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*Human Earthquake Experiment*

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:36 AM
The inspiration for this thread came from ATS member questioningall after a some recent successful threads titled *Serious Warnings* Alert * Earthquake* Postings* Please Read* and *Alert System*and *Alert System* Tell what weird possible Earthquake Animal, Sky or Water behaviour is happening -

Just incase some people dont know what is suposedly happening in the very near future here is some information from the thread above

Today being Dec. 1st - there are only 10 days left until the time frame of Dec. 10 -15th of 2 Huge (maybe biggest ever) Earthquakes to hit the U.S. and then somewhere else in the world.

The webbot has had these predictions of earthquakes hitting for 1 1/2 years in their language.
Considering the Bande Ache earthquake and tsunami was only in the language for 6 months ahead of time - and the webbot had said 300,000 would be killed or missing with it - they were exactly right.

What does that mean for us...the bigger and more emotional the event the farther out they get it. So is 300,000 were killed in Bande Ache's quake and it was 6 months out - the earthquakes predicted to come were 1 1/2 years out - that is NOT good news. That means it will even be more devastating than the Bande Ache's. Also consider the webbot got the China earthquake earlier this year a few days out - 5 million people lost their homes in that one!

well I got thinking we are seeing some certain strange behavior in some animals and well shouldn’t that mean we should be spotting some certain different behaviors from ourselves (we are animals after all) like for example mood swings or maybe some of us are just feeling plain weird for absolutely no reason at all
Im interested in hearing about anyone who you know well who is just not feeling right for no reason or maybe if you yourself is feeling just odd for no reason

I want this thread to be almost like proof that we as humans do have some sort of ability like animals do when it comes to these sort of things (Natural Phenomenon)

me personally I don’t really think its connected very much to an earthquake but I have been very ill lately and I have had an absolutely terrible headache since 5 o clock yesterday and I had to miss out on ATS for a while but I had to come on to create this thread

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Anti - Government]

[edit on 9-12-2008 by Anti - Government]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 10:38 AM
I tend to go beserk and break stuff around the house during
these times. But then again I have anger management issues.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:21 AM
Thats so crazy you posted this. First thing waking up this morning, I my entire body feels like it wants to shut down. I have this headache like no other that wont go away. I'm constantly hungry but my body doesnt want to eat the usual food that I do. I'm having trouble waking up now. My routine is out of total wack right now. Funny thing too I watch a news report this morning, I live in louisiana by the way, well the black bears in northern louisiana are randomly leaving their habitat. I dont know whats going on but its being felt all over the country.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Anti - Government

Great idea Anti-Government,

I want to add my "feelings" - not sure if it is due to being a little rung out or "something" else.

For the past 3 to 4 days, I have felt as if the gravity pull of the earth is about 5 times stronger.

It is hard to explain, but I will try my best.

It feels like 100 pounds or more of weight is on my shoulders "literally".

As I am sitting down right now, it feels like it would be very hard to get up and I have to use all my energy for it. Walking it feels like I have to use twice the normal energy - even typing on the keyboard for a few days has been hard.

It is again hard to explain, but it is real. My head is a little dizzier and lighter feeling too. Is it from stress and so on, I am not sure.

I do know I have never felt the force of gravity as much as I have been feeling for a few days now, even when I have been at my most exhausted and stressed out state.

Could this be some form of a stronger magnetic field coming from the earth right now? I don't know.

But I would love to know, if others, are feeling something similar to this.

[edit on 9-12-2008 by questioningall]

[edit on 9-12-2008 by questioningall]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by questioningall

No offence meant there questions, as i do applaud the time and effort you have put forth in the various threads you have created on this supposed earthquake to hit soon. But personally for me I think these feelings you are having latley may be nothing more that your mind playing tricks on you. It's not hard to see that you have emmersed yourself completley and fully into this coming event.

The mind is a powerful thing and when you believe and emmerse yourself into something so fully as it seems you have done, your mind often starts to manifest feelings and symptoms to agree with such beliefs.

I'm speaking from experience here. A while ago my doctor made the mistake of telling me that a MRI scan showed the possibilitie of MS, upon hearing this news I became scarred and researched all knowledge and symptoms to MS, shortly after that I began exibiting all the known symptoms of this disease. I was so sure i had it and upon furthur review it showed that was not the case, after reciveing the news that I was fine my symtpoms all but disappeared.

This is just my opinion here but when this prediction does not come to pass, that is of course never a certainty because I do think the theory behind the webbot is intreaging, but if it doesnt happen and you distance yourself from this thing you have emmersed yourself into, you will find these symptoms of your will quickly fade.

of course this is just my opinion, take it as you see fit

[edit on 12/9/0808 by Trayen11]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:33 PM
I applaud the idea but I don't think it's feasible. We're too subjective and since we're alkready focused on the issue beforehand, too prone to self-suggestion. The only way to do this would be to observe groups of people who were not already of the issue and document changes in behavior. I think we're all too close to the subject matter to be objective.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:34 PM

me personally I don’t really think its connected very much to an earthquake but I have been very ill lately and I have had an absolutely terrible headache since 5 o clock yesterday and I had to miss out on ATS for a while but I had to come on to create this thread

WOW me too, massive pressure in my head , totally different to most headaches I usualy get..... I am also really techy and snappy, short tempered and edgy and impatient.....
now there are probably many members of my family who would say ...well wahts different to normal....
THIS IS.... serious pressure in my head, taking pills like they gone out of fashion ....

interesting and I'm in the UK


posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:37 PM
I know this is not Human, but I found a pretty good article printed today...
Dec 9, 2008

Can animals sense earthquakes? I’ve heard stories about cats carrying their litter of kittens out of a building just prior to a quake. Is there any truth in it? We’ve had two quakes in the last three hours, and my goldfish didn’t do a thing.

