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The 230 Year old NWO Plan has Finished

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Finished before it got to carry out the main part of the its depopulate the Earth to 500 Million and enslave those to ensure the planets survival....well according to Benjamin Fulford anyway.

We have this new G20 group apparently in control of things now and Barak's new administration of Change coming in early next year so is it all clears skies ahead ?

+10 more 
posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:44 PM
I think they are just about there. I wrote this a while ago.

You are fighting WW III but you don't know it.
World War three is being fought in silence in the US and other parts of the world. It is fought without the knowledge of the American public and without debate by the Presidential Candidates. We the ordinary people are losing. To win, the American public must know about the war and help fight against it.

Who is the enemy?
No, I am not talking about the war in Iraq, I am talking about a much more subtle and dangerous war. In this war the battle lines are drawn by giant corporations, backed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and trade treaties, aggressively pursuing a silent war against billions of people around the globe. At stake is the very survival of over 1.5 billion small and marginal farmers, and the prize is your money and your freedom. In 1997, ten corporations controlled almost every aspect of the world's food chain. With the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, global and national politics here and abroad are now driven by corporate financial priorities. Corporations set the agenda for the the European Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the WTO and the US. The objective is the complete control of the food supply, the surefire weapon used by armies and dictators throughout history. If the giant corporations gain complete control of your food, it will be much worse than OPEC's control of world oil.

What are the casualties?
Every day the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and World Bank policies are causing farmer suicides yet the newspapers are silent. One estimate is that 150,000 farmers in India have suicided. In Malawi 1,500 people perished from famine caused by the World Bank's interference in government policies. A member of the World Bank executive board described this as “unprecedented thoroughgoing interventionism.” Deborah Bryceson of Oxford calls it “de-peasantization”–the phasing out of traditional family farms to make fertile farmland available for intensive capital accumulation using factory farming. The prize of war, the capital they plan to “accumulate” comes out of YOUR pocket. The corporations do not care if there are human casualties The casualties are self-sufficient farmers who are of no use to corporations.

Control through threat of starvation
In a vertically integrated food system, giant corporations gain control of the country's food system by controlling food from seed to shelf. This system is being extended around the world. But as long as an individual can buy land, raise livestock and veggies and then sell at a local farmers market, the Ag giants do not have the complete monopoly they want. So multinational corporations are making the move to gain that complete control. The weapons they use are international treaties, biological patents, dumping of subsidized food and coerced government regulations. The IMF and the World Bank blackmail debt-ridden governments into eliminating high tariffs and systematically dismantling government support of family farming, thereby sacrificing national food self-sufficiency. With the US debt at $9.2 Trillion much of it owed to foreign interests, the US, contrary to popular belief, is not immune to financial blackmail. The new regulations imposed upon governments, originate with the WTO's AoA, and involve traceability, “Good Farming Practices”, depopulation and “disease free status”. These regulations are designed to complete the demise of privately owned farms. Make no mistake, these regulations actually DECREASE the safety of the food supply while ensuring complete corporate control. How? By removing quarantine and disease testing as “Trade Barriers” and substituting “traceability” and ISO “Good Farming Practices”

Enlisting us to fight against ourselves
The USDA and the FDA are trying to sell these regulations to consumers as necessary “Food Safety” regs. But even American Quality Professionals will not defend ISO. An Article "Eliminate ISO 9000?," in Quality Magazine received the heaviest reader response in some time but contained no ardent rebuttals in defense of ISO 9000! Scott Dalgleish, editor of ASQ magazine for five years, contends that ISO 9000 misdirects resources to paperwork that does almost nothing. Traceability allows corporations to shift blame from their poor manufacturing practices to the innocent farmer. In Wisconsin a state-blessed monopoly requires farmers to sign contracts shifting all liability to the farmer leaving the corporation free from the threat of lawsuits.

Have we lost already?
Despite the negative impact of WTO regulations on food safety and despite Congressional defeat of bills to make WTO regulations law, the USDA and FDA are intent on forcing implementation. The European Union has already completed implementation, and as a result, farming in the UK is all but dead.


