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Doomsday: U.S. report warns of 'strategic shock' leading to massive unrest

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:17 PM

Doomsday: U.S. report warns of

The report by the U.S. Army
War College's Strategic Institute, said that a defense community paralyzed by conventional thinking could be unprepared to help the United States cope with a series of unexpected crises that would rival the Al Qaida strikes in 2001, termed a "strategic shock."

The report cited the prospect of the collapse of a nuclear state leading to massive unrest in the United States.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 12/15/2008 by Marilyn]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:17 PM
I did a search and didn't find this anywhere so I hope it's not a repost.

I read this article and would like to find more information about it. So far I haven't found anything. Does anyone know or have you heard anything else about this? I sure would like to find this report they are talking about. I find this little blurb very interesting... "purposeful domestic resistance ". Aare they worried about an attack on our government by the American people?

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:19 PM
interesting article

good find

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:36 PM
It's taken from a report called "Known Unknowns" Published by the Military Collegiate,

You can find the 51 page article here

A bit from the summary :

Thoughtful evaluation of defense-relevant strategic shocks and their deliberate integration into DoD strategy and planning is a key check against excessive convention. Further, it underwrites DoD relevance and resilience.

Prior anticipation of September 11, 2001 (9/11) or the Iraq insurgency, for example, might have limited the scope and impact of the shock. In both instances, wrenching periods of post-event self-examination did help solve our current or last problem. They may not have been as effective in solving our next one. DoD is now doing valuable work on strategic shocks.

This work must endure and mature through the upcoming political transition. The next defense team should scan the myriad waypoints and end points along dangerous trend lines, as well as the prospect for sudden, discontinuous breaks in trends altogether to identify the next shock or shocks.

Doing so is a prudent hedge against an uncertain and dangerous future.

Interesting article - a bit vague though. Doom when or where really. Just doom coming.

Personally I think we should all be looking at the safety and security of our soldiers over there with more set to deploy over the next year to Afghanistan. Prime targets. Poor security. Built in "terrorists" and enough weapons of all kinds (kindly supplied by the various Governments now "trying" to stop the terrorists.

Convenience and ease of execution not to mention ease of cover up.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:38 PM
"Deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction or other catastrophic capabilities, unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters are all paths to disruptive domestic shock."

Where have these fools been? I submit that we have been witnessing the "loss of functioning of the political and legal order" for as long as the Bush Crime Syndicate has been in office.

2.3 trillion missing from the pentagon's books, a significant share of the 360 tons of cash flown to Iraq went missing, significant, overt contractor fraud in Iraq, Illegal/agressive war, collective punishment of Iraqis, kidnapping family members of suspected resistance fighters, torture/murder of detainees, kidnapping and secret prisons, and more. Much more. As these idiots think it hasn't happened yet??

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:47 PM
One thing to be aware of, regarding the Army's Strategic Institute:

Who is SSI? The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College publishes national security and strategic research and analysis which serves to influence policy debate and bridge the gap between Military and Academia.

They publish numerous "studies", and the main purpose is to influence policy debate.

Hmmm......You think maybe they're drumming up some business for themselves?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by justgeneric

Thank you ever so kindly for finding that for me.

Off to do some more reading now...


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Hey Marilyn,
Here is where you can find the report,its called "Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development"

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:46 AM
This is just great
. I just finished reading the following article where a "prophet" in Utah predicts nukes will hit the U.S. before Christmas time, and 100 million people will die, and now this...

These riots, according to his prophecy, will encourage the "old, hard-line Soviet guard" to seize the moment and rain down nukes on the United States, killing at least 100 million of us.

The funny thing is, someone pointed out "prophet" Edgar Casey had stated our calendar was off by four years... in other words, 2008 is really the dreaded 2012. Guess we'll find out in a week everyone is wrong.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by DavidU]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:47 AM
Man, I don't scare easily... but stuff like this scares the heck outta me.

It's going to be an interesting ride.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Marilyn
I sure would like to find this report they are talking about. I find this little blurb very interesting... "purposeful domestic resistance ". Are they worried about an attack on our government by the American people?

