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Obama Knew

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:10 PM
Come on, there has got to be a racist to blame here somewhere.

It will be interesting to see in the days to come just what Obama is made out of. Teflon perhaps?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:51 PM
I think this whole Blaogojevich scandal is a distration from larger issues possibly involving Obama. I wonder what Blagojevich knows that he will now be prevented from telling because he has been disgraced? I hope once he's out of prison he writes a book. I'd buy it.

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:59 PM
Why would anyone question Obama?

He sat in a church with a racists radical preacher "Reverand" Wright for only 20 years, and had no idea that he was preaching hatred for whites, following the writings of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power.

He kicked off his early political career with a "coming out" party in 1995 in the home of two radical homegrown bombers, Ayers and Dohrn, but had no idea of their past.

Represented ACORN and had no idea that it was conducting voter fraud.

Sweetheart land deals and significant political contributions from Rezco, and that's not over yet, but Obama had no idea this man was a crook. Now a convicted felon.

Al Mansour, a Muslim financier who helped Obama financially while at Harvard, but Obama was unaware or unconcerned of his background.

This can't be Obama's fault.

He's the President-elect. He had no idea!

In fact, this side of Federal penitentiaries, this is the most know-nothing SOB I've ever seen in my life.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Why would anyone question Obama?

He sat in a church with a racists radical preacher "Reverand" Wright for only 20 years, and had no idea that he was preaching hatred for whites, following the writings of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power.

He kicked off his early political career with a "coming out" party in 1995 in the home of two radical homegrown bombers, Ayers and Dohrn, but had no idea of their past.

Represented ACORN and had no idea that it was conducting voter fraud.

Sweetheart land deals and significant political contributions from Rezco, and that's not over yet, but Obama had no idea this man was a crook. Now a convicted felon.

Al Mansour, a Muslim financier who helped Obama financially while at Harvard, but Obama was unaware or unconcerned of his background.

This can't be Obama's fault.

He's the President-elect. He had no idea!

In fact, this side of Federal penitentiaries, this is the most know-nothing SOB I've ever seen in my life.

If Barack Hussein Obama is this "blind" with what goes on around him now, how myopic is his vision for our future?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Why would anyone question Obama?

He sat in a church with a racists radical preacher "Reverand" Wright for only 20 years, and had no idea that he was preaching hatred for whites, following the writings of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power.

He kicked off his early political career with a "coming out" party in 1995 in the home of two radical homegrown bombers, Ayers and Dohrn, but had no idea of their past.

Represented ACORN and had no idea that it was conducting voter fraud.

Sweetheart land deals and significant political contributions from Rezco, and that's not over yet, but Obama had no idea this man was a crook. Now a convicted felon.

Al Mansour, a Muslim financier who helped Obama financially while at Harvard, but Obama was unaware or unconcerned of his background.

This can't be Obama's fault.

He's the President-elect. He had no idea!

In fact, this side of Federal penitentiaries, this is the most know-nothing SOB I've ever seen in my life.

It gives new meaning to the old adage:

"The less you know, the further you go"!

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 10:54 AM
Ok, let's play devils advocate. Let's say Obama didn't play ball with Blago.
Then why did Rahm tip off the feds? Let's see Rahm was named Obama's
chief of staff, but let me guess... "they never talk"!! So do you honestly think Obama didn't know what Rahm was going to do? I bet Rahm can't
go to the bathroom without checking in with Obama first! Why didn't Obama go the feds first? Blago is on tape saying, regarding senate seat
well F-him. Of course that got back to Obama. He didn't go tip off feds
because he is in this up to his neck!! plan A didn't workout. plan B, Rahm
was his insurance policy had to take the hit for Obama, that was the reason he was appointed 'Chief ' in the first place.

Just my opinion though.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by paxnatus]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:00 AM
can somebody explain this to me? I mean, how do you sell the seat? wouldn't the voters notice there is somebody serving that wasnt voted into office? I have to be missing something here so please explain this to me.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

As if you or any of the other demo/libs EVER said to yourselves back in 2000 or 2004 that the election was over and Gore and Kerry went home.

So, get over it and get used to it yourselves. You're in for at least 4 more years of it - which will be only half of what you people dished out.

Deny hypocrisy ...