[edit on 27-11-2008 by crimvelvet]

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:52 PM

North Farm is the last working dairy farm left for miles. Mr Lawton said: "... all my neighbours have given up. It's become incredibly bureaucratic and it's completely over-powered by bureaucrats - there must be two civil servants in Defra (Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs) for every farmer in the countryside.". ...The sheer amount of paperwork and restrictions on what farmers can do is a problem - it takes up around 60 per cent of Mr Lawton's time. "It's difficult particularly for us family farms who don't have a huge staff for administration," he said

A real threat or just bureaucratic bumbling?
Is the extermination of family farms planned or just bureaucratic bumbling? This question was answered during discussion of the agricultural conditions for entry by Poland into the EU. The EU chair lady bluntly stated the EU plans to oust a million Polish farmers from their land. Another EU member proudly announced Portugal had already removed 60% of their farmers. After traditional farmers are regulated out of business, corporations move in buying land cheaply and instituting environmentally devastating monoculture farming. The EU has doubled the intake of herbicides, multiplied the use of fungicides by six times and increased the area sprayed with pesticides by almost a hundred per cent in the past two decades. All very profitable for the Ag chemical giants like Dow and Monsanto.

Backyard gardens to the rescue? Or will they be gone, too?
The EU's final blow to traditional farming is the list of 'official' vegetable varieties. Seed that is not on the list cannot be 'sold' to the 'public' and it costs thousands of dollars a year to keep a seed variety on the list, effectively bankrupting all the small seed companies catering to organic and backyard gardeners. This allows the mega-corporations to profit from every backyard garden. Corporations even have governments the world over collecting seed so they can patent the varieties. The Global Diversity Treaty is the method used. “Voluntary Royalties” are levied on commercial products the developed but the funds will be devoted to “conservation efforts” and not payments to the original seed owners! In Mexico Monsanto, Cargill and Maseca-ADM have just signed an agreement establishing regional seed banks. Livestock patents are also planned. The Patenting Sentinel and Action Service (PSAS), a part of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) has geared-up for patenting in the animal sector. The USDA is providing the DNA for patenting by requiring 4-H kids to submit DNA samples of their prize livestock. Cloned and patented livestock is already showing up on consumer tables.

What progress have the giant corporations made?
By using factory farming methods the EU overtook the US as the leading agricultural exporter in 2003. In 2006 it became a net exporter. Brazil, the third largest exporter, with the world’s largest agricultural trade surplus, has set its sights on the US. JBS- Swift's pending buyout of National Beef Packing and Smithfield Foods beef operations will lead to Brazilian control of nearly one-third of all US cattle slaughter, and propelling it to the top as international beef exporter.

Foreign control of US food
The top four American hog packers increased their national control from 33.6% to 61.3% while the spread between farm and retail prices expanded from 50-cents per pound to more than $2 per pound. This caused the number of U.S. hog operations to decline from 667,000 to 67,000 factory farms. The proposed purchase by JBS- Swift will pare the number of major beef packing companies from five to just three. The key is the “captive” market, animals either owned or contracted to packers. Currently, packers have 60 percent of the market. By the USDA implementing WTO reg to force out family farms, majority control will shift to the big three who will set the price for cattle. The regulations will also prevent individuals from growing their own food animals. The FDA has recently indicated it will follow in the USDA's footsteps preventing the growing of “unregulated” veggies.

Fighting Back
American farmers, warned by their beleaguered counterparts in Europe and Australia, are fighting back, much to the surprise of the USDA. Despite $138 million spent on propaganda and bribes to states, tribes and breed associations, grassroots opposition has managed to get Anti-NAIS (animal ID) legislation through some state legislatures. The Farmer-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is suing the USDA to stop the first phase (NAIS) of the giant corporations attempt to make non-corporate farming illegal in the US. Unfortunately the first phase goes into effect on january 2009

You can add to this DNA testing of plants, animals and humans: RFID tagging everything in sight. The moving of Plum Island Disease test lab: the hiring of a foreign Bio-weapon specialist: and mandatory flu shots for children. Also the 1996 Freedom to farm act that did away with USA food reserves. We have a 35 day supply last I checked.

Famine followed by a pandemic is the plan I think

[edit on 27-11-2008 by crimvelvet]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:36 PM
i am not a member, so therefore i cannot start new threads (i believe), so if someone can check this out before the mods delete it and maybe start a new thread, thatd be great.

Anyway, after reading the link on this thread, and reading about Project Blue Beam, i did a google search, and found this cheap looking geocities website listing Top Secret Projects..

...within those projects are article written about P. Blue Beam, Gulf War Syndrome, and even Montauk, Long Island.... kind of interesting, seeming that most of these articles were written in the mid to late 1990's....

Someone check it out, thanks...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Benajamin Fulford always paints a rosy picture, trying to keep the idea that the elites are losing, it's all ok, things will be fine... and while I think they haven't got as much traction as they would have liked or even expected, they have done enough to put us in dire circumstances in the mid term.

