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Comets were harbingers of doom because they were CHEMTRAILS!

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posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:08 PM
I do not beleive this theory is fully true BUT when I was thinking over it earlier today I could think of a few very distinc parallells between the superstitions concerning comets in antiquity and the problems modernly associatd with chemtrails.

A word before the comparisons begin. I am going to concentrate mainly on comet sightings before the invention of telescopes and astronomy. It is obvious that some comets, such as Halley's comet, were known to men of science in the age of Enlightenment, but I am concentrating on periods before technology was developed at all. Certainly some, if not most of them, were astronomical objects but I wonder if some were in fact aircraft. I know there are lots of people here who beleive that UFOs are NOT a new phenomena, so I wonder if Chemtrails might have a long history, as well.

First and formost is the way the comets and chemtrails appear.



To eyes unfamiliar with airplanes, one can see how the two would be confused. For instance, Check out how Halley's Comet was drawn on the Bordeux Tapestry and compare that with a proported Sprayer Airplane.

In this instance I think they really did see Halley's Comet BUT I wonder if they drew it to look like an airplane, based on previous sightings of chemtrail/comets?

Now, check out some of the superstitions associated with comets:

Despite recent advances in our understanding of these celestial wanderers, comets have had a difficult time shaking their reputation as harbingers of famine, war, pestilence, and other malevolent horsemen. Historically they have been almost universally regarded as ill omens. In fact, more societies in the history of the world have sanctioned incest than believed comets were lucky . The only exception I can think of are the !Kung people of Namibia, latter-day hunter-gatherers who believe that a comet in the sky heralds good fortune.

Other cultures have not been so optimistic. The Chinese, known for their meticulous observations, have left such fabulous relics as the Mawangdui silk, a textbook of 29 different cometary forms and the various disasters associated with them. Although complied sometime around 300 B.C., the knowledge it encompasses is believed to date far back as 1500 B.C. Noted astronomer Li Ch'un Feng has this to say on the subject of "broom stars":

Comets are vile stars. Every time they appear in the south, something happens to wipe out the old and establish the new.
Also, when comets appear, whales die.
...When a comet appears in the constellation Hydra, there is war
and some conspire to overthrow the emperor. Fish and salt are expensive. The emperor dies. Rice also becomes expensive. There
is no emperor in the country. The people hate life and don't even
want to speak of it.

Comets' influence on cultures is not limited simply to tales of myth and legend, though. Comets throughout history have been blamed for some of history's darkest times. In Switzerland, Halley's Comet was blamed for earthquakes, illnesses, red rain, and even the births of two-headed animals. The Romans recorded that a fiery comet marked the assassination of Julius Caesar, and another was blamed for the extreme bloodshed during the battle between Pompey and Caesar. In England, Halley's Comet was blamed for bringing the Black Death.

So to break it down these are the things we have associated with comets:

1. Some kind of ability to interfere with the growth of crops, thus causing famine.

2. Some kind of mind-control that makes people more ready to go to war.

3. The ability to spread communicable diseases--particularly the Black Plague--keep that in mind for later reference.

4. Earthquakes.

5. Genetic Abnormalities.

Of course we can't prove retroactively that such things are in fact related to comets at all, but compare the list above to the popular explenations behind the purposes of chemtrails:

Chemtrails are associated with HAARP

The popular conspiracy beleif holds that the chemtrail spraying facilitate's HAARP's electromagnetic powers.

This possibly facilitates the loss of the bees, thus point number 1, causing a modern famine:

Is it possible that all the chemtrails being sprayed could be one of the causes of the disappearing bees?



Hi Ted,

Yes, that's certainly possible. I'm just guessing of course, but I think the microwave towers are playing a big role. Bees need a normal earth magnetic field to navigate with and the microwaves are wrecking havoc with many animals-including human animals. Beyond normal microwave transmissions that we are told about, there are a host of secret scalar and EMF microwave broadcasts that are negatively influencing all living beings. Turn off all of those transmitters (including HAARP) and we would see many things return to normal very quickly I think - including the weather and all of the problems associated with "Global Warming"

Regards, Ken

HAARP's array is strongly linked with mind-control technology. THis article contends that HAARP technology has been used to fix elections and the outcome of certain wars. It is not a strech to beleive that people could be made to go to war, if that was somehow the desired outcome.

But even without bringing HAARP into the equation, the ingredients of chemtrails alone are said to effect the human mind, as discussed here

HAARP is also reputed to be able to cause earthquakes, most recently the Sicuan Earthquake. Thus by extrapolation, Chemtrails can cause earthquakes, just like Comets were supposed to.

Chemtrails cause disease:

Analysis of samples of the 'dust' that has fallen from the spraying and also air samples taken from areas hard hit has revealed high content of aluminum (7x higher than is allowed as "safe"), silica, blood and pathogens Why would anyone spray pathogens on the General Public? Who would spray aluminum powder which would linger in the air people are breathing? Why would someone spray silica particles which cause lung cancer? These are some of the answers people have been demanding. (And don't forget the many past, illegal experiments the U.S. Government has conducted on people which have caused illness and death. Outright, criminal acts of deliberate infecting of civilians and military for which the Gov. had to pay back reparations to the surviving families once busted. Hopefully They learned. Or did they?

Point number 3. Chemtrails cause disease. Specifically in modern times they are associated with Morgellon's disease.

It is NO coincidence to me that Comets were blamed for the Black Death, which was known primarily for bubos, and modernly Chemtrails are blamed for Morgellon's Disease, which manifests with skin lesions.

