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Alzheimer's Disease Now Striking Americans in Their 40's

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posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:39 AM
It could be something to do with the chemtrail phenomenom as theirs a lot of aluminium & barium particals in that.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:40 AM
New research shows that vitamin B3 may reverse the effects of alzhimers

Safety Study of Nicotinamide to Treat Alzheimer's Disease

Vitamin B3 Reduces Alzheimer's Symptoms

[edit on 11/17/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Byrd

Mr. Adams' website claims (among other things) that following his advice can cure things like depression (which is genetic.)

Depression is genetic? I had not heard that.

Can I get a source for this info? I'm not disputing it, but it is interesting to say the least.


posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:25 PM
My grandmother & grandfather both had it. They both passed away some 30 years ago.

I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty darn sure they never used antiperspirant containing aluminum, nor did they drink diet soda with aspartame. Although this is just two cases, I don't think you can just chalk it up to antiperspirants or diet soda. Alzheimer's has been around since the early 1900's... before either of them.

That said, I'm 41... I drink about 2-3 cans of diet soda per day. I do not use antiperspirant (use deodorant instead). I do feel like I'm much more forgetful than in the past. I also sort of 'blank out' in which I can't seem to connect the dots of what’s going on around me every once in awhile. So I am afraid I'm heading down that path as well... It’s a scarey thought.

My guess is it's genetics... which sucks for me.

Here's what the alzheimer's association says about aluminum, aspertame, and other "myths"

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

Myth 5: Aspartame causes memory loss.

Reality: This artificial sweetener, marketed under such brand names as Nutrasweet and Equal, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in all foods and beverages in 1996. Since approval, concerns about aspartame's health effects have been raised.

According to the FDA, as of May 2006, the agency had not been presented with any scientific evidence that would lead to change its conclusions on the safety of aspartame for most people. The agency says its conclusions are based on more than 100 laboratory and clinical studies.

[edit on 17-11-2008 by mecheng]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:29 PM
My grandfather had it. His doctors said you can't fully daignose it until autopsy.

So how do we know it's not early stages of VCJ?

mlp187 is my username but it's not working for me right now. Sorry for the anon reply.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Damn man. Im 32 and i have a very clear ringing in my ears, and i
sometimes forget words.... also, my grandma has AZ.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by Byrd

Mr. Adams' website claims (among other things) that following his advice can cure things like depression (which is genetic.)

Depression is genetic? I had not heard that.

Can I get a source for this info? I'm not disputing it, but it is interesting to say the least.


"people inherit a temperament that causes a vulnerability to depression"

Well, I think it is known that this is linked to genetics, but not sure how exactly. I'm not positive, but I think it also has to do with what kind of depression such as just "feeling blue" or clinical depression vs bipolar syndrome etc.

Also I think that some clothing has a form of aluminum in it, but I could be misremembering..mmmm..maybe that is the silver that I am remembering they are putting it into clothing such as socks and jackets.

I definitely have no idea if it is linked (aluminum, alzheimer's and fluoride), but isn't fluoride created in the production of aluminum? or something like that. How long ago did we start adding fluoride to our water? I wonder if their is a link.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by amazed

Thanks for the links. Allow me to return the favor:

Fluoride is a byproduct of the reduction of pure aluminum. Aluminum is a very reactive metal, so reactive in fact, that it actually stabilizes itself in practice through an almost immediate formation of a thin coating of aluminum oxide from atmospheric oxygen that protects the rest of the aluminum.

Thermite is based on this reactivity of aluminum. It is a super-hot and particularly energetic chemical reaction between iron (III) oxide and finely powdered aluminum, once used to weld broken train tracks together in the field.

Since aluminum without the protective oxide coating is so reactive, it is difficult to isolate from naturally-occurring aluminum compounds. That's where fluoride comes in,. Fluorine (the elemental form of fluoride) is the most active oxidizer known, even more powerful than oxygen, which the term 'oxidation' is named after. Thus, the only element that will remove oxygen from aluminum oxides is fluorine. Fluoride is a byproduct of all aluminum manufacturing processes, and was initially considered a toxic waste. It does have the property of oxidizing the organic enamel on teeth, and in the process makes it less susceptible to the lower end of the pH level normally found in the oral cavity. So when this use of fluoride was discovered (about the same time as the production of fluoride as an aluminum byproduct started), it changed from being a toxic waste that required expensive disposal methods into a commodity that allowed aluminum manufacturers to increase profit by selling their by-product.

Do a simple search on any search engine for 'aluminum' and 'fluoride' to get verification.


posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

As always great find A, S+F. This is truly scary stuff. Artificial sweeteners IMHO are very bad for you. It's just that many people have diabetes and have no other choice but to use it =[.


