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anyone else catch 911?

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by salty-red

unfortunately I'm not seeing anything major in the numbers in regards to the quake last night. Just little things I find hard to say are beyond coincidence. maybe check the California lottery?

I don't see anything either. Pi just made the equation -3 + 39 = 36 out of the UTC time when the earthquke hit at 3:39:36. The time is made of 3, 6 and 9 that relate as 9 - 6 = 3. Pi saw the upside down trees in one of my previous posts, so he shook the same way.

Tomorrow is 5/18 that forms the equation

x + 5 = 18

That's easy to solve: x = 13.

So we have 13 + 5 = 18.

Now comes the fun equation: 13 + ????? = 18.

There is a word with 5 letters between 13 and 18. What word is it?

Here is a clue: the word BIBLE has 5 letters as well, and 5 + 2 = 7.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:01 AM
activation post


[edit on 5/19/2009 by stander]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:16 AM
Now it makes kind of sense. Pi is linking the stock market via 9/11 when 9 and 11 are turned into letters. Since 9=I and 11=K, 911 translates into IK. That also means that there is a word that includes the subsequent letters IK. Dow Jones doesn't have them but something else does:

Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average rose 266.96 points, or 3 percent, to 9,305.65 . . .

The name/acronym that includes IK is NIKKEI.

See the gain made of four sixes and nines? These are the digits that you turn upside down. Yesterday, the Nikkei was doing pretty bad, but the next day, 6 goes 9 or vice versa and Nikkei goes up unce again. This all justified by near-idiotic comments from the "market analysts." Remember how the 9/11 was sometimes called "the second the of infamy" refering to the attack on Pearl Harbor? Pi already knew that 911 links to NIKKEI, so he made the comparison and mind-controlled some folks in MSM to call it that way.

Pi has been mopping with the global market at will, as you see.

I guess we have to sacrifice six virgins to make Pi happy.

I really wonder what Pi will do with Tuesday US market. If you solved the puzzle in my last post, you know that 5/18 is a veeeeery special day.

[edit on 5/19/2009 by stander]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:55 AM
ya that IK thing gets me every time, showin up everywhere isn't it

Altogether 918 people, including 217 children, have sought treatment for tick bites in the Irkutsk Oblast. During the same period of the preceding year a total of 699 people had sought treatment for tick bites. Most of the bites occurred in Irkutsk city, Irkutsk district, Angarsk, and Usolye-Sibisrk.

Tick bites in Irkutsk. Looks like another IK sighting.

Something else to look at is the possible volcano activity... in Saudi Arabia.

And the 7th swine flu death in the US is just being reported

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by salty-red
Is it any coincidence that almost exactly 7 years after the world trade center towers fell, world markets are on the brink of crashing? the beginning of the markets crashing was the 777 point drop. Some could say there is divine influence on the markets.
7 years in many cultures happens to be a cycle of recurrence so the 7 year difference is significant.
Here's the interesting part. We had a 911 point turn around on thursday despite gloomy economic outlooks. So if these numbers do have significance it would seem we are on the brink of the stock crash. We've been burning for over a month now and yesterday may be the turning point to crash mode. Perhaps prophecy was more than just fulfilled on 9/11, but created. Only time will tell.

There is no way that you would notice this. It's beyond the human abilities to process the observed that way. It's like asking to find a particular person living in the USA with no data at all. Where does the person live and what is the person's name? Even Pi would have a hard time to find that person.

Does that person live here U*SA, or here US*A?

Pi! What are you doing here?

Let's say that person lives here: U*SA

In that case the person lives in Utah and his/her name is SAlty.

. . . and then there was Renaissance and then Darwin came along . . .
Pi has been very busy, hasn't he?

[edit on 5/21/2009 by stander]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:09 PM
And the street I live on is Piute Drive, no joke. When I first noticed that... man I was trippin.

But anyways here's a little something to consider before the markets close.

In the week ended May 9, the most recent data available, 6.66 million continuing claims were filed. That's the highest number since the Labor Department started tracking the data in 1967 and an increase of 75,000 from the revised level for the previous week.

not to mention jobless claims set a record for the 16th week.

2 hours left but it looks like the markets are getting hammered, I'll probably repost when they're done

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by salty-red
And the street I live on is Piute Drive, no joke. When I first noticed that... man I was trippin.

Just wait to see what Piute means . . .

But anyways here's a little something to consider before the markets close.