We have GMO's and Codex Alimentarius looming. The credit crunch could go global, with the whole financial system basically buckleing. Diseases and Pandemics seem a threat. Over our heads chemtrails are looming, who knows doing exactly what, but at the very least they cut us off from the sun, which in itself is terrible. Wars are still going on. Terrorism myths are still being fueled by military black ops. De-education is the norm, with the western school systems producing a bunch of left brain slaves that have no idea how the world works. Entertainment on TV is mindless and dumb, passing off stupid memes about celebrity and fashion, with no real education mixed in, bluring the lines between fantasy and reality. Slave trade, human organ trafic, pedophilia and prostitution rings, drug wars and alcoholism nibble away at our society. The vaccination programs seem to be getting more agressive and seem to be producing very nasty side effects, from autism to cancer. The pharmacological-industrial complex is treating the symptoms of one disease, while seeding another, dragging people into a downward health spiral. Religion continues to polarize populations, cutting them off from their inner divinity, lowering their frequency. Racism is still fueled, and in the meantime mass immigration movements are being promulgated, so as to reduce western industrial nations to the lowest common denominator with the third world, which is still being exploited. Corporate environmental agression is still running rampant, polluting seas and rivers, destroying rain forrests, downsizing amazonia. The Global Warming myth is still being pushed as a pretext for global taxation. Taxes are basically going up all the time, as governments spend on deficit with money they are loaned, in essence we are paying the bankers back the money they conjured up, with interest that will come out of our sweat, blood and tears. Technology is still being supressed all over the world, due to stupid patent laws that make the rich richer, and make us destroy the environment with outdated methods. We are being intoxicated at every turn, with corporate made toxic products. The only reason I could even remember this whole paragraph in one go was because I got off the tap water. Our family structure is being attacked by culture and by institution. And on top of all this we are constantly being lied to by representatives that don't represent, journalists that don't report, inspectors that don't inspect and authorities that in realitie are little more than criminals.

These old money slave driving elites are still doing a lot, as you can see by the previous paragraph, and we can't just assume it's over. No, we are entering a period of socioeconomic chaos, and out of the phase change that is coming will come the next period of humanity. It could be anything from a utopia to a thermonuclear wasteland. That depends on the global consciousness, on people waking up.

So what will it be folks, fear or love?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Crimvelvet it's good to know you are out there, I walked away from friends of 15 years a long time ago, I was telling them what was going on and they thought I was paranoid. They let the corporations get bigger and bigger--- now they are too big to fail so we bail them out.

Most don't realize this and still don't care, just as long as they have the biggest t.v. lawn mower, boat, etc.....

Debt based, consumer society will not survive!!

We need our farms, manufacturing and all our corporations to get our jobs BACK IN THE U.S.A.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Anyone who has ever ever ever seen a coke addict knows benjamin is one...does that discredit his theories? no it doesnt...but it make me slightly dubious about his claims i must say...masonic ninjas with poisonous rings doesnt sound factual to me in all honesty...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Solomons

Do you know he is a coke addict for certain ? that's a pretty baseless accusation unless you have something to back up this claim.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:48 PM

One piece your missing.
None of this NWO is gonna happen if all of you become aware and say hey i'm not for these wars. The elites need you to fight these wars, and how they do that is create conflict in Iraq and Iran for you to fight.

If you don't fight these wars, then the NWO will collapse.

The elites are not as mighty as they want us to think they are.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Well, yes, that will help immensly. But they control finance, and by extension academia, corporations and politics, and they also control religion. So we still have a major power shuffle to deal with, because if everyone becomes aware of what I am aware of, and expositioned in my previous post, there will be a period of great change and instability.

It's important that people keep talking about all this regardless. And yes, if exposed, the elites are powerless. They are, after all, hiding in plain view.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Are you serious about the tap water thing? You seem to be a very enlightened individual and Ive been going through posts on ATS since about August and haven't responded to many but I am now starting to. The tap water issue is one that I've obviously noticed but haven't held much merit to. Also television absorption with its negative influences on your mental state and thought process.

But, what you said about getting off tap water helped enable you to have a better understanding of these things as well as being able to reiterate it struck a chord with me, I often wonder what the government or people of high influence can do with things we use EVERY day to effect our mood and mental state, very scary. Your feedback? Thanks in advance!

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by unknown known

i think he means stay away from fluoride...

it's deadly serious...

by the way, hell of an article! i always like hearing what Fulford's got to say. watch his Project Camelot interviews!

here's a phone interview they had with him recently...

