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Conspiracy to Surpress the Truth & Homosexuality

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by moocowman

Yes dude I'm from Wales, an occupied country no less, where previous centuries have witnessed the oppression and abuse of the population. Not the least of the oppressors was the Christian movement, which forced itself upon the population by the most hideous forms of murder and torture rape and theft, not unlike the genocide of the Native Americans.

While i agree that there was plenty of bad things done in the name of Christianity,Wales became Christian during the Roman occupation,but not through violence because at that time Christianity had not become the soul religion of the Empire.

After the fall of the Roman Empire,not long after the persecutions of the Christians ceased for the final time,England remained pagan under the invasions of Anglo Saxons,while Wales remained Christian.When Christianity was reintroduced to places like England,thats when the violence and oppression started.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:42 PM
And then you, by your ignorance and refusal to look beyond your own nose, lump me in with these animals by that asinine statement that Christians are just as violent as Muslims? How dare you! You have earned my disgust. And yet, as a Christian, I cannot hold you any ill will. You are forgiven, whether you wish to be or not. reply to post by TheRedneck

First off thanks so much for forgiving me, now then your'e unable to hold me in ill will, or you choose not to?

Watch this dude you'll love it , I forgive you too! I don't have to but I choose to in the vain hope that we could all get along allthough I could change my mind at any time. Cool no? My own morals and values come from me, nowhere else no gods required.

Secondly i've made it quite clear I don't hate anyone, however I do hate the things some people do.
A very strong word hate, don't you think correct me if I'm wrong, but doesnt it first raise it's ugly head in the bible ? Yes it's theat jesusyaweh god again teaching everyone how to hate.

You seem to take offence to the notion that christians can be just as violent as muslims, well I suppose it's all down to who and when really.
Yup I've lumped everyone who worships the jesusgod together, better safe than sorry, with a history of violence and genocide it's in my childrens best interest not to try and measure delusion in dergrees.

What is interesting is that I've somehow earned your disgust, did you not anticipate a heated debate when you joined this thread ?

Come to think of it why on earth do you people start or join these threads ? Why does the allmighty the creator of everything need defending ? Is it that he is imaginary and unable to do so himself ?

Perhaps you believe your faith to be so strong that you would come here to fight the infadel and prove to god how good you are, or is your motive to "Save " people.

If the allmighty has a problem with people being gay let him/her/it, worry about it.

Quick, look busy jesus is coming !

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by jakyll

Dude not having the time to go into a major discussion of the absolute times of events, it can't be denied that many a child was burned alive etc in order to establish christianity as the only religion acceptable in the western world.

No doubt a few of your own ancestors may have been subject to the abuse of this religion , 1942 0r 1945 the smell of gas chambers still lingers.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Just thought I'd point out for ya that jakyll is a woman, not a dude.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Yes,thats very true.
But when it comes to Wales i'd say it was us English who did a lot more damage than Christianity.

Anyways,back on topic,otherwise i'll ramble on and

I believe that fear is one of the biggest cause of violence and suppression against non-believers.Many Christians today,as well as in the past,fear what they do not know and do not understand and that fear causes them to look within and lash out,rather than look without and try and understand and accept.

The OP is a good example of BW looking within and lashing out.I did a thread about how the troubles Christians face are because of their own sins,not the sins of unbelievers.If you look at the Bible,especially the OT,the Jews are constantly being told by God that they have brought destruction on themselves.Of course,the thread was ignored by many because its easier to blame non-believers than believers.(themselves)

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by moocowman

You seem to take offence to the notion that christians can be just as violent as muslims, well I suppose it's all down to who and when really.

I don't object to can; that wasn't the statement. I object to the does. I can make Charles Manson look like Shirley temple in comparison, but I choose not to.

No, actually I take offense at anyone who suggests that I am a killer or a child rapist, or anything else I am not, simply because they choose not to even try tio understand that people do evil things regardless of the reason du jour. Just as I am sure you would be disgusted if someone said that you are directly responsible for those child-burnings because you choose to live in such an evil country that allowed such atrocities. I do not make that accusation, I only use it as an example.

Yup I've lumped everyone who worships the jesusgod together, better safe than sorry, with a history of violence and genocide it's in my childrens best interest not to try and measure delusion in dergrees.

Why stop with one religion? Why not lump all religious people together instead of only Christians? For that matter, wasn't Hitler German? Shouldn't we hate all Germans, since they obviously have the genetic disposition to burn people alive. Oh, how about all white people? After all, didn't white people drive the American Indians off their native land and into reservations out of greed?

Sorry, but this excuse doesn't cit the mustard. It's a lame cop-out that makes it easier for you to make decisions that otherwise would require thought on your part. And since no thought is needed, you accept no responsibility for the arrogant and hateful filth you spew.

What is interesting is that I've somehow earned your disgust, did you not anticipate a heated debate when you joined this thread ?

A heated debate is one thing; open arrogance and bigotry, coupled with inane remarks that demonstrate an unwillingness to even discuss the issues clearly is quite another.