In the week ended May 9, the most recent data available, 6.66 million continuing claims were filed. That's the highest number since the Labor Department started tracking the data in 1967 and an increase of 75,000 from the revised level for the previous week.

not to mention jobless claims set a record for the 16th week.

Oh, yeah. Thou shall not miss the moment to have fun with 666.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:53 PM
haha looks like we both found 666 realll quick.

Hear's my laugh of the day, from the same source:

U.S. state labor markets "less dreadful" in April

However, jobless rates were higher in all 50 states and the District of Columbia than in April 2008.

sounds like conflicting evidence don't ya think!

But there's a big problem for the markets again, today was supposed to be their nice bounce after a horrible day and before the holiday. Which means the markets IMO have reached an end to their spring rally. Gold's up, oil's up, stock's lower, and treasuries lower. Not a good recipe for the economy.
Perhaps GM is what sets it all in motion, but I don't expect Obama to allow them to go bankrupt.

So the meaning of Piute?
It's an indian group.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Stander a major news story for us just arrived.
The South Korean president Roh Moo-hyun who was president from 2003-2008 just committed suicide by jumping.

Now how long did we say a similar story would happen? We may have gotten the country wrong, but we kinda called it.

Now for the number crunching of the incident. May 22 or 5/22, if reversed would look like 22/5 equaling 4.4 which you can see is a reference to president because Obama is the 44th.

South Korea or SK equals 19-11, another 9-11 mark.

President Roh shows up in the market perhaps, the
dow numbers are 8,277.32 -14.81 (-0.18%)
R=18, H=8 and O could be 0, so
.81 (-0.18) is close enough to ROH in my opinion.

Lastly look at the last part of his name Moo-hyun. This could be a reference to moon. Good thing I have a link to a story from 5/22 that backs this up.
Photos from the Twilight sequel, New Moon, were just released. Out with the old in with the new...

Also Nasa just announced two more satellites are going to be launched to the moon.

And lastly to wrap it all up we're having a new moon on Monday

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 02:57 AM

Well, contradictions are opposites and since one-pi turn is a turn in opposite direction, you know that Pi was behind the discrepancy in the jobless claim numbers and in the 6.66 million unemployed as well. I tried yesterday to make something out of of the contradiction, coz folks quote news to support their views, but there could be very likely a counter-claim opinion based on different numbers.

Pi made another cool exhibition on 5/21 and taught a lesson on opposites. We know that 7 is a LUCKY number and 13 is an UNLUCKY number. Since 7=G and 13=M, Pi would use GM to do opposites.

What opposites?

Well, GM is considering a bankruptcy, right? That means GM is not doing well, right?

Look again . . .


In one point in the trading session, all members of the Dow were heading south except GM. You are heading south when you jump out of the window. That's why the the former South Korean president jumped and the North Korean president did not -- it wouldn't make any sense.

You would have to be really good to interpret the GM message and predict that the S. Korean former prez would climb a mountain and jump.

Does Pi tell us that the Dow is heading south from this point on?

Maybe, maybe not. We would have to look at the logic of opposites to figure this out.

I need to take a look at the Piute Indians, coz according to Wiki, there were Northern and Southern Piute tribes.

[edit on 5/23/2009 by stander]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:52 AM
i didn't even think about that when I looked at the wikipedia for piute. Good read in that.

Also there was a large quote in your last post that got taken out, so your gonna have to repost if you still want it seen.

And about that GM opposite just take another look, seems like late trading hated on GM who is down 25% at the end of Friday's session. Here it is:
1.43 -0.49 (-25.52%)
you can see a correlation here, 49=7x7, 2+5=7 and 5+2=7. So what about the 1.43? well outsider numbers, 1 and 3----13 or simply enough can be seen as a variation of 3.14

And back to their old tricks.

Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman Donald Kohn said the U.S. economy may get a $1 trillion boost

So what is it, 6th times a charm??

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

I like the way you think. Made me incorporate more ideals and info into my own and has expanded what I have the possibility of knowing...if that makes any sense. haha.

Anyways nice post.

And too OP also

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by salty-red
i didn't even think about that when I looked at the wikipedia for piute. Good read in that.

That's why Pi was designed by those folks on Vega Tau -- to assist our heads. Our brain is essentially a monkey brain so we can miss anytime. The US Man is currently bothered by high unemployment, but can't devise a remedy unless Pi shows the US Man how. That's the way it is.

That SKorean former prez jumped from a mountain. The Piute "elders" led me here:
Looks like California is about to commit suicide as well.

