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Obama Knew

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:30 PM
Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Yoda411

Listen, nobody is squeaky clean. If your in the federal government just by showing up to your first day at work you are a crook. And lies? Everybody has lied at least once in their life.

Can Obama do no wrong? Absolutely not. However, he isn't the president yet and he is already being jumped on for America's issues.

Has Obama done no wrong? We all lie, cheat, and steal at some point it would be false to assume any different from a socially popular official.

Acorn voter fraud linked to Obama? There has never been a conviction of voter fraud in the history of the United States, and if you think the GOP isn't dying for a fraction of evidence to support that link your wrong.

The link to Bill Ayres also proves nothing. Are you saying he was involved with Ayres domestic terrorism? I know a lot of people, and have been to their houses for parties, but if they go on a bombing rampage am I partially at fault?

Reverend Wright is still in this discussion? How does that prove anything against Obama? Have you never been to a black church? I'm guessing not.

Since dooper made such a great post with everything all condensed into one easy read....I too will quote him and ask you:

Do you really think Obama is clean or do you think he is a complete idiot or do you think Obama can do no wrong no matter what? Cause with this [growing] list, Id be quite concerned about supporting him - no matter what the answer is......

Just to make it clear - nobody in politics would satisfy the G.O.P. definition of "clean", let alone John McCain or George Bush. Do I think he's a complete idiot? Well, anyone who graduates from Harvard Law we can assume is not a complete idiot.

Most importantly, Do I think Obama can do no wrong?

NO. Obama has 4 years to slip up. If it was Obama selling seats on his board then we would have questions to raise, but it wasn't.Clearly Obama is making logical choices with who will be running the Federal Gov. on his watch, and not selling to the highest bidder.

Blagojevich, 51, and Harris, 46, both of Chicago, were each charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery. What else does the G.O.P. crowd want? This is America where the guilty are persecuted and tried in a court of law. You don't go burning the presumed witch anymore.

[edit on 12/16/08 by Yoda411]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:36 PM
"Theirs no honor among thief's."

So who, in their wildest dreams would think one crook would help another if/when they are caught?

Everyone has their own closet.. and when it's exposed.. well.. the sharks come feeding. It would be to everyones interest to distance themselves from those who are on the chopping board. Or have their closets cleaned as well...

Unless their is evidence to prove otherwise, innocent until proven guilty. Even if the evidence is away from prying eyes.

Any "assumptions" or "guessing" on a persons history is a slanderous attack on a persons character. I'm sure he or anyone in this position would very much enjoy taking it up in court, libel suit comes to mind....

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Yoda411

Ok, let's say for a moment that this video was indeed created by the RNC.

Whoopty-freakin-doo if it was, because you're overlooking one simple point.
You still have the most left wing network of the MSM beginning to question the non-actions of Obama. I mean, the folks at MSNBC are beginning to wonder if their messiah has been as sincere as he is letting on.

The videos may be slowly disappearing from the web, hmmm, but you still have audio tracks of Axelrod and Obama contradicting each other.

Axelrod is to Obama, as Rove is/was to Bush.
If Rove had said something like "Bush has been in contact with _blank_" and Bush later came back and said "Uhhhh, I had no contact with _blank_", you know damn well this "scandal" would be on the evening news for weeks.

Now there's talk about the existence of a tape that would turn Nixon green with envy.

I understand your claim that Obama is too busy preparing for his new position to be worried about his old Senate seat, BUT, if he now feels that having a job in the Senate is like having a rinky-dink job at McDonald's, then why didn't he give up his Senate seat when he announced he was running for the Presidency.

Q: Bob Dole did this a few years back, why didn't Obama?
A: Character

I don't know about you but if I had an extremely important job I had to give up, I would want to make sure my replacement would be well qualified to take on my previous responsibilities. Considering all the time, effort, heart and soul that I've put into that job, I would at least like to be involved in the selection process.

Why risk losing everything you've worked for by handing it over to a person that can potentially flush it all down the drain?

Unless of course you have no accomplishments to list in the first place.
Unless you didn't care about that position in the first place.
Unless there was a a 50/50 cut in it for you once that seat got sold.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
reply to post by Yoda411

Ok, let's say for a moment that this video was indeed created by the RNC.

Whoopty-freakin-doo if it was...

It is proof of a political agenda, not just trying to convict those involved. The GOP had a pretty harsh defeat, and clearly many of them are yet to get over it.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of the completely unfounded remarks which you are making towards our President-Elect.

Edit: By the way, I am not a Democrat or Republican. Please do not assume I would rather fight for the truth if Obama is ridiculed any more than I would fight for the truth if Bush was ridiculed.

[edit on 12/16/08 by Yoda411]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Yoda411
The GOP had a pretty harsh defeat, and clearly many of them are yet to get over it.

What makes you think this "harsh defeat" was not intentional?

THEY put up Obama against the Old Man for a reason.
McCain was the sacrificial lamb that was offered to the Messiah.

