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BNP Activist Supposedly Tortured By Police

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posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:54 AM

All of the 12 Liverpool BNP activists who were unlawfully detained by the Liverpool Political Police masquerading as the Merseyside Constabulary, were released at approximately 2:30AM after over 14 hours in detention.

In scenes which could previously only have occurred under Stalinist Communism, the arrested men’s ”crime”, according to the Merseyside KGB, was that they were in breach of the Public Order Act for distributing copies of the ‘Racism Cuts Both Ways’ leaflet.

Unfortunately for the Merseyside KGB, and despite searching the men’s houses, taking away computers, personal effects and bags of other leaflets — including Solidarity Union brochures, copies of the mass-distributed Voice of Freedom newspaper, copies of Identity magazine and photographs of Nick Griffin — they were unable to formulate charges and released all the men on unconditional bail.

They must report again to the main KGB police station in Liverpool on 17 December, when the Political Commmissar bosses will apparently decide if they can make a case out of the motley ’evidence’ or not.

UPDATE 2:03 AM. One of the BNP men, Andy Tierney, has reported that he was tortured by Merseyside Police officers after he refused to supply fingerprints or DNA evidence. Mr Tierney told the police that he would only offer passive resistance, whereupon they used some sort of apparatus which applied pressure to points around his ears, under his arms and on his wrists. He was seen before and afterwards by a medical orderly and intends to take this matter further.

Earlier: Police in Merseyside at the Wavertree Road Police station had requested that all British National Party activists refrain from displaying British Flags as it is likely to cause “offence” to the ethnic groups living in the area.

The police have advised the BNP activists that the display of the St. George cross and Welsh flags (cross of St. David & Welsh Dragon), in particular would give offence!

Alongside: the flags to which the police objected. Such is the state of mass immigration to Britain that the police now warn against showing this nation’s flags on the streets of its cities.

“Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

Source -

I feel urged to clarify (and I feel ashamed that we're in such a situation of political senstivity that I have to do this each and every time I mention the BNP) that I'm not a BNP member, or supporter. At best I could be described as a sympathizer, and even then only with certain of their policies.

This thread is not intended to debate the rights and wrongs of the BNP, but rather whether they are entitled to the same freedom, free speech and rights as anyone else. You see, it has become apparent that the British public, who in all other contexts are opposed to oppression, torture, threats and violence tend to make an exception for the BNP, taking the attitude of: 'do whatever's necessary to silence and eradicate them'. As mentioned in the above article, if we're to believe what it's saying, peaceful BNP activists were not extended the same free-speech and human rights (to not be tortured) as anyone else would have been. We do not accept any kind of torture or oppression in Britain and almost everyone would be horrified to hear of it happening within our shores. But seemingly, it's not so abhorrent when the recipients of such treatment are 'dirty, evil, racist devils' - like the mainstream media teaches us the BNP are.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Well, politically, I'm at the other end of the spectrum but if this is true, then it's pretty despicable.

I haven't actually read the leaflet that they've been arrested for but, if it is as described, merely opining that racism happens against whites as well as minorities, then the whole arrest story is a sham.

Yes, I'm conscious of the why the BNP might be highlighting the fact that racism is a two-way street, but the fact remains: there are racist attacks made by all kinds of demographics against other demographics. No kind or racism is acceptable.

[edit on 23-11-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
the fact remains: there are racist attacks made by all kinds of demographics against other demographics. No kind or racism is acceptable.

I agree. And this seems to be exactly what the BNP are pointing out in their leaflet. If you're interested in reading it (it's quite brief), the PDF can be found here. The main argument is that despite anti-white racism being just as prevalent as (if not more so) the other way around, its existence is actively denied and repressed by the media. The reason for that, I don't know - excessive political correctness or hidden agenda.

[edit on 23/11/2008 by Cythraul]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I have a question. Do the authorities in this area actualy believe that displaying the "Union Jack" in this area equate to burning crosses in the US?? Have the PC lackies gone this far as to make your nations flag a piece of propaganda and a focal point of racism in this area?? Sounds like the US citizen as well and the Brits are being groomed for the one world movement with the melting pot having a large crack in it!


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
I have a question. Do the authorities in this area actualy believe that displaying the "Union Jack" in this area equate to burning crosses in the US?? Have the PC lackies gone this far as to make your nations flag a piece of propaganda and a focal point of racism in this area??

Yes. Displaying the Union Jack, though not illegal, is extremely frowned upon. It has come to represent Nationalism (which, as we all know = racism :@@
. I can't seem to find the articles but there have been a number of cases of young men stopped by police and ordered to remove the English flag or Union Jack from their car window. It's the same reason some high street shops don't put up Christmas decorations - because it 'may' offend minorities.

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Sounds like the US citizen as well and the Brits are being groomed for the one world movement with the melting pot having a large crack in it!

