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"The Ouija Board" - Documentary Film for TV

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posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

When I was growing up, I wanted to get a Ouiji board but my mom said that as long as i live under her roof, there would be no board in the house. She was afraid of them and thought they invited evil. After that I thought hey, why tempt fate. Oh yea, on a side note, my mom could tell you strange, ghost type things, that happened to her growing up, that would give you chills.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 08:07 AM
I have shared my experiences many times on ATS. But my experience is not mine alone to share. I would have to track down all the people involved before I considered sharing it with someone who was going to use it in this sort of way. Its one thing to share it on ATS its another to let someone put it in a film. Although people should be aware of the real dangers of these things... quite honestly it makes no difference if toys r us sells them.. the most potent one we ever used was made out of a piece of paper that we marked ourselves.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by mmariebored

Artifacts only "have power" if you believe they have power. You yourself are the real "tool", your own body and mind

That is exactly what I said. Why do you feel the need to reiterate what I said back to me?

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

the most potent one we ever used was made out of a piece of paper that we marked ourselves.

This is what I was talking about. The most powerful ones are the ones we create ourselves. You put energy into it by the doing.

Now, I'd like to point out that good journalism is UNBIASED. This thread is continuing down the path that presents this tool as dangerous. I hope that in your report you portray equal parts of the story.

The makers of the game won't put warnings on it and the gov't won't restrict it for one simple reason. They would have to admit that we are a multidimensional entity. They won't admit there is another 'side' to our 3D reality for some time.

Why do you feel the need to WARN EVERYBODY? This is only creating fear of something. Fear can only be used in negative experience.

Let me explain that a bit. Lets say that someone sees your report on the ouija. They are interested enough to try it, but you scared them just enough to make them cautious. This fear creates a doorway. When they participate in the ouija, they are allowing themselves to be open to the unknown. This is another natural fear that humans have. So we have an honest intent, yet there is enough fear in the moment to generate negative energy. In the energetic world like attracts like. Therefore the results are likely to be negative.

There are entities on the other side of the veil that will respond to that. I'm not talking about demons etc... that is very one sided. There is an unimaginable amount of life in ALL FORMS in the universe. There are positive, negative, and neutral entities just like there are people here in 3D Earth.

In short, I believe you are correct in your evaluation that a tool can be dangerous. Please listen to what I have described about the energetic universe. Fear is the 'power cell' of negativity. The way that you are approaching the subject only allows the generation of more fear of an otherwise neutral object.

My solution would be to put a true set of instructions with the 'game board'. Divination has been around thousands of years. There are some easy steps that can be taken in order to create you own positive experiences.

I only ask that you consider the issue of 'fear' when presenting your report. A balanced report would go along way.


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior
reply to post by mmariebored

Artifacts only "have power" if you believe they have power. You yourself are the real "tool", your own body and mind

That is exactly what I said. Why do you feel the need to reiterate what I said back to me?

Well it wasn't to annoy you, perhaps I misunderstood you.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:22 PM
Spirit Warrior

Thanks for your comments.

I am not a journalist- I am a filmmaker.

Like Michael Moore, I have my bias and beliefs, and I admit that.

While I want to make a balanced film- allowing both sides of the
debate time to make their case- I am only saying that, as I develop this,
my research, coupled with my own frightening experience where I saw a spirit manifest as a Jeep on a desolate road at 3am with tinted windows- stopping in front of me while blaring the song "I am Finding It Hard To Believe We're In Heaven". The Ouija board told me and 14 friends to go to the location for the manifestation, and the jeep, black with tinted windows, peeled rubber into the church across the street, performed a 360 skid in the parking lot of the church, and then drove back down, the wrong way, of the one way street from where it came.

As high school juniors, it also told us where we all would go to college, which was meaningless at the time, but the spirit ended up right- 15 out of 15 in retrospect. And it said it was named "Lucifer", but I doubt we contacted the big man himself.

My intent is not to make some anti-Ouija board film... but I feel people should have the knowledge that someone like you clearly has, to make an informed decision. Like skydiving or smoking, an adult should know the risks.

As it is marketed now, Hasbro LIES by omission- they do not admit it contacts spirits, since that would be legally hazardous and exposure them to bad PR, lawsuits and cut into their profit margin.

I understand that someone can make one at home, and as I said before, I am not saying people should not be allowed to use them, or make them, or buy them even... I am just... asking... myself and fellow members... if anyone thinks there should be an age restriction like booze, voting, cigarettes, driving, sexual consent, marriage, etc... all things that can be harmless or harmful, depending on use, intent, etc...

And, I ask if a disclaimer should be included, like on a pack of smokes.

Your idea for directions, honest and complete, is a great idea- something to educate an ignorant person about the POSSIBLE nature of the device...

So, since I am a journalist, I will inject my point of view, since I have no obligation that a journalist is limited by- I have the right to say what I want.

I do not have a fully formed opinion- I am learning...

