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Ufo pictures From around the world now on ATS

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posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:15 PM
i had these on my pc for a while and with some free time at hand i decited to put them in a thread open to discuss

France shot in 2000

Australia shot in 2002

UK 2002

Netherlands 2003 (probably balloon, but a nice "moonshot")

Saint-Tropez 2003

UK 2005

NY USA 2004

20miles south of Roanoke Vir (where ever that may be) 2004

Arizona USA 2005

Louisiana USA 2003

unknown location 2001

NC USA 2002

NJ USA 2005

Chicago USA 2006

LA USA 2003

Unknown location 2000

California USA 2005

Wisconsin USA 2003

Wisconsin USA 2007

France 2001

Washington USA 2002

Michigan USA 2003

UK 2004

Poland 2003

Canary islands 2004

Hawaii USA 2004

There ya go and there are plenty more to follow.....

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Yes, most of us here are pretty familiar with that website.

Most of the pics on there have been discussed over and over again.

We don't need all the pics from that website on here. Just send a link for others if you are suggesting that if no one has seen them.

Feel free to pic one out if you would like to discuss them.

But please do a search here on the sighting or pic first.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by malignant_tumor]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:36 PM
Jup, some of them have been discussed here . but with the recent flow of new members . I wanted to put them together so the newer members did not have to digg tru all that content to get some nice Ufo pics

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:33 PM
Cool! Thanks for posting this, I am relatively new to ATS and am very interested in the UFO phenomenon. I am a digital artist and have a lot of experience with Photoshop, and a fair amount with digital film and photography, so I'm gonna take a shot at these. Please don't perceive this as an attack on your post, they're just my opinions based on my first impression of each photo. So here's what they look like to me:

1) Fake
2) Droplet on the lens
3) Real
4) Possibly real
5) Probably not a UFO (probably the same thing that those other spots are -- balloons? Dirt on the lens?)
6) Not sure; possibly fake
7) Looks real, but what kind of angle is that? There is nothing in the frame to use as reference
8) Real, and very awesome
9) Fake... even the background was tampered with
10) I don't see any UFO's. I do see what looks like some silverware and other inconsequential stuff in the interior of the plane.
11) Real, but probably a jet, like an F-22 or F-35
12) Fake
13) Fake
14) Droplet on the lens
15) No idea... this shot was overexposed. Could easily be a star
16) No idea... this shot was overexposed. Could easily be a plane
17) Real, but they kinda look like helicopters
18) Looks real, but wasn't this one debunked?
19) Fake
20) Not bad but my instincts say, fake
21) Real
22) Fake; made with Burn and Dodge in Photoshop
23) Real... but could it be a plane reflecting the sun?
24) Not sure
25) Fake
26) Probably something on the lens

As you can see, I tend to be skeptical, but I'm not totally dismissive.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by Magnus47]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:26 PM
cool photo's and nothing wrong with somebody wanting to talk about them. i have seen most of those before and there are at least two or three that look genuine in my opinion.

just wanted to share one of my favorite UFO photo and give a link to lots of others for anyone interested

[edit on 15-11-2008 by easynow]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 02:46 AM
That's what new members should be doing, sifting through everything on here to become less ignorant. This isn't labled "the newbe forum"

Also, posting already discussed info that yu are aware of, is against the t's & c's of this site.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Some good pics there. I liked this one in particular, looks like a Pleadian beam ship. I also thought it looked like a jet head-on, but on closer inspection I don't think it is. The tail fins aren't anywhere to be seen and the "wings" are too rounded.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 05:21 AM
to be honest most of those photos look like they've been photoshopped..just my opinion though of course.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by la vie]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by malignant_tumor

First of all lets stop using the "ignorant" word to defend your viewpoint.
And second : u should help the "newbies" instead of banging on other members who decided to put some of their own time in giving them a chance to get somewhat more at """our""" level .

And doesn't the T&C say somewhere u should stay on topic to?

guess your nickname says it all ......

just my 2 euro cents on your post

now back on topic .

