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Bush pardons himself

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by HankMcCoy
Don't you have to be guilty of a crime to be pardoned of said crime?

Is Bush admitting guilt?

The idea that we need to have a trial with a gavel hitting the bench and a Judges decision is nothing less than a formality as he was doomed the day the supreme court ruled that what he was doing was in fact illegal with regards to torture etc. but yeah, technically he is under due process law and should be treated as any other innocent man

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Originally posted by all2human

Show me a "War Crime".....seriously, ONE "War Crime".

Yeah, Nice Job there.

How about locking people up without trial or killing innocent women and children?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Circle

George W. Bush's speech on September 6 amounted to a public confession to criminal violations of the 1996 War Crimes Act. He implicitly admitted authorizing disappearances, extrajudicial imprisonment, torture, transporting prisoners between countries and denying the International Committee of the Red Cross access to prisoners.

These are all serious violations of the Geneva Conventions. The War Crimes Act makes grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and all violations of Common Article 3 punishable by fines, imprisonment or, if death results to the victim, the death penalty.

At the same time, Bush asked Congress to amend the War Crimes Act in order to retroactively protect him and other U.S. officials from prosecution for these crimes, and from civil lawsuits arising from them. ...

One of the many...

The Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration released its final verdict on Wednesday, September 13, 2006.
Download the PDF

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:46 PM
Bush can pardon himself but whomever is going to rip him away from his nice big ranch in Paraguay, won't.

I wonder how many people or groups are going to go after Bush... Maybe Criminals, maybe Avengers, maybe his own guys.

I think Bush will have a short lifespan, unless he can pull off another Hitler.

My only concern is that when Bush 'dies', the PTB takes a few pictures of his 'lifeless', and God forbid, 'charred' body, and posts it to the world.

"Folks, George W Bush, has died. Here a few pictures. We are cremating him immediately. Move along now, good sheeple"

The only way we can be sure that GWB is dead is to hand his body over to the Iraqis for confirmation.

We'll know for sure when the Iraqis set up a new national holiday on that day.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 07:49 PM
I don't know why everyone is so upset about Bush and Company. They are playing the game of politics like all the other game masters in DC. You always have a fall guy stashed somewhere and you CYA. They all do it. Nothing to see here, move on.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Show me a "War Crime".....seriously, ONE "War Crime". Where are the Genocidal Mass Graves from BIO/CHEM Warfare Victims? Where are the Massive Prison Camps full of Political Detractors? Talk about an enormous and completely misconstrued exaggeration, which has been put forth for NO other reason than to attack someone whom you Politically disagree with.

As for Congress and their attempt to "Prosecute" President Bush, they have been doing NOTHING for the past Three Years but seeking vengeance. Meanwhile, our Nation just flew into a Financial Crisis, our Military Personnel have been struggling for supplies, and Reasonable plus Helpful Policies have been shoved into the Garbage Can.

Yeah, Nice Job there.

Hmmm if Bush didnt do anything wrong then why does he need to pass laws to pardon himself? The congress has done nothing to prosecute him one person brings the charges and the others just laugh it off. Its a 2 party dictatorship period. You would think this would be on the front page of every news agency in the world. I mean Clintons Blow*** made front page for 3 years but yet Bush who commits crimes against humanity and it gets a small segment on Cnn. Im afraid its the opposite of what you say. Its your blind ideological views that block you from seeing the truth. Way to go

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:51 PM
I heard about that and I find it disgusting. To me by pardoning himself and his cronies, he has just acknowledged that he is aware that he has broke the law. It means to me that he feels he is above the law. it means to me that he doesnt have in mind what is best for america, but what is best for himself.

I am disgusted. I just dont know what else I can say. He knows he has broken laws and the way he pardons himself is just like rubbing it in the face of america. it is as if he was trying to say, " I am above the law, I can break as many as I want and there is nothing anyone can do about it".