[edit on 17-11-2008 by Ign0rant]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by mecheng

Well here are some links that contradict what you found....

Aspartame Dangerous Substance

Independant Study of Aspartame

Side Effects of Aspartame Consumption

Can Aluminum Cause Alzheimer's

Evidence Linking Alzheimer's and Aluminum

Don't know how credible each of these are but are sure worth a look.


posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Ign0rant

There are natural sweateners that they could use, but that is a whole other topic.

And really, nobody needs to load up with as much sugar as has become normal in our diet, diabetic or not.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Scientists have also found a link between lack of calcium regulation and AZ

...The second study suggests how an imbalance in calcium might actually cause Alzheimer's.

Researchers looked at brain cells from people who have a rare, inherited form of the disease that can strike before the age of 40. They found that these people carry genes that not only cause amyloid buildup, but also problems with calcium regulation.

And the researchers found that when calcium regulation went awry, brain cells produced more amyloid.

Calcium & AZ

There is also evidence of "small" clusters of amyloid beta and brain damage in AZ.

Amyloid Beta

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:02 PM

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by asmeone2
I have a two word reply: MAD COW.

Now in previous posts I have ranted on about America being owned and operated by the large corporations with no regard for human life, only profit. No where is this more evident then in Mad Cow Disease continuing to grow among Americans yet not reported on the news.

AMI is a major industry group, headquartered in Washington DC, representing “companies that process 70 percent of U.S. meat and poultry and their suppliers throughout America,” according to its website. Members include Tyson, Cargill, Hormel, Smithfield, Kraft, Sara Lee and other major players in the $78 billion beef industry.

BSE, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, is better known as mad cow disease. And Riley was right about at least one thing – it has tragic consequences. The disease slowly and silently incubates, before emerging to cause marked changes in cows’ behavior, often including aggression, motor problems and inevitably death.

If the story ended there, it would be sad instead of tragic – but it doesn’t. The disease can spread across species, including to humans. The human version, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), has similar symptoms as BSE, and is also always fatal.

In Britain, the hardest hit country, more than four million cattle were destroyed and 157 people have been diagnosed with vCJD. One hundred and fifty of them, mostly young adults, have since died. The average age of a vCJD victim is 28, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Given the possible consequences, you might expect the AMI and other industry groups and companies trading in beef to advocate for the strongest possible safeguards – including banning all dangerous feeding practices-- especially after the United States confirmed two cases of BSE. (Preliminary announcements regarding the second case were made the day following the USDA panel.)

Instead, the vast majority of these groups have fought against fundamental BSE precautions.

When government officials made some rather feeble attempts to try to protect consumers of U.S. beef -- and, indirectly, the industry itself [see sidebar] -- the AMI and other groups lashed out, calling the proposed reforms "unwarranted." AMI Foundation president James Hodges explained, "BSE prevention strategies must be both scientifically based and economically prudent." He singled out one proposal, to remove high-risk cattle tissues from animal feed, as "fail[ing] both criteria."

In other words, the potential health risk was weighed against industry's bottom line -- and the latter won. The AMI lobbied hard against new regulations. "Producers and processors will be forced to shoulder enormous economic hardships while the government has no real evidence that the steps it's proposing will have any net benefit to anyone," the group claimed in a news release.

To dramatize the impact of the proposed regulations, the AMI estimated that just those tissues at highest risk for transmitting BSE - the spinal cord, brain, skull, backbone, small intestine and tonsils - from all cattle slaughtered in the United States added up to a veritable mountain of 684,000 tons per year.

If this cow offal were banned from being “recycled” into animal feed and other valuable products, it would eliminate $72 million in annual income to the livestock industry, according to the AMI. Moreover, maintaining a high-protein diet for cattle in the absence of these glistening byproducts would require “an additional 5 million bushels of soybeans or 140,000 acres of soybean production.” Even worse, the banned cattle tissues would then need to be disposed of, at an estimated cost of $55 million per year – and that’s assuming that “landfills will accept slaughter waste and adequate space is available.”
The above taken from this site:

In short the American Beef Association spends big bucks bribing our government (political campaign monies) to turn a blind eye to policing mad cow because it would interfer with their profit margin. When it comes down to profit vs people profit wins everytime in America.

The American Beef / Pork and Poultry Associations are some of the most powerful lobbyist in Washington DC.