(visit the link for the full news article)

I think things like this is what concern them:

Ohio Unorganized Militia threatens revolution

I think there will be a crack down soon, and it almost happened
when the Supreme Court almost banned the 2nd ammendment
right to own a hunting rifle.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:57 AM
I don't believe that anyone should criticize the decision to formally warn us of the coming crises. The government is simply letting us know that something is about to happen that we're not prepared for. In other words, they are stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility to let us know BEFOREHAND to start preparing for catastrophic events. This time, the government isn't ignoring the warning signs. Also, I believe this move was very important because there are many people who don't believe that anything bad is going to happen soon. These people are in "LA LA" land believing that they should do nothing because everything will be okay. This is a critical wake up call that the government has finally made. This is a warning that is saying, "Hey, we guarantee that these thing are going to take place and we are asking the American people to be prepared for these things." I would rather our government let us know than not. Because if they didn't, people would say, "The government never warned us that this stuff was going to happen." Well, no one can use that excuse anymore. The formal warning has been issued. Now everyone can stop saying nothing is going to happen. Our own government has just officially warned us that # is about to hit the fan. Instead of complaining, start preparing.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by justgeneric

Interesting article - a bit vague though. Doom when or where really. Just doom coming.

That's the genius of reports such as these. Specifics can only limit the end results. If you leave the threats as open-ended you can apply this report to any current perceived threat. Take for instance the current situation in Pakistan. It's an extremely weak and fragile government.

If Pakistan were to collapse it'll leave an arsenal of nuclear weapons in the hands of the regime that fills it's place. More than likely a new Pakistani political party that's anti-Indian/American and more than likely made up of some of the Northern Tribal Leaders.

America and it's allies will be forced to re-acquire (or destroy) these weapons before they can reach the hands of people who would use them for negotiating leverage or preemptive strikes.

Not only will this cause major civil unrest in the Middle-East, but also in America.

Even if the former regime (or other allied forces) is able to seize control of the arsenal before collapse, it'd be stupid to think that the U.S. wouldn't try to install a new leader with pro-American ideals as we have in the past. This would likely fuel all the sentiment needed for an all-out Pakistani uprising against Coalition Forces on the borders of India and Afghanistan leading to a re-call and re-deployment of American forces to the region – possibly to the level at which we had during the Invasion of Iraq.

Don't think Iran won't rattle it's saber during these events. Though, I think Iran knows it needs international support more than the international community needs them. Expect propaganda, but no considerable action ... other than to attempt to secure some sort of nuclear payload for themselves.

Even disregarding the current Pakistan situation, I'm sure this report could be fit to another current or future situation.

I could probably surmise the entire report with one sentence:
Give the military industrial complex more funding or it'll be your fault when a catastrophe happens.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by tyranny22]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Well, after reading all 52 pages of the source report, I have to say that the source article on this report sucks. I went and tracked down that report the minute I saw this story. And for future reference, that is something all should consider at ATS when doing a "story" about another "story" or report like this. Because often reporters skew the heck out reports to serve their own agenda. And suspiciously, they will often leave out the link to the original report, which raises red flags to me immediately.

That report is basically just a long winded argument for the DoD to invest more money and manpower (which we really don't have with trillion dollar deficits) in studying non conventional attack methods, and unanticipated "domestic shock" events. In other words, this guy wants all kinds of budgets to be allocated for studying the unexpected, delving into speculation that will cost taxpayers millions, perhaps even billions of dollars. WHEN ALL THEY REALLY NEED TO DO IS GET OUR ASSES OFF MUSLIM SAND TO FIX THE FRIGGIN PROBLEM!

That report smells of high paid lobbyist for the defense industry, and if you will look at his credits, you can see why I say that. No No NO! I don't buy what this guy is saying one bit. With some 2 trillion dollars unaccounted for, and a government refusing to disclose where it went, why in the hell should the American taxpayer foot the further bill for them to study this crap? WHY WHY WHY?

The hell with that.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:39 PM
It's pretty vauge, and in my opinion, doesn't deserve a whole lot of attention.

Of course a nation who's experienced 200 year of peaceful soil, outside of a couple of terrorist attacks is going to grow complacent...

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:54 PM
What si happening in the US is that the perps have been raiding the larder for a long time. They have been loading their own pockets full of cash, that and a dsiasterous foreign policy, falling standards, the mass murder of the populace etc. Now the people are slowly waking uop to what has been going on all these years, the bubble has burst and the land of the free has turned into the land of slave debt.

