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G'day! I Am A Australian - I Would Like To Know - What Kind Of Policies Will Obama Have As Presiden

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:03 AM
G'day! I am a Australian - I would like to know - What kind of policies will Obama have as President of the United States of America? How well would he affect the balance of the rest of the world? Obama does have a tough future as President, how can he change America, while trying to improve the quality of the world. Would Obama try and reorganize the UN? How well would Obama fix-help Afica? And, would Obama start a war (something like what Bush done with Iraq and Afghanistan)? I really hope the American's can honestly answer thease Questions. Thank You For Reading And/Or Posting.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by gordonwest] Sorry, I forgot to add the 't' in the title of the thread.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by gordonwest]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:44 AM
I doubt you'll find two identical answers on this subject, in many cases people will tend to agree to disagree.

Here is a list of stances related to common issues, may be a little outdated:

Most NWO conspirators believe that Obama is merely a figurehead of a select elite that will further militarize and cement a central sprawling government at the behest of civil liberties, "id chips", "domestic armies" etc.

On the other hand we have those who have taken the President-Elect at his word. To release pressure on a flailing middle-class. To enforce economic accountability and regulation, and on.

Truth to tell, you're guesses are as good as anybody else's.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:47 PM
He was elected on good looks and smooth talk, so you're guess is as good as anyone's. We have a media that wanted to elected a man because of the color of his skin and so it is. Nobody REALLY knows what his policies will be, because our media decided not to look deeply in to it.

From what we do know, hes a very left wing guy who likes to surround him self with extremists. He seems to lean more socialist than capitalist and has an axe to grind with certain people in this country. The ones he calls "bitter clingers".

Make what you will of all that, because it doesn't matter anymore. Now we sit back and wait to see.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Heres the most honest name i can say

We do not know WHAT Obama will do
And we will not for about a year or so...

It will take a while for the Obama party to kick in... maybe a year, maybe 2...

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:49 PM
His website says reinstate the AWB and he's been going on for the better part of a decade now about taxing ammo, banning semi-autos and restricting carrying but all of his supporters point to an out of context and cryptic "I support the 2nd" quote he made when convincing people to vote for him and that I'm a crazy paranoid fool making things up.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:27 PM
From what the Yanks have said,`(not much - maybe too scared and afraid to talk openly about Obama?) What The Hell? Who did we vote for? And What did we vote for?...Wow!!! Funny, because PEOPLE, the Yanks have "complained" about Mr Bush, and yous ALL know what his policies he stands for. And Obama? Maybe he will ask Wacky Jacko and Oprah to be apart of his "winning team"? Any thoughts from the people of the country that was-is called the MegaPower-America?... Just wait! Obama might even create a whole new "security force" to help and protect certain people?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:32 PM
Realistically, I think that all the Americans are wondering the same thing.

It would seem that an effective political campaign appeals to emotions more than it does to intellect. So, Obama's campaign sold the idea of Change.

To most Americans Change seemed like a good thing since the economy is in the crapper and were still fighting two wars that are costing 10+ billion dollars per month.

When I read Obama's web page his plans seemed to me to be a little bit on the Socialist side of thinking and they also sounded expensive. I don't know where the money will come from.

I think that his first order of business needs to be getting some sort of jobs creation program up and running but that's just my thoughts.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by gordonwest

(not much - maybe too scared and afraid to talk openly about Obama?)

You pick that up from us...


The Aussies have a heritage of Criminals and discontents. People who the British Goverment sent as far from England as possible.

Somehow, these Aussies have a GREAT knack for hearing the truth. And when they hear BS, they pick it up... Not all people have this trait... and none have it like our wonderful Aussie friends...

People are afraid to speak out about our President-Elect here in the US...


Thats a good question...

And I don't trust my first amendment enough to honestly answer you

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:13 AM
G'day back! I'm American and I don't have a damned clue! I don't think Obama has a clue! He's already changed his position on every single sale point he's made more than once.

