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The end is closer than people realize.

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posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:32 AM
I don't know how many of you on ATS have read, or believe the prophesies of ones such as the Mayans, or Nostradamus, but they are coming true. Nostradamus predicted the world will fall into total chaos following a breakdown of the worlds financial system. The chaos is already starting. Take the attacks in India, or all the shootings here in the U.S. And no matter what the U.S. government does to rescue our economy, more companies go under everyday. And corporations don't realize the more money they get from the government, the higher the national deficit goes. It worsens the economy even further.

Your preparedness is about to be tested.

Are you prepared to bug out today?

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:38 AM
The super rich are just clearing their books and rearranging the furniture. They lust for money and comfort. They will finish consolidating later in 2009 and watch everything become rosy once again.

What say you quote Nostradamus right here so I can see what you are talking about?

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:44 AM
Well if it is "the end" then preparing will do little. Not a darn thing I can do to prevent it so not too concerned. I am preparing to protect my family because I do not believe "the end" is near. Just some major changes.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:47 AM
fear mongering plain and simple. this planet will be just fine. it might be the end of you though.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
The super rich are just clearing their books and rearranging the furniture. They lust for money and comfort. They will finish consolidating later in 2009 and watch everything become rosy once again.

What say you quote Nostradamus right here so I can see what you are talking about?

Rearranging furniture at this stage would be like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

Nobody sinks the entire ship willingly. They may set fire to the 3rd class quarters and then charge the 3rd class passengers rent to sit in the ballroom, but they wouldn't sink the ship.

Im interested to know who you think they (ie the super rich) are. Other than Bill Gates buying a submarine, Bush buying a ranch etc I haven't really heard of any instances of the super rich preparing for an orchestrated global crisis.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Anuubis
I don't know how many of you on ATS have read, or believe the prophesies of ones such as the Mayans, or Nostradamus, but they are coming true. Nostradamus predicted the world will fall into total chaos following a breakdown of the worlds financial system. The chaos is already starting. Take the attacks in India, or all the shootings here in the U.S. And no matter what the U.S. government does to rescue our economy, more companies go under everyday. And corporations don't realize the more money they get from the government, the higher the national deficit goes. It worsens the economy even further.

Your preparedness is about to be tested.

Are you prepared to bug out today?

'Nostradamus predicted the world will fall into total chaos following a breakdown of the worlds financial system' - So if you were alive 70 years ago you could claim that'd be the great depression followed by WW2. I'd say them two events were more significant than todays so in my books Nostradamus missed his window.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Anuubis

I don't mean to bash you in any way, but please note:
1) The U.S. economy has its ups and downs, even if this particular one is worse than many previous downers. Also, we survived a great depression, I know a few people who literally survived the depression, they aren't worried.
2) 200 people dead isn't a whole lot. Especially in India, the country with close to if not over 1 billion people. It is not nearly in comparison with 9/11. So I don't think the state of the Earth is worse off than it has been before.

One thing I can't reply to is the shootings in the U.S. as I have no idea which shootings you are talking about. Perhaps you are mentioning the school shootings, even though none have happened of late. They worry me too, and they are more frequent, but they aren't recent enough to say the Earth is collapsing to the core.

By the way, I don't believe the Mayans were that great in their fortune telling saying we will die in 2012 all the way, but I believe it enough to worry about it and look towards signs. As for what Nostrodamos (forgive my spelling) said about chaos coming in the end of days, that just makes logic, why else would the world be destroyed if everything wasn't crumbling.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:07 PM
You all need to remember that "Apocolypse" means "New Beginning".

The world as we know it is changing and the end of this era is near. For the record, I welcome it. We are no longer in need of greed and slavery. This transition will see a great number of people suffering, many dying, collapsing economies, wars and choas and many unmentionables. Those prepared in mind and body will weather the transition and will rebuild a new world; hopefully a better world. But, I suppose that will be up to those of us who choose to survive the transition.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Durkin

The Mayans never predicted anything:
My post on the Mayan calendar

They used an algorithm that ran out of possibilities in 2012. However, most assume that they simply would have added an additional placeholder to the ones they created years ago if they had made it to 2012. It's very simply done. Doing it then would have made no difference in the calendar. People later took it as a "prediction" that the world would end. That was never intended.