[edit on 17-11-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:29 PM
I had looked into fluoride quite a bit like six months ago and I saw at least one thread on it here at ATS. Fluoride is toxic waste, plain and simple. It was even used in the creation of the atom bomb. Fluoride does more to damage teeth than it does to protect them. It's called dental fluorosis which is basically when fluoride exposure causes your teeth to become perminantly stained yellow and/or pitting/erosion of teeth due to fluorosis softening tooth enamel with neither condition being reversible. Fluoride does more to destroy teeth than it does to protect them. Even if fluoride did have a positive effect on tooth decay, which is doesn't, those benefits are only achieved through topical application. When applied systemically, it does nothing for teeth and is extremely toxic to the human body. It is a silent killer that kills slowly. It is also to be noted that this stuff was added to drinking water without doing even so much as a single test to figure out what the effects were from ingesting this poison, not ONE, they just "winged" it. Now, they have a way to get rid of this waste; feed it to us.

When I was researching this stuff, I found that fluoride exposure causes cases of dental fluorosis in children as well as lowered IQ and is also responsible for elevated lead levels in children. For everyone else, it causes increased risk of bone fractures, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid dysfunction, impaired fertility, arthritis, alzeimers and other neurological disorders due to it's tendancy to accumulate in brain tissue. Skeletal fluorosis softens bones (therefore weakening them) which makes it easier for them to break and hardens connective tissue causing arthritis. This stuff IS toxic waste and it's being dumped into our water supply. Not only are we drinking it, but we are cooking pasta in it, washing dishes in it and bathing in it. By the way, fluoride is very easily absorbed through the skin. Fluoride is also in many toothpastes and mouthwashes and all these sources of fluoride mean that we are getting way too much of it daily. Yes, I absolutely believe fluoride is a major player in this and many other ailments we are at risk for.

This stuff is so toxic that it is used as the main ingrediant in many pesticides that we consume with processed food, yet another source of fluoride. We are being poisoned with this stuff. The EPA has gotten scientists fired and jeopardized their careers for producing findings that lead to questions about the EPA's so called "safe drinking water standards."

The saddest thing about all of this is that it's nearly impossible to avoid fluoride completely. There is no evidence that fluoride offers anything beneficial at all, yet it is in our water causing all these ailments we face. Do some research on fluoride and it's effects on the body. You won't like what you find. I absolutely believe this is a major factor in alzeimers as well as many other things.

To the pharmacist that said she doesn't trust the FDA, good for you. These people will help drug companies cover up health risks for their drugs, then market the drug and cause hundreds of thousands of deaths and hospital visits every year. See Vioxx and Warfarin for two examples. Yet, they won't approve something as common as vitamin C or fish oil. Why? Because they want you to take THEIR drugs, not natural supplements and they'll fund phony studies claiming supplements have no benefit whatsoever so people might stop taking them which hasn't worked. An FDA approval means S to me. If anything, it means I shouldn't take it if it's FDA approved. These people are most definitely corrupt and not a word that passes their lips should be believed.

[edit on 17-11-2008 by Kratos1220]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Genetic Causes of Depression

It has long been known that depressive illnesses can run in families, but until fairly recently it was not fully known whether people inherited a susceptibility to these illnesses or if something else such as the environment was the true culprit. Those who research depression have been able to determine that to some extent depressive illnesses can be inherited. What appears to be inherited is a vulnerability to depression. This means that if we have close relatives who have clinical depression, we may inherit a tendency to develop the illness. It does not mean that we are destined to become depressed.

Genes that we inherit from our parents determine many things about us such as our gender and the color of our eyes and hair. Our genes also determine which illnesses we may be vulnerable to at some point in our lives. Every cell in the human body contains somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 genes. They are all made up of something called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Genes are located on chromosomes within the nucleus of each cell. All of the cells in the body, except sex cells, contain 46 chromosomes, and genes are typically located in a specific place on a particular chromosome. Except for identical twins, no two people in the world have the exact same genetic makeup.

Research on the heredity of depression within families shows that some individuals are more likely to develop the illness than others. If you have a parent or sibling that has had major depression, you may be 1.5 to 3 times more likely to develop the condition than those who do not have a close relative with the condition. You would also have a higher chance of developing bipolar disorder. Because close relatives of those with clinical depression have such a vulnerability to developing the condition themselves strongly suggests that it can be an inherited illness.

Bipolar disorder has a strong genetic influence. Of those with bipolar disorder, approximately 50% of them have a parent with a history of clinical depression. When a mother or father has bipolar disorder, their child will have a 25% chance of developing some type of clinical depression. If both parents have bipolar disorder, the chance of their child also developing bipolar disorder is between 50% and 75%. Brothers and sisters of those with bipolar disorder may be 8 to 18 times more likely to develop bipolar disorder, and 2 to 10 times more likely to develop major depressive disorder than others with no such siblings.
The above data came from this site;

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

A mutant gene that starves the brain of serotonin, a mood-regulating chemical messenger, has been discovered and found to be 10 times more prevalent in depressed patients than in control subjects, report researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Patients with the mutation failed to respond well to the most commonly prescribed class of antidepressant medications, which work via serotonin, suggesting that the mutation may underlie a treatment-resistant subtype of the illness.