I am reminded some how of Richard nixon, and how he broke laws, and "lost tapes". Yet at the same time, atleast Nixon had the guts to resign. He didnt even pardon himself. He had Gerald Ford to do that for him.

I am just plain disgusted. George bush is one of the worst, if not THE worst, Presidents in american history. His administration is so crooked, that it seems to defy logic.

They called themselves, republicans and conservatives, but they went so far against the republican/conservative way, that they became a league of their own.

Here are few words that I feel some up The Bush administrations 8 years in the white house.

Arrogant, ignorant, criminal, crooked, backwards, non caring, inconsiderate, hated.

George Bush, You disgust me. You have failed, The United States and the world.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by cmd18B
reply to post by djpaec

Good contribution however I cannot bash blackwater too much because I have close friends that work for that organization but I will say that Halliburton did damge to our soldiers and Marines and other servicemembers and I cannot forgive the for the crap job they did in Iraq, They should be ashamed of themselves and to even say they were part of the war effort is apauling, I hope that in time there is a total stop to war profiteering. You cannot place value on human life and they did nothing to preserve that.

I am apoligizing for some grammatical errors in my post. When I get abit agitated I tend to spell words incorrectly, Especially when it comes to matters that hit close to my heart.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by cmd18B]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:20 AM
Bush did betrary the nation and the whole world, but he had no choice. It was a direct order from someone/something that is far more powerful than "the people"

In April 2006, when the President's actions were exposed, the Judas Gospel was invoked. George Bush's acts were necessary to capture the enemies of this nation. It would have been impossible without his assistance.

And that is the reason why George Bush will never stand trial before men for what he did and that is why Bush and Cheney do not care what anyone thinks; they actually know what's going on.

If you don't believe me, then please provide a more plausible reason. Some things in this world are just Above Top Secret.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by bruxfain
Bush did betrary the nation and the whole world, but he had no choice. It was a direct order from someone/something that is far more powerful than "the people"

Got a credible cite for that claim?

In April 2006, when the President's actions were exposed, the Judas Gospel was invoked. George Bush's acts were necessary to capture the enemies of this nation. It would have been impossible without his assistance.

I dunno anything about any "gospel", but I do know the identity of America's enemies. The enemies of this nation are currently in control of the government of this nation. They are working hard to destroy this republic. They may have suceeded. Only time (short term) will tell.

And that is the reason why George Bush will never stand trial before men for what he did and that is why Bush and Cheney do not care what anyone thinks; they actually know what's going on.

Bush, Cheney and their circle of traitors absolutely must stand trial for crimes and warcrimes too numerous to describe here. I'm confident this waste-of-human-tissue does not have much of a future.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:02 PM
The guy on CNN stated the Bush Administration has really been working those guys over, meaning the pows. Sounds like he is exagerating to make a story. He doesn't know how the pows have been treated. I'm sure they are being treated better than any other country would.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by all2human
He should Pardon himself, Do you think our enemies don't torture our service men and woman, It's war!! There is no political correctness This country
has become so soft on all levels. I agree that our government does a lot of shady things around the world. Most Sheeple don't see the big picture of what is going on with the NWO but when we are at war for what ever reason we should instill fear into our enemies so they will never think of messing with us.
If we were invaded tomorrow and foreign forces entered your Town, city, State, Home! would you drop to your knees in Submission or fight????????

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:10 PM
roflmao you all are plum nutty everyone hates bush everyone hates the war everyone this everyone that but if you knew what the hell you were talking about you would realize that a president cannot pardon himself because you cannot levy a charge against a sitting president i.e. no need for a pardon. The spin put out by cnn is garbage.

If you knew anything about presidental pardons in the past you would note that bush 1 pardoned regan bush 2 pardoned clinton and undoubtedly your "savior" Barak Nobama will pardon Bush 2

and your limo liberal goones that you all seem to love so much for their marxist and socialist views granted the president permission for everything that has gone on. Theres this little commitee known as the senate defence commity that okayd everything that has happened.