No man's interpretations have been screwed around with so much as Nostradamus.
An observation on poor Nostradamus
People are even using crop circles as evidence supporting Nostradamus's predictions. Nostradamus simply "borrowed" some concepts from the Bible, and tossed in some science of the day, and some hocus pocus equivocation of wording. In other words, he took what people believed, what people knew, and made "predictions" based on current events with some historical perspective people "knew" were true because they were in the Bible. There are a couple of instances where his predictions were pretty uncanny. However, in most cases, they were so vague they could be attributed to almost any point in time as we tend to water down our memory and consider right now the threat. Uncertain financial times? Sheez, that's every ten years. Anyone remember the financial meltdown of 2001? The chaos following the The World Trade Towers? How far back do we have to go before that? 1996? Before that? 1991 the economy was so bad Bush couldn't get elected and we were dealing with terrorists in Iraq. Before that? 1979 no one could borrow money and gas was so expensive people left their cars on the side of the road while Americans were held hostage in Iran. It just goes on and on. What's going on right now is just the norm.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:36 PM

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:48 PM
I never said it would be the end of the world. So many prophets said it would be the end of civilization as we know it. Well in 2012 the poles of the earth will shift, causing massive storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. That alone will change civilization as we know it.

As far as the great depression being Nostradamus' "window" He, and many other prophets' predictions state it will be in the 21st millenia. Not the 20th. And the Mayans have been right so many times, if you think they haven't, then your blind.

And the shootings i was refering to was the one in Tukwilla, Washington and the KB toys in Kalifornia just to name a couple.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by 44soulslayer

Originally posted by stikkinikki
The super rich are just clearing their books and rearranging the furniture. They lust for money and comfort. They will finish consolidating later in 2009 and watch everything become rosy once again.

What say you quote Nostradamus right here so I can see what you are talking about?

Rearranging furniture at this stage would be like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

Nobody sinks the entire ship willingly. They may set fire to the 3rd class quarters and then charge the 3rd class passengers rent to sit in the ballroom, but they wouldn't sink the ship.

Im interested to know who you think they (ie the super rich) are. Other than Bill Gates buying a submarine, Bush buying a ranch etc I haven't really heard of any instances of the super rich preparing for an orchestrated global crisis.

The heads of multinational coorporations, the benefactors of old money etc. They might not have planned it but they will profit off of it. It could be that the system just rotted from the inside thanks to corporate greed at all levels. Every human likes to be comfortable although we all have different criteria for what that means. Some people are taking advantage of the situation i.e. bailouts and some are trying whatever they can do to stem the losses. Eventually the bailout money will dry up and it will be back to extracting value directly from the people instead of from their custodians.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Anuubis
I never said it would be the end of the world. So many prophets said it would be the end of civilization as we know it. Well in 2012 the poles of the earth will shift, causing massive storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. That alone will change civilization as we know it.

As far as the great depression being Nostradamus' "window" He, and many other prophets' predictions state it will be in the 21st millenia. Not the 20th. And the Mayans have been right so many times, if you think they haven't, then your blind.

And the shootings i was refering to was the one in Tukwilla, Washington and the KB toys in Kalifornia just to name a couple.

You said "The end is closer than people realize". i guess I should have asked what end you were talking about.

Can you find the Nostradamus text you claim fortells our immediat future as you did in the OP?

I assume when you mention poleshift you are thinking an immediate flip. Poleshifts are gradual and take place over centuries if not longer.

Can you list examples of the Mayans being right?

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by stikkinikki
I can't find the website about the Mayans that i read about their prophesies right now. I'll keep looking, but when you do a search the results are all cluttered with sites of people selling books and crap.