This thinking always confuses me. Are you saying that those who said "not my president" during President Bushs' term were correct? That attacks you considered unfair were a legitmate tactic? That it was perfectly acceptable and legitimate to you? That divisive and hateful rhetoric is good? Because you are endorsing and encouraging it here in this post.

Confused...Deny hypocrisy?

Lastly, show some respect for others before characterizing all "Dems/Libs" as folks who refused to recognize the legitimacy of President Bush.
It's an ignorant assumption and makes you appear the same.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Why would anyone question Obama?

He sat in a church with a racists radical preacher "Reverand" Wright for only 20 years, and had no idea that he was preaching hatred for whites, following the writings of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power.

He kicked off his early political career with a "coming out" party in 1995 in the home of two radical homegrown bombers, Ayers and Dohrn, but had no idea of their past.

Represented ACORN and had no idea that it was conducting voter fraud.

Sweetheart land deals and significant political contributions from Rezco, and that's not over yet, but Obama had no idea this man was a crook. Now a convicted felon.

Al Mansour, a Muslim financier who helped Obama financially while at Harvard, but Obama was unaware or unconcerned of his background.

This can't be Obama's fault.

He's the President-elect. He had no idea!

In fact, this side of Federal penitentiaries, this is the most know-nothing SOB I've ever seen in my life.

A pretty unbelievable collection of coincidences isn't it, and still people defend him. He must have taken a page out of Clinton's book and will only answer a question if you can tell him what the definition of "is" is.

How ignorant to your surroundings can a 'president-elect' (*sarcastic*) supposedly be?

[edit on 16-12-2008 by sos37]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by thegreatone
can somebody explain this to me? I mean, how do you sell the seat? wouldn't the voters notice there is somebody serving that wasnt voted into office? I have to be missing something here so please explain this to me.

The State Legislature temporarily appoints an individual to the Senate seat when the position is vacated by Death, Expulsion or Resignation. They serve until the people elect a replacement.

Amendment 17 gives them that right.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I have said it before I will say it again. No one, absolutly No one, can get ANYWHERE in Chicago, including being appointed a dog catcher or pick up your trash, without knowing that Daley, Both Senior and Junior, run the politics of the State of Illinois. To believe that Obama was not a large part of this machine is to ignore nearly 80 years of corrupt political history in Chicago. How anyone can delude themselves to such a point of view only instills my belief that Obama has managed to completely fool the majority of this country!


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Rezko's sentencing has been delayed because he's cooperating with Federal investigators in the Blago trial. Wonder what other info he is going to be asked to give on others involved. We might see some light shown on the rest by Rezko's latest information!


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
[Even John McCain, to his credit, said that we should leave Obama alone on this issue, and spend our time trying to help the new President-elect, in this time of national and world crisis.

Oh boy
When the money-trail gets exposed, ALL of the politicians race for cover. John McCain would be more helpful acknowledging the role that they, the politicians, have played in creating this national and world crisis.

What would be more helpful is if all the Republicans and Democrats would wake up from this comma you people have been living in for 50 or so years and see your partie"s" are both corrupt and are no different from each other and both work for the same corrupt government. How about 2012 you all stay home and NOT vote so maybe we third party supporters can bring REAL change and get rid of all the career politicians that have put this country where it is today.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by cingin
He knew what was going on . So much for transparency. What about Obama being such a gifted speaker, it seems if its not written down he ahhs and umms more than a normal speaker. I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.

and you say this after 8 years of bush!!! that great orator!!! bush!!!

yup i guess it's sad to you that someone says ahhs and umms in an impromtu questioning session...i guess obama should become more like the "decider" that bush is.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

I'll give you a little bit of a pass, since you haven't been here to listen to and be on the receiving end of all that demo/lib "love" as long as I have. Do some searches, you'll see what I mean. You might even notice that I've also done my fair share of criticizing Bush for failed policies.

In the meantime, trying to hide behind that "saying all demo/libs is unfair" rhetoric is just like the people that say the same thing about radical muslims. There is a group of demo/libs here on ATS that savagely attacked Bush from the moment he was nominated, and did not let up while he was in office. Now, some (not all) of those same members are starting to whine about the treatment obama is getting. That's where the deny hypocrisy statement comes from. Do yourself a big favor and don't join their club ...

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by thegreatone
can somebody explain this to me? I mean, how do you sell the seat? wouldn't the voters notice there is somebody serving that wasnt voted into office? I have to be missing something here so please explain this to me.