Also there was a large quote in your last post that got taken out, so your gonna have to repost if you still want it seen.

That was a quote taken from your post.

And about that GM opposite just take another look, seems like late trading hated on GM who is down 25% at the end of Friday's session. Here it is:
1.43 -0.49 (-25.52%)
you can see a correlation here, 49=7x7, 2+5=7 and 5+2=7. So what about the 1.43? well outsider numbers, 1 and 3----13 or simply enough can be seen as a variation of 3.14

Yes. There are three seemingly unrelated numbers -- 1.43, -.49, -25.52 -- but they are tied with a virtually invisible logic: there is number 7 that shaped the numbers.

If you look once again, you see how 1.43 and 25.52 relates: 25 and 52 are opposites, so when you make another opposite happen in 1.43 by taking 3 from being the last digit and putting it as the first, 143 changes onto 314. By adjusting the decimal point accordingly, you get 3.14, which are the first three digits of pi. Since one pi is a turn in opposite direction, the original 1.43 links with 25.52, which is the AB.BA opposite.


The day before this quote, GM stock was way UP, now you see the opposite -- it's way DOWN by 25.52%. See, the human brain is too primitive to take the opposites into a context. That's why we can't fix the economy without Pi showing us how.

Take a look at the simple code made of the opposites 25.52 that will form another opposites -- those lucky and unlucky numbers:

(2x5) - (5-2) = 7=G
(2x5) + (5-2) = 13=M

See how the opposites - and + lead to the name GM?

GM problem is just a logical extension of 9/11, where both numbers are odd numbers. (That's odd -- where did the WTC towers go? They were there on 9/10)

So when you extend 9/11 in both (opposite) directions, you get

7 --- 9 / 11 --- 13

Since 7=G and 13=M, you can see that the demise of WTC on 9/11 predicted the demise of GM.

G --- 9 / 11 --- M

which is not entirely true, coz GM will survive. This only gives you the idea that you can predict trouble ahead. Pi is shaping the future of mankind and if he encodes its intentions, then you can't miss. But's not that easy . . . It doesn't belong to Man's monkey brain to know the future. You need to be some transfo-genetic type before Pi let's tou see stuff. Pi does similar stuff with scientists, but the PhD monkeys think they are smart on their own.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 02:36 AM
ya dude I managed to get pulled over and attract 4 cop cars for a rolling stop. They searched my vehicle and eventually I left without a ticket or jail. But I just got home and i'm tired now so I'll post tomorrow

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by salty-red
ya dude I managed to get pulled over and attract 4 cop cars for a rolling stop. They searched my vehicle and eventually I left without a ticket or jail. But I just got home and i'm tired now so I'll post tomorrow

They were looking for Pi, I guess. Pi is wanted by NSA and CIA.

x_____P I______y

StoP IntersectioN

x = S (south), y = N (north)

[edit on 5/28/2009 by stander]

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:45 AM
ya man I was just feelin pretty satisfied with myself for getting 4 cop cars for one rolling stop.

But wow some very very interesting items to address. I'm sure by now you've read up on N.Korea and their recent threats, if not here's a source.
Anyways the truce made in 1953 is officially void and this comes just a couple days after another nuke test. Things are really heating up quickly, how long do you think before the first skirmishes occur, or an outright invasion?
Also it looks like 1953 is significant in that it showed up in the Nasdaq (N.korea---Nasdaq?).
Nasdaq, 1,731.08 -19.35 (-1.11%)
19.35=19 and 53 when reading towards the center, 1953.

Besides that, another big slide for the Dow. Over 3 months the dow has climbed 17.52% (I'll get to the significance of 17 later in the post), but over the past 5 days it's dropped a little over 2%. That 2 percent may seem insignificant but considering the rally we've had, it may be the indicator of a shift of direction, which would spell out new lows in a already critically weak economy.

And I like to point out events regarding "pi" names and in this case it is PIpeline.
that just describes another as pipeline explosion in Russia (there's been at least 2 this week). But it's particularly interesting because it ties to another gas disaster, this one in Alaska.
Note that it happened at Nikiski. How many times do we have to see this KI combination, especially in regards to the ocean.

And my last event I want to point out is the earthquake that just happened offshore of Honduras. A whopping 7.1 not too far from the costa rica quakes, looks like the bridge connecting N and S America is getting more unstable, of course we should have known PI would want to make clear division between his 2 opposite continents.