Scientists haven’t given up hope of finding animals capable of this, with a view to figuring out how to do it themselves. But so far it’s been a slow job.

The idea that animals act funny before an earthquake hits has been out there for thousands of years. However, we have to ask: How would this work? Some possibilities, as discussed in a 2000 article in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America:

• P-waves—the fast-traveling primary seismic waves that show up just before things start getting tossed around. Humans aren’t good at sensing these, but animals might be. “Numerous observations exist of animals displaying panic in the few seconds prior to the onset of strong ground shaking . . . including dogs barking, nervous cats jumping out of windows, birds screaming, rats running out of their holes, bees swarming, etc.,” we read.

• Ground tilt, which has been detected hours prior to some Asian quakes. But the tilt angles are microscopic, and thus far there’s no evidence animals can perceive such tiny shifts.

• Humidity changes. Rising groundwater levels have been detected before some quakes, leading some to conjecture that more moisture would be forced into the air, where animals could notice it.

• Electromagnetic field fluctuations. It’s been proven earthquakes can generate detectable electromagnetic activity right before they happen. (“Earthquake lights,” the creepy bluish-white flashes that sometimes appear over fault lines before a quake, may be a related phenomenon.) While land animals seem to be oblivious, fish can be attuned to it, and magnetosensitive animals such as birds and bees could pick up on it too.

• Low-frequency sound. This one is easy to believe, given how much better animal hearing is than ours. One happenstance observation in the Mojave Desert showed dogs could detect low-frequency “booms” from earthquake aftershocks that a seismometer registered but researchers didn’t notice.

Let’s say it’s possible for animals to detect quakes in advance. Do they actually ever do it? Some results:

• A study of lost pet ads in the San Jose Mercury News showed no increase in runaway animals before Bay Area quakes, despite claims to the contrary.

• Researchers in the Mojave studying a colony of harvester ants during 1992’s Landers earthquake saw no change in the ants’ behavior before, during, or after the quake.

• A group of 1,200 observers in California who were supposed to report cases of strange animal behavior made no more calls than normal prior to the Coyote Lake earthquake in 1979, but a rush of calls right after, having apparently re-evaluated what they’d seen before the event.

The most widely cited claim of successful animal earthquake prediction is the Haicheng, China, quake of February 4, 1975. Official reports said snakes emerged from their winter burrows and froze to death, birds tried to carry eggs from their nests, cows broke their halters and fled, rats acted drunk, and police dogs howled and misbehaved. Two problems: Numerous foreshocks a day in advance made it obvious something was brewing. More tellingly, the Tangshan earthquake that struck the same region the following year—killing perhaps 240,000 people—went unpredicted.

None of this has stopped people from trying to draw connections, of course. There’s even a Web site,, where folks can report whatever bat# antics their pets are up to so anybody who’s interested can watch for the next big one. The rest of us will just keep an eye out for foreshocks, rising groundwater, and creepy blue lights. cs

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by barontorz

Im personally trying to not take ny pills tbh i dont think they help that much more like push just push the pain down a bit and nothng else but its really bad and i actually have to take some to get rid of it it started at about 5:00 o clock yesterday so im intrigued to to know when yours started

im also in the UK

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by barontorz

me personally I don’t really think its connected very much to an earthquake but I have been very ill lately and I have had an absolutely terrible headache since 5 o clock yesterday and I had to miss out on ATS for a while but I had to come on to create this thread

WOW me too, massive pressure in my head , totally different to most headaches I usualy get..... I am also really techy and snappy, short tempered and edgy and impatient.....
now there are probably many members of my family who would say ...well wahts different to normal....
THIS IS.... serious pressure in my head, taking pills like they gone out of fashion ....

interesting and I'm in the UK


I also have a ton of pressure in my head that started yesterday, but, i was just assuming maybe im getting a cold or just a regular ol sinus headache. I took some tylenol last night and it didnt really help though.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Ive just been talking to a few people on msn and it turns out alot of people are off ill today wih the same symptoms as what has been described although its probably a bug going round you never know right

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:20 PM
There's already a thread about human's having symptoms that might signal an earthquake. Just search for it and you'll find it. I'll try to find it and bump it for you.


posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:49 PM
here's a link to the thread. Theres already pages upon pages of people listing their symptoms. Please join us! Mods, can you close this thread?

An Experiment in Alternative Methods of Earthquake Prediction

[edit on 12/9/2008 by Telafree]

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 03:51 PM
We've been running a very active thread on this subject since Spring.

An Experiment in Alternative Methods of Earthquake Prediction

For the record, people who are famous for accurately predicting earthquakes biologically (see aforementioned thread) are not issuing any mega-earthquake alerts at this time.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Telafree


please close this thread then thanks

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:28 AM
Please continue in the existing thread

Thank you.

Thread closed.


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