Ever wonder just how and why all of a sudden Romney began losing to McCain?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Yoda411
reply to post by Alxandro

Let's say for your side of the argument that President-Elect Obama knew the Rod Blagojevich was selling the seat to the highest bidder.

If you were president-elect (have not yet been sworn in as President), and you had a hunch that Blagojevich was attempting to sell the Senate seat, what would you do?

Try to expose Gov. Blagojevich? What if Obama had no proof that Blagojevich was doing this? Should Obama have tried tricking the Gov. into making statements on a recorded phone call? Would that not cause Washington Insiders to question their own trust for the newly elected president?

An additional question to be raised is, do you people really believe Obama would have benefited from this corruption had it gone unnoticed?

The truth of the matter is that Blagojevich would never have told Obama about this. If you were selling crack, and had a friend who was the town's Sheriff, would you tell the Sheriff that your selling crack?

Anyone who believes Obama knew is making the presumption Obama has the time to sit around investigating state-level Governors, while awaiting his highly anticipated position at the very top of the federal-level Government.

Can you honestly say that you think Obama is sitting at home watching television all day before taking seat as President of the world's largest super power? There is much work to be done from the moment he was officially elected if he plans to successfully initiate the hoards of causes he has promised Americans.

If you disagree with his policies I am happy for you, you have the right to your own opinion and that is what makes this country GREAT. With that said, if you are letting your disagreements with his policies create assumptions and false connections to Blagojevich's failed attempt at corruption I would like to invite you to re-think this statement.

The video was created by republicans making a false link between corruption in 2008 (soon to be 2009) with a video from 2002, before Obama was even a Senator (Won the Senate race in 2004).

While many here will bash republicans at any given opportunity, even republicans should take a moment and realize they are being fed garbage. It is the same "solid evidence" that was provided by the McCain campaign in attempt to label Obama as a terrorist.

Let's take your questions one at a time

'If you were president-elect (have not yet been sworn in as President), and you had a hunch that Blagojevich was attempting to sell the Senate seat, what would you do?'

How about the right, moral thing. Tell the feds, anyway, even if you had no hard evidence. Let them investigate it.

2.Would that not cause Washington Insiders to question their own trust for the newly elected president?

They should be questioning their own trust and judgement for that matter,
with all the controversey surrounding him, and his butt has not even felt the oval office chair yet!

3. 'An additional question to be raised is, do you people really believe Obama would have benefited from this corruption had it gone unnoticed?'

Well he has benefited this far! This ridiculous "dog and pony show" Got him all the way to the White House.

4. Can you honestly say that you think Obama is sitting at home watching television all day before taking seat as President of the world's largest super power? There is much work to be done from the moment he was officially elected if he plans to successfully initiate the hoards of causes he

uh....Yeah!!! Oh wait a minute, your right, he was such a hard worker, his entire political career, I mean he managed to get so much done!!!!

Obama is going to be found out eventually! I just wonder how many heads
are gonna roll trying to preserve Obama's "pure as freshly fallen snow" image?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by thegreatone
can somebody explain this to me? I mean, how do you sell the seat? wouldn't the voters notice there is somebody serving that wasnt voted into office? I have to be missing something here so please explain this to me.

You must not have listened to or read anything on this scandal.


When a senator leaves his seat for just about any reason, in most states the governor gets to appoint a replacement to finish out the term. This is the case in Illinois, since obama is giving up his senate seat. Where the "selling" of the seat comes from is that the FBI has the governor of Illinois on tape talking about how he plans to make big money from whomever he appoints to replace obama. In other words, whomever pays the governor the most gets the seat.

Make sense now?

yeah i havent kept up with this at all. thanks for explaining it.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:34 AM
lol Hey OP don't you remember that obama is immune to failure. I wouldn't even bother with these people ...they think obama will save the world...cap and all

[edit on 17-12-2008 by FearSoul]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

if you believe the election is over then it goes to show how little you know.
american politics has come to be a perpetual campaign, with democrats pretending to care about people and republicans pretending to care about the religeous right.

the only thing either party cares about is controlling what money eight years of bush mismanagement has left behind.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by cingin
He knew what was going on . So much for transparency. What about Obama being such a gifted speaker, it seems if its not written down he ahhs and umms more than a normal speaker. I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.

I've noticed the same thing.

Obama knows a lot of powerful people in positions of power that he could use to get out of any trouble with this scandle if he is in fact,involved in any way.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Obama said he had no idea that the Gov Blagojevich was trying to sell his senate seat (a guy he campaigned for).

He had no idea that he moved into a neighborhood where Louis Farrakhan was living.

He had no idea that, after being in the church for 20 years, Rev Wright was spouting racially and politically charged sermons.

He had no idea that Bill Ayers was a member of the Weatherman Organization.

He had no idea about the crooked business practices of Tony Rezko.