Yes, after countless hours of thought on the matter, this is the precise conclusion I've arrived at. Nothing else could explain the blatant disregard for public opinion on the matter of immigration and identity, and the so-tragic-it's-comical use of excessive political correctness.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I would not belive a word that is uttered from these idiots about being tortured etc. They are looking for media coverage and i would not be surprised if they released their own list in an attempt at this.

Yes racisim cuts both ways but that doesn't give an excuse to anyone acting in this way. They don't have a chance in the U.K...we have always been moderate throughout the crises we have faced. From the civil war to the depression to the blitz we have never taken the far-right route.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Yes racisim cuts both ways but that doesn't give an excuse to anyone acting in this way.

Acting what way? What were they doing that was wrong? I might not agree with them but they deserve fair treatment if acting within the law.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 03:14 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by Cythraul
I can't seem to find the articles but there have been a number of cases of young men stopped by police and ordered to remove the English flag or Union Jack from their car window.

Thats funny, because during the last Euro Championship, and during the last World Cup, and during the Ashes...and the Rugby world cups.... there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of Union Jack's and St.George crosses on display from houses, cars, shops and on billboards in adverts. etc

You must live in a very isolated place.

It's the same reason some high street shops don't put up Christmas decorations - because it 'may' offend minorities.

But the minorities don't ask for that to happen. Its ususally some do-gooders overinflated sense of pompousness that causes it. There are lots of recorded instances where the local minority communties have specifically asked that nothing like that happens.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

[edit on 24/1108/08 by neformore]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by neformore
Thats funny, because during the last Euro Championship, and during the last World Cup, and during the Ashes...and the Rugby world cups.... there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of Union Jack's and St.George crosses on display from houses, cars, shops and on billboards in adverts. etc

Oh come on. You know very well that it's a different matter when surrounding sport. In all other contexts, it is frowned upon. Fact is - raising a Union Jack when it's not related to sport does raise suspicion. Sport has become the last bastion of national identity.

Originally posted by neformore
But the minorities don't ask for that to happen. Its ususally some do-gooders overinflated sense of pompousness that causes it. There are lots of recorded instances where the local minority communties have specifically asked that nothing like that happens.

I absolutely agree. I have always argued that we must never blame the minorities or immigrants. It is the religion called 'political correctness' - particularly when enforced by authorities - that must be destroyed.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by neformore

Thats funny, because during the last Euro Championship, and during the last World Cup, and during the Ashes...and the Rugby world cups.... there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of Union Jack's and St.George crosses on display from houses, cars, shops and on billboards in adverts. etc

I've argued this myself when it's come to stating that America is pretty much unique in it's nationalism and patriotism. The only time you actually see the British general public giving two monkey's about flag waving is during sporting occasions. You certainly see a lot of it then.

But the minorities don't ask for that to happen. Its ususally some do-gooders overinflated sense of pompousness that causes it. There are lots of recorded instances where the local minority communties have specifically asked that nothing like that happens.

I'll agree with this too. I don't dispute that some elements of ethnic minorities do complain and write angry letters to the council, simply because they'd be a pretty unique demographic if they didn't, but most of it? I think it's a case of people wanting to be seen to be doing the 'right thing' or at least what they perceive as doing the 'right thing'. I actually think that a lot of this doesn't actually minorities, but rather makes matters worse. I think a lot of these measures are more divisive than they are successful in creating an 'inclusive' community.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
Yes. Displaying the Union Jack, though not illegal, is extremely frowned upon. It has come to represent Nationalism (which, as we all know = racism :@@
. I can't seem to find the articles but there have been a number of cases of young men stopped by police and ordered to remove the English flag or Union Jack from their car window. It's the same reason some high street shops don't put up Christmas decorations - because it 'may' offend minorities.

Even though, under new government legislation, public buildings must fly the Union Jack. The local corner shop near me, operated by a Muslim family, are currently putting up Christmas decorations.

Ignorance is not a healthy diet

Unlike you, I do not get my news from the British National Party.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Even though, under new government legislation, public buildings must fly the Union Jack.

To be fair to Cythraul, I'm not entirely sure he was talking about public buildings as such. I could be wrong, but I read his post as if he was talking about regular people with regular buildings and such.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
To be fair to Cythraul, I'm not entirely sure he was talking about public buildings as such. I could be wrong, but I read his post as if he was talking about regular people with regular buildings and such.

Oh, he was. Apparently, the Union Jack has been outlawed across the British Isles. Yeah, we missed the meeting again.

Cythraul was suggesting it is illegal to be British and we natives are persecuted by the "coloured people." Soviet Gulags have turned football stadiums into concentration camps and Whitey is being ethnically cleansed. The Queen has been replaced with the Supreme Leader Ayatollah George Galloway and Canterbury Cathedral has been replaced with a Mosque.