I find the 7th one a very intresting shot . I have no clue in what angle it has been shot . But i believe its the real deal

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:54 AM
"10) I don't see any UFO's. I do see what looks like some silverware and other inconsequential stuff in the interior of the plane."

I was thinking the same thing. There's a slightly disk shaped "cloud" in the centerish of the pic but as I said, it's a cloud.

Also: I'm pretty sure I see a mountain down there. We don't have mountains. Hence, I doubt that's Louisiana. lol

[edit on 16-11-2008 by Zenagain]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Has anyone seen this one apperantly was the UK sighting on Tuesday March 27 2007 where Jets were scrambled to intercept from RAF Lakenheath.

I found it on the ufochronicles and ufodigest.
Is it fake?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by CaptainCaveMan
Has anyone seen this one apperantly was the UK sighting on Tuesday March 27 2007 where Jets were scrambled to intercept from RAF Lakenheath.

I found it on the ufochronicles and ufodigest.
Is it fake?

There's a couple of things happening there. You have an F-15 either in a bank or spinning, the pic taken from a large aircraft, (possibly an AWACS
?) and a supposed UFO,. My personal opinion considering the sizes of both the F-15 and the ufo in context of the windscreen of the aircraft, #1 the F-15 is only about 100 feet away from the AWACS or whatever the aircraft is meaning imminent collision so I personally think that both the F-15 AND the "ufo" are photoshopped into the pic. Also, the F-15 would have presumably locked onto and fired on the ufo from a mile or so out, despite the fact that it's carrying no ordinance. The whole thing is too kooky. Fake.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by CaptainCaveMan

Hey thanks for the reply

When i look at that picture with my 'ATS' eye , i see the suns glare on the right window of the plane its been shot from yet the sunn falls on the left side of the UFO

[edit on 16-11-2008 by Spartannic]

[edit on 16-11-2008 by Spartannic]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Spartannic
Unknown location 2000
It says the location on the photo, it's in México, mount Popocatépetl.

If you had made a compilation of the photos with links to the ATS threads discussing them to show to the new members you could have earned a star, a flag and maybe even an applause...

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Spartannic

Yes, the light is wrong, it looks like each object has a different light source.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:38 AM
just look at the interior of the plane and look as where the sun falls on objects in the "dashboard of the plane

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 10:18 AM
The one of the jet chasing a UFO is most likely an ILLUSTRATION:
especially the ufo cronichles uses them in its articles: anyway, there is no doubt that it was photoshopped: unless the jet was partially INSIDE the cockpit of the airplane from which the photo was taken...

The article was posted by Frank Warren, a fellow member: perhaps he knows even who made the photoshopping

SOme notes about this photo:

The long awaited eruption of Mexico's collosal volcano Popocatepetl ( name that means " Smoking Mountain" in old nahuatl language) that took place last monday 18, brought not only fear and uncertainty but also a unexpected event captured by merely accident. Today the main headlines of local newspapers Milenio and Extramex present a photograph of an unknown luminous flying object over the erupting volcano Popocatepetl located near from Mexico City and Puebla. The spectacular photograph taken by reporter Alfonso Reyes last tuesday 19 at 6:10 AM while making a report of the gigant violent awakening present a bright luminous object that contrast with the black clouds of smoke emanated from the volcano crater. The photo was taken in a 20 seconds exposure time and a 24 mm angular lens according to Mr. Reyes testimony. However he did'nt saw actually the flying object and was until the development of the film that he discovered what the camera captured. Due to the long exposure time the camera captured the luminous descending trayectory of the object that seems to make a quick turn into the crater direction. The possibility of a meteor was discarded considering the described trayectory of the object and also no airplane or helicopter were present in that place for obvious reasons.

Santiago Yturria Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.

Source / Credit: Santiago Yturria /

Note: some articles mentioned a firefly as possible explanation, i have no clue though

Ed: added informations about photo # 2

[edit on 16/11/2008 by internos]

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