You must not have listened to or read anything on this scandal.


When a senator leaves his seat for just about any reason, in most states the governor gets to appoint a replacement to finish out the term. This is the case in Illinois, since obama is giving up his senate seat. Where the "selling" of the seat comes from is that the FBI has the governor of Illinois on tape talking about how he plans to make big money from whomever he appoints to replace obama. In other words, whomever pays the governor the most gets the seat.

Make sense now?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Rezko's sentencing has been delayed because he's cooperating with Federal investigators in the Blago trial. Wonder what other info he is going to be asked to give on others involved. We might see some light shown on the rest by Rezko's latest information!


He's supposedly also talking to the grand jury looking into obama's sweetheart real estate deal that Rezko was also involved in. Obama's "whitewater", if you will ...

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

Let's say for your side of the argument that President-Elect Obama knew the Rod Blagojevich was selling the seat to the highest bidder.

If you were president-elect (have not yet been sworn in as President), and you had a hunch that Blagojevich was attempting to sell the Senate seat, what would you do?

Try to expose Gov. Blagojevich? What if Obama had no proof that Blagojevich was doing this? Should Obama have tried tricking the Gov. into making statements on a recorded phone call? Would that not cause Washington Insiders to question their own trust for the newly elected president?

An additional question to be raised is, do you people really believe Obama would have benefited from this corruption had it gone unnoticed?

The truth of the matter is that Blagojevich would never have told Obama about this. If you were selling crack, and had a friend who was the town's Sheriff, would you tell the Sheriff that your selling crack?

Anyone who believes Obama knew is making the presumption Obama has the time to sit around investigating state-level Governors, while awaiting his highly anticipated position at the very top of the federal-level Government.

Can you honestly say that you think Obama is sitting at home watching television all day before taking seat as President of the world's largest super power? There is much work to be done from the moment he was officially elected if he plans to successfully initiate the hoards of causes he has promised Americans.

If you disagree with his policies I am happy for you, you have the right to your own opinion and that is what makes this country GREAT. With that said, if you are letting your disagreements with his policies create assumptions and false connections to Blagojevich's failed attempt at corruption I would like to invite you to re-think this statement.

The video was created by republicans making a false link between corruption in 2008 (soon to be 2009) with a video from 2002, before Obama was even a Senator (Won the Senate race in 2004).

While many here will bash republicans at any given opportunity, even republicans should take a moment and realize they are being fed garbage. It is the same "solid evidence" that was provided by the McCain campaign in attempt to label Obama as a terrorist.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Yoda411

Since dooper made such a great post with everything all condensed into one easy read....I too will quote him and ask you:

Do you really think Obama is clean or do you think he is a complete idiot or do you think Obama can do no wrong no matter what? Cause with this [growing] list, Id be quite concerned about supporting him - no matter what the answer is......

Originally posted by dooper

Why would anyone question Obama?

He sat in a church with a racists radical preacher "Reverand" Wright for only 20 years, and had no idea that he was preaching hatred for whites, following the writings of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power.

He kicked off his early political career with a "coming out" party in 1995 in the home of two radical homegrown bombers, Ayers and Dohrn, but had no idea of their past.

Represented ACORN and had no idea that it was conducting voter fraud.

Sweetheart land deals and significant political contributions from Rezco, and that's not over yet, but Obama had no idea this man was a crook. Now a convicted felon.

Al Mansour, a Muslim financier who helped Obama financially while at Harvard, but Obama was unaware or unconcerned of his background.

This can't be Obama's fault.

He's the President-elect. He had no idea!

In fact, this side of Federal penitentiaries, this is the most know-nothing SOB I've ever seen in my life.

I think Obama is a complete crook and liar and can not be trusted. His words mean nothing. He speaks what others tell him to speak. If that wasnt the case, then he would have to be the dumbest man alive. Either way. I see nothing in him, his character, his past and now his present that deserves support nor the position that was planned for him to have.

With that said. He better do a good job and live up to the marketing of himself, because Im holding on to an ounce of HOPE for the sake of my country.

[edit on 12/16/2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by tsloan

That's EXACTLY what I've been trying to say for about 20 years!!!

My point is that there are all of the democrats pointing at Obama and claiming that politics are going to be "different" because of him. NO, they won't!

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