The mutant gene codes for the brain enzyme, tryptophan hydroxylase-2, that makes serotonin, and results in 80 percent less of the neurotransmitter. It was carried by nine of 87 depressed patients, three of 219 healthy controls and none of 60 bipolar disorder patients. Drs. Marc Caron, Xiaodong Zhang and colleagues at Duke Unversity announced their findings in the January 2005 Neuron, published online in mid-December.

“If confirmed, this discovery could lead to a genetic test for vulnerability to depression and a way to predict which patients might respond best to serotonin-selective antidepressants,” noted NIMH Director Thomas Insel, M.D.

The Duke researchers had previously reported in the July 9, 2004 Science that some mice have a tiny, one-letter variation in the sequence of their tryptophan hydroxylase gene (Tph2) that results in 50-70 percent less serotonin. This suggested that such a variant gene might also exist in humans and might be involved in mood and anxiety disorders, which often respond to serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) — antidepressants that block the re-absorption of serotonin, enhancing its availability to neurons.

In the current study, a similar variant culled from human subjects produced 80 percent less serotonin in cell cultures than the common version of the enzyme. More than 10 percent of the 87 patients with unipolar major depression carried the mutation, compared to only one percent of the 219 controls. Among the nine SSRI-resistant patient carriers, seven had a family history of mental illness or substance abuse, six had been suicidal and four had generalized anxiety.

The above from this site:

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by nikiano
I'm a pharmacist, and I can also tell you that there has been some more evidence over the last few years that shows that the brains in many Alzheimer's patients seem to not utilize glucose properly. A few researchers have suggested that because of this, Alzheimer's may be a type of "diabetes of the brain."

Aluminum may also be a culprit, too. There are molecules of aluminum that show up in the "tangles" in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, but nobody knows why, yet. My grandmother and both of her sisters have it/had Alzheimer's. They all grew up near a river in the Ohio Valley where there was a large aluminum plant on the river, and I've heard that there is a large incidence of Alzheimer's and cancer in that city.

Personally, I'm convinced that we're poisoning ourselves, through food and medicine. We probably are causing Alzheimer's. Remember, the FDA approves new medicines and food additives based on short-term toxicity studies only. They don't require long term safety studies from manufacturers. That's why so many medicines get yanked off the market years later. I have no more faith in the FDA anymore. They've become so corrupt over the last 10 years or so, it's insane. I even know a fellow pharmacist who used to work for them, and even he says they're corrupt as hell.

I for one, have started to avoid all pharmaceuticals in recent years, unless it's a life or death situation. I now recommend herbal and homeopathic medicine to my patients whenever possible, instead, too, because I know it's safer. Also, I'm trying my best to eat a diet of organic and raw foods. Although our cooked/processed food is addictive, so I'm finding it hard to let it go all at once.

Interestly, in homeopathy, there are many remedies that you can use to treat Alzheimer's, if you catch it early enough. (I went to homeopathy school for a year, and my teacher was also an M.D.) In homeopathy, you use the principle "like cures like" to cure disease. Interestingly, the remedy "alumina" (aluminum) is used to cure dementia. They were using alumina for dementia long before they ever discoverd that there was aluminum in the brains of alzheimer's patients. It sounds counter-intuitive, yes...but then when you study and understand the "like cures like" principle behind homeopathy, it makes sense why it works.

I am a pharmacist in the UK - it is interesting to read your views on this. I am thinking similar thought lately too about certain drugs & their long term affects. Family & friends seem bitterly disappointed in me when I tell them that they are better off not taking medication for certain things - they expect a pill for every ailment.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 05:26 PM
Keep drinking that fluoride folks... its good for you!!!!
and keeps you healthy.. if the ads say so: and if its backed by the W.H.O it must be fact!

Flouride attaches itself to aluminum... the body retains flouride in fatty desposits..(the brain is very fatty).... ummmmmmmmmm I wonder whats happening here?? WAKE UP before you forget!!

[edit on 17-11-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Discover the many and hazards of chemicals added to processed foods and how they damage your health. How MSG literally kills braincells in our brains.

Please watch before lecture (embedding not available)

Dr. Blaylock is a board-certified neurosurgeon, clinical assistant professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and President of the Mississippi Chapter of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

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