Now, either Obama is a complete idiot, or he thinks everyone in America is an idiot.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
reply to post by maybereal11

I'll give you a little bit of a pass, since you haven't been here to listen to and be on the receiving end of all that demo/lib "love" as long as I have. ............

In the meantime, trying to hide behind that "saying all demo/libs is unfair" rhetoric is just like the people that say the same thing about radical muslims.

No need to give me a pass. I am a fan of honesty and accuracy more so than party. You however seem to be tethered to a given divisive view.

That was an odd statement ..." just like the people that say the same thing about radical muslims."

I think people say that it is unfair to claim that all Muslims are militant...notice I left out the word "Radical".

Any religion has it's extremists that will try to capitalize on people's faith for their own agenda. This goes for Christians as well..

A few examples:
Christian Patriots...Nichols and McViegh bombings in Oklahoma City
Army of God ...hundreds of 2001 Anthrax Attacks
Oklahoma Constitutional Militia
Aryan Republican Army...a paramilitary gang which has been connected to hate fueled terrorist attacks involving train derailments, assassinations, bombings and a string of professionally executed armed bank robberies

And the KKK and abortion clinic bombings, Doctor executions, eric rudolph etc.etc.

Point being YES there is a difference between the Muslim religion and "Radical Militant" Muslims...Ditto Christians and most other religions.

You get that, right?

[edit on 22-12-2008 by maybereal11]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

Did anyone in this 4 page brain trust happen to read the actual Criminal Complaint, or just skim the RNC/Fox News CliffNotes as usual?

By this time, media reports indicated that Senate Candidate 1, an advisor to the President-elect, was interested in the Senate seat if it became vacant, and was likely to be supported by the President-elect. During the call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated, “unless I get something real good for [Senate Candidate 1], #, I’ll just send myself, you know what I’m saying....And if I don’t get what I want and I’m not satisfied with it, then I’ll just take the Senate seat myself.” Later, ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that the Senate seat “is a #ing valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing.”


ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that he is "struggling" financially and does "not want to be Governor for the next two years." ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that the consultants (Advisor B and another consultant are believed to be on the call at that time) are telling him that he has to "suck it up" for two years and do nothing and give this "mother#er [the President-elect] his senator. # him. For nothing? # him." ROD BLAGOJEVICH states that he will put "[Senate Candidate 4]" in the Senate "before I just give #ing [Senate Candidate 1] a #ing Senate seat and I don't get anything."

Later in the conversation, ROD BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the open seat but "they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. # them."

Obama comes off like a squeaky clean Saint. Blago admits to his own staff there's no way Obama would pay to play.

Think a wire tap on the RNC would yield as much?

What about a wire tap on your phone?

The very Criminal Complaint itself irrefutably exonerates President-elect Obama in Blago's own words. We've known this since Day One folks.

I thought the motto here was Deny Ignorance, not Make McCarthy Proud.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

I guess what you are saying is that we have our very own batch of home grown terrorists. That's fair enough but these have not infested the rest of the world.
They are not involved in enery single conflict occurring in the world today.
They may have been US made but they were more a product of the Clinton / Reno fiasco more than anything.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
reply to post by maybereal11

I guess what you are saying is that we have our very own batch of home grown terrorists. That's fair enough but these have not infested the rest of the world.
They are not involved in enery single conflict occurring in the world today.
They may have been US made but they were more a product of the Clinton / Reno fiasco more than anything.

Actually they are a "product of" groups fostering extreme religious beliefs to serve their purpose. Terrorist organizations that are premised on a Christian God span the world and have been around for I doubt they are a product of President Clinton..LOL

The KKK has been around for a century.

The Crusaders were promised complete forgiveness of any sins committed during the conquest and a free pass to the Pope!

Rape, steal, murder long as it was serving the Vatican's purpose they promised a free pass to heaven.

Sound familiar? I condemn any all acts of terrorism, but to claim that Islam is the cause is silly. These groups are horrific organizations with an agenda trying to sieze power and in a tactic as old as time they use religion as an excuse.

ALL religions have extremists...Islam is just in the news right now....and these folks that are leading the campaign are NOT doing for their God.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by maybereal11]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Geez, how soon people forget about Waco.

How can you even bring up the Crusades of hundreds of years ago, ... what's that got to do with anything?

..and again, the terrorists you mention are homegrown and have not infested the rest of the world.

I am no way defending them and they may be driven by hate but their agenda is not convert or die.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:43 PM
What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I haven't seen any evidence that supports that Obama was connected to the scandal, which isn't illegal, just morally reprehensible. I am no Obama fan, but this is nothing at all so far...and speaking of MSNBC, I hate to say it but Rachel Maddow is the most fair person on that cable network, she definitely had ties to the far left, but she tries to stay towards the middle considering he positions and her sexual preferences, which isn't something I can say for Keith Olberman who is a scumbag and Chris Matthews who is of equal scum. Kudos to Rachel.

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