....Even though Britain has a 90% White majority, but we are a minority according to Cythraul

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
I'm not a BNP member, or supporter. At best I could be described as a sympathizer, and even then only with certain of their policies.

You keep reiterating this point.
Majority of British ATS members probably do not care, it is a democracy in Britain. But, I remain the right to poke fun

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
To be fair to Cythraul, I'm not entirely sure he was talking about public buildings as such. I could be wrong, but I read his post as if he was talking about regular people with regular buildings and such.

Oh, he was. Apparently, the Union Jack has been outlawed across the British Isles. Yeah, we missed the meeting again

I didn't get that impression at all, to be honest. Particularly when the example he gave straight afterwards was someone hanging a flag from their car. Although I don't understand why anyone would want to hang a flag from their car or have one hanging from their bedroom window, but that's beside the point.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:55 AM
Infinite - I'm not going to engage you until you stop putting words in my mouth and stop making false assumptions about my beliefs. I was talking about the personal use of flags and what that is seen to represent in the individual. Furthermore, this is just my own observation. I gave an example, and I've now managed to find the link.

[edit on 24/11/2008 by Cythraul]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Have the PC lackies gone this far as to make your nations flag a piece of propaganda

Aside from when used as markers of some kinds, flags are pieces of propaganda. That's nothing to do with "PC lackies" at all.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I had, up until I moved in with my missus a year ago, a Union Flag and a St Georges cross hanging in my living room window, for all to see when they walked past the house. They were up for nearly three years.

Considering I lived in central Reading at the time which is pre-dominately Asian/Black with a smattering of white, no-one complained. Had they done so, I probably would have shoved it up their arse anyway.

I have even had them flying in my garden during summer BBQ's. And I've had St Georges cross in the car for as long as I can remember. If the Police even try to get me to remove it, they too will be told in no uncertain terms were to stick it. I know my rights and I know them well. Most do not, which allows the Police to ride roughshod over you.

I think that is the case in this BNP leaflet row. Should the BNP feel they have a case, they can file a complaint for Police harrasment and take them to the cleaners, if the leaflet is truly non-offensive.

Ironically, since moving to Wokingham, which is a pre-dominately white, Daily Mail reading area, the Christmas decorations are not to be seen, we have a "Winter Festival" in place of a Christmas Carnival and to "fly the flag" is seen as being a racist.

To me, it's the PC left-wing Labour brigade that seem hell-bent on "accomodating" immigrants, as opposed to the immigrants themselves.

My own company irked me a couple of weeks back when they sent a mail out to the entire operation wishing us all a "Happy Diwali"... WTF? We have, at the most, a couple of Indians in an operation of over 700, mostly white, employees. That seemed to me to be overly PC.

[edit on 24/11/08 by stumason]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:46 PM
My name appeared on the leaked BNP list and I have had death threats this very evening on my home telephone number, at the house that I share with my children.

What I find difficult to understand is that these people think it is acceptable to intimidate, threaten, and even attack another group because of their beliefs - whatever those beliefs may be - and feel that they are right to threaten to kill someone because of it.

The irony is that they are adopting the role of intolerant persecutor, and are essentially creating a role play similar to the Brown shirts against the Jews, but strangely with the supposed Nazi group as the Jew, and the supposed anti-nazi as the fascist.

I also find it hard to understand why people think that the BNP are racist, it is just a conditioned response - how many BNP detractors have actually ever bothered to go & listen to any of the speeches on the BNP website to understand where the BNP are coming from - none - they instead repeat word for word the drivel that they hear from other politicians and the gutter press like some form of mentally retarded parrot.

Talking about immigration is an economic necessity, and if you want to compare actions, rather than political soundbites to decide who are the nazis, eg - the oppresion of free speech, the oppression of peoples rights, the creation of false "national security" issues to further repress rights, the lies about foreign countries in order to attack them, the indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations, and the subsequent rape & pillage of conquered lands, then look no further than our current Government.

The truth is that the Labour party could have stolen Adolfs blueprints, because there are clear & direct parallels between their actions & those of the NSDAP in the 30's & 40's - we have never had a more fascist political party in this country than the one we have in power right now.

Here we are in a country being run by a party that HAS actually caused the deaths of 10's of thousands of people in foreign lands, and yet no one can seem to see it & instead bark "racist" like pavlovian dogs every time that they hear mention of the BNP.

I think that people need to go & think about what Fascism actually means, and learn to distinguish the difference between fact & fiction.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Although I am not a BNP supporter, I will defend your right to your views, provided they do not call for harm on others. So far, I have yet to see any evidence that the BNP wish to harm anyone.

You have eloquently put across some valid points in this post and I find myself in broad agreement.

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