But my research makes me feel that, as a neutral tool, there is still no explanation for why so many sessions with this tool go bad, get weird or result in hauntings and possessions.

I am not a fundamentalist Christian and I have no agenda, except the truth as I perceive it through the experiences and opinions of others- ordinary people and experts alike.

I appreciate your input- keep it up please!


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:34 PM
I have tried using a Ouija board.
From what I can say
It's a complete load of rubbish.
If it's not a scam, it's a coincidence.

Speaking to the dead with a piece of cardboard and a shot glass.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:45 PM
5-7 years ago, I used to collect Ouija boards of all types. I purchased a majority of them on eBay, while others I found at garage sales or in the local paper. Nonetheless, I had roughly 45 or so in my collection and never once had a strange encounter with them. Although I rarely played with them, possibly being a non-believer of their spiritual properties might have played its role. I had always been intrigued at how people truly believed in roles for contacting the afterlife, which in turn made me start collecting them.

I ended up selling my entire collection over the years. A good website for information regarding classic Ouija boards is at Best of luck on your documentary (your pretty hot too).

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

Excellent post. I respect what you are doing completely.
As a Shaman, I am merely trying to prevent the spread of fear. We see this as the true power source for negativity and unbalance. In that light it is my hope that the information come across as positive or neutral. Not in a way that promotes people to use the ouija. Simply to prevent the spread of energy. It can and does infect like a virus. That is my bias.

I tried to explain why people have bad experiences. It has to do with mindset and setting.

I doubt and corporate manufacturer will admit any seemingly 'hypothetical' issues with the product they sell. If they did that they would sell less. In a way, this serves us because fear is not spread through warnings and danger signs.

A true instructional set would devastate the pseudo reality that the corporate world lives in. To implement that they would not only have to admit the phenomenon, they would have to approve of the methods.

That will not happen for some time. String theory and quantum mechanics is getting press, but not enough. Give it a few years and this subject will actually be talked about in a different light.


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 10:29 PM
HD Films, I noticed a slight contradiction on your part that I would like to point out.

In your last post, you claim that you're not a journalist at first, and then sometime later, you state that you ARE a journalist.

I believe you, but I just noticed that.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:49 PM
I'm too new to send a U2U. Do you have an e-mail account that you can be contacted at?

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by johnnyg5646
I'm too new to send a U2U. Do you have an e-mail account that you can be contacted at?

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by HighDefinitionFilms

Last call... would like to hear about Ouija board stories
from people who would like to be interviewed for TV documentary
about them...

I will really be surprised if no one has an opinion to express to the world.


actually, you would need some hard-core skeptics to be in on this, for it to have any validity.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:23 PM
I'll call my aunt.

My mother told me a story as a kid of what happened to my aunt when she played with one and it was so ludicrously crazy that I'm not sure if it was true or if she was just trying to scare me into staying away from them.

She said the curtains in the house all came straight out and the windows were all closed, then they saw lightning and rain outside the windows and it was a clear calm night when they opened the door.

She said after that my aunt never touched one again.

I'll give her a call and see how true it was but I'm guessing it was all BS to keep me away from it.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:31 PM
When I was 14 a Ouija Board told me I would marry a girl named Gail.

Met Gail when I was 20 and married at 21 for me and 18 for her.

Still married over 45 years later....

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:55 PM
I wasn't going to say anything but then I saw Dearest Dog's post. lol When I was in grade-school (4th or 5th grade I think) 3 of my little girlfriends and I used a Ouija Board for a few hours one afternoon.

I don't remember all the questions we asked it, however I clearly remember asking it who I was going to marry. The Ouija spelled-out the name Joe. At the time we all made "ewww gross" faces at each other because the Joe in our class was fairly unpopular and to us, unattractive (god elementary school kids are horrible people, aren't they? lol) Anyway, when I was 24 I met a man named Joe, and when I was 25 I married him.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Good stories.

I am NOT a journalist- I am a filmmaker.
Please show me where I misspoke- I certainly could have.

I agree- I must have negative POVs- it must be balanced.

Hasbro would never admit what the Ouija really is...


They are making a major Hollywood movie about Ouija Boards-
with Michael Bay- meaning scares and action. In other words-
it it an admission by Hasbro, directly or indirectly, that it Ouija is a medium to a dimension NO HUMAN fully understands...


[email protected]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:38 PM
T. Patrick,

I spoke to you a little before the holidays, and am still very itnerested. I have been working over the weekend, and still am at work currently. I will e-mail you again when I get home and have a bit more time on my hands.

Look forward to discussing more with you.

- deadline

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 07:19 PM
If you want to do a documentary, put together three or four seperate groups of what you consider to be trustworthy people with no experience of the board. Follow their experiences. Find out for yourself.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 07:35 PM
I had a ouija board...
i went to get it out of the cupboard and it hit me in the head...
it was very traumatic..
i haven't been able to touch a ouija board since

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