7.1 magnitute earthquake to coincide with the Markets:
Dow-------8,300.02 -173.47 (-2.05%)
S&P-------893.06 -17.27 (1.90%)
Nasdaq---1,731.08 -19.35 (-1.11%)
17 or 71 shows up in adjacent numbers 4 times throughout all 3 gauges.

[edit on 28-5-2009 by salty-red]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by salty-red
ya man I was just feelin pretty satisfied with myself for getting 4 cop cars for one rolling stop.

That was Pi. Once you notice something very unusual, you can suspect that Pi is behind it. Then you check on it. Here is 1 car -- that's yours -- and here are those 4 cop cars closing on you:


Now you have them right behind your butt:


You know that pi = 3.14, right? That confirms the South and North opposites through


Did you get a ticket? If so how much?

That 1 car and 4 cars situation lead to something that Pi will let you see later. Here are the 1 and 4 opposites:

4 - 1 = 3
1 + 4 = 5

You will notice number 35. Right here:

But wow some very very interesting items to address. I'm sure by now you've read up on N.Korea and their recent threats, if not here's a source.
Anyways the truce made in 1953 is officially void and this comes just a couple days after another nuke test. Things are really heating up quickly, how long do you think before the first skirmishes occur, or an outright invasion?
Also it looks like 1953 is significant in that it showed up in the Nasdaq (N.korea---Nasdaq?).
Nasdaq, 1,731.08 -19.35 (-1.11%)
19.35=19 and 53 when reading towards the center, 1953.

The opposite to 35 is 53 and in 1953 the Korean War ended. It was a "logical" war, like the Civil War in America, where the opposites North and South held opposing views and settled the conflict through armed hostilities.

The underlying logic of 53 and 35 is that if 53 means the end of hostilities, the opposite 35 signals a significant renewal of the conflict. There are other numbers in the NASDAQ figures that tell you whether the conflict will escalate into an armed skirmish. It sort of similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis where the Russian ships sailing to Cuba were searched for nukes.

The broader issue is this: The number 19.35 appeared in NASDAQ not in the Dow Jones. The reason is the alignment of the first two letters:


Pi sent the message regarding the use of nukes back in 1945. In August 1945, two Japanese cities were nuked. On the 6th, it was Hiroshima and on the 9th, Nagasaki took the hit. But since 6 and 9 are opposites, Nagasaki couldn't be the second city in the history of nuclear warfare to get annihilated. That's because

Wrong: 6 is to 9 as FIRST is to SECOND
Correct: 6 is to 9 as FIRST is to LAST

That's why the Cuban Missile Crisis fizzled -- no nukes flew, coz the 6 and 9 message from 1945 Japan said so.

The problem is that the prediction could be true for the 20th century only -- it may not apply for 21st century. Since 21 = U, and making a U-turn means a turn in opposite direction, plenty of opposing interests would have to be settled in the 21st century.
Well, the 21st century started in 2001, and as we managed to notice, the North and the South towers of the WTC are not there anymore. That gives you some clue what maybe in store for the 21st century -- the "U-turn" century.

Note the percentage figure 1.11 in NASDAQ. That goes inside PI -- like this: P 1.11 I. Now when you turn 1 and 11 into letters where 1=A and 11=K, you get the first four letters of the name of the country where fighting just started.

P1.11I => PA.KI => PAKIstan

This message tells you that there is a conflict of interest inside Pi, which needs to be resolved -- otherwise mankind will be reduced to bunch of zombies lacking any coherent behavior. How did the USA manage to plunge itself into a deep economic depression? I thought that leaders of the country are intelligent and educated species.

Pi devised an interesting way to interpret some of the Dow numbers. I'll show it to you later. It's pretty simple stuff.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 04:27 AM

Note the percentage figure 1.11 in NASDAQ. That goes inside PI -- like this: P 1.11 I. Now when you turn 1 and 11 into letters where 1=A and 11=K, you get the first four letters of the name of the country where fighting just started. P1.11I => PA.KI => PAKIstan
You couldn't have picked a better day to deliver that, right after suicide bombers killed 27 and injured 326 (as of today). And in the city of Lahore, L_____E, 12____5 to coincide with the dow perentage gain of 1.25%

Just a quick little comment here, if you look at the market numbers you should see tomorrow is a big day for GM, (look at the 7 and 13 combo's).