So if you think it's hard to anticipate what he'll do from Australia, mate, rest assured that we here in the States aren't any better off than you.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Well, his transition team/administration-in-waiting is already reviewing ALL of the executive orders that were issued during the 8-year Bush Administration. I would expect Obama to have a busy first day in office.

I think the start of the Obama Administration (1-2 years) will be quite liberal, even by Democrat standards. A lot of far-right wing policies have taken hold these past eight years. You'll see a lot of those policies reigned in, and you'll see some reversed altogether. In order to bring some balance back, I expect some far-left stances by Obama at first. Because of that, I don't expect the "socialist" talk to go away anytime soon. Because of what Americans have become accustomed to during Bush's tenure, it'll be an adjustment for us, too.

I voted for Obama. And I fully expect to say "You sure about that policy there President Obama?" at least once during his first year - probably 2-3 times.

Once he gets settled in, though, I expect good things. But it won't be easy. He's got a really, really, REALLY tough road ahead. What little patience the American voter had with the government, the Bush Administration wasted. Bush wasted so much of the people's patience that he actually OWES US patience. He's in debt. We should bill him for it.

But this country really is taking a big chance with Obama. I'm only 31-years-old, so I know I'm not old. But I can't remember an in-coming president who was under as much pressure to accomplish so much in such a short period of time. Obama has four years to do a 180 - two years if you count the mid-term elections (yes, the American voters are counting). He basically has to turn a sure failure into an American Renaissance. pressure or anything, though.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by gordonwest

Hello my good mate in Oz!

I hold out the best hope for Obama. I think he is the only chance my country has to escape from the evils of the Bush administration, uh choke, choke, ... I fear we are all going down the same drain. Kiss a Yowie for me my dear friend.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 01:52 AM
I don't think we are afraid to. I just don't think we know what to expect.

If I was a betting person I would say he is going to govern left of center, but not extremely left. I also think taxes will go up, and that they were going to whether he was elected or not. There is another thread with predictions of an Obama presidency here:'

Oh, and g'day to you.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by DarthChrisious

Once he gets settled in, though, I expect good things. But it won't be easy. He's got a really, really, REALLY tough road ahead. What little patience the American voter had with the government, the Bush Administration wasted. Bush wasted so much of the people's patience that he actually OWES US patience. He's in debt. We should bill him for it.

It has begun. Obama voters blaming Bush for their great leaders failures. I knew it would happen, but not this soon.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by dooper
G'day back! I'm American and I don't have a damned clue! I don't think Obama has a clue! He's already changed his position on every single sale point he's made more than once.

So if you think it's hard to anticipate what he'll do from Australia, mate, rest assured that we here in the States aren't any better off than you.

He is a politician like all the rest, I don't look for him to help the average person!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:27 PM
Oh, get used to it. Bush will be blamed for the next four years, and this will be the excuse they give to not accomplish any of the promises they made to their adoring followers.

It's already in the play book.

Can't give tax breaks? Bush has screwed everything up so badly that we didn't know just how bad it was.

Like the battery bunny, it will go on, and on, and on.

Gordon! Are you guys in Australia looking for some conservative, hard-working immigrants that speak English with a southern accent?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Well, I'll tell you what I think he will, and will not do.

Come back in a year and see how well I did.

1.) He will NOT move to repeal the Patriot Act.

2.) He will start a war by bombing, then invading Pakistan.

3.)After his first year, unemployment will be double digit.

4.)He will institute some sort of mandatory national civilian service.

5.)He will bail out the auto industry with more of our money.

6.)His administration will NOT be change, but will consist of mostly members of the Clinton Administration, with a few Carter leftovers for kicks.

7.)He will put additional troops into Afghanistan.

8.) The housing crisis will continue to worsen under his Administration.

9.)He will raise taxes more than he promised during the campaign.

10.)He will issue many Presidential Executive orders, such as to stop offshore drilling that was opened by Bush.

11.)He will attempt to add a component of socialized medicine, but will fail.

That's all I can think of, for now, other than to say that the next year won't be pretty.


posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Without looking it up, how many Americans can name the president of Austrlia? What party he belongs to?