[edit on 27-11-2008 by adrenochrome]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:42 PM
Well how the hell do you avoid tap water? Use bottled water for everything? The purifiers that you put on your tap dont take it out.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Well unless they pull a miracle out of thin air and suddenly learn how to clean up that which can not be corrected, their plan to depopulate will slowly occur. DU dust, megatons by the way, that has bonded permanently to the global atmosphere since the war in Yugoslavia, throughout the gulf war, Afghanistan and Iraq, is permanent and we are currently breathing in thousands of minute particles with every breath we take, and its bonds to our dna. They won. Within the next few decades, many deaths occur and mutations, down to bacteria. I'm praying for a miracle. I have a thread on this and I already know what they've done is, under current technology, irreversible, for 4.5 billion years.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:00 PM
whats ur thread homie?

Minister Farrakhan is speakin on it recently

[edit on 27-11-2008 by unknown known]

[edit on 27-11-2008 by unknown known]

[edit on 27-11-2008 by unknown known]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by unknown known
Well how the hell do you avoid tap water? Use bottled water for everything? The purifiers that you put on your tap dont take it out.

A reverse osmosis water filter will take out fluoride, I believe. Though perhaps not the cheapest solution it is the easiest to maintain.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:52 AM
Never doubt that a small group of committed People can change the World. In fact Its the only thing that ever has...

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by mazzroth

The article sites no sources, thus it is unsupported speculation. The entire thing is nothing but fabrication by someone who has nothing better to do with his time, and the fact that the majority of replies consider this garbage as fact is sad. Had the article sited official documentation showing connections to make a convincing argument, then we would be talking a different talk.

However, this is garbage and should be disregarded.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:16 AM

No, we are entering a period of socioeconomic chaos, and out of the phase change that is coming will come the next period of humanity. It could be anything from a utopia to a thermonuclear wasteland. That depends on the global consciousness, on people waking up. So what will it be folks, fear or love?

It will not be nuclear that is too wasteful. With IMF and World Bank Structural Adjustment Programs and The World Trade Organizations Agreement on Agriculture they have already got a child dying of starvation every 5 secs and a farmer committing suicide every eight hours. The 1996 Freedom to farm bill wiped out the US food surplus. DNA testing of babies is being done in hospitals and the memo on "who lives, who dies" has already gone out to hospitals.

A food shortage will wipe out much of the third world and a pandemic will do the rest. Why do you think it is now mandatory for children to get a flu shot? Why do you think there are stories going around about how unsafe the flu shots are? Sheeple will take the shot and Goats will not. Enter pandemic goodby goats.

As I said above the plan was to use regulatory red tape to remove independent farmers from the land and to prevent citizens from growing their own food. OIE depopulation is being used to wipe-out livestock animals. the UK got hit a few years ago. Cyprus is on the chopping block now.

Apart from the damages farmers will suffer from losing their livestock, Constantinou added, they will also have to build new farms as they won’t be able to use the old ones, according to the relevant EU Directive on dealing with scrapie.

The plans were set back a bit because US farmers have been fighting the implementation of the regs. We got it defeated when it came up as bills in Congress a couple of times so the USDA decided the heck with doing it legally and are implementing it as regulations WITHOUT Congressional OK.

Today's food and financial crises have, in tandem, triggered a new global land grab. "Food insecure" governments that rely on imports to feed their people are snapping up farms all over the world to outsource their own food production and escape high market prices.

Private investors, hungry for profits in the midst of the deepening financial crisis, are eyeing overseas farms as an important new source of revenue. As a result of both trends, fertile agricultural land is being swiftly privatised and consolidated by foreign companies in some of the world's poorest and hungriest countries. A new report from GRAIN examines 100 cases of agricultural land grabbing -- whether for food or simply for profit -- that have exploded this year.

Saudi Arabia and China are just two nations out buying farms, from Sudan to Cambodia, to satisfy their own food needs. In these cases, governments, sometimes through sovereign wealth funds, are negotiating rights to foreign land -- whether by purchase, concession or lease -- so that their corporations can come in and produce food to export back home. In return, they are offering oil contracts, soft loans, infrastructure projects and development funds.

The food-hungry land grabbers include China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Those giving up their land, in exchange for the oil deals or investments, include the Philippines, Mozambique, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan, Uganda, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.

Notice there is nothing in the news about this or the USDA regs designed to oust US farmers.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by OptionFour

Originally posted by unknown known
Well how the hell do you avoid tap water? Use bottled water for everything? The purifiers that you put on your tap dont take it out.

A reverse osmosis water filter will take out fluoride, I believe. Though perhaps not the cheapest solution it is the easiest to maintain.

What kind of lunatic puts fluoride in water for people to drink. Get some water containers #2 or above and go to a reputable water supply store. I feel very uncomfortable giving the fluoride water even to my pets.

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