquired information and hardware, but I highly doubt there’s any documentation that specifically asserts these links.

I believe the real juicy information and hardware is probably held by some private corporations. Lockheed, Northrop are some of the names that immediately come to mind.

Why give it to private corporations? Besides avoiding accountability, the danger of a Government official in the know (President, Congress, etc) deciding to out the information, and documentation/research being subject to FOIA requests, let’s not forget that the people working and in charge of most of these Defense and Intelligence corporations, are the same people that were in Government and vice-versa.

The information, and the power that results from it, is not lost and doesn’t even change hands. It is simply stored somewhere else.

So to answer your question of who benefits from this: the Defense contractors.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:23 PM
It's fairly obvious in our present type of economy based on fossil fuels that these other advanced technologies would work against those in mostly any competition.

It's always possible to disclose they have these technologies, but due to their extreme capability, they can't be allowed to be used in the population for other than extreme threats.

Ronald Reagan mentioned external threats and maybe he was trying to push a disclosure. ET visitors may also want these technologies kept secret due to some coming threat as if by surprise? IDK

I think many alive now will know soon enough. Maybe around 2012?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Darthorious
Perceptions of what the government has and does not have are a multi-faceted scenario; the governments of the world are not the real power in control of everything.

Answer this simple question and you will have the info to figure it out :"Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank?"

And I will give you a hint; It's not the federal government.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:20 PM
I would maybe suggest that most important UFO information is on a strictly "need to know" basis, and most people in the government have no need to know. Of course, the Air Force and other folks, including the TSA and Homeland Security, keep tabs on UFOs, because they are something odd flying around in the sky, and they'd be nuts not to.

That being said, I also suspect that other than having some slightly better photos/videos of UFOs, along with some radar data, the government really doesn't know what the hell they are anymore than the general public. They certainly wouldn't want to admit that, so a simple blanket statement that UFOs "don't appear to represent a threat to national security," is a good one.

It's just a guess on my part. But I imagine some guy sitting in an underground lab somewhere in the middle of the desert looking at a piece of a flying saucer and scratching his head, not having a clue as to whether it came from another planet, another time, another reality, or what. If you're the "government," that's not the kind of ignorance you want people to know you have.

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