I think your position is clear. Anyone who has any dealings with any religious belief is your enemy and must be denigrated at all costs. They're all alike, cookie-cutter robots without conscious thought, and therefore not human and not deserving of even the smallest bit of courtesy or respect.

So why are you still answering such an obviously non-sentient creature?


posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by jakyll

Sorry dude the ignorant taffy didn't realise you're a dudess (sheers GWolf). The English causing more damage has its' merits but a little off topic (not that anything is on topic here) , I got big arms so can throw stones over the Severn Estuary but I'm buggered if I can find heaven let alone hit it .

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Hahaha sounds great, foe it up. But in all seriousness what do you gain from unintelligent conversation? Well nothing... Thats why this ignore button is the best thing since sliced bread. I also suggest that if there is no thanksgiving in your country, that you start the tradition. Not necessarily all the pilgrim bs mumbo jumbo; but the fact that great food, great friends, and great conversation makes it one of the best days of the year.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by moocowman

You seem to take offence to the notion that christians can be just as violent as muslims, well I suppose it's all down to who and when really.

I don't object to can; that wasn't the statement. I object to the does. I can make Charles Manson look like Shirley temple in comparison, but I choose not to.


Dude, my respect is given freely to most people even christians, right up to the point where they insist the world in which I live should operate according to their belief, dito any other religion.

Now why is that so difficult for you to understand ?

Germany ? Yes indeed a young Christian man named Adolf somehowe duped the entire population not because of christianity and not in the name of god but simply because he was a nutter.

Yes Adolf used a pen and ink and wrote a bit and anyone today who ponses around in jackboots insisting that AHs' writings are correct and should be adhered to is given more than stern look.
They have every right to believe what the nazi nut believed, but as many find it repulsive, all attempts are made to prevent this type of person gaining a position of influence.

Perhaps he should have been smarter and registered the nazi party as tax exempt religion, then his cause would possibly still be raking the money in even if considered a repulsive arm of god.

And digressing just a little, if Operation paperclip is anything to go by the mad bastards who supported , Mr moustache ended up across the atlantic working for the most religious country on the planet, oh dear what a web but god is wioth them so it must be ok.

I've not in anyway infered that christians have a genetic disposition to burn people alive,however they do have a history of doing so on behalf of the god they keep in.
So yes indeed I do imply that a devout christian or any other religious type has a greater propensity for "burning people alive", because they can dump the responsibilty on god or satan.

Doesn't mean to say they can get away with it individually in this day and age, but en mass with position and wealth, well look out. History will allways repeat itself if the conidtions are the same.

At the end of the day Ned, I for one would feel a lot safer in the world if, the christian bibles were reduced just to the actual words of jesus, whether he existed or not .
If christianity could no longer function on those writings alone then it wassn't real to begin with.

You have once again accused me of bigotry, I fail to see how you can make this assumption.

I defend those that would chose homosexuality, contrary to your bible.
I defend the right of women to live life equally ,contrary to your bile.
I defend the of somone who chose to worship Allah contrary to your bible.
I defend the right of welsh lorry drivers who choose to eat black pudding, contrary to your bible.
I defend the right of someone who would worship an Oscar contrary to your bible.
I defend the right to be free of slavery, contrary to your bible.

I defnd the right of my child to remain innocent unless proven guilty in a secular court, contrary to your bible.

Most of all I defend my right to protect my children from those who would have those bible laws reinstigated as secular law.

I may come across as arrogant,I may appear ignorant and would admit this I have been accused of .

One thing I'm not, is a bigot.

So why am I still answering such an obviously non-sentient creature?

Because you may knock my door one day collecting money for a new church roof and god is skint again.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by moocowman]

[edit on 27-11-2008 by moocowman]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:01 PM
Of course,the thread was ignored by many because its easier to blame non-believers than believers.(themselvesreply to post by jakyll

Couldn't agree more, and i just don't understand why they dont just take out all the gay and women hating stuff thats in the bible. Most of them claim they don't do that anymore or it doesnt apply anymore, so why give matches to arsonists ?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by moocowman

I agree with all your 'I defend' statements,especially the one about Welsh lorry drivers.

And,you would think,in todays world such things as hatred and oppression directed at certain groups would not be needed in scripture.

I believe religions should flow,they should change with the times.This is possible while keeping core beliefs such as the 10 Commandments.Life needs to adapt,as does religion.To an some extent Christianity has already done so.People are not burnt at the stake anymore,Catholics don't worship the Pope as if he was God or Jesus himself anymore,science isn't as oppressed as it was,neither are women.If those changes can happen then so can others.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by moocowman

I defend those that would chose homosexuality, contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defend the right of women to live life equally ,contrary to your bile.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defend the of somone who chose to worship Allah contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defend the right of welsh lorry drivers who choose to eat black pudding, contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defend the right of someone who would worship an Oscar contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defend the right to be free of slavery, contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

I defnd the right of my child to remain innocent unless proven guilty in a secular court, contrary to your bible.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

Most of all I defend my right to protect my children from those who would have those bible laws reinstigated as secular law.

So do I, not contradictory to the Bible.