Why is the entire world so up our butts abot our politics? and who we are going to beat up or help next?

How about we all just concentrate on helping our own country and stay out of eachothers business and politics?

Let the strongest survive within our own borders.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by dooper
Oh, get used to it. Bush will be blamed for the next four years, and this will be the excuse they give to not accomplish any of the promises they made to their adoring followers.

It's already in the play book.

Can't give tax breaks? Bush has screwed everything up so badly that we didn't know just how bad it was.

Like the battery bunny, it will go on, and on, and on.

Gordon! Are you guys in Australia looking for some conservative, hard-working immigrants that speak English with a southern accent?

Gordon! Are you guys in Australia looking for some conservative, hard-working immigrants that speak English with a southern accent?

*lol* Yeah, we are NEEDING people with all sorts of skills to come over here to help. Kevin07 that is our PrimeTourist-Minister has already ALLOWED 100k+ of "immigrants" to work and live here. It is shocking at the number of jobs Australia does lackin, we need people to come here. The last I heard that Kevin07 was in America for a special world meeting of somekind, I think it was something to do with a "new" world order...something like that. Hell...We Australians do enjoy talking openly about anything. We even talk poo about our politicians and still vote those maggots in. Thank You to ALL who have replied to my thread.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by gordonwest
G'day! I am a Australian -

Howdy! I am American. I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.

I would like to know - What kind of policies will Obama have as President of the United States of America?

Mostly Democratic policies, as far as the American Democratic party goes. Check his website for more details; in a nutshell, I'd say the party (and therefore Obama) tends to move toward greater separation of church and state, a larger and more influential government (particularly in regards to domestic life here in the States), emphasis on scientific development, and support of the lower and middle classes, often at the expense of the upper class. And some would say less military, though that remains to be seen.

How well would he affect the balance of the rest of the world? Obama does have a tough future as President, how can he change America, while trying to improve the quality of the world.

Well, at the very least, he seems to have a strong image with the rest of the world. Many foreign countries seemed to be unusually excited about his election, so that's a good start. As President, his efforts to improve the quality of the world will probably focus on economic reform and a different agenda for our military. I don't know much about what he plans to do for the economy, but I've heard talk of subsidies and basically more government payouts like the one Bush authorized recently. It's risky, though... in times like these it's difficult to draw the line between how much free market and how much subsidizing we use.

Would Obama try and reorganize the UN?

Good question. He has stated that he plans to use more diplomacy than the Bush administration, which might allow more room for the UN to flex their muscles. Personally I think we've had the UN in a stranglehold for the past eight years, and it's just not right. We need to be a little more humble, and if nothing else, this economic downturn is forcing us to be just that. Anyway I don't know what his specific plans are regarding the UN, and I doubt he'll be doing any serious reorganizing with it, but unlike Bush he'll probably start going to their meetings again.

How well would Obama fix-help Afica?

I really don't know. He has some family ties to Kenya, but the duties of a President go beyond family; I doubt that he, or anyone, can afford to take on the entire African scenario at once. We can really only hope he makes the right decisions on a case-by-case basis.

And, would Obama start a war (something like what Bush done with Iraq and Afghanistan)?

Something like Bush did with Iraq: No. But start a war: Yes. Obama has stated that he is not anti-military and is willing to put his foot down if he feels it is necessary. HOWEVER, I personally doubt that he would make any pre-eminent attacks on other nations, while lying to the world about his reasons for doing so, a la the Bush administration. Obama has mentioned that he plans to continue fighting Al Qaida and is going to return our military to the task of locating Osama Bin Laden. He plans to send more troops to Afghanistan, but less troops to Iraq. But military tensions may still increase with nations such as Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea, even with Obama in charge. This also has a lot to do with the fact that these nations seem to insist on doing extremely questionable things.

So that's the way I see it. Hope that helps!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by MaxiMillion

Without looking it up, how many Americans can name the president of Austrlia? What party he belongs to?

If anybody tried to looking that up people would still get the answer wrong. Australia does not have Presidents, we have PrimeMinisters. Australia is still part of the Queen.

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