Enjoy you socialistic sub-par healthcare enjoy outsourcing of huge numbers of jobs when companies want to avoid more taxes on thier capital gains, enjoy the terrible stock market that the libs Screwed up by forcing penalties on banks that wouldnt make sub prime loans enjoy the rest of the crash as the large hedge funds and such sell off their stocks to avoid the new socialist capital gains tax. You socialist geniouses have put a marxist in office. enjoy it because you have earned it

[edit on 15-11-2008 by constantwonder]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Yet another great example of how with enough power and $$$ a person can get away with anything.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by all2human

It's almost humorous, El Bush and his band of thugs are not guilty
of any War Crimes, before they been formerly accused of said crimes.
Perhaps Saddam should have declared the same during the good times.
I also have no doubt it will get passed because those passing the bill are
as guilty and corrupt as El Bush.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

You've got my vote! The Kerryites and Klintonites have been spending all these 8 years squealing like stuck pigs about his tactics but, turn about on Obama because we aren't happy with the nations decision (I use that term loosly) and we have to shutup and take it. Not meeee!!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by MAINTAL

It's probably quite smart the Prez has done this a this point in time.
It has to get passed, or the whole war will be written in books as a
sham. All the companies benifiting from Iraq having mates with somebody
in the White House or Pentagon will also come under the Microsope.
Financially and Politically, more Finacially now, would be a complete
disaster. If people started pulling their money out of those companies
involved then more unemployment, and even more companies will collapse.

So, the big question is
What's more Important, doing the right thing or money, jobs, control
I'm pretty sure I know which box is going to get ticked.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Haven't even read it, but if you were some despot who had to rig the entire system to get elected, is this not an unreasonable move? This is a man who went into a country without it waging war, turning on its head the effective building of US Pres Wilson's self protection world. Mugabe would take a big brown envelope in Bush's situation, so why should Bush not?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:15 PM
There is something bigger going on here. Bigger than the orders that he signed.
This seems to be the order of the day around the world and Leaders around the world look very scared to me.

If we look back to the middle of the year we can see where money was given out in the U.S , and from what I can read this has been going on in the First world countries of the world also.

From reading news story's from all over each day I see that what ever it is that has them, the leaders running scared , must be bad. It could be the crash of the economy that they saw coming and did not tell anyone . Or it could be something bigger.
I do not know what it is but I think we will see in the next few months.
From all the laws that have been passed to protect the leaders from us there has to be something that they are not telling people.

I think that this is why we keep hearing the statements about people marching on there capitals . And this is spoken in the news almost weekly.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by constantwonder

If you knew anything about presidental pardons in the past you would note that bush 1 pardoned regan bush 2 pardoned clinton and undoubtedly your "savior" Barak Nobama will pardon Bush 2

and your limo liberal goones that you all seem to love so much for their marxist and socialist views granted the president permission for everything that has gone on. Theres this little commitee known as the senate defence commity that okayd everything that has happened.

Enjoy you socialistic sub-par healthcare enjoy outsourcing of huge numbers of jobs when companies want to avoid more taxes on thier capital gains, enjoy the terrible stock market that the libs Screwed up by forcing penalties on banks that wouldnt make sub prime loans enjoy the rest of the crash as the large hedge funds and such sell off their stocks to avoid the new socialist capital gains tax. You socialist geniouses have put a marxist in office. enjoy it because you have earned it
[edit on 15-11-2008 by constantwonder]

aaah I see, sort of a professional courtesy kind of thing. Well the future doesn't look any brighter now that he is going and an even worse scoundrel is coming in. Only difference is, this time we can blame Bush, while the problems (and they will be worse) we are about to face with this President, we can blame no one else but the Obamanoids and their blind devotion to a rookie senator radical leftist who apparently has no past, no transcripts no records no photos no lease agreements no DBA'a no nothing and that what we DO know would have been enough to dethrone current presidents but couldn't even derail a campaign on this media's darling boy blunder

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