Lastly let's look at the correlation between ELF and Cell phone radiation and genetic damage:

The SCGE assay results demonstrated DNA migration in ~40% (39.75) of mobile phone users with a mean tail length of 26.76 ± 0.054 mm (range 16.91 ± 0.192 to 31.86 ± 0.252 mm) which was significantly increased from the control value (8.11 ± 0.028 mm with 10.40% of cell damage). The maximum tail length was observed in the blood sample (with 43% cell damage) of a 28-year-old male who was dealing in automobile spare parts and was using Nokia 3310 (SAR = 1.27 W/kg) for the past 4 years.

That is just on a miniscule scale, of course. Imagine what a full-scale HAARP-like system might do! Think of all the strange births we hear about in the news nowadays.... perhaps they weren't wrong in associating these with comets, after all.

So ATS I do not really know if there is any link between comets and chemtrails, BUT there are so many simmilarities I think it needs more looking into.

For the record I do not have any thoughts as to who was opperating the chemtrail vessels and the HAARP like systems.

But, remember the hints of ancient aircraft before blowing this off completely.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Would you really like to know the truth behind what effect Chemtrails have on the planet???
Go watch this Vid Global Dimming

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2

To eyes unfamiliar with airplanes, one can see how the two would be confused. For instance, Check out how Halley's Comet was drawn on the Bordeux Tapestry and compare that with a proported Sprayer Airplane.

In this instance I think they really did see Halley's Comet BUT I wonder if they drew it to look like an airplane, based on previous sightings of chemtrail/comets?

You do realize that comets do not display any noticeable movement across the sky, right? A comet just hangs there like the moon, stars and planets. They change position from night to night but they do not cross the sky like an airplane.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Yes. And that is where the part of the OP about ancient people not knowing the difference between an astronomical body and a moving jet might come into play.

They might label them both "comets" because they did not have the telescopes and mechanical knowledge to know otherwise.

Keep in mind that contrails, espcially chemtrails, can often appear to not move in the sky, either, when they last four hours.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Phage

You do realize that comets do not display any noticeable movement across the sky, right? A comet just hangs there like the moon, stars and planets. They change position from night to night but they do not cross the sky like an airplane.

Really? I thought comets streaked across the sky, as in the first pic of the OP.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Thanks for the link, I'll watch it when I have time.

Any comments on my actual post?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

They display their tail, which does seem to indicate it's moving. However, they move slowly. Comets are usually visible in the night sky for several days.

As for them being chemtrails... you are assuming that men were idiots. They could tell the difference between a lgith in the sky that hung around for several days and clouds in the sky that hung around for a few hours.

As for the chemtrail plane... ahsn't that already been discussed here and debunked?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

I hope you aren't addressing me as far as calling them chemtrails. I never thought that to be the case!

I simply stated I thought they flew through the sky on occassion.

For instance how were the Hale Bop folks gonna catch a ride on a non moving comet?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by interestedalways

They display their tail, which does seem to indicate it's moving. However, they move slowly. Comets are usually visible in the night sky for several days.

As for them being chemtrails... you are assuming that men were idiots. They could tell the difference between a lgith in the sky that hung around for several days and clouds in the sky that hung around for a few hours.

As for the chemtrail plane... ahsn't that already been discussed here and debunked?

They were not idiots but in most periods of history would not have recognized an airplane. Doesn't make them stupid, just unfamiliar with our current technology.

I did not post any of the pictures of "the" chemtrail plane that is actually a load test .

I didn't l ook to see what those planes actually were. I just picked them based on how closely they resembled the coloquial image of a chemtrail and how they illustrated my point.

I understand fully where you are coming from but I would like to point out that the superstitions surrounding both chemtrails and comets are eerily similar.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by asmeone2]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:27 PM
I don't agree at all.

Chemtrails are nothing like comets!!!

Comets are predictable, and scientifically understood.

Chemtrails are something from the back of planes.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

Even though comets are not (and were not) a common sight. They were known to be celestial events which did behave in a certain manner. They paid a lot of attention to the sky (no TV, poor guys). An airplane moving across the sky would not have been mistaken for a comet, nor a meteor. They knew both as different things.

Also, comets were not always taken as omens of evil.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

Sorry, that was to Asmeone2 about the Chemtrails.
You need to understand, from our perspective they move slowly, sort of like how the moon takes a month to circle around the Earth, though it's going about a km a second. It's the planets speed relative to the comet that makes it seem to move slow.
Like when you pass car on the highway, really. You pass a speeding car, and it'll be moving slow relative to you.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Yes I understand that.

I've tried to explain what I mean. Perhaps the ancient people associated the two simply because of the shape--NOT the speed.

Kind of like, if someone who had lived his whole life on an island and never seen boats before saw a little fishind boat pretty close to him, and then a huge cargo ship rather far off, he might describe them both in the same general terms, using the same metaphores, because he woudln't have the technical knowledge to know better.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by asmeone2

watch "Thunderbolts of the Gods" for a better understanding of the true nature of comets!!

the only "comets" that streak across the sky, are usually just objects mistaken for comets.. the book, The Gods of Eden, by William Bramley, also discusses these mysterious "comets" to some degree! one example from the book:

Centuries ago, almost any unusual flying object was called a “comet.” The above is an illustration published in 1557 of a “comet” observed in 1479 in Arabia. The comet was described as looking like a sharply pointed wooden beam.

The artist’s concept, which was based on eyewitness testimony, looks like a rocketship with numerous port holes. Many other ancient reports of “comets” may well have been of similar objects.

(Reproduced from A Chronicle of Prodigies and Portents that have Occurred Beyond the Right Order, Operation and Working of Nature, In both the Upper and Lower Regions of Earth, From the Beginning of the World up to these Present Times by Conrad Lycosthenes.)

gotta love that title...

[edit on 16-11-2008 by adrenochrome]

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