None of the things you mentioned are commandments to us from the Bible, based on the original Hebrew, chronological and cultural references, and the overall theme. You only believe they are because someone has probably told you such in the past, probably several someones. You then no doubt looked it up in the book yourself, without studying the translations and the culture who wrote it, and agreed: "Yep, it's in there. So-and-so must have been right."

I have no problem with that, actually. It's simple ignorance, and ignorance can be corrected. I myself am ignorant of many subjects. But this statement is more than a bit of ignorance:

originally quoted by moocowman
I'd opt for glorified cult, can't see much between Islam and christianity
especially when after I pointed out recent atrocities committed by Muslims, you then proceeded to justify them with some report of illegal activities in a Catholic school, with the intro that this was "starring Jesus Christ". That is a crime, not an act of war. It is simply not on par with the recent years of killings directed at random civilian targets, all committed in the name of Allah. I will not accept that reverse reasoning. It is not ignorant, it is bigoted and prejudicial.

I know the history of the Christian Church. I know of the Salem Witch Trials, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Crusades. I accept those as historical atrocities which should never have happened, and I condemn them. Do you accept the events of 9-11 as such? Do you accept yesterday's invasion of Mumbai as such? Do you accept the original Muslim assaults that led to the Crusades as such? Do you condemn any of these?

That is my complaint. You (and your compadre, Lokey) are very quick to condemn historical events, but seemingly only as long as they can be blamed on Christians. That is the very definition of bigotry: judgment of another for something which is irrelevant to them. I realize after re-reading this thread that my ire should be pointed toward Lokey as well on this issue, but I really don't care to discuss anything with one so dense. So I will apologize for directing frustration toward you that really should have gone to the both of you, but my question stands: Do you condemn the recent acts of terror by Muslims as being worse than any recent acts by Christians?

One thing I'm not, is a bigot.

Then explain the above, please.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

I was always taught that God would only chastise (punish if you prefer) his own children. Do you think God would actually judge a large group of people, however you define group, because they live under one government or another?

I always believed that we are judged on our own merits, but now that I know I will be judged with everyone else in America, I think its time for me to start building my Moonbase.

Also, I would like to remind you that the word "religion" stems from the meaning "bound by law". So Christians that embrace the New Covenant are no longer "bound by law" and, in my opinion, we should stop acting "like Christians" and start acting more "Christ-like".

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Gaspode

Yeah I took the time to make this post, but I didn't distribute it in a school yard full of 7 year old children now did I.

That's exactly what one of the Gay Liberation groups orwhat ever they are , is doing in my area at the moment.

The Trading cards they are giving away (Kids love Trading cards) and disguising gay material as Comic Book Heros in all that gay attire & (well I won't continue to describe the cards, but they were created to draw children in).

On the back of the cards, all the info on their Gay powers & relationships.. That is "SICK", giving that stuff to kids. "Hetro or Gay", Kids that age don't need to know!!

But I really don't see Hetro groups handing out trading cards, or demanding that Gay Sexual practices be implemented into sex education in schools.

Oh and BTW I don't have such a problem with Lesbians or Bi-sexual Women......

I Don't think any red-blooded straight guy dose..

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:06 AM
OP - Tell ya what Im going to do with this thread dude;

Im going to let everyone else continue kicking your ass... as I watch. You 'aint' even worth my reply.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Little One

Have a star.

Unfortunately this thread is almost dead, the ass kicking is almost through.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by moocowman

Hahahahaha geez moocowman never thought I'd see the day but Redneck made the most hypocritical statement and called you a bigot. You may forgive this guy but I can not forgive arrogant bigotry especially how frequently he uses it, then trys to turn the table on you.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Here's why I never believe anything anyone says when they start quoting the Bible and telling everyone to take it literally

"Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says." (1 Corinthians 14:34)

so not only does god hate homo's but he also disrespects women. What a great guy

"If any man takes a wife, and goes in on her, and detests her, and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, 'I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin..." (Deuteronomy 22:13,14)

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

Again God going on about how he hates women. What's up with that?

"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

This was spoken by the good man Jesus himself. Bigwhammy admitted to being a sinner but I'm betting there's a good chance she/he has both hands.

"Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ." (Ephesians 6:5)

"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel. " (1 Peter 2:18)

There God goes again being a big time bigot. Not only does he endorse slavery but also has no problem with people being cruel to their slaves

That's only a few of the wonderful teachings the Bible also gives us. If only we followed the Bible to the letter, just as bigwhammy wants us to. No wonder the Middle Ages were so #ty. So my question to bigwhammy is why should I take some verses literally but others I can ignore. Isn't this the holy word of God? As good servants in god's army should we not follow every single verse in the Bible exactly??

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:07 PM
"Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

(Matthew 22:37-40)

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Ironclad

I agree that those people shouldn't be able to distribute homo-related materials to children under the age of 16. But I would also bring light to the fact that a jehova's witness could come to your house and offer to give(even a child) a pamphlete that talks about why God will damn them to hell for certain atrocities. Not saying my kids need to know anything about being gay but they don't need to know about a God that will send them to hell either.

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