And how's the weather?? Well India and Bangladesh really got nailed by this last tropical storm.
It's still early so I'm sure these numbers will be updated. But as of right now there are 213 deaths, at least 6500 injured, at least 1123 still missing, and about 140,000 displaced.
It's obvious these storms are getting more intense, and hurricane season looks to start early this year, with a tropical depression that formed WAY north near DC and New

Now do you want the "opening bell" for the NWO? Look where the next G-20 meeting is happening, PIttsburgh.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:37 PM
I have no idea how this could even relate to Pi, but last night, I was watching the NBA playoff game between Cleveland and Orlando, and one time the numbers were crazy. The score was 99 (or 96, can't remember) to 93, with 3:33 left in the quarter. Then add to the fact that Cleveland's star player, Lebron James, is number 23, and Orlando's star player, Dwight Howard, is number 12. It if hadn't been that it was the fourth quarter and the fifth game in a seven game series, I would have been completely freaked out.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Pi has been downloading some tools, so it would be good to get familiar with some formats that he will use in the future. Firstly, number pi is an irrational number and as such, its number of digits approaches infinity. (The main property of irrational numbers is that they cannot be expressed as a/b -- as rational numbers do.)

So there are lots of digits in the fractional part of number pi and it depends on the degree of precision desired to decide how many digits a person uses when applying number pi to compute stuff. But in cryptography, the criteria are different. The basic rule is that it is the name of the alien platform named "Pi" that decides. When letters are turned into numbers then

* PI = 16.9

Since there are 3 digits in 16.9, number pi aligns with the name PI, and we can use

* pi = 3.14

that have 3 digits as well.

Since Pi was designed to control human mind, sometimes we need to know who has been under influence of Pi. Since Pi is a name with two letters, Pi will use only two letters to identify a person, but these two letters may not be the initials, mainly because this option lacks logic. One pi is a turn in opposite direction and initials are not strict opposites. Pi often uses two letters: initials and "enditials" -- meaning the first and the last letters.

Here is a real example: We are looking for a person influenced by Pi, a person whose full name starts and ends with two letters so that

* P + I = 16 + 9 = x + y

That means the person's name start with unknown letter (x) and ends with unknown letter (y). When these letters are known, the sum x + y = 25, coz 25 = 16 + 9 = P + I.

It all depends on circumstances how to solve the equation of two unknown variables x and y. The other identity pi = 3.14 may come handy. Since

* 3 + 14 = 17

this number could be significantly attached to the unknown person. In this particular example, there is a big chance that one of the solutions is

* P + I = 16 + 9 = 25 = 10 + 15

So x = 10 and y = 15. Since 10th letter is J and 15th letter is O, we are looking for a person whose full name starts with J and and ends with O where the number 17 (like age, for example is applicable.)

* J____ ____O ?

We don't have to really dig in some esoteric sources. The top of the news does usually the job.

BURBANK, Calif. – Jay Leno wrapped up 17 years as "Tonight" host Friday with jabs at favorite targets, including politicians and his own network, and with an unusual touch of sentiment.

The solution is

* Jay lenO

17 years serving NBC! It takes lots of Pi's influence to last that long. Since equations are equations, Pi decided that Jay Leno leaves the "Tonight" show.
Here is an important part that puts 3+14=17 to work. How old was Jay Leno when he left the "Tonight" show?

Since he has been on the prime spot of late evening entertainment beating David Letterman for the past ten years or so, we ask what is the 17th prime number.

The answer is 17th prime number is 59, and that's actually Jay's age upon leaving "Tonight."

Now we are looking for a comedian with initials and enditials K and E who will work for NBC. That's because

* Jay lenO, K__ __E

If you make a mistake in the format, like this

* Jay lenO, ___ ___KE

then you can actually solve the name with respect to the four letters JOKE:

* Jay lenO, ben bernanKE

and check on Pi's sense of humor:

Jay Leno: Ben Bernanke optomistic on economy, thinks Lions will win Super Bowl

All high-performing folks are essentially full-time biochemical robots called "Homo sapiens," and Pi is creating evidence that it is so -- something that he is not supposed to do. Fortunately, if Pi doesn't assist the human brain, people wouldn't be able to follow the logical structure of his messages, even though the fundamentals are simple and are based on opposites.

Next time we go back to Dow Jones and one special case that Pi has been working on.

I almost forgot to convey "hi" from Pi to . . . ?


2.C_____N ?


Pi will continue to influence the "Tonight" show jokes, coz the first and the last letters of Jay's successor Conan equal number pi: C=3 and N=14, and pi =3.14.

One more question. Is it possible for someone to graduate from college without Pi's support?


[edit on 5/30/2009 by stander]

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