Now the perps realise that with a well armmed populace there is a good chance they will get their rotten necks stretched. So its more of 9/11 to provide the perps with the reason to invoke martial law. Then will follow the right not to bear arms and the right to not do just about anything. When the people have been totlly cowed and are broken next will come the draft.

After taking the people to the bottom they will be told that there real enemies are the Russians, Chinese and any one else the perps can think of. After that will be the flag waving and the marches, the sinlging out of all none patriots, all those nasty subversives, ethnics and gays. Then it will be we need to fight for freedom and prosperity, for the new thousand year reich. It all sounds very familiar dosent it.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:00 PM
when USA collapses , i expect the FEMA death camps to come online and millions of americans will die in the hands of their govt ,

frankly i feel americans will deserve it , as they have looted third world countries for years , while being super rich themselves

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by sadchild01

Don't speak about all americans as if we are living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. The fact is just as many of us are victims of what our politicians have done as what third world countries are which you speak. Many of us are struggling to feed our families, trying to decide whether we keep our gas on to stay warm through the winter or buy the food we need to nourish our bodies. Yes there are many who have turned a blind eye to the problem, but what can one expect when the leaders have a multi-billion dollar industry in the media to spin their lies. We can't tell whats real anymore for all the doctored video, distraction scandals, and leaders who just out right lie.

They cover their tracks buy burying evidence or out right destroying it. While the people live in a system that if we riot, refuse to go to work, or generally stand up,we die. Countries with militaries refuse to stand up to these people, yet we the people are expected to. They have already shown they have no issue with killing their own to get what they want. So really, who is worse for wear? Europe shows they are willing participants every time they back the US. Russia is barking but I have yet to see them bite. China is silent and the Arab countries really don't care so long as we continue to buy oil.

Wait, you say this is how the governments of these countries react and its not how the people of the individual countries feel. Then why don't these people stand up to their own governments and make them stop enabling this BS. You can point the finger all you want at the governments but the fact is there is not a single country that doesn't manipulate its people in some way. Actually many of these third world countries are impovirshed because some a** hole in power is sucking up all the wealth. If these countries can't fix their issues how can one expect the american people to stand against the strongest military and police force on the face of the planet.

I know this got long and went into several topics, but don't generalize and throw hatefull remarks towards an entire nation of people because chances are you live in a land that not only enabled the crooked actions but has propably benifitted from them.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:01 PM
JDL, whilst I so not agree with Sad's words the American people are culpable to a point. Americans have lived off the fat of the land and off others. As for third World nations not looking after themselves that is wrong, many of these nations have despots running them because people like us and the Americans have put them there and kept them in power.
Saddam was supported and supplied by the West as was the Shah.

Then these nations are robbed by the World banks where they are paying massive loans back when just trying to feed their own people. The people of the US have 2 advantages over most others, that is you have a constitution and you have the right to bear arms and you have lots of them. You do not have to go like lambs to the slaughter because you have the means to fight back. There are well armed and well led Militia's all over America ready to take the fight to the Government.

If you don't put up a fight now then all is lost, the long road to war, persecution and the ultimate destruction of your nation will follow. Men and women through the ages have fought against tyranny and injustice are Americans just to soft and are willing to give it all up?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by sadchild01
when USA collapses , i expect the FEMA death camps to come online and millions of americans will die in the hands of their govt ,

frankly i feel americans will deserve it , as they have looted third world countries for years , while being super rich themselves

Talk about living in La La Land...
Commit any Hasty Generalizations lately? No offense, but that is perhaps one of the most ignorant statements I have ever read.
Read up on Oligarchies/Plutocracies and perhaps you will have a better grasp of what has occured in the "Western" world. This is hardly endemic of the U.S. In fact, it's probably more endemic in countries run by dictators who oppress their citizenry.

Back on topic... I'm not too concerned by the report as that is their job - to foresee the unforeseeable and contingency plan for it. I don't view this as a warning, a prediction or an imminent event on the part of the SSI.

That being said, and I contradict myself here, I do see a breakdown of social order being right around the corner. But, again, I do not see that as the primature for this report.

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