And on dec. 21, 2012 the earth will be in a solar alignment with the sun and a black hole in the middle of our galaxy. It won't take centuries to shift the mantle.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Anuubis
reply to post by stikkinikki
And on dec. 21, 2012 the earth will be in a solar alignment with the sun and a black hole in the middle of our galaxy. It won't take centuries to shift the mantle.

We are already aligned as you say and we have been for some time. What sort of window of space do you suppose we will travel through in one day on 12/21/2012? I don't know what a solar alignment is as you reference it. Keep researching the 2012 stuff and Nostradamus stuff so you can find out the truth on these matters. Truth is always the goal.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I know this is not original but how much of our fate is selffulfilling prophecy? At what point do we learn to turn this around and begin to make changes not in the larger picture, but in the small things we do each day starting with our own thoughts dreams ideas and prayer?

In life it is never the big stuff that we remember and at the end of the day even count in our memories, it is always the little things that matter. A conversation with an older family member, watching our children take the first steps, falling in love, the first kiss. These are the little things that add up to showing us who we really are and what our awareness means.

Struggling to our bills , solving one crisis after another, worrying about the things which we have no control over, these are the things that take us away from ourselves and the things that matter most. They keep us on a basic survival level, and who can fight the good fight when they are anxiety ridden or hungry?

When things get so hectic and you just have no recourse, when you hit rock bottom, alone, tired or afraid, this is when we relax, when we turn back to something deeper and greater than ourselves. This is when we again are shown the opportunity to appreciate and see the small things we can be grateful for each day.

If you remember the source from which you came and to one day you will return, then your life takes on a different quality, one of a centered sense of knowing that everything is going to work out just fine in the big picture, and your job is to be just a grain of sand in the ocean of infinity.

A single grain of sand does not an island make. Yet without it, the island is an impossible dream.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Ok, this was not supposed to turn out to be a discussion on prophets or prophesies. It was supposed to be a discussion on peoples preparedness if TSHTF tomorrow.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Anuubis
Ok, this was not supposed to turn out to be a discussion on prophets or prophesies. It was supposed to be a discussion on peoples preparedness if TSHTF tomorrow.

Thats what I thought the tread was about when I read the OP. Was confused (as is often the case) when I read the replies.

No matter what "end" is coming, when, where or how, aside from the earth being sucked into a black hole, I'm good. Could easily bug out today. This moment if need be. Enough food stocked for roughly a year, guns and ammo and means to make more if need be, heirloom seeds vaccum sealed, a cozy retreat to get to, firewood for years, all of the books and articles and recipies on self reliance in paper duplicates I can think of. Yes, if I had to go today, or tomorrow, I would be ready.

That will not permit me however to use what time I have, be it a day, a year or a lifetime to continue to become more self reliant, stock more, learn more and attempt to show others how to live without the binds of society we are now enslaved to.

Hope this is closer to the direction you wanted this thread to go.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 03:14 PM
So if we take group A who believe the world will end in 2012 as a finite point, what if

1 It does not happen or the callender is wrong
2 Some of your 2012ers decide to kill themselves before the end, only for it not to happen.
3 What if your kids survive.

99% of prophecies serve only shops who sell survival kit, and muppets who think they have some divine contact with God.
Why focus survivalism on one specific event ?, its far wiser and more realistic to try and have an open mind and a broad approach to survivalism.

The world is full of nuts who KNOW 100% that the world is going to end, Theres one fruitcake I know who posts on MSM and retreat survival, who assured us all that the world was going to end on Feb 12 or 20th 2008 !!, He preached this absolute fact for over two years, Then in March he decided it was another date and only the US and UK were going to be wiped out.the same dude now has his on apocalypse forum on Yahoo with a new date for the world to end. Lets not also forget those who said the world was due to end in 1997 and again in 1999. Prophecies are great for devious people to attract the emotionally vulnerable.

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Northern Raider]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by salchanra

Yes! This is exactly where i wanted it to go. You get so many on here that keep talking about what they need to have or to do and it made me wonder who was actually ready. Thanks for your input.

If people are not ready, i was hoping to get them out